def test_sort_by_date(self): # Test data entry_first = { 'title': 'First', 'year': 2012, 'month': 'Jan'} entry_second = { 'title': 'Second', 'year': 2012, 'month': 'Oct'} entry_third = { 'title': 'Third', 'year': 2013} entry_fourth = { 'title': 'Third', 'year': 2013, 'month': 'Feb'} entries = [entry_second, entry_first, entry_fourth, entry_third] expected_result = [ entry_first, entry_second, entry_third, entry_fourth] # Test sort by date result = utils.sort_by_date(entries) for es in zip(result, expected_result): self.assertEqual(es[0], es[1]) # Test reverse sort by date expected_result = expected_result[::-1] result = utils.sort_by_date(entries, reverse=True) for es in zip(result, expected_result): self.assertEqual(es[0], es[1])
def test_limits(self): """Check line graphs.""" #TODO - Fix GD so that the same min/max is used for all three lines? points = 1000 scale = math.pi * 2.0 / points data1 = [math.sin(x*scale) for x in range(points)] data2 = [math.cos(x*scale) for x in range(points)] data3 = [2*math.sin(2*x*scale) for x in range(points)] gdd = Diagram('Test Diagram', circular=False, y=0.01, yt=0.01, yb=0.01, x=0.01, xl=0.01, xr=0.01) gdt_data = gdd.new_track(1, greytrack=False) gds_data = gdt_data.new_set("graph") for data_values, name, color in zip([data1, data2, data3], ["sin", "cos", "2sin2"], ["red", "green", "blue"]): data = list(zip(range(points), data_values)) gds_data.new_graph(data, "", style="line", color = color, altcolor = color, center = 0) gdd.draw(format='linear', tracklines=False, pagesize=(15*cm, 15*cm), fragments=1, start=0, end=points) gdd.write(os.path.join('Graphics', "line_graph.pdf"), "pdf") #Circular diagram gdd.draw(tracklines=False, pagesize=(15*cm, 15*cm), circular=True, # Data designed to be periodic start=0, end=points, circle_core=0.5) gdd.write(os.path.join('Graphics', "line_graph_c.pdf"), "pdf")
def read(self): super(NamdLogFile, self).read() self.titles = self.read_etitle() self.values = self.read_energy() = dict(zip(self.titles, zip(*self.values))) return
def plot(y_vals, x_vals=None, num_x_chars=70, num_y_chars=15): """ Plots the values given by y_vals. The x_vals values are the y indexes, by default, unless explicitly given. Pairs (x, y) are matched by the x_vals and y_vals indexes, so these must have the same length. The num_x_chars and num_y_chars inputs are respectively the width and height for the output plot to be printed, given in characters. """ y_vals = list(y_vals) x_vals = list(x_vals) if x_vals else list(range(len(y_vals))) if len(x_vals) != len(y_vals): raise ValueError("x_vals and y_vals must have the same length") ymin = min(y_vals) ymax = max(y_vals) xmin = min(x_vals) xmax = max(x_vals) xbinwidth = (xmax - xmin) / num_x_chars y_bin_width = (ymax - ymin) / num_y_chars x_bin_ends = [(xmin + (i+1) * xbinwidth, 0) for i in range(num_x_chars)] y_bin_ends = [ymin + (i+1) * y_bin_width for i in range(num_y_chars)] columns_pairs = bin_generator(zip(x_vals, y_vals), x_bin_ends) yloop = lambda *args: [charlookup(len(el)) for el in bin_generator(*args)] ygetter = lambda iterable: map(itemgetter(1), iterable) columns = (yloop(ygetter(pairs), y_bin_ends) for pairs in columns_pairs) rows = list(zip(*columns)) for idx, row in enumerated_reversed(rows): y_bin_mid = y_bin_ends[idx] - y_bin_width * 0.5 print("{:10.4f} {}".format(y_bin_mid, "".join(row)))
def read_simulation_results(self): """ Reads the results of a BNG simulation and parses them into a numpy array """ # Read concentrations data cdat_arr = numpy.loadtxt(self.base_filename + '.cdat', skiprows=1) # Read groups data if self.model and len(self.model.observables): # Exclude first column (time) gdat_arr = numpy.loadtxt(self.base_filename + '.gdat', skiprows=1)[:,1:] else: gdat_arr = numpy.ndarray((len(cdat_arr), 0)) # -1 for time column names = ['time'] + ['__s%d' % i for i in range(cdat_arr.shape[1]-1)] yfull_dtype = list(zip(names, itertools.repeat(float))) if self.model and len(self.model.observables): yfull_dtype += list(zip(self.model.observables.keys(), itertools.repeat(float))) yfull = numpy.ndarray(len(cdat_arr), yfull_dtype) yfull_view = yfull.view(float).reshape(len(yfull), -1) yfull_view[:, :len(names)] = cdat_arr yfull_view[:, len(names):] = gdat_arr return yfull
def ipluck_multiple(iterable, defaults, *keys): if len(keys) > 1: iters = tee(iterable, len(keys)) else: iters = (iterable,) iters = [ipluck_single(it, key, default=defaults.get(key, FAIL)) for it, key in zip(iters, keys)] return zip(*iters)
def test_border_condensation(self): vals = "red solid 5px" css = "; ".join( "border-%s-%s: %s" % (edge, p, v) for edge in EDGES for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()) ) style = parseStyle(css) condense_rule(style) for e, p in product(EDGES, BORDER_PROPS): self.assertFalse(style.getProperty("border-%s-%s" % (e, p))) self.assertFalse(style.getProperty("border-%s" % e)) self.assertFalse(style.getProperty("border-%s" % p)) self.assertEqual(style.getProperty("border").value, vals) css = "; ".join( "border-%s-%s: %s" % (edge, p, v) for edge in ("top",) for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.split()) ) style = parseStyle(css) condense_rule(style) self.assertEqual(style.cssText, "border-top: %s" % vals) css += ";" + "; ".join( "border-%s-%s: %s" % (edge, p, v) for edge in ("right", "left", "bottom") for p, v in zip(BORDER_PROPS, vals.replace("red", "green").split()) ) style = parseStyle(css) condense_rule(style) self.assertEqual(len(style.getProperties()), 4) self.assertEqual(style.getProperty("border-top").value, vals) self.assertEqual(style.getProperty("border-left").value, vals.replace("red", "green"))
def normalize_edge(name, cssvalue): style = {} if isinstance(cssvalue, PropertyValue): primitives = [v.cssText for v in cssvalue] else: primitives = [cssvalue.cssText] if len(primitives) == 1: value, = primitives values = (value, value, value, value) elif len(primitives) == 2: vert, horiz = primitives values = (vert, horiz, vert, horiz) elif len(primitives) == 3: top, horiz, bottom = primitives values = (top, horiz, bottom, horiz) else: values = primitives[:4] if '-' in name: l, _, r = name.partition('-') for edge, value in zip(EDGES, values): style['%s-%s-%s' % (l, edge, r)] = value else: for edge, value in zip(EDGES, values): style['%s-%s' % (name, edge)] = value return style
def define_association(self, rel_id, source_kind, source_keys, source_many, source_conditional, source_phrase, target_kind, target_keys, target_many, target_conditional, target_phrase): ''' Define and return an association from one kind of class (the source kind) to some other kind of class (the target kind). ''' if isinstance(rel_id, int): rel_id = 'R%d' % rel_id source_metaclass = self.find_metaclass(source_kind) target_metaclass = self.find_metaclass(target_kind) source_link = target_metaclass.add_link(source_metaclass, rel_id, many=source_many, phrase=target_phrase, conditional=source_conditional) target_link = source_metaclass.add_link(target_metaclass, rel_id, many=target_many, phrase=source_phrase, conditional=target_conditional) ass = Association(rel_id, source_keys, source_link, target_keys, target_link) source_link.key_map = dict(zip(source_keys, target_keys)) target_link.key_map = dict(zip(target_keys, source_keys)) self.associations.append(ass) return ass
def common_ancestor(self, targets, *more_targets): """Most recent common ancestor (clade) of all the given targets. Edge cases: - If no target is given, returns self.root - If 1 target is given, returns the target - If any target is not found in this tree, raises a ValueError """ paths = [self.get_path(t) for t in _combine_args(targets, *more_targets)] # Validation -- otherwise izip throws a spooky error below for p, t in zip(paths, targets): if p is None: raise ValueError("target %s is not in this tree" % repr(t)) mrca = self.root for level in zip(*paths): ref = level[0] for other in level[1:]: if ref is not other: break else: mrca = ref if ref is not mrca: break return mrca
def test(): f1 = struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!f', 25.5))[0] f2 = struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!f', 29.3))[0] f3 = struct.unpack('!f', struct.pack('!f', -0.6))[0] ld = (({b'a': 15, b'bb': f1, b'ccc': f2, b'': (f3, (), False, True, b'')}, (b'a', 10**20), tuple(range(-100000, 100000)), b'b' * 31, b'b' * 62, b'b' * 64, 2**30, 2**33, 2**62, 2**64, 2**30, 2**33, 2**62, 2**64, False, False, True, -1, 2, 0),) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld d = dict(zip(range(-100000, 100000), range(-100000, 100000))) d.update({b'a': 20, 20: 40, 40: 41, f1: f2, f2: f3, f3: False, False: True, True: False}) ld = (d, {}, {5: 6}, {7: 7, True: 8}, {9: 10, 22: 39, 49: 50, 44: b''}) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = (b'', b'a' * 10, b'a' * 100, b'a' * 1000, b'a' * 10000, b'a' * 100000, b'a' * 1000000, b'a' * 10000000) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = tuple([dict(zip(range(n), range(n))) for n in range(100)]) + (b'b',) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = tuple([dict(zip(range(n), range(-n, 0))) for n in range(100)]) + (b'b',) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = tuple([tuple(range(n)) for n in range(100)]) + (b'b',) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = tuple([b'a' * n for n in range(1000)]) + (b'b',) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld ld = tuple([b'a' * n for n in range(1000)]) + (None, True, None) assert loads(dumps(ld)) == ld assert loads(dumps(None)) is None assert loads(dumps({None: None})) == {None: None} assert 1e-10 < abs(loads(dumps(1.1)) - 1.1) < 1e-6 assert 1e-10 < abs(loads(dumps(1.1, 32)) - 1.1) < 1e-6 assert abs(loads(dumps(1.1, 64)) - 1.1) < 1e-12 assert loads(dumps('Hello World!!'), decode_utf8=True)
def _get_inter_coords(coords, strand=1): """From the given pairs of coordinates, returns a list of pairs covering the intervening ranges.""" # adapted from Python's itertools guide # if strand is -1, adjust coords to the ends and starts are chained if strand == -1: sorted_coords = [(max(a, b), min(a, b)) for a, b in coords] inter_coords = list(chain(*sorted_coords))[1:-1] return list(zip(inter_coords[1::2], inter_coords[::2])) else: inter_coords = list(chain(*coords))[1:-1] return list(zip(inter_coords[::2], inter_coords[1::2]))
def clitest( n ): times = clitimes # How many I/O per client # take apart the sequence of ( ..., ((elm,cnt), "Int[1-2]=1,2"), ...) # into two sequences: (..., (elm,cnt), ...) and (..., "Int[1-2]=1,2", ...) tag_targets = [('Int',enip.INT), ('DInt',enip.DINT), ('Real',enip.REAL)] name,tag_class = random.choice( tag_targets ) regs,tags = zip( *list( tagtests( total=times, name=name, tag_class=tag_class ))) connection = None while not connection: try: connection = enip.client.connector( *svraddr, timeout=clitimeout ) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED: raise time.sleep( .1 ) results = [] failures = 0 with connection: multiple = random.randint( 0, 4 ) * climultiple // 4 # eg. 0, 125, 250, 375, 500 depth = random.randint( 0, clidepth ) # eg. 0 .. 5 for idx,dsc,req,rpy,sts,val in connection.pipeline( operations=enip.client.parse_operations( tags ), timeout=clitimeout, multiple=multiple, depth=depth ): log.detail( "Client %3d: %s --> %r ", n, dsc, val ) if not val: log.warning( "Client %d harvested %d/%d results; failed request: %s", n, len( results ), len( tags ), rpy ) failures += 1 results.append( (dsc,val) ) if len( results ) != len( tags ): log.warning( "Client %d harvested %d/%d results", n, len( results ), len( tags )) failures += 1 # Now, ensure that any results that reported values reported the correct values -- each # value equals its own index or 0. for i,(elm,cnt),tag,(dsc,val) in zip( range( times ), regs, tags, results ): log.detail( "Running on test %3d: operation %34s (%34s) on %5s[%3d-%-3d] ==> %s", i, tag, dsc, name, elm, elm + cnt - 1, val ) if not val: log.warning( "Failure in test %3d: operation %34s (%34s) on %5s[%3d-%-3d]: %s", i, tag, dsc, name, elm, elm + cnt - 1, val ) failures += 1 if isinstance( val, list ): # write returns True; read returns list of data #print( "%s testing %10s[%5d-%-5d]: %r" % ( threading.current_thread().name, tag, elm, elm + cnt - 1, val )) if not all( v in (e,0) for v,e in zip( val, range( elm, elm + cnt ))): log.warning( "Failure in test %3d: operation %34s (%34s) on %5s[%3d-%-3d] didn't equal indexes: %s", i, tag, dsc, name, elm, elm + cnt - 1, val ) failures += 1 return 1 if failures else 0
def drawTextItem(self, point, text_item): # return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) self.apply_graphics_state() gi = GlyphInfo(*self.qt_hack.get_glyphs(point, text_item)) if not gi.indices: return metrics = self.fonts.get( if metrics is None: from calibre.utils.fonts.utils import get_all_font_names try: names = get_all_font_names(, True) names = ' '.join('%s=%s'%(k, names[k]) for k in sorted(names)) except Exception: names = 'Unknown' self.debug('Loading font: %s' % names) try: self.fonts[] = metrics = self.create_sfnt(text_item) except UnsupportedFont: self.debug('Failed to load font: %s, drawing text as outlines...' % names) return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) indices, positions = [], [] ignore_glyphs = metrics.ignore_glyphs for glyph_id, gpos in zip(gi.indices, gi.positions): if glyph_id not in ignore_glyphs: indices.append(glyph_id), positions.append(gpos) for glyph_id in indices: try: metrics.glyph_map[glyph_id] = metrics.full_glyph_map[glyph_id] except (KeyError, ValueError): pass glyphs = [] last_x = last_y = 0 for glyph_index, (x, y) in zip(indices, positions): glyphs.append((x-last_x, last_y - y, glyph_index)) last_x, last_y = x, y if not self.content_written_to_current_page: dy = ypositions = [y + dy for x, y in positions] miny = min(ypositions or (0,)) maxy = max(ypositions or (self.pixel_height,)) page_top = self.header_height if self.has_headers else 0 page_bottom = self.pixel_height - (self.footer_height if self.has_footers else 0) if page_top <= miny <= page_bottom or page_top <= maxy <= page_bottom: self.content_written_to_current_page = 'drawTextItem' else: self.debug('Text in header/footer: miny=%s maxy=%s page_top=%s page_bottom=%s'% ( miny, maxy, page_top, page_bottom)) self.pdf.draw_glyph_run([gi.stretch, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], gi.size, metrics, glyphs)
def as_sql(self): # We don't need quote_name_unless_alias() here, since these are all # going to be column names (so we can avoid the extra overhead). qn = self.connection.ops.quote_name opts = self.query.model._meta result = ['INSERT INTO %s' % qn(opts.db_table)] has_fields = bool(self.query.fields) fields = self.query.fields if has_fields else [] result.append('(%s)' % ', '.join([qn(f.column) for f in fields])) if has_fields: params = values = [ [ f.get_db_prep_save(getattr(obj, f.attname) if self.query.raw else f.pre_save(obj, True), connection=self.connection) for f in fields ] for obj in self.query.objs ] else: values = [[self.connection.ops.pk_default_value()] for obj in self.query.objs] params = [[]] fields = [None] can_bulk = (not any(hasattr(field, "get_placeholder") for field in fields) and not self.return_id and self.connection.features.has_bulk_insert) if can_bulk: placeholders = [["%s"] * len(fields)] else: placeholders = [ [self.placeholder(field, v) for field, v in zip(fields, val)] for val in values ] if self.return_id and self.connection.features.can_return_id_from_insert: params = params[0] col = "%s.%s" % (qn(opts.db_table), qn( result.append("VALUES (%s)" % ", ".join(placeholders[0])) r_fmt, r_params = self.connection.ops.return_insert_id() result.append(r_fmt % col) params += r_params return [(" ".join(result), tuple(params))] if can_bulk: result.append(self.connection.ops.bulk_insert_sql(fields, len(values))) return [(" ".join(result), tuple([v for val in values for v in val]))] else: return [ (" ".join(result + ["VALUES (%s)" % ", ".join(p)]), vals) for p, vals in zip(placeholders, params) ]
def pad_larger(*arrays): """Pad the smallest of `n` arrays. Parameters ---------- arrays : tuple of array_like Raises ------ AssertionError Returns ------- ret : tuple Tuple of zero padded arrays. """ assert all(map(isinstance, arrays, itools.repeat(np.ndarray))), \ ("all arguments must be instances of ndarray or implement the ndarray" " interface") if len(arrays) == 2: return pad_larger2(*arrays) sizes = np.fromiter(map(operator.attrgetter('size'), arrays), int) lsize = sizes.max() ret = [] for array, size in zip(arrays, sizes): size_diff = lsize - size ret.append(np.pad(array, (0, size_diff), 'constant', constant_values=(0,))) ret.append(lsize) return ret
def doparse(url, d): parm = {} path = url.split("://")[1] delim = path.find("@"); if delim != -1: (user, pswd, host, port) = path.split('@')[0].split(":") path = path.split('@')[1] else: (host, port) = d.getVar('P4PORT', False).split(':') user = "" pswd = "" if path.find(";") != -1: keys=[] values=[] plist = path.split(';') for item in plist: if item.count('='): (key, value) = item.split('=') keys.append(key) values.append(value) parm = dict(zip(keys, values)) path = "//" + path.split(';')[0] host += ":%s" % (port) parm["cset"] = Perforce.getcset(d, path, host, user, pswd, parm) return host, path, user, pswd, parm
def handle_checks(results): from future_builtins import zip for balance, (success, result) in zip(balances_to_check, results): peer = balance[0] if success is True: if result is False: if balance[4] <= 1: # first or second strike, give them another chance new_expected_balance = (balance[0], balance[1], balance[2], + self.max_expected_payment_time, balance[4] + 1, balance[5]) self.expected_balance_at_time.append(new_expected_balance) peer.update_score(-5.0) else: peer.update_score(-50.0) else: if balance[4] == 0: peer.update_score(balance[5]) peer.update_stats('points_received', balance[5]) else: log.warning("Something went wrong checking a balance. Peer: %s, account: %s," "expected balance: %s, expected time: %s, count: %s, error: %s", str(balance[0]), str(balance[1]), str(balance[2]), str(balance[3]), str(balance[4]), str(result.getErrorMessage()))
def generate_designs(self, parameters, nr_samples): '''external interface to sampler. Returns the computational experiments over the specified parameters, for the given number of samples for each parameter. Parameters ---------- parameters : list a list of parameters for which to generate the experimental designs nr_samples : int the number of samples to draw for each parameter Returns ------- generator a generator object that yields the designs resulting from combining the parameters int the number of experimental designs ''' parameters = sorted(parameters, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) sampled_parameters = self.generate_samples(parameters, nr_samples) designs = zip(*[sampled_parameters[] for u in parameters]) designs = DefaultDesigns(designs, parameters, nr_samples) return designs
def design_generator(designs, params, kind): '''generator that combines the sampled parameters with their correct name in order to return dicts. Parameters ---------- designs : iterable of tuples params : iterable of str Yields ------ dict experimental design dictionary ''' for design in designs: design_dict = {} for param, value in zip(params, design): if isinstance(param, IntegerParameter): value = int(value) if isinstance(param, CategoricalParameter): # categorical parameter is an integer parameter, so # conversion to int is already done value = param.cat_for_index(value).value design_dict[] = value yield kind(**design_dict)
def randomize(self, ntax=None, taxon_list=None, branchlength=1.0, branchlength_sd=None, bifurcate=True): """Generates a random tree with ntax taxa and/or taxa from taxlabels. new_tree = randomize(self,ntax=None,taxon_list=None,branchlength=1.0,branchlength_sd=None,bifurcate=True) Trees are bifurcating by default. (Polytomies not yet supported). """ if not ntax and taxon_list: ntax = len(taxon_list) elif not taxon_list and ntax: taxon_list = ["taxon" + str(i + 1) for i in range(ntax)] elif not ntax and not taxon_list: raise TreeError("Either numer of taxa or list of taxa must be specified.") elif ntax != len(taxon_list): raise TreeError("Length of taxon list must correspond to ntax.") # initiate self with empty root self.__init__() terminals = self.get_terminals() # bifurcate randomly at terminal nodes until ntax is reached while len(terminals) < ntax: newsplit = random.choice(terminals) new_terminals = self.split(parent_id=newsplit, branchlength=branchlength) # if desired, give some variation to the branch length if branchlength_sd: for nt in new_terminals: bl = random.gauss(branchlength, branchlength_sd) if bl < 0: bl = 0 self.node(nt).data.branchlength = bl terminals.extend(new_terminals) terminals.remove(newsplit) # distribute taxon labels randomly random.shuffle(taxon_list) for (node, name) in zip(terminals, taxon_list): self.node(node).data.taxon = name
def drawTextItem(self, point, text_item): self.content_written_to_current_page = 'drawTextItem' # return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) self.apply_graphics_state() gi = GlyphInfo(*self.qt_hack.get_glyphs(point, text_item)) if not gi.indices: return metrics = self.fonts.get( if metrics is None: from calibre.utils.fonts.utils import get_all_font_names try: names = get_all_font_names(, True) names = ' '.join('%s=%s'%(k, names[k]) for k in sorted(names)) except Exception: names = 'Unknown' self.debug('Loading font: %s' % names) try: self.fonts[] = metrics = self.create_sfnt(text_item) except UnsupportedFont: return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) for glyph_id in gi.indices: try: metrics.glyph_map[glyph_id] = metrics.full_glyph_map[glyph_id] except (KeyError, ValueError): pass glyphs = [] last_x = last_y = 0 for glyph_index, (x, y) in zip(gi.indices, gi.positions): glyphs.append((x-last_x, last_y - y, glyph_index)) last_x, last_y = x, y self.pdf.draw_glyph_run([gi.stretch, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], gi.size, metrics, glyphs)
def mi2df(mi): """Return a `pandas <>`_ `MultiIndex <>`_ as a `DataFrame <>`_. Parameters ---------- mi : `MultiIndex <>`_ Returns ------- df : `DataFrame <>`_ """ assert isinstance(mi, MultiIndex), \ 'conversion not implemented for simple indices' def _type_converter(x): if not isinstance(x, basestring): return type(x) return 'S%i' % len(x) v = mi.values # raw object array n = mi.names t = list(map(_type_converter, v[0])) # strings are empty without this call dt = np.dtype(list(zip(n, t))) r = v.astype(dt) # recarray return DataFrame(r) # df handles recarrays very nicely
def parse_text_assertion(self, raw, ans): oraw = raw if not raw.startswith('['): return oraw raw = raw[1:] ta = {} m, raw = self.do_match(self.ta1_pat, raw) if m is not None: before, after = m.groups() ta['before'] = self.unescape(before) if after is not None: ta['after'] = self.unescape(after) else: m, raw = self.do_match(self.ta2_pat, raw) if m is not None: ta['after'] = self.unescape( # parse parameters m, raw = self.do_match(self.parameters_pat, raw) if m is not None: params = {} for name, value in zip(m.captures(1), m.captures(2)): params[name] = tuple(map(self.unescape, self.csv_pat.match(value).captures(1))) if params: ta['params'] = params if not raw.startswith(']'): return oraw # no closing ] or extra content in the assertion if ta: ans['text_assertion'] = ta return raw[1:]
def izip_records(seqarrays, fill_value=None, flatten=True): """ Returns an iterator of concatenated items from a sequence of arrays. Parameters ---------- seqarray : sequence of arrays Sequence of arrays. fill_value : {None, integer} Value used to pad shorter iterables. flatten : {True, False}, Whether to """ # OK, that's a complete ripoff from Python2.6 itertools.izip_longest def sentinel(counter=([fill_value] * (len(seqarrays) - 1)).pop): "Yields the fill_value or raises IndexError" yield counter() # fillers = itertools.repeat(fill_value) iters = [itertools.chain(it, sentinel(), fillers) for it in seqarrays] # Should we flatten the items, or just use a nested approach if flatten: zipfunc = _izip_fields_flat else: zipfunc = _izip_fields # try: for tup in zip(*iters): yield tuple(zipfunc(tup)) except IndexError: pass
def filesystem_cache(self): if self._filesystem_cache is None: debug('Loading filesystem metadata...') st = time.time() from calibre.devices.mtp.filesystem_cache import FilesystemCache ts = self.total_space() all_storage = [] items = [] for storage_id, capacity in zip([self._main_id, self._carda_id, self._cardb_id], ts): if storage_id is None: continue name = _('Unknown') for s in['storage']: if s['id'] == storage_id: name = s['name'] break storage = {'id':storage_id, 'size':capacity, 'name':name, 'is_folder':True, 'can_delete':False, 'is_system':True} self._currently_getting_sid = unicode(storage_id) id_map =, self._filesystem_callback) for x in id_map.itervalues(): x['storage_id'] = storage_id all_storage.append(storage) items.append(id_map.itervalues()) self._filesystem_cache = FilesystemCache(all_storage, chain(*items)) debug('Filesystem metadata loaded in %g seconds (%d objects)'%( time.time()-st, len(self._filesystem_cache))) return self._filesystem_cache
def fetch_plugins(old_index): ans = {} pool = ThreadPool(processes=10) entries = tuple(parse_index()) result =, old_index), entries) for entry, plugin in zip(entries, result): if isinstance(plugin, dict): ans[] = plugin else: if in old_index: ans[] = old_index[] log('Failed to get plugin',, 'at', datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'with error:') log(plugin) # Move staged files for plugin in ans.itervalues(): if plugin['file'].startswith('staging_'): src = plugin['file'] plugin['file'] = src.partition('_')[-1] os.rename(src, plugin['file']) raw = bz2.compress(json.dumps(ans, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))) atomic_write(raw, PLUGINS) # Cleanup any extra .zip files all_plugin_files = {p['file'] for p in ans.itervalues()} extra = set(glob.glob('*.zip')) - all_plugin_files for x in extra: os.unlink(x) return ans
def shifted_corr(reference, image, displacement): """Calculate the correlation between the reference and the image shifted by the given displacement. Parameters ---------- reference : np.ndarray image : np.ndarray displacement : np.ndarray Returns ------- correlation : float """ ref_cuts = np.maximum(0, displacement) ref = reference[ref_cuts[0]:, ref_cuts[1]:, ref_cuts[2]:] im_cuts = np.maximum(0, -displacement) im = image[im_cuts[0]:, im_cuts[1]:, im_cuts[2]:] s = np.minimum(im.shape, ref.shape) ref = ref[:s[0], :s[1], :s[2]] im = im[:s[0], :s[1], :s[2]] ref -= nanmean(ref.reshape(-1, ref.shape[-1]), axis=0) ref = np.nan_to_num(ref) im -= nanmean(im.reshape(-1, im.shape[-1]), axis=0) im = np.nan_to_num(im) assert np.all(np.isfinite(ref)) and np.all(np.isfinite(im)) corr = nanmean( [np.sum(i * r) / np.sqrt(np.sum(i * i) * np.sum(r * r)) for i, r in zip(np.rollaxis(im, -1), np.rollaxis(ref, -1))]) return corr
def randomized(cls, taxa, branch_length=1.0, branch_stdev=None): """Create a randomized bifurcating tree given a list of taxa. :param taxa: Either an integer specifying the number of taxa to create (automatically named taxon#), or an iterable of taxon names, as strings. :returns: a tree of the same type as this class. """ if isinstance(taxa, int): taxa = ['taxon%s' % (i+1) for i in range(taxa)] elif hasattr(taxa, '__iter__'): taxa = list(taxa) else: raise TypeError("taxa argument must be integer (# taxa) or " "iterable of taxon names.") rtree = cls() terminals = [rtree.root] while len(terminals) < len(taxa): newsplit = random.choice(terminals) newsplit.split(branch_length=branch_length) newterms = newsplit.clades if branch_stdev: # Add some noise to the branch lengths for nt in newterms: nt.branch_length = max(0, random.gauss(branch_length, branch_stdev)) terminals.remove(newsplit) terminals.extend(newterms) # Distribute taxon labels randomly random.shuffle(taxa) for node, name in zip(terminals, taxa): = name return rtree
def generate_simulation_params (): """ Custom function to generate file names for gene/gwas simulation study """ simulation_files, simulation_file_roots = get_simulation_files() gene_gwas_file_pairs, gene_gwas_file_roots = get_gene_gwas_file_pairs() for sim_file, sim_file_root in zip(simulation_files, simulation_file_roots): for (gene, gwas), gene_file_root in zip(gene_gwas_file_pairs, gene_gwas_file_roots): result_file = "%s.%s.simulation_res" % (gene_file_root, sim_file_root) result_file_path = os.path.join(working_dir, "simulation_results", result_file) yield [gene, gwas, sim_file], result_file_path, gene_file_root, sim_file_root, result_file
def drawTextItem(self, point, text_item): # return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) self.apply_graphics_state() gi = GlyphInfo(*self.qt_hack.get_glyphs(point, text_item)) if not gi.indices: return metrics = self.fonts.get( if metrics is None: from calibre.utils.fonts.utils import get_all_font_names try: names = get_all_font_names(, True) names = ' '.join('%s=%s' % (k, names[k]) for k in sorted(names)) except Exception: names = 'Unknown' self.debug('Loading font: %s' % names) try: self.fonts[] = metrics = self.create_sfnt(text_item) except UnsupportedFont: self.debug( 'Failed to load font: %s, drawing text as outlines...' % names) return super(PdfEngine, self).drawTextItem(point, text_item) for glyph_id in gi.indices: try: metrics.glyph_map[glyph_id] = metrics.full_glyph_map[glyph_id] except (KeyError, ValueError): pass glyphs = [] last_x = last_y = 0 for glyph_index, (x, y) in zip(gi.indices, gi.positions): glyphs.append((x - last_x, last_y - y, glyph_index)) last_x, last_y = x, y if not self.content_written_to_current_page: dy = ypositions = [y + dy for x, y in gi.positions] miny = min(ypositions or (0, )) maxy = max(ypositions or (self.pixel_height, )) page_top = self.header_height if self.has_headers else 0 page_bottom = self.pixel_height - (self.footer_height if self.has_footers else 0) if page_top <= miny <= page_bottom or page_top <= maxy <= page_bottom: self.content_written_to_current_page = 'drawTextItem' else: self.debug( 'Text in header/footer: miny=%s maxy=%s page_top=%s page_bottom=%s' % (miny, maxy, page_top, page_bottom)) self.pdf.draw_glyph_run([gi.stretch, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0], gi.size, metrics, glyphs)
def parse(self): """ Parse the bitstream and extract each NALU. Call the respective callbacks for each NALU type found. """ self._get_nalu_positions() nalu_sps = None nalu_pps = None for current_nalu_pos, next_nalu_pos in zip(self.nal_unit_positions, islice(self.nal_unit_positions, 1, None)): current_nalu_bytepos = int(current_nalu_pos / 8) next_nalu_bytepos = int(next_nalu_pos / 8) nalu_bytes =[current_nalu_pos: next_nalu_pos] self.__call('nalu', nalu_bytes) if self.verbose: print("") print("========================================================================================================") print("") print("NALU bytepos:\t[" + str(current_nalu_bytepos) + ", " + str(next_nalu_bytepos - 1) + "]") print("NALU offset:\t" + str(current_nalu_bytepos) + " Bytes") print("NALU length:\t" + str(next_nalu_bytepos - current_nalu_bytepos) + " Bytes (including start code)") current_nalu_stream_segment = BitStream([current_nalu_pos: next_nalu_pos]) nal_unit_type, rbsp_payload = self._decode_nalu(current_nalu_stream_segment) if self.verbose: print("NALU type:\t" + str(nal_unit_type) + " (" + nalutypes.get_description(nal_unit_type) + ")") print("NALU bytes:\t" + str(nalu_bytes)) print("NALU RBSP:\t" + str(rbsp_payload)) print("") if nal_unit_type == nalutypes.NAL_UNIT_TYPE_SPS: nalu_sps = nalutypes.SPS(rbsp_payload, self.verbose) self.__call('sps', rbsp_payload) elif nal_unit_type == nalutypes.NAL_UNIT_TYPE_PPS: nalu_pps = nalutypes.PPS(rbsp_payload, self.verbose) self.__call('pps', rbsp_payload) elif nal_unit_type == nalutypes.NAL_UNIT_TYPE_AUD: aud = nalutypes.AUD(rbsp_payload, self.verbose) self.__call('aud', rbsp_payload) elif nal_unit_type == nalutypes.NAL_UNIT_TYPE_CODED_SLICE_NON_IDR: nalu_slice = nalutypes.CodedSliceNonIDR(rbsp_payload, nalu_sps, nalu_pps, self.verbose) self.__call('slice', rbsp_payload) elif nal_unit_type == nalutypes.NAL_UNIT_TYPE_CODED_SLICE_IDR: nalu_slice = nalutypes.CodedSliceIDR(rbsp_payload, nalu_sps, nalu_pps, self.verbose) self.__call('slice', rbsp_payload)
def results_iter(self): """ Returns an iterator over the results from executing this query. """ resolve_columns = hasattr(self, 'resolve_columns') fields = None has_aggregate_select = bool(self.query.aggregate_select) # Set transaction dirty if we're using SELECT FOR UPDATE to ensure # a subsequent commit/rollback is executed, so any database locks # are released. if self.query.select_for_update and transaction.is_managed(self.using): transaction.set_dirty(self.using) for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI): for row in rows: if resolve_columns: if fields is None: # We only set this up here because # related_select_fields isn't populated until # execute_sql() has been called. if self.query.select_fields: fields = self.query.select_fields + self.query.related_select_fields else: fields = self.query.model._meta.fields # If the field was deferred, exclude it from being passed # into `resolve_columns` because it wasn't selected. only_load = self.deferred_to_columns() if only_load: db_table = self.query.model._meta.db_table fields = [ f for f in fields if db_table in only_load and f.column in only_load[db_table] ] row = self.resolve_columns(row, fields) if has_aggregate_select: aggregate_start = len( self.query.extra_select.keys()) + len( aggregate_end = aggregate_start + len( self.query.aggregate_select) row = tuple(row[:aggregate_start]) + tuple([ self.query.resolve_aggregate(value, aggregate, self.connection) for (alias, aggregate), value in zip( self.query.aggregate_select.items(), row[aggregate_start:aggregate_end]) ]) + tuple(row[aggregate_end:]) yield row
def test_stereo_calibrated_mp_dummy(): from datetime import datetime camera = StereoCamera(left_camera, right_camera, R, T, E, F, Q) total_single = 0 left = CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.left) with left as left_: for frame in left_: delta = ( - frame.timestamp).total_seconds() total_single += delta total_sum = 0 left = CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.left) right = CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.right) with left as left_: with right as right_: for framea, frameb in zip(left_, right_): delta = ( - framea.timestamp).total_seconds() total_sum += delta total_th = 0 left = CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.left) right = CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.right) with CalibratedStereoCamera(left, right, camera, display_results=False) as vision: for frame in vision: delta = ( - frame.timestamp).total_seconds() total_th += delta total_mp = 0 left = MultiProcessing(CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.left), freerun=False) right = MultiProcessing(CalibratedCamera(DummySubclass(), camera.right), freerun=False) with CalibratedStereoCamera(left, right, camera, display_results=False) as vision: for frame in vision: delta = ( - frame.timestamp).total_seconds() total_mp += delta print('Single total = ', total_single) print('Sequential total = ', total_sum) print('Threaded total = ', total_th) print('Multiprocessing total = ', total_mp) assert (total_sum > total_single) assert (total_single <= total_th < total_sum) assert (total_single <= total_mp < total_sum)
def _parse_reaction(model, line): """Parse a 'reaction' line from a BNGL net file.""" (number, reactants, products, rate, rule) = line.strip().split(' ', 4) # the -1 is to switch from one-based to zero-based indexing reactants = tuple(int(r) - 1 for r in reactants.split(',')) products = tuple(int(p) - 1 for p in products.split(',')) rate = rate.rsplit('*') (rule_list, unit_conversion) = re.match( r'#([\w,\(\)]+)(?: unit_conversion=(.*))?\s*$', rule).groups() rule_list = rule_list.split(',') # BNG lists all rules that generate a rxn # Support new (BNG 2.2.6-stable or greater) and old BNG naming convention for reverse rules rule_name, is_reverse = zip(*[re.subn('^_reverse_|\(reverse\)$', '', r) for r in rule_list]) is_reverse = tuple(bool(i) for i in is_reverse) r_names = ['__s%d' % r for r in reactants] combined_rate = sympy.Mul(*[sympy.S(t) for t in r_names + rate]) reaction = { 'reactants': reactants, 'products': products, 'rate': combined_rate, 'rule': rule_name, 'reverse': is_reverse, } model.reactions.append(reaction) # bidirectional reactions key = (reactants, products) key_reverse = (products, reactants) if key in reaction_cache: reaction_bd = reaction_cache.get(key) reaction_bd['rate'] += combined_rate reaction_bd['rule'] += tuple(r for r in rule_name if r not in reaction_bd['rule']) elif key_reverse in reaction_cache: reaction_bd = reaction_cache.get(key_reverse) reaction_bd['reversible'] = True reaction_bd['rate'] -= combined_rate reaction_bd['rule'] += tuple(r for r in rule_name if r not in reaction_bd['rule']) else: # make a copy of the reaction dict reaction_bd = dict(reaction) # default to false until we find a matching reverse reaction reaction_bd['reversible'] = False reaction_cache[key] = reaction_bd model.reactions_bidirectional.append(reaction_bd) # odes for p in products: model.odes[p] += combined_rate for r in reactants: model.odes[r] -= combined_rate
def _parse_kasim_outfile(out_filename): """ Parses the KaSim .out file into a Numpy ndarray. Parameters ---------- out_filename : string String specifying the location of the .out filename produced by KaSim. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns the KaSim simulation data as a Numpy ndarray. Data is accessed using the syntax:: results[index_name] The index 'time' gives the data for the time coordinates of the simulation. Data for the observables can be accessed by indexing the array with the names of the observables. """ try: out_file = open(out_filename, 'r') line = out_file.readline().strip() # Get the first line out_file.close() line = line[2:] # strip off opening '# ' raw_names = re.split(' ', line) column_names = [] # Get rid of the quotes surrounding the observable names for raw_name in raw_names: mo = re.match("'(.*)'", raw_name) if (mo): column_names.append( else: column_names.append(raw_name) # Create the dtype argument for the numpy record array dt = list(zip(column_names, ('float', ) * len(column_names))) # Load the output file as a numpy record array, skip the name row arr = np.loadtxt(out_filename, dtype=float, skiprows=1) recarr = arr.view(dt) except Exception as e: raise Exception("problem parsing KaSim outfile: " + str(e)) return recarr
def npts(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, npts, radians=False): """ Given a single initial point and terminus point (specified by python floats lon1,lat1 and lon2,lat2), returns a list of longitude/latitude pairs describing npts equally spaced intermediate points along the geodesic between the initial and terminus points. if radians=True, lons/lats are radians instead of degrees. Example usage: >>> from pyproj import Geod >>> g = Geod(ellps='clrk66') # Use Clarke 1966 ellipsoid. >>> # specify the lat/lons of Boston and Portland. >>> boston_lat = 42.+(15./60.); boston_lon = -71.-(7./60.) >>> portland_lat = 45.+(31./60.); portland_lon = -123.-(41./60.) >>> # find ten equally spaced points between Boston and Portland. >>> lonlats = g.npts(boston_lon,boston_lat,portland_lon,portland_lat,10) >>> for lon,lat in lonlats: '%6.3f %7.3f' % (lat, lon) '43.528 -75.414' '44.637 -79.883' '45.565 -84.512' '46.299 -89.279' '46.830 -94.156' '47.149 -99.112' '47.251 -104.106' '47.136 -109.100' '46.805 -114.051' '46.262 -118.924' >>> # test with radians=True (inputs/outputs in radians, not degrees) >>> import math >>> dg2rad = math.radians(1.) >>> rad2dg = math.degrees(1.) >>> lonlats = g.npts(dg2rad*boston_lon,dg2rad*boston_lat,dg2rad*portland_lon,dg2rad*portland_lat,10,radians=True) >>> for lon,lat in lonlats: '%6.3f %7.3f' % (rad2dg*lat, rad2dg*lon) '43.528 -75.414' '44.637 -79.883' '45.565 -84.512' '46.299 -89.279' '46.830 -94.156' '47.149 -99.112' '47.251 -104.106' '47.136 -109.100' '46.805 -114.051' '46.262 -118.924' """ lons, lats = _proj.Geod._npts(self, lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, npts, radians=radians) return list(zip(lons, lats))
def inputChoice(self, question, options, hotkeys, default=None): """ Ask the user a question with a predefined list of acceptable answers. DEPRECATED: Use L{input_choice} instead! Directly calls L{input_choice} with the options and hotkeys zipped into a tuple list. It always returns the hotkeys and throws no L{QuitKeyboardInterrupt} if quit was selected. """ return self.input_choice(question=question, options=zip(options, hotkeys), default=default, return_shortcut=True, automatic_quit=False)
def add_books(self, paths, formats, metadata, add_duplicates=True, return_ids=False): books = [(mi, {fmt:path}) for mi, path, fmt in zip(metadata, paths, formats)] book_ids, duplicates = self.new_api.add_books(books, add_duplicates=add_duplicates, dbapi=self) if duplicates: paths, formats, metadata = [], [], [] for mi, format_map in duplicates: metadata.append(mi) for fmt, path in format_map.iteritems(): formats.append(fmt) paths.append(path) duplicates = (paths, formats, metadata) ids = book_ids if return_ids else len(book_ids) if book_ids: return duplicates or None, ids
def execute( via, params=None, pass_thru=None ): """Perform a single poll via the supplied enip.get_attribute.gateway instance, yielding the parameters and their polled values. Supply params (a sequence of CIP ('<address>', '<type>')), as might be produced by the provided via's class' parameter_substitution method... By default, we'll look for the parameters in the module's PARAMS list, which must be recognized by the supplied via's parameter_substitutions method, if pass_thru is not Truthy. Yields tuples of each of the supplied params, with their polled values. """ with contextlib.closing( via.parameter_substitution( params or PARAMS, pass_thru=pass_thru ))) as reader: for p,v in zip( params or PARAMS, reader ): # "lazy" zip yield p,v
def execute( via, params=None, pass_thru=None ): """Perform a single poll via the supplied enip.get_attribute 'proxy' instance, yielding the parameters and their polled values. By default, we'll look for the parameters in the module's PARAMS list, which must be recognized by the supplied via's parameter_substitutions method, if pass_thru is not Truthy (default: True). Yields tuples of each of the supplied params, with their polled values. """ with contextlib.closing( via.parameter_substitution( params or PARAMS, pass_thru=pass_thru ))) as reader: for p,v in zip( params or PARAMS, reader ): # "lazy" zip yield p,v
def calculate_length(self): delta = 0 line_number_changes = ([], []) for v, lmap, changes in zip((self.view.left, self.view.right), ({}, {}), line_number_changes): b = v.document().firstBlock() ebl = v.document().documentLayout().ensureBlockLayout last_line_count = 0 while b.isValid(): ebl(b) lmap[b.blockNumber()] = last_line_count last_line_count += b.layout().lineCount() b = for top, bot, kind in v.changes: changes.append((lmap[top], lmap[bot], kind)) changes = [] for (l_top, l_bot, kind), (r_top, r_bot, kind) in zip(*line_number_changes): height = max(l_bot - l_top, r_bot - r_top) top = delta + l_top changes.append((top, top + height, kind)) delta = top + height - l_bot self.changes, = (changes, ) + line_number_changes, delta
def _match_stereo(self, last_features, new_features): """Matches Last frame features with new frame features. Filters matched features based on triangulated points. :return: (last2d, last3d, last_descr, new2d, new3d, new_descr, last_points_right, new_points_right) or None """ matches = self._match_features(last_features[3], new_features[3], self._feature_type, self._ratio, self._distance_thresh / 3, self._min_matches) if matches is None: return None last_points_3d = [last_features[2][m.queryIdx] for m in matches] new_points_3d = [new_features[2][m.trainIdx] for m in matches] dZ = 3 * sum(i[0] ** 2 for i in self._last_pose.translation) ** .5 if self._last_pose else self._dZ dZ = min(self._max_dZ, max(self._dZ, dZ)) self._dZ = dZ mask = [abs(a[2] - b[2]) < dZ for a, b in zip(last_points_3d, new_points_3d)] if sum(mask) < self._min_matches: return None new_points_3d = np.float32([p for M, p in zip(mask, new_points_3d) if M]) last_points_3d = np.float32([p for M, p in zip(mask, last_points_3d) if M]) new_points_2d = np.float32([new_features[0][m.trainIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M]) new_points_2d_right = np.float32([new_features[1][m.trainIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M]) last_points_2d = np.float32([last_features[0][m.queryIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M]) last_points_2d_right = np.float32([last_features[1][m.queryIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M]) if isinstance(last_features[3], cv2.UMat): last_descriptors = last_features[3].get() new_descriptors = new_features[3].get() else: last_descriptors = last_features[3] new_descriptors = new_features[3] last_descriptors = np.array([last_descriptors[m.queryIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M], dtype=last_descriptors.dtype) new_descriptors = np.array([new_descriptors[m.trainIdx] for M, m in zip(mask, matches) if M], dtype=new_descriptors.dtype) return last_points_2d, last_points_3d, last_descriptors, new_points_2d, new_points_3d, new_descriptors, last_points_2d_right, new_points_2d_right
def importIonChannels(self, doc, vmin=-120e-3, vmax=40e-3, vdivs=3000): for chan in doc.ionChannel: # print dir(chan) if chan.type_ == 'ionChannelHH': mchan = moose.HHChannel('%s/%s' % (self.lib.path, mgates = map(moose.element, (mchan.gateX, mchan.gateY, mchan.gateZ)) assert (len(chan.gate) <= 3 ) # We handle only up to 3 gates in HHCHannel for ngate, mgate in zip(chan.gate, mgates): if'X'): mchan.Xpower = ngate.instances elif'Y'): mchan.Ypower = ngate.instances elif'Z'): mchan.Zpower = ngate.instance mgate.min = vmin mgate.max = vmax mgate.divs = vdivs # I saw only examples of GateHHRates in # HH-channels, the meaning of forwardRate and # reverseRate and steadyState are not clear in the # classes GateHHRatesInf, GateHHRatesTau and in # FateHHTauInf the meaning of timeCourse and # steady state is not obvious. Is the last one # refering to tau_inf and m_inf?? fwd = ngate.forwardRate rev = ngate.reverseRate if (fwd is not None) and (rev is not None): beta = calculateRateFn(fwd, vmin, vmax, vdivs) alpha = calculateRateFn(rev, vmin, vmax, vdivs) mgate.tableA = alpha mgate.tableB = alpha + beta break # Assuming the meaning of the elements in GateHHTauInf ... tau = ngate.timeCourse inf = ngate.steadyState if (tau is not None) and (inf is not None): tau = calculateRateFn(tau, vmin, vmax, vdivs) inf = calculateRateFn(inf, vmin, vmax, vdivs) mgate.tableA = inf / tau mgate.tableB = 1 / tau break self.id_to_ionChannel[] = chan self.nml_to_moose[chan] = mchan self.proto_chans[] = mchan
def test_create_from_naught_prestack(self): with TestContext("create_from_naught_prestack"): fname = "mk-ps.sgy" spec = segyio.spec() spec.format = 5 spec.sorting = 2 spec.samples = range(7) spec.ilines = range(1, 4) spec.xlines = range(1, 3) spec.offsets = range(1, 6) with segyio.create(fname, spec) as dst: arr = np.arange(start=0.000, stop=0.007, step=0.001, dtype=np.single) arr = np.concatenate([[arr + 0.01], [arr + 0.02]], axis=0) lines = [arr + i for i in spec.ilines] cube = [(off * 100) + line for line in lines for off in spec.offsets] dst.iline[:, :] = cube for of in spec.offsets: for il in spec.ilines: dst.header.iline[il, of] = { TraceField.INLINE_3D: il, TraceField.offset: of } for xl in spec.xlines: dst.header.xline[xl, of] = { TraceField.CROSSLINE_3D: xl } with, "r") as f: self.assertAlmostEqual(101.010, f.trace[0][0], places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual(101.011, f.trace[0][1], places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual(101.016, f.trace[0][-1], places=4) self.assertAlmostEqual(503.025, f.trace[-1][5], places=4) self.assertNotEqual(f.header[0][TraceField.offset], f.header[1][TraceField.offset]) self.assertEqual(1, f.header[0][TraceField.offset]) self.assertEqual(2, f.header[1][TraceField.offset]) for x, y in zip(f.iline[:, :], cube): self.assertListEqual(list(x.flatten()), list(y.flatten()))
def __setitem__(self, i, val): """text[i] = val Write the ith text header of the file, starting at 0. If val is instance of Text or iterable of Text, value is set to be the first element of every Text Parameters ---------- i : int or slice val : str, Text or iterable if i is slice Examples -------- Write a new textual header: >>> f.text[0] = make_new_header() >>> f.text[1:3] = ["new_header1", "new_header_2"] Copy a textual header: >>> f.text[1] = g.text[0] Write a textual header based on Text: >>> f.text[1] = g.text >>> assert f.text[1] == g.text[0] >>> f.text[1:3] = [g1.text, g2.text] >>> assert f.text[1] == g1.text[0] >>> assert f.text[2] == g2.text[0] """ if isinstance(val, Text): self[i] = val[0] return try: i = self.wrapindex(i) self.filehandle.puttext(i, val) except TypeError: for i, text in zip(range(*i.indices(len(self))), val): if isinstance(text, Text): text = text[0] self.filehandle.puttext(i, text)
def sort(self, fields): """ Sort the traces in the group, obeying the `fields` order of most-to-least significant word. """ # TODO: examples headers = [dict(self.parent.header[i]) for i in self.index] index = list(zip(headers, self.index)) # sorting is stable, so sort the whole set by field, applied in the # reverse order: for field in reversed(fields): index.sort(key=lambda x: x[0][field]) # strip off all the headers index = [i for _, i in index] self.index = index
def parameters_equal(a, b): """Compares two parameter instances Checks full name, data, and ranges. Does not consider the comment. :return: True or False :raises: ValueError if both inputs are no parameter instances """ if (not b.v_is_parameter and not a.v_is_parameter): raise ValueError('Both inputs are not parameters') if (not b.v_is_parameter or not a.v_is_parameter): return False if a.v_full_name != b.v_full_name: return False if a.f_is_empty() and b.f_is_empty(): return True if a.f_is_empty() != b.f_is_empty(): return False if not a._values_of_same_type(a.f_get(), b.f_get()): return False if not a._equal_values(a.f_get(), b.f_get()): return False if a.f_has_range() != b.f_has_range(): return False if a.f_has_range(): if a.f_get_range_length() != b.f_get_range_length(): return False for myitem, bitem in zip(a.f_get_range(copy=False), b.f_get_range(copy=False)): if not a._values_of_same_type(myitem, bitem): return False if not a._equal_values(myitem, bitem): return False return True
def adjacent_pairs_iterate (array, reverse = False): """ returns pairs of iterators to successive positions """ if len(array) < 2: return # get iterators to successive positions if reverse: curr_iter = reversed(array) next_iter = reversed(array) else: curr_iter = iter(array) next_iter = iter(array) next(next_iter) for i, j in zip(curr_iter, next_iter): yield i, j
def keyboardPartsToBraille(keyboardScore, **keywords): """ Translates a Score object containing two :class:`` instances to braille, an upper part and a lower part. Assumes that the two parts are aligned and well constructed. Bar over bar format is used. """ parts = keyboardScore.getElementsByClass(['Part', 'PartStaff']) if len(parts) != 2: raise BrailleTranslateException("Can only translate two keyboard parts at a time") (inPlace, debug) = _translateArgs(**keywords) staffUpper = parts[0] staffLower = parts[1] upperPartToTranscribe = staffUpper if not inPlace: upperPartToTranscribe = staffUpper.makeNotation(cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False) lowerPartToTranscribe = staffLower if not inPlace: lowerPartToTranscribe = staffLower.makeNotation(cautionaryNotImmediateRepeat=False) rhSegments = segment.findSegments(upperPartToTranscribe, setHand='right', **keywords) lhSegments = segment.findSegments(lowerPartToTranscribe, setHand='left', **keywords) allBrailleText = [] for (rhSegment, lhSegment) in zip(rhSegments, lhSegments): bg = segment.BrailleGrandSegment() for rhGroupingKey in rhSegment: bg[rhGroupingKey] = rhSegment[rhGroupingKey] for lhGroupingKey in lhSegment: bg[lhGroupingKey] = lhSegment[lhGroupingKey] bg.transcribe() if not debug: allBrailleText.append(bg.brailleText) else: if six.PY2: bsStr = str(bg) bsUni = bsStr.decode('utf-8') allBrailleText.append(bsUni) else: allBrailleText.append(str(bg)) if six.PY2 and debug: return u"\n".join(allBrailleText) else: return u"\n".join([unicode(bt) for bt in allBrailleText])
def save(self): """ Saves all options into the file. """ for options, lfn, sfn, default in self._handlers: vals = sfn() # map into list if necessary if not hasattr(vals, "__iter__"): vals = [vals] debug("Saving %s with values %s", options, vals) for value, (section, option) in zip(vals, options): self.set(option, unicode(value), section) with open(self._file, "w") as f: self._cfg.write(f)
def randomize( self, ntax=None, taxon_list=None, branchlength=1.0, branchlength_sd=None, bifurcate=True, ): """Generates a random tree with ntax taxa and/or taxa from taxlabels. new_tree = randomize(self,ntax=None,taxon_list=None,branchlength=1.0,branchlength_sd=None,bifurcate=True) Trees are bifurcating by default. (Polytomies not yet supported). """ if not ntax and taxon_list: ntax = len(taxon_list) elif not taxon_list and ntax: taxon_list = ["taxon" + str(i + 1) for i in range(ntax)] elif not ntax and not taxon_list: raise TreeError( "Either numer of taxa or list of taxa must be specified.") elif ntax != len(taxon_list): raise TreeError("Length of taxon list must correspond to ntax.") # initiate self with empty root self.__init__() terminals = self.get_terminals() # bifurcate randomly at terminal nodes until ntax is reached while len(terminals) < ntax: newsplit = random.choice(terminals) new_terminals = self.split(parent_id=newsplit, branchlength=branchlength) # if desired, give some variation to the branch length if branchlength_sd: for nt in new_terminals: bl = random.gauss(branchlength, branchlength_sd) if bl < 0: bl = 0 self.node(nt).data.branchlength = bl terminals.extend(new_terminals) terminals.remove(newsplit) # distribute taxon labels randomly random.shuffle(taxon_list) for (node, name) in zip(terminals, taxon_list): self.node(node).data.taxon = name
def argmatch(formals, actuals): if len(formals) != len(actuals): return False for (f, a) in zip(formals, actuals): # Here's the compatibility logic. First, we catch the situations # in which a more restricted actual type matches a more general # formal one. Then we have a fallback rule checking for type # equality or wildcarding. ftype = formaltype(f) atype = actualtype(a) if ftype == "any": pass elif (atype == "numeric" or a == "global") and ftype == "side": pass elif atype in ("filter", "empty") and ftype == "wml": pass elif atype in ("numeric", "position") and ftype == "span": pass elif atype in ("shortname", "name", "empty", "stringliteral") and ftype == "affix": pass elif atype in ("shortname", "name", "stringliteral") and ftype == "string": pass elif atype in ("shortname", "name", "string", "stringliteral", "empty") and ftype == "optional_string": pass elif atype in ("shortname", ) and ftype == "terrain_code": pass elif atype in ("numeric", "position", "span", "empty") and ftype == "alliance": pass elif atype in ("terrain_code", "shortname", "name") and ftype == "terrain_pattern": pass elif atype in ("string", "shortname", "name") and ftype == "types": pass elif atype in ("numeric", "percentage") and ftype == "percentage": pass elif atype == "range" and ftype == "name": pass elif atype != ftype and ftype is not None and atype is not None: return False return True
def find_unique_points(explored_parameters): """Takes a list of explored parameters and finds unique parameter combinations. If parameter ranges are hashable operates in O(N), otherwise O(N**2). :param explored_parameters: List of **explored** parameters :return: List of tuples, first entry being the parameter values, second entry a list containing the run position of the unique combination. """ ranges = [param.f_get_range(copy=False) for param in explored_parameters] zipped_tuples = list(zip(*ranges)) try: unique_elements = OrderedDict() for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples): if val_tuple not in unique_elements: unique_elements[val_tuple] = [] unique_elements[val_tuple].append(idx) return compat.listitems(unique_elements) except TypeError: logger = logging.getLogger('pypet.find_unique') logger.error('Your parameter entries could not be hashed, ' 'now I am sorting slowly in O(N**2).') unique_elements = [] for idx, val_tuple in enumerate(zipped_tuples): matches = False for added_tuple, pos_list in unique_elements: matches = True for idx2, val in enumerate(added_tuple): if not explored_parameters[idx2]._equal_values( val_tuple[idx2], val): matches = False break if matches: pos_list.append(idx) break if not matches: unique_elements.append((val_tuple, [idx])) return unique_elements
def createHHChannel(self, chan): mchan = moose.HHChannel('%s/%s' % (self.lib.path, mgates = map(moose.element, (mchan.gateX, mchan.gateY, mchan.gateZ)) assert (len(chan.gate) <= 3 ) # We handle only up to 3 gates in HHCHannel for ngate, mgate in zip(chan.gate, mgates): if'X'): mchan.Xpower = ngate.instances elif'Y'): mchan.Ypower = ngate.instances elif'Z'): mchan.Zpower = ngate.instance mgate.min = vmin mgate.max = vmax mgate.divs = vdivs # I saw only examples of GateHHRates in # HH-channels, the meaning of forwardRate and # reverseRate and steadyState are not clear in the # classes GateHHRatesInf, GateHHRatesTau and in # FateHHTauInf the meaning of timeCourse and # steady state is not obvious. Is the last one # refering to tau_inf and m_inf?? fwd = ngate.forwardRate rev = ngate.reverseRate if (fwd is not None) and (rev is not None): beta = calculateRateFn(fwd, vmin, vmax, vdivs) alpha = calculateRateFn(rev, vmin, vmax, vdivs) mgate.tableA = alpha mgate.tableB = alpha + beta break # Assuming the meaning of the elements in GateHHTauInf ... tau = ngate.timeCourse inf = ngate.steadyState if (tau is not None) and (inf is not None): tau = calculateRateFn(tau, vmin, vmax, vdivs) inf = calculateRateFn(inf, vmin, vmax, vdivs) mgate.tableA = inf / tau mgate.tableB = 1 / tau break if self.verbose: print(self.filename, 'Created', mchan.path, 'for', return mchan
def __init__(self, buf): """ Args: buf: file-like object containing ico file data """ self.buf = buf self.entry = [] header = struct.unpack('<3H', if (0, 1) != header[:2]: raise SyntaxError('not an ico file') self.nb_items = header[2] dir_fields = ( 'width', 'height', 'nb_color', 'reserved', 'planes', 'bpp', 'size', 'offset', ) for i in range(self.nb_items): directory = list(struct.unpack('<4B2H2I', for j in range(3): if not directory[j]: directory[j] = 256 icon_header = dict(zip(dir_fields, directory)) icon_header['color_depth'] = icon_header['bpp'] or ( icon_header['nb_color'] == 16 and 4 ) icon_header['dim'] = (icon_header['width'], icon_header['height']) self.entry.append(icon_header) # end for (read headers) # order by size and color depth self.entry.sort( lambda x, y: cmp(x['width'], y['width']) or cmp(x['color_depth'], y['color_depth']) ) self.entry.reverse()
def reduce(self, function, init_values=None): """ Independently reduces all streams (folding from left, obviously). Returns list of results. """ if init_values: if isinstance(init_values, list): lefts = init_values else: lefts = [init_values] * len(self.stream_collection) else: lefts = rights = while not all(rights is None): valid = not rights is None args = zip(lefts[valid], rights[valid]) lefts = map(lambda arg: function(*arg), args) rights =
def __setitem__(self, depth, val): """depth[i] = val Write the ith depth, a horizontal cross-section, of the file, starting at 0. It accepts any array_like, but `val` must be at least as big as the underlying data slice. If `val` is longer than the underlying trace, `val` is essentially truncated. Parameters ---------- i : int or slice val : array_like Notes ----- .. versionadded:: 1.1 Behaves like [] for lists. Examples -------- Copy a depth: >>> depth[4] = other[19] Copy consecutive depths, and assign to a sub volume (inject a sub cube into the larger volume): >>> depth[10:50] = other[:] Copy into every other depth from an iterable: >>> depth[::2] = other """ if isinstance(depth, slice): for i, x in zip(range(*depth.indices(len(self))), val): self[i] = x return val = castarray(val, dtype=self.dtype) self.filehandle.putdepth(depth, val.size, self.offsets, val)
def make_SDP(deltas): pvms = [] gaps = {("even", 0): 3, ("odd+", 0): 3} for spin in range(0, lmax): if spin % 2 == 0: pvms.append(make_F(deltas, "even", spin, gaps)) pvms.append(make_F(deltas, "odd+", spin, gaps)) else: pvms.append(make_F(deltas, "odd-", spin, gaps)) epsilon_contribution = make_F(deltas, "even", 0, dict(), Delta=deltas[1]) sigma_contribution = make_F(deltas, "odd+", 0, dict(), Delta=deltas[0]) for m, x in zip(epsilon_contribution, sigma_contribution): m[0][0] += x pvms.append(epsilon_contribution) norm = [] for v in make_F(deltas, "even", 0, dict(), Delta=0): norm.append(v[0][0] + v[0][1] + v[1][0] + v[1][1]) obj = 0 return context.sumrule_to_SDP(norm, obj, pvms)
def write(self,outlist,func=null,args=(),**kwargs): ''' make FITS file with storing FITS header and data Parameters ---------- outlist : array-like list of output FITS paths raise ValueError if the length of this list is different from the number of images. kwargs : keyward arguments These are given to writeto method of HDU object ''' if len(outlist) != len(self): msg = 'the length of outlist differs from the number of images' raise ValueError(msg) for i,(o,head,data) in enumerate(zip(outlist,self.header, hdu = mkhdu(data,header=head) hdu.writeto(o,**kwargs) func(i,*args)