def run_gradle_task(gradle_file: Path, project: str, task: str) -> None: global logs logs = [] print(f"Running gradle task ./{project} [{task}]") return_code = run_process([str(gradle_file), task], log_func=filter_gradle_task) if return_code != 0: for log in logs: print(log, end="") print(f"→ {'Success' if return_code == 0 else 'Failed'}")
def run(self, *args: str, cli: bool = True, log_func: Callable[[str], None] = None) -> int: command = [str(self.exec)] command.extend(args) if cli: for o in ['-batchmode', '-nographics', '-quit', '-silent-crashes']: if o not in command: command.append(o) return run_process(command, log_func=log_func)
def __get_version_darwin(app: str) -> UnityVersion: version = 0, 0, 0, 0 version_str = str() def log_func(line: str): nonlocal version_str if line.startswith(': kMDItemVersion'): version_str = line.rstrip() return_code = run_process(['mdls', app], log_func=log_func) if return_code == 0 and version_str: regex_match = match( ':\\s*kMDItemVersion\\s*=\\s*"Unity version (\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+)f(\\d+)"', version_str) version = tuple(map(int, regex_match.groups())) return UnityVersion(*version)
def __get_version_windows(app: str) -> UnityVersion: line_num = 1 version = 0, 0, 0, 0 version_str = str() def log_func(line: str): nonlocal line_num nonlocal version_str if line_num == 4: version_str = line.rstrip() line_num += 1 app = app.replace('\\', '\\\\') return_code = run_process( ['wmic', 'datafile', 'where', f'Name="{app}"', 'get', 'Version'], log_func=log_func) if return_code == 0 and version_str: regex_match = match(': (\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+)', version_str) version = tuple(map(int, regex_match.groups())) return UnityVersion(*version)
def compile(self, *args: str, defines: List[str] = None, debug: bool = False, doc: str = None, nostdlib: bool = False, nowarn: List[str] = None, optimize: bool = False, out: str = None, references: List[str] = None, stacktrace: bool = False, target: str = None, unsafe: bool = False, warnaserror: List[str] = None, log_func: Callable[[str], None] = None) -> int: cwd_path = Path(getcwd()) tmp_path = cwd_path / f'tmp-{"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")}' tmp_path.mkdir() command = [str(self.mcs)] if defines is not None: command.append(f'-d:{";".join(defines)}') if debug: command.append('-debug') if doc is not None: command.append(f'-doc:{doc}') if nostdlib: command.append('-nostdlib') if nowarn is not None: command.append(f'-nowarn:{",".join(nowarn)}') if optimize: command.append('-optimize') if out is not None: command.append(f'-out:{out}') refs = [] for r in references if references is not None else []: r_path = Path(r) if r_path.exists(): r_name = copyfile(str(r_path), str(tmp_path / r_name)) refs.append(r_name) if len(refs) > 0: command.append(f'-r:{",".join(refs)}') if stacktrace: command.append('--stacktrace') if target is not None and target in [ 'exe', 'library', 'module', 'winexe' ]: command.append(f'-t:{target}') if unsafe: command.append('-unsafe') if warnaserror is not None: command.append(f'-warnaserror:{",".join(warnaserror)}') for f in args: f_path = Path(f) if f_path.exists(): f_name = copyfile(str(f_path), str(tmp_path / f_name)) command.append('*.cs') try: chdir(str(tmp_path)) return_code = run_process(command, log_func=log_func) if return_code == 0: if out is not None: out_path = tmp_path / out if out_path.exists(): move(str(out_path), str(cwd_path / out)) if doc is not None: doc_path = tmp_path / doc if doc_path.exists(): move(str(doc_path), str(cwd_path / doc)) finally: chdir(str(cwd_path)) rmtree(str(tmp_path), ignore_errors=True) return return_code