def test_save_cache(self):
     self.fb.updates = {
         'post_publics': {
             '3': None,
             newstr('4'): None,
             'True': None,
             newstr('False'): None,
Exemple #2
 def test_save_cache(self):
   self.fb.updates = {
     'post_publics': {
       '3': None,
       newstr('4'): None,
       'True': None,
       newstr('False'): None,
Exemple #3
    def ensure_new_type(obj):
        from future.types.newbytes import newbytes
        from future.types.newstr import newstr
        from future.types.newint import newint
        from future.types.newdict import newdict

        native_type = type(native(obj))

        # Upcast only if the type is already a native (non-future) type
        if issubclass(native_type, type(obj)):
            # Upcast
            if native_type == str:  # i.e. Py2 8-bit str
                return newbytes(obj)
            elif native_type == unicode:
                return newstr(obj)
            elif native_type == int:
                return newint(obj)
            elif native_type == long:
                return newint(obj)
            elif native_type == dict:
                return newdict(obj)
                return obj
            # Already a new type
            assert type(obj) in [newbytes, newstr]
            return obj
Exemple #4
    def ensure_new_type(obj):
        from future.types.newbytes import newbytes
        from future.types.newstr import newstr
        from future.types.newint import newint
        from future.types.newdict import newdict

        native_type = type(native(obj))

        # Upcast only if the type is already a native (non-future) type
        if issubclass(native_type, type(obj)):
            # Upcast
            if native_type == str:  # i.e. Py2 8-bit str
                return newbytes(obj)
            elif native_type == unicode:
                return newstr(obj)
            elif native_type == int:
                return newint(obj)
            elif native_type == long:
                return newint(obj)
            elif native_type == dict:
                return newdict(obj)
                return NotImplementedError('type %s not supported' % type(obj))
            # Already a new type
            assert type(obj) in [newbytes, newstr]
            return obj
Exemple #5
    def test_strip_newtypes():
        from future.types.newbytes import newbytes
        from future.types.newstr import newstr

        def check(x, y):
            assert x == y
            assert type(x).__name__ == type(y).__name__

        check(strip_newtypes(newstr("abc")), "abc")
        check(strip_newtypes(newbytes(b"abc")), b"abc")
    def decode(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'):
        Returns a newstr (i.e. unicode subclass)

        Decode B using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding
        is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error
        handling scheme.  Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise
        a UnicodeDecodeError.  Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'
        as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is
        able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.
        # Py2 str.encode() takes encoding and errors as optional parameter,
        # not keyword arguments as in Python 3 str.

        from future.types.newstr import newstr
        return newstr(super(newbytes, self).decode(encoding, errors))
Exemple #7
    def decode(self, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'):
        Returns a newstr (i.e. unicode subclass)

        Decode B using the codec registered for encoding. Default encoding
        is 'utf-8'. errors may be given to set a different error
        handling scheme.  Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise
        a UnicodeDecodeError.  Other possible values are 'ignore' and 'replace'
        as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that is
        able to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.
        # Py2 str.encode() takes encoding and errors as optional parameter,
        # not keyword arguments as in Python 3 str.

        from future.types.newstr import newstr
        return newstr(super(newbytes, self).decode(encoding, errors))
 def flush(cls, task=None):
     """Flush all in memory key/values to database."""
     log.debug('Flushing simple persistence for task %s to db.' % task)
     with Session() as session:
         for pluginname in cls.class_store[task]:
             for key, value in cls.class_store[task][pluginname].items():
                 query = (session.query(SimpleKeyValue).
                          filter(SimpleKeyValue.task == task).
                          filter(SimpleKeyValue.plugin == pluginname).
                          filter(SimpleKeyValue.key == key))
                 if value == DELETE:
                     updated = query.update(
                         {'value': newstr(json.dumps(value, encode_datetime=True))},
                     if not updated:
                         session.add(SimpleKeyValue(task, pluginname, key, value))
Exemple #9
 def flush(cls, task=None):
     """Flush all in memory key/values to database."""
     log.debug('Flushing simple persistence for task %s to db.' % task)
     with Session() as session:
         for pluginname in cls.class_store[task]:
             for key, value in cls.class_store[task][pluginname].items():
                 query = (session.query(SimpleKeyValue).filter(
                     SimpleKeyValue.task == task).filter(
                         SimpleKeyValue.plugin == pluginname).filter(
                             SimpleKeyValue.key == key))
                 if value == DELETE:
                     updated = query.update(
                             newstr(json.dumps(value, encode_datetime=True))
                     if not updated:
                             SimpleKeyValue(task, pluginname, key, value))
def GetUtf8String_NewStr_test():
  eq_( b'fo\xc3\xb8', ycm_core.GetUtf8String( newstr( 'foø', 'utf8' ) ) )
Exemple #11
    def pretty(self, value, htchar='\t', lfchar='\n', indent=0):
        Prints pretty json
        :param value:
        :param htchar:
        :param lfchar:
        :param indent:
        :return: pretty json

        if self.debug:
            print('### type: ' + str(type(value)) + lineno() + lineno())
        if type(value) == type(OrderedDict()):
            if self.debug:
                print('found it' + lineno())
                print('value: ' + str(value) + lineno())

        nlch = lfchar + htchar * (indent + 1)
        if type(value) == type(dict()) or type(value) == type(OrderedDict()):
            if (self.debug):
                print('is dict' + lineno())

            items = [
                nlch + repr(key) + ': ' +
                self.pretty(value[key], htchar, lfchar, indent + 1)
                for key in value
            return str(
                '{%s}' % (','.join(items) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                    '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                        '"{"', '{"').replace('"}"', '"}').replace(
                            '"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

        elif type(value) == type(list()):
            if (self.debug):
                print('is list' + lineno())

            items = [
                nlch + self.pretty(item, htchar, lfchar, indent + 1)
                for item in value
            if self.debug:
                print('items: ' + str(items) + lineno())
                print('items type: ' + str(type(items)) + lineno())
            if items:
                items = sorted(items)
            [str(item) for item in sorted(items)]
            return str(
                '[%s]' %
                (','.join(sorted(items)) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                    '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                        '"{"', '{"').replace('"}"', '"}').replace(
                            '"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

        elif type(value) is tuple:
            if (self.debug):
                print('is tuple' + lineno())

            items = [
                nlch + self.pretty(item, htchar, lfchar, indent + 1)
                for item in sorted(value)

            if self.debug:
                print('returning: ' +
                      str('(%s)' %
                          (','.join(items) + lfchar + htchar * indent)) +
            return str(
                '(%s)' % (','.join(items) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                    '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                        '"{"', '{"').replace('"}"', '"}').replace(
                            '"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

        elif type(value) == type(newstr()):
            if self.debug:
                print('is a new string' + lineno())
                print('value: ' + str(value) + lineno())

            if value.startswith('['):
                if self.debug:
                    print('starts with bracket' + lineno())
                my_json = eval((value.replace('\'', '"')))
                my_new_list = []
                for my_it in sorted(my_json):
                return str('"' + str(my_new_list) + '"').replace(
                    ']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace('"{"', '{"').replace(
                        '"}"', '"}').replace('"[\'',
                                             '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')
                #value = self.pretty(my_json, htchar, lfchar, indent + 1)

            return repr(str(value))

            if (self.debug):
                print('is other: ' + str(type(value)) + lineno())
                print('class name: ' + str(value.__class__.__name__))
                print('returning: ' + str(value))

            return str(repr(str(value))).replace('\'', '"').replace(
                ']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace('"{"', '{"').replace(
                    '"}"', '"}').replace('"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')
Exemple #12
def pretty(value, htchar='\t', lfchar='\n', indent=0):
    Prints pretty json
    :param value:
    :param htchar:
    :param lfchar:
    :param indent:
    :return: pretty json

    nlch = lfchar + htchar * (indent + 1)
    if type(value) == type(dict()) or type(value) == type(OrderedDict()):
        items = [
            nlch + repr(key) + ': ' +
            pretty(value[key], htchar, lfchar, indent + 1) for key in value
        return str(
            '{%s}' % (','.join(items) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                                                '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

    elif type(value) == type(list()):
        items = [
            nlch + pretty(item, htchar, lfchar, indent + 1) for item in value
        if items:
            items = sorted(items)
        [str(item) for item in sorted(items)]
        return str(
            '[%s]' %
            (','.join(sorted(items)) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                                                '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

    elif type(value) is tuple:
        items = [
            nlch + pretty(item, htchar, lfchar, indent + 1)
            for item in sorted(value)

        return str(
            '(%s)' % (','.join(items) + lfchar + htchar * indent)).replace(
                '\'', '"').replace(']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace(
                                                '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

    elif type(value) == type(newstr()):
        if value.startswith('['):
            my_json = eval((value.replace('\'', '"')))
            my_new_list = []
            for my_it in sorted(my_json):
            return str('"' + str(my_new_list) + '"').replace(
                ']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace('"{"', '{"').replace(
                    '"}"', '"}').replace('"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')

        return repr(str(value))

        return str(repr(str(value))).replace('\'', '"').replace(
            ']"', ']').replace('"[', '[').replace('"{"', '{"').replace(
                '"}"', '"}').replace('"[\'', '[\'').replace('\']"', '\']')
def GetUtf8String_NewStr_test():
    eq_(b'fo\xc3\xb8', ycm_core.GetUtf8String(newstr('foø', 'utf8')))
def test_press(lircd):
    logfile = open(lircd.logfile)

    # newbytes doesn't play well with parameterize here, so we use a for loop:
    for key in [b'KEY_OK', u'KEY_OK', newbytes(b'KEY_OK'), newstr(u'KEY_OK')]:
        print("key = %r (%s)" % (key, type(key)))  # pylint: disable=superfluous-parens
        control = uri_to_control("lirc:%s:Apple_TV" % lircd.socket)
        lircd_output =
        expected = dedent("""\
            pulse 9000
            space 4500
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 1703
            pulse 527
            space 527
            pulse 527
            space 38000
        assert expected == lircd_output