def createMonitorChart(self, host, report_dir): """Create monitrored server charts.""" stats = self.monitor[host] times = [] for stat in stats: cycles = self.cycle_boundaries.containing_cycles(stat.time) if cycles: stat.cvus = max([self.cycles[cycle] for cycle in cycles]) else: stat.cvus = 0 date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(stat.time)) times.append(date.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) Plugins = MonitorPlugins() Plugins.registerPlugins() Plugins.configure(self.getMonitorConfig(host)) charts=[] for plugin in Plugins.MONITORS.values(): image_prefix = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, '%s_%s' % (host, data_prefix = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, '%s_%s' % (host, gplot_path = str(os.path.join(report_dir, '%s_%s.gplot' % (host, results = plugin.gnuplot(times, host, image_prefix, data_prefix, gplot_path, [640, 540], stats) if results != None: gnuplot(gplot_path) charts.extend( (name, path.replace(report_dir, '.')) for (name, path) in results ) return charts
def create_diff_chart(self, key, report_dir): """ Generate the diff chart for the specified key, comparing the two reports for this diff. `key`: A section key that appears in both reports `report_dir`: The directory to write the data, gnuplot, and image files """ output_name = 'diff_{hash}'.format(hash=hashlib.md5(str(key)).hexdigest()) per_second_name = output_name + '.per_second.png' response_times_name = output_name + '.response.png' per_second_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, per_second_name) response_times_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, response_times_name) gplot_path = str(os.path.join(report_dir, output_name + '.gplot')) data_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, output_name + '.data') labels = [] data = [] left_data = self.data1[key] right_data = self.data2[key] columns = set(left_data.keys()) & set(right_data.keys()) cycles = [int(v) for v in left_data['CUs']] for column_name in columns: labels.extend(['L_' + column_name, 'R_' + column_name]) for idx in range(len(cycles)): values = [] for column_name in columns: values.append(left_data[column_name][idx]) values.append(right_data[column_name][idx]) data.append(values) with open(data_path, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write(render_template( 'gnuplot/data.mako', labels=labels, data=data )) with open(gplot_path, 'w') as gplot_file: gplot_file.write(render_template( 'gnuplot/diff.mako', per_second_path=per_second_path, response_times_path=response_times_path, use_xticlabels=not strictly_monotonic(cycles), left_path=self.report1, right_path=self.report2, data_path=data_path, key=key, column_names=labels, )) gnuplot(gplot_path) return (per_second_name, response_times_name)
def createResultChart(self, key, stats, report_dir): """ Create a single result chart using a specified key and report directory `key`: The key used to identify this result. Is hashed to generate a filename `stats`: A map of cycle to StatsAccumulator or StatsAggregator to generate the chart from `report_dir`: The directory to write the data, gnuplot, and image files Returns the relative path of the generated image in the report_dir """ output_name = 'results_{hash}'.format(hash=hashlib.md5(str(key)).hexdigest()) image_name = output_name + '.png' image_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, image_name) gplot_path = str(os.path.join(report_dir, output_name + '.gplot')) data_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, output_name + '.data') # data labels = STATS_COLUMNS + ["E", "G", "F", "P", "U"] data = [] has_error = False apdex_t = self.options.apdex_t for cycle, cycle_stats in stats.items(): values = [self.cycles[cycle]] + cycle_stats.stats_list() if cycle_stats.errors > 0: has_error = True score = cycle_stats.apdex_score apdex = ['0', '0', '0', '0', '0'] if score < 0.5: apdex[4] = str(score) elif score < 0.7: apdex[3] = str(score) elif score < 0.85: apdex[2] = str(score) elif score < 0.94: apdex[1] = str(score) else: apdex[0] = str(score) data.append(values + apdex) if len(data) == 0: # No pages finished during a cycle return with open(data_path, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write(render_template('gnuplot/data.mako', labels=labels, data=data )) with open(gplot_path, 'w') as gplot_file: gplot_file.write(render_template('gnuplot/result.mako', image_path=image_path, chart_size=[800, 800], maxCVUs=max(self.cycles), datapoints=len(self.cycles), use_xticlabels=not strictly_monotonic(self.cycles), data_path=data_path, has_error=has_error, apdex_t="%0.1f" % apdex_t, column_names=labels, shared={} )) gnuplot(gplot_path) return image_name
def create_trend_chart(self, key, report_dir): """ Create a chart showing data trends for the specified key across all stored reports. Returns a tuple with of 3 image paths, relative to the report dir: (entries per second, average response time, apdex score) `key`: A section key that exists in self.reports_data, that specifies the data to trend over `report_dir`: The path to the output directory to write the data, gnuplot, and images to """ output_name = 'trend_{hash}'.format(hash=hashlib.md5(str(key)).hexdigest()) per_second_name = output_name + '.per_second.png' average_response_name = output_name + '.average.png' apdex_name = output_name + '.apdex.png' per_second_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, per_second_name) average_response_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, average_response_name) apdex_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, apdex_name) gplot_path = str(os.path.join(report_dir, output_name + '.gplot')) data_path = gnuplot_scriptpath(report_dir, output_name + '.data') labels = ['CUs', 'PS', 'Apdex*', 'AVG'] data = [] cycles = [int(v) for v in self.reports_data[0][key]['CUs']] for report_idx, report_data in enumerate(self.reports_data): for idx in range(len(cycles)): values = [report_idx] for column_name in labels: values.append(report_data[key][column_name][idx]) data.append(values) data.append(None) with open(data_path, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write(render_template( 'gnuplot/data.mako', labels=labels, data=data )) with open(gplot_path, 'w') as gplot_file: gplot_file.write(render_template( 'gnuplot/trend.mako', per_second_path=per_second_path, average_response_path=average_response_path, apdex_path=apdex_path, use_xticlabels=not strictly_monotonic(cycles), data_path=data_path, key=key, column_names=labels, reports_name=self.reports_name, labels=[metadata.get('label') for metadata in self.reports_metadata], max_cus=max(cycles), )) gnuplot(gplot_path) return (per_second_name, average_response_name, apdex_name)