def form_modsym_from_elliptic_curve(E):
    Returns the modular symbol (in the sense of Stevens) associated to `E`

        - ``E`` --


    L = E.padic_lseries(3)  #initializing the L-function at 3 to access mod sym data
    N = E.conductor()
    from fund_domain import manin_relations
    manin = manin_relations(N)
    v = []
    R = PolynomialRing(QQ,2,names='X,Y')
    X,Y = R.gens()
    for j in range(len(manin.generator_indices())):
        rj = manin.generator_indices(j)
        g = manin.coset_reps(rj)
        a,b,c,d = g.list()
        if c != 0:
            a1 = L.modular_symbol(a/c,1)+L.modular_symbol(a/c,-1)
            a1 = L.modular_symbol(oo,1)+L.modular_symbol(oo,-1)
        if d != 0:
            a2 = L.modular_symbol(b/d,1)+L.modular_symbol(b/d,-1)
            a2 = L.modular_symbol(oo,1)+L.modular_symbol(oo,-1)
        v = v + [symk(0,R(a1)) - symk(0,R(a2))]
    print "manin = ", manin
    return modsym_symk(v,manin)
    def p_stabilize(self,p,alpha):
        Returns the `p`-stablization of self to level `N*p` on which `U_p` acts by `alpha`.

        Note that alpha is p-adic and so the resulting symbol is just an approximation to the
        true p-stabilization (depending on how well alpha is approximated).

            - ``p`` -- prime not dividing the level of self.
            - ``alpha`` -- eigenvalue for `U_p` 
        A modular symbol with the same Hecke-eigenvalues as self away from `p` and eigenvalue `alpha` at `p`.

        sage: E = EllipticCurve('11a')
        sage: p = 3
        sage: M = 100
        sage: R = pAdicField(p,M)['y'] 
        sage: y = R.gen()
        sage: ap = -1
        sage: f = y**2-ap*y+p
        sage: v = f.roots()
        sage: alpha = v[0][0]
        sage: alpha
        2 + 3^2 + 2*3^3 + 2*3^4 + 2*3^6 + 3^8 + 2*3^9 + 2*3^11 + 2*3^13 + 3^14 + 2*3^15 + 3^18 + 3^19 + 2*3^20 + 2*3^23 + 2*3^25 + 3^28 + 3^29 + 2*3^32 + 3^33 + 3^34 + 3^36 + 3^37 + 2*3^38 + 3^39 + 3^40 + 2*3^43 + 3^44 + 3^45 + 3^46 + 2*3^48 + 3^49 + 2*3^50 + 3^51 + 3^52 + 3^53 + 3^55 + 3^56 + 3^58 + 3^60 + 3^62 + 3^63 + 2*3^65 + 3^67 + 3^70 + 3^71 + 2*3^73 + 2*3^75 + 2*3^78 + 2*3^79 + 3^82 + 2*3^84 + 3^86 + 3^87 + 3^88 + 3^89 + 2*3^91 + 2*3^92 + 3^93 + 3^94 + 3^95 + O(3^100)
        sage: alpha^2 - E.ap(3)*alpha + 3
        sage: alpha=ZZ(alpha)

        N = self.level()
        assert N % p != 0, "The level isn't prime to p"

        pp = Matrix(ZZ,[[p,0],[0,1]])

        manin = manin_relations(N*p)
        v = [] ## this list will contain the data of the p-stabilized symbol of level N*p
        ##  This loop runs through each generator at level Np and computes the value of the
        ##  p-stabilized symbol on each generator.  Here the following formula is being used:
        ##    (p-stabilize phi with U_p-eigenvalue alpha) = phi - 1/alpha phi | [p,0;0,1]
        ##  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        for j in range(len(manin.generator_indices())):
            rj = manin.generator_indices(j)
            v = v+[self.eval(manin.coset_reps(rj))-self.eval(pp*manin.coset_reps(rj)).act_right(pp).scale(1/alpha)]
        return modsym_symk(v,manin)
def form_modsym_from_decomposition(A):
    `A` is a piece of the result from a command like 

        - ``A`` -- 



    M = A.ambient_module()
    N = A.level()
    k = A.weight()
    manin = manin_relations(N)
    w = A.dual_eigenvector()
    K = w.parent().base_field()
    v = []
    R = PolynomialRing(K,2,names='X,Y')
    X,Y = R.gens()
    for j in range(len(manin._manin_relations__gens)):
        rj = manin._manin_relations__gens[j]
        g = manin._manin_relations__mats[rj]
        a,b,c,d = g.list()
        ans = 0
        if c<>0:
            r1 = ZZ(a)/ZZ(c)
            r1 = oo
        if d<>0:
            r2 = ZZ(b)/ZZ(d)
            r2 = oo
        for j in range(k-1):
            coef = w.dot_product(M.modular_symbol([j,r1,r2]).element())
            ans = ans+X**j*Y**(ZZ(k-2-j))*binomial(ZZ(k-2),ZZ(j))*coef
        v = v+[symk(ZZ(k-2),ans,K)]
    return modsym_symk(v,manin)