Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, color):

        :param color: the color to set the background to
        :type color:  an integer, like 0xCCCCCC
        self.color = RGB(color)
Exemple #2
class SetBackgroundColor(SwfTag):
    id = 9
    min_version = 1

    def __init__(self, color):

        :param color: the color to set the background to
        :type color:  an integer, like 0xCCCCCC
        self.color = RGB(color)

    def serialize_data(self):
        Serailizes this tag, according to the following format.

        =======  =========
        Format   Parameter
        =======  =========
        RGB      color
        =======  =========
        return self.color.as_bitstream().serialize()

    def __repr_inner__(self):
        return "color=%s" % (self.color,)

    def parse_inner(cls, bits):
        return cls(RGB.from_bitstream(bits).color)
Exemple #3
class SetBackgroundColor(SwfTag):
    id = 9
    min_version = 1

    def __init__(self, color):

        :param color: the color to set the background to
        :type color:  an integer, like 0xCCCCCC
        self.color = RGB(color)

    def serialize_data(self):
        Serailizes this tag, according to the following format.

        =======  =========
        Format   Parameter
        =======  =========
        RGB      color
        =======  =========
        return self.color.as_bitstream().serialize()

    def __repr_inner__(self):
        return "color=%s" % (self.color, )

    def parse_inner(cls, bits):
        return cls(RGB.from_bitstream(bits).color)
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, color):

        :param color: the color to set the background to
        :type color:  an integer, like 0xCCCCCC
        self.color = RGB(color)
Exemple #5
    def parse_inner(cls, bits):
        CharacterID = bits.read(UI16)
        Bounds = Rect.from_bitstream(bits)

        HasText = bits.read(Bit)
        WordWrap = bits.read(Bit)
        Multiline = bits.read(Bit)
        Password = bits.read(Bit)
        ReadOnly = bits.read(Bit)
        HasColor = bits.read(Bit)
        HasMaxLength = bits.read(Bit)
        HasFont = bits.read(Bit)

        HasFontClass = bits.read(Bit)
        AutoSize = bits.read(Bit)
        HasLayout = bits.read(Bit)
        NotSelectable = bits.read(Bit)
        HasBorder = bits.read(Bit)
        WasStatic = bits.read(Bit)
        IsHTML = bits.read(Bit)
        HasOutlines = bits.read(Bit)

        FontID = None
        FontClass = None
        FontSize = None

        Color = None
        MaxLength = None
        Layout = None
        Text = None

        if HasFont: FontID = bits.read(UI16)
        if HasFontClass: FontClass = bits.read(CString)
        if HasFont: FontSize = bits.read(UI16)

        if HasColor: Color = RGB.from_bitstream(bits)
        if HasMaxLength: MaxLength = bits.read(UI16)
        # if HasLayout:    Layout    = NonExistant.parse(bits)

        Variable = bits.read(CString)
        if HasText: Text = bits.read(CString)

        inst = cls(Bounds, Variable, Text, ReadOnly, IsHTML, WordWrap,
                   Multiline, Password, AutoSize, not NotSelectable, HasBorder,
                   Color, MaxLength, Layout, FontID, FontSize, FontClass,
        inst.wasstatic = WasStatic
        inst.outlines = HasOutlines
        return inst
Exemple #6
    def parse_inner(cls, bits):
        CharacterID = bits.read(UI16)
        Bounds      = Rect.from_bitstream(bits)

        HasText       = bits.read(Bit)
        WordWrap      = bits.read(Bit)
        Multiline     = bits.read(Bit)
        Password      = bits.read(Bit)
        ReadOnly      = bits.read(Bit)
        HasColor      = bits.read(Bit)
        HasMaxLength  = bits.read(Bit)
        HasFont       = bits.read(Bit)

        HasFontClass  = bits.read(Bit)
        AutoSize      = bits.read(Bit)
        HasLayout     = bits.read(Bit)
        NotSelectable = bits.read(Bit)
        HasBorder     = bits.read(Bit)
        WasStatic     = bits.read(Bit)
        IsHTML        = bits.read(Bit)
        HasOutlines   = bits.read(Bit)

        FontID    = None
        FontClass = None
        FontSize  = None

        Color     = None
        MaxLength = None
        Layout    = None
        Text      = None

        if HasFont:      FontID    = bits.read(UI16)
        if HasFontClass: FontClass = bits.read(CString)
        if HasFont:      FontSize  = bits.read(UI16)

        if HasColor:     Color     = RGB.from_bitstream(bits)
        if HasMaxLength: MaxLength = bits.read(UI16)
        # if HasLayout:    Layout    = NonExistant.parse(bits)

        Variable         = bits.read(CString)
        if HasText: Text = bits.read(CString)

        inst = cls(Bounds, Variable, Text, ReadOnly, IsHTML, WordWrap,
                   Multiline, Password, AutoSize, not NotSelectable,
                   HasBorder, Color, MaxLength, Layout, FontID, FontSize,
                   FontClass, CharacterID)
        inst.wasstatic = WasStatic
        inst.outlines  = HasOutlines
        return inst
Exemple #7
 def parse_inner(cls, bits):
     return cls(RGB.from_bitstream(bits).color)
Exemple #8
 def parse_inner(cls, bits):
     return cls(RGB.from_bitstream(bits).color)