Exemple #1
import random
import urlparse
from os import path

from django.conf import settings

import jingo
import jinja2
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse

L10N_MEDIA_PATH = base_path('media', '%s', 'l10n')

def _l10n_media_exists(type, locale, url):
    """ checks if a localized media file exists for the locale """
    return path.exists(path.join(L10N_MEDIA_PATH % type, locale, url))

def php_url(ctx, url):
    """Process a URL on the PHP site and prefix the locale to it."""
    locale = getattr(ctx['request'], 'locale', None)

    # Do this only if we have a locale and the URL is absolute
    if locale and url[0] == '/':
        return path.join('/', locale, url.lstrip('/'))
    return url
Exemple #2
import urlparse
from os import path

from django.conf import settings

import jingo
import jinja2
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse

L10N_IMG_PATH = base_path('media', 'img', 'l10n')

def _l10n_media_exists(locale, url):
    """ checks if a localized media file exists for the locale """
    return path.exists(path.join(L10N_IMG_PATH, locale, url))

def php_url(ctx, url):
    """Process a URL on the PHP site and prefix the locale to it."""
    locale = getattr(ctx['request'], 'locale', None)

    # Do this only if we have a locale and the URL is absolute
    if locale and url[0] == '/':
        return path.join('/', locale, url.lstrip('/'))
    return url

Exemple #3
import urlparse
from os import path

from django.conf import settings

import jingo
import jinja2
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse

L10N_IMG_PATH = base_path('media', 'img', 'l10n')

def _l10n_media_exists(locale, url):
    """ checks if a localized media file exists for the locale """
    return path.exists(path.join(L10N_IMG_PATH, locale, url))

def php_url(ctx, url):
    """Process a URL on the PHP site and prefix the locale to it."""
    locale = getattr(ctx['request'], 'locale', None)

    # Do this only if we have a locale and the URL is absolute
    if locale and url[0] == '/':
        return path.join('/', locale, url.lstrip('/'))
    return url

Exemple #4
import jingo
import markdown as md
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from commonware.response.decorators import xframe_allow

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect

from lib import l10n_utils
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from forms import PrivacyContactForm

LEGAL_DOCS_PATH = base_path('vendor-local', 'src', 'legal-docs')

def load_legal_doc(request, doc_name):
    Load a static Markdown file and return the document as a BeautifulSoup
    object for easier manipulation.
    locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(request)
    source = path.join(LEGAL_DOCS_PATH, doc_name, locale + '.md')
    output = StringIO.StringIO()

    if not path.exists(source):
        source = path.join(LEGAL_DOCS_PATH, doc_name, 'en-US.md')

    # Parse the Markdown file
Exemple #5
import random
import urlparse
from os import path

from django.conf import settings
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify as django_slugify

import jingo
import jinja2
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse

L10N_MEDIA_PATH = base_path("media", "%s", "l10n")

def _l10n_media_exists(type, locale, url):
    """ checks if a localized media file exists for the locale """
    return path.exists(path.join(L10N_MEDIA_PATH % type, locale, url))

def php_url(ctx, url):
    """Process a URL on the PHP site and prefix the locale to it."""
    locale = getattr(ctx["request"], "locale", None)

    # Do this only if we have a locale and the URL is absolute
    if locale and url[0] == "/":
        return path.join("/", locale, url.lstrip("/"))
    return url
Exemple #6
import jingo
import markdown as md
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

from commonware.response.decorators import xframe_allow

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect

from lib import l10n_utils
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from forms import PrivacyContactForm

LEGAL_DOCS_PATH = base_path('vendor-local', 'src', 'legal-docs')

def load_legal_doc(request, doc_name):
    Load a static Markdown file and return the document as a BeautifulSoup
    object for easier manipulation.
    locale = l10n_utils.get_locale(request)
    source = path.join(LEGAL_DOCS_PATH, doc_name, locale + '.md')
    output = StringIO.StringIO()

    if not path.exists(source):
        source = path.join(LEGAL_DOCS_PATH, doc_name, 'en-US.md')

    # Parse the Markdown file
Exemple #7
import random
import urlparse
from os import path

from django.conf import settings
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify as django_slugify

import jingo
import jinja2
from funfactory.settings_base import path as base_path
from funfactory.urlresolvers import reverse

L10N_MEDIA_PATH = base_path('media', '%s', 'l10n')

def _l10n_media_exists(type, locale, url):
    """ checks if a localized media file exists for the locale """
    return path.exists(path.join(L10N_MEDIA_PATH % type, locale, url))

def php_url(ctx, url):
    """Process a URL on the PHP site and prefix the locale to it."""
    locale = getattr(ctx['request'], 'locale', None)

    # Do this only if we have a locale and the URL is absolute
    if locale and url[0] == '/':
        return path.join('/', locale, url.lstrip('/'))
    return url