Exemple #1
def _make_remote_property(name):
    The config file is stored in a way that allows you to have a
    cache for each remote.

    This is needed when specifying external outputs
    (as they require you to have an external cache location).

    Imagine a config file like the following:

            ['remote "dvc-storage"']
            url = ssh://localhost/tmp
            ask_password = true

            ssh = dvc-storage

    This method creates a cached property, containing cache named `name`:

        self.config == {'ssh': 'dvc-storage'}
        self.ssh  # a RemoteSSH instance
    def getter(self):
        from dvc.remote import Remote

        remote = self.config.get(name)
        if not remote:
            return None

        return Remote(self.repo, name=remote)

    getter.__name__ = builtin_str(name)
    return cached_property(getter)
Exemple #2
class Resource(dict):
    """A resource value"""
    def __init__(self, data):
        dict.__init__(self, data)
        assert {'bucket', 'key', 'name', 'size'} <= set(self)

    def url(self):
        return "http://{bucket}.s3.amazonaws.com/{key}".format(**self)

    def human_size(self):
        if self['size'] == 0:
            return '0b'
        i = int(math.log(self['size'], 1024))
        return '%d%s' % (math.ceil(
            self['size'] / 1024**i), ['b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb'][i])

    def frame(self):
        return ops.frame_loads(self._raw())

    def _raw(self):
        blob = ops.download_as_string(self['bucket'], self['key'])
        if self.get('compressed') in {True, 'zlib'}:
            blob = zlib.decompress(blob)
        elif self.get('compressed') == 'gzip':
            blob = gzip_decompress(blob)
        return blob

    raw = cached_property(_raw)

    def open(self):
        return BytesIO(self.raw)