Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, verbose, printLogStdout):
        super(IRServiceProxy, self).__init__()

        #Load Config
        self._conf = IRClientConf()
        #self._backend = self._conf.getBackend()
        #self._fgirimgstore = self._conf.getFgirimgstore()
        self._port = self._conf.getPort()
        self._serveraddr = self._conf.getServeraddr()
        self.verbose = verbose
        self._ca_certs = self._conf.getCaCerts()
        self._certfile = self._conf.getCertFile()
        self._keyfile = self._conf.getKeyFile()
        self._connIrServer = None
        self.passwdtype = "ldappassmd5"
        #Setup log
        self._log = fgLog.fgLog(self._conf.getLogFile(), self._conf.getLogLevel(), "Img Repo Client", printLogStdout)
Exemple #2
class IRServiceProxy(object):

    #(Now we assume that the server is where the images are stored. We may want to change that)    
    # __init__
    def __init__(self, verbose, printLogStdout):
        super(IRServiceProxy, self).__init__()

        #Load Config
        self._conf = IRClientConf()
        #self._backend = self._conf.getBackend()
        #self._fgirimgstore = self._conf.getFgirimgstore()
        self._port = self._conf.getPort()
        self._serveraddr = self._conf.getServeraddr()
        self.verbose = verbose
        self._ca_certs = self._conf.getCaCerts()
        self._certfile = self._conf.getCertFile()
        self._keyfile = self._conf.getKeyFile()
        self._connIrServer = None
        self.passwdtype = "ldappassmd5"
        #Setup log
        self._log = fgLog.fgLog(self._conf.getLogFile(), self._conf.getLogLevel(), "Img Repo Client", printLogStdout)

    def connection(self):
        connected = False
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
            self._connIrServer = ssl.wrap_socket(s,
            self._log.debug("Connecting server: " + self._serveraddr + ":" + str(self._port))
            self._connIrServer.connect((self._serveraddr, self._port))   
            connected = True         
        except ssl.SSLError:
            self._log.error("CANNOT establish SSL connection. EXIT")
        except socket.error:
            self._log.error("Error with the socket connection")
            if self.verbose:
                print "Error CANNOT establish connection with the server"
            self._log.error("ERROR: exception not controlled" + str(sys.exc_info()))
        return connected
        #irServer.write(options) #to be done in each method
    def disconnect(self):
            self._log.debug("In disconnect:" + str(sys.exc_info()))
    def isUserAdmin(self, userId, passwd, userIdB):
        return True or False
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|isUserAdmin|" + userIdB
        authstatus=self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat)
        if authstatus == True:
            #wait for output
            output = eval(self._connIrServer.read(1024))            
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME query:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    def getUserStatus(self, userId, passwd, userIdB): #this is used by other services to check the status of the user before checking passwd in ldap
        return "Active", "NoActive" or "NoUser"
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|getUserStatus|" + userIdB
        authstatus=self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat)
        if authstatus == True:
            #wait for output
            output = self._connIrServer.read(32768)            
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME query:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    def check_auth(self, userId, checkauthstat):
        endloop = False
        passed = False
        while not endloop:
            ret = self._connIrServer.read(1024)
            if (ret == "OK"):
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Authentication OK. Your request is being processed"
                self._log.debug("Authentication OK")
                endloop = True
                passed = True
            elif (ret == "TryAuthAgain"):
                msg = "ERROR: Permission denied, please try again. User is " + userId                    
                if self.verbose:
                    print msg                            
                m = hashlib.md5()
                passwd = m.hexdigest()
            elif (ret == "NoActive"):                
                checkauthstat.append("ERROR: The status of the user "+ userId + " is not active")
                self._log.error("The status of the user "+ userId + " is not active")
                endloop = True
                passed = False
            elif (ret == "NoUser"):
                checkauthstat.append("ERROR: User "+ userId + " does not exist")
                self._log.error("User "+ userId + " does not exist")
                endloop = True
                passed = False
                #if self.verbose:
                #    print ret
                endloop = True
                passed = False
        return passed
    # query
    def query(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, queryString):   
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        password: password of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|list|" + userIdB + "|" + queryString
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
            if data:
                output = str(data)            
            while data:
                data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
                if data:
                    output += str(data)            
            if output == "None":
                output = None
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME query:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    # get
    def get(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, option, imgId, dest):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        password: password of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []      
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|get|" + userIdB + "|" + option + "|" + imgId
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            output = self._connIrServer.read()
            if not output == 'None':
                output = self._serveraddr + ":" + output
                if (option == "img"):
                    output = self._retrieveImg(userId, imgId, output, dest)
                    if output != None:
                    else:#this should be used to retry retrieveImg
                output = None
            output = None
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME get:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    # put
    def put(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, imgFile, attributeString):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        password: password of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        0 is general error
        start = time.time()
        status = "0"
        if (self.checkMeta(attributeString) and os.path.isfile(imgFile)):
            status = "0"
            output = ""
            checkauthstat = []
            size = os.path.getsize(imgFile)
            extension = os.path.splitext(imgFile)[1].strip() 
            if self.verbose:
                print "Checking quota and Generating an ImgId"
            msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|put|" + userIdB + "|" + str(size) + "|" + extension +\
                 "|" + attributeString
            authstatus = self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat)
            self._log.debug("Auth in server status "+str(authstatus))
            if authstatus:
                #wait for "OK,tempdir,imgId" or error status                
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                self._log.debug("after auth, repo server answer: "+str(output))
                #print output
                if not (re.search('^ERROR', output)):
                    output = output.split(',')                    
                    imgStore = output[0] 
                    imgId = output[1]
                    fileLocation = imgStore + imgId
                    self._log.info("Uploading the image")
                    os.system("chmod +r " + imgFile)
                    if self.verbose:
                        print 'Uploading image. You may be asked for ssh/passphrase password'
                        cmd = 'scp ' + imgFile + " " + \
                            self._serveraddr + ":" + fileLocation
                    else:#this is the case where another application call it. So no password or passphrase is allowed
                        cmd = 'scp -q -oBatchMode=yes ' + imgFile + " " + \
                            self._serveraddr + ":" + fileLocation
                    stat = os.system(cmd)
                    if (str(stat) != "0"):
                        if self.verbose:
                            print "Registering the image"                            
                        msg = fileLocation
                        #wait for final output
                        status = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                        if status == "0":    
                            status = "ERROR: uploading image to the repository. File does not exists or metadata string is invalid"
                    status = output
                self._log.error("ERROR:auth failed "+str(checkauthstat[0]))
                status = checkauthstat[0]
            status = "ERROR: uploading image to the repository. File does not exists or metadata string is invalid"
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME put:' + str(end - start))
        return status
    # updateItem
    def updateItem(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, imgId, attributeString):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        password: password of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        success = "False"
        if (self.checkMeta(attributeString)):       
            msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|modify|" + userIdB + "|" + imgId + "|" + attributeString
            if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
                #wait for output
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                if self.verbose:
                    print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME modify:' + str(end - start))  
        return output
    # remove
    def remove(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, imgIdList):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: password of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        imgList=" ".join(imgIdList)
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|remove|" + userIdB + "|" + imgList
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME remove:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    # setPermission
    def setPermission(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, imgId, permission):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []        
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|setPermission|" + userIdB + "|" + imgId + "|" + permission
        if(permission in ImgMeta.Permission):
            if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
                #wait for output
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                if self.verbose:
                    print checkauthstat[0]
            output = "Available options: " + str(ImgMeta.Permission)
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME setpermission:' + str(end - start))
        return output
    # userAdd
    def userAdd(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, userIdtoAdd):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|useradd|" + userIdB + "|" + userIdtoAdd
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME adduser:'******'TIME deluser:'******'TIME userlist:' + str(end - start))
        return output

    # setUserQuota    
    def setUserQuota(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, userIdtoModify, quota):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
            quotanum = str(eval(quota))
            msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|setUserQuota|" + userIdB + "|" + userIdtoModify + "|" + quotanum
            if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
                #wait for output
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                if self.verbose:
                    print checkauthstat[0]
            if self.verbose:
                print "ERROR: evaluating the quota. It must be a number or a mathematical operation enclosed in \"\" characters"        
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME userquota:' + str(end - start))
        return output

    # setUserRole
    def setUserRole(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, userIdtoModify, role):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []        
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|setUserRole|" + userIdB + "|" + userIdtoModify + "|" + role
        if(role in IRUser.Role):
            if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
                #wait for output
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                if self.verbose:
                    print checkauthstat[0]
            output = "Available options: " + str(IRUser.Role)
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME userrole:' + str(end - start))   
        return output
    # setUserStatus
    def setUserStatus(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, userIdtoModify, status):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []        
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|setUserStatus|" + userIdB + "|" + userIdtoModify + "|" + status
        if(status in IRUser.Status):
            if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
                #wait for output
                output = self._connIrServer.read(2048)
                if self.verbose:
                    print checkauthstat[0]
            output = "Available options: " + str(IRUser.Status)
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME userstatus:' + str(end - start))       
        return output

    # histImg
    def histImg(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, imgId):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|histimg|" + userIdB + "|" + imgId
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
            if data:
                output = str(data)            
            while data:
                data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
                if data:
                    output += str(data)
            if output == "None":
                output = None
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME histimg:' + str(end - start))    
        return output

    # histUser
    def histUser(self, userId, passwd, userIdB, userIdtoSearch):
        userId: user that authenticate against the repository.
        passwd: passwd of the previous user
        userIdB: user that execute the command in the repository.         
        Typically, userId and userIdB are the same user. However, they are different when the repo 
        is used by a service like IMGenerateServer or IMRegisterServer, because these services interact 
        with the repo in behalf of other users.
        start = time.time()
        checkauthstat = []
        output = None
        msg = userId + "|" + str(passwd) + "|" + self.passwdtype + "|histuser|" + userIdB + "|" + userIdtoSearch
        if self.check_auth(userId, checkauthstat):
            #wait for output
            data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
            if data:
                output = str(data)            
            while data:
                data = self._connIrServer.read(32768)
                if data:
                    output += str(data)
            if output == "None":
                output = None
            #TODO: GVL: should this be a function, it seems to be reused often 
            if self.verbose:
                print checkauthstat[0]
        end = time.time()
        self._log.info('TIME histuser:'******'Retrieving image. You may be asked for ssh/passphrase password')
            if self.verbose:
                print 'Retrieving image. You may be asked for ssh/passphrase password'
            stat = os.system(cmdscp)
            if (stat == 0):
                output = fulldestpath                
                self._log.error("Error retrieving the image. Exit status " + str(stat))
                if self.verbose:
                    print "Error retrieving the image. Exit status " + str(stat)
                #remove the temporal file
        except os.error:
            #GVL: TODO: should this be a function:
            self._log("Error, The image cannot be retieved" + str(sys.exc_info()))
            if self.verbose:
                print "Error, The image cannot be retieved" + str(sys.exc_info())
            output = None

        return output