Exemple #1
    def apply_augmentations(
            self, augmentations: List[Union[Augmentation,
                                            Transform]]) -> TransformList:
        Apply a list of Transform/Augmentation in-place and returned the applied transform.
        Attributes of this class will be modified.

                returns transformed inputs and the list of transforms applied.
                The TransformList can then be applied to other data associated with the inputs.
        tfms = []
        for aug in augmentations:
            if isinstance(aug, Augmentation):
                args = []
                for f in aug.input_args:
                        args.append(getattr(self, f))
                    except AttributeError:
                        raise AttributeError(
                            f"Augmentation {aug} needs '{f}', which is not an attribute of {self}!"

                tfm = aug.get_transform(*args)
                assert isinstance(tfm, Transform), (
                    f"{type(aug)}.get_transform must return an instance of Transform! "
                    "Got {type(tfm)} instead.")
                tfm = aug
        return TransformList(tfms)
Exemple #2
def apply_transform_gens(transform_gens, img):
    Apply a list of :class:`TransformGen` on the input image, and
    returns the transformed image and a list of transforms.

    We cannot simply create and return all transforms without
    applying it to the image, because a subsequent transform may
    need the output of the previous one.

        transform_gens (list): list of :class:`TransformGen` instance to
            be applied.
        img (ndarray): uint8 or floating point images with 1 or 3 channels.

        ndarray: the transformed image
        TransformList: contain the transforms that's used.
    for g in transform_gens:
        assert isinstance(g, TransformGen), g


    tfms = []
    for g in transform_gens:
        tfm = g.get_transform(img)
        assert isinstance(
            tfm, Transform
        ), "TransformGen {} must return an instance of Transform! Got {} instead".format(
            g, tfm)
        img = tfm.apply_image(img)
    return img, TransformList(tfms)
Exemple #3
def apply_augmentations(augmentations, img):
    Apply a list of :class:`Augmentation` or :class:`Transform` on the input image, and
    returns the transformed image and a list of transforms.

    We cannot simply create and return all transforms without
    applying it to the image, because a subsequent transform may
    need the output of the previous one.

        augmentations (list): list of :class:`Augmentation` or :class:`Transform` instance to
            be applied.
        img (ndarray): uint8 or floating point images with 1 or 3 channels.

        ndarray: the transformed image
        TransformList: contain the transforms that's used.
    for aug in augmentations:
        assert isinstance(aug, (Transform, Augmentation)), aug


    tfms = []
    for aug in augmentations:
        tfm = aug.get_transform(img) if isinstance(aug, Augmentation) else aug
        assert isinstance(
            tfm, Transform
        ), f"Augmentation {aug} must return an instance of Transform! Got {tfm} instead."
        img = tfm.apply_image(img)
    return img, TransformList(tfms)
Exemple #4
 def inverse(self):
     if not self.expand:
         raise NotImplementedError()
     rotation = RotationTransform(self.bound_h, self.bound_w, -self.angle,
                                  True, None, self.interp)
     crop = CropTransform((rotation.bound_w - self.w) // 2,
                          (rotation.bound_h - self.h) // 2, self.w, self.h)
     return TransformList([rotation, crop])
Exemple #5
    def __call__(self, aug_input) -> Transform:
        tfms = []
        for x in self.augs:
            # 序列执行
            tfm = x(aug_input)

            # tfm is a instance of Transform
        # 返回Transorm 是可以用于处理User 需要处理的别的东西
        return TransformList(tfms)
Exemple #6
 def inverse(self):
     The inverse is to rotate it back with expand, and crop to get the original shape.
     if not self.expand:  # Not possible to inverse if a part of the image is lost
         raise NotImplementedError()
     rotation = RotationTransform(self.bound_h, self.bound_w, -self.angle,
                                  True, None, self.interp)
     crop = CropTransform((rotation.bound_w - self.w) // 2,
                          (rotation.bound_h - self.h) // 2, self.w, self.h)
     return TransformList([rotation, crop])
Exemple #7
def apply_transform_gens(transform_gens, img):
    for g in transform_gens:
        assert isinstance(g, (Transform, TransformGen)), g


    tfms = []
    for g in transform_gens:
        tfm = g.get_transform(img) if isinstance(g, TransformGen) else g
        assert isinstance(tfm, Transform), \
            f"TransformGen {g} must return an instance of Transform! Got {tfm} instead"

        img = tfm.apply_image(img)
    return img, TransformList(tfms)
    def get_transform(self, image: np.ndarray) -> TransformList:
        # Compute the image scale and scaled size.
        input_size = image.shape[:2]
        output_size = self.crop_size

        # Add random crop if the image is scaled up.
        max_offset = np.subtract(input_size, output_size)
        max_offset = np.maximum(max_offset, 0)
        offset = np.multiply(max_offset, np.random.uniform(0.0, 1.0))
        offset = np.round(offset).astype(int)
        crop_transform = CropTransform(offset[1], offset[0], output_size[1],
                                       output_size[0], input_size[1],

        # Add padding if the image is scaled down.
        pad_size = np.subtract(output_size, input_size)
        pad_size = np.maximum(pad_size, 0)
        original_size = np.minimum(input_size, output_size)
        pad_transform = PadTransform(0, 0, pad_size[1], pad_size[0],
                                     original_size[1], original_size[0],

        return TransformList([crop_transform, pad_transform])
Exemple #9
 def __call__(self, aug_input) -> Transform:
     tfms = []
     for x in self.augs:
         tfm = x(aug_input)
     return TransformList(tfms)
 def get_transform(self, image: np.ndarray) -> TransformList:
     transforms = [self._get_crop(image)]
     if self.pad:
     return TransformList(transforms)