Exemple #1
def main(argv):
    # simple command line parameter support. only [-f ini_file] [-h] support
    # usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
    # parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # parser.add_argument("echo")
    # args = parser.parse_args()
    # print args.echo
    # parser = OptionParser(usage)
    #    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="scptfilename",  \
    #              help="specify script file to run", metavar="FILE")
    #    parser.add_option("-r", "--reference", \
    #              help="list fw usage keywords and examples")
    #    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    #    if len(args)==0:
    #        parser.print_help()
    #        return
    #    print options
    #    scptfilename=options.scptfilename
    #    print scptfilename

    deviceIds = Shell().getShellCmdOutput(r"adb devices")
    # deviceIdList = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, devices.split('\n'))  # .split('\t',1)[0]
    deviceId = None
    connected_RE = re.compile("^\S+\t*device$")
    for line in deviceIds.split('\n'):
        # if deviceIdList[i].strip() == 'List of devices attached':
        #     print 'list start'
        #     deviceIdList = deviceIdList[i+1:]
        #     break
        if connected_RE.match(line):
            deviceId = line.split('\t', 1)[0]
    if deviceId is None:
        print "device/emulator not found. Please check the USB connection or start the emulator and try again."
    # print("Got device %s." % deviceId)

    idev = iDevice(deviceId)
    try_count = 0
    tv = None

    while tv is None:
        if try_count == 0:
            vtext = raw_input("please enter the view text you are looking for:")
            vtext = raw_input('Sorry, The view was not found. Please check the text in the screen'
                              ' and try again [Q|q to exit]:')
        if vtext.lower() == 'q':
        tv = idev.vc.findViewWithText(vtext)
        try_count += 1

    print "The view's id is:", tv.getId()
    # print "target view's tag is:", tv.getTag()

    idev.vc.findViewsWithSameId(tv, [tv])
Exemple #2
def getDeviceIdList():
    devices = Shell().getShellCmdOutput(r"adb devices")  # |awk -F'\t' '{print $1}'
    print devices
    deviceIdList = []  # filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, devices.split('\n'))  # .split('\t',1)[0]
    connected_RE = re.compile("^\S+\t*device$")
    for line in devices.split('\n'):
        # if deviceIdList[i].strip() == 'List of devices attached':
        #     print 'list start'
        #     deviceIdList = deviceIdList[i+1:]
        #     break
        if connected_RE.match(line):
            deviceIdList.append(line.split('\t', 1)[0])
    if len(deviceIdList) > 0:
        printLog('List of devices attached: \n' + str(deviceIdList))
    return deviceIdList
    def __init__(self):

        # device = TestDevicePool().getDevice()
        # if device is None:
        #     assert False
        # # self.threadName='<'+self.device.model+'_'+self.device.deviceId+'> '
        # print("Got device %s." % device.deviceId)
        devices = Shell().getShellCmdOutput(r"adb devices")
        # deviceIdList = filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, devices.split('\n'))  # .split('\t',1)[0]
        deviceIdList = []  # filter(lambda x: len(x) > 0, devices.split('\n'))  # .split('\t',1)[0]
        connected_RE = re.compile("^\S+\t*device$")
        for line in devices.split("\n"):
            # if deviceIdList[i].strip() == 'List of devices attached':
            #     print 'list start'
            #     deviceIdList = deviceIdList[i+1:]
            #     break
            if connected_RE.match(line):
                deviceIdList.append(line.split("\t", 1)[0])

        if len(deviceIdList) > 0:
            print ("List of devices:")
            for j in range(len(deviceIdList)):
                print ("%d: %s\n" % (j, deviceIdList[j]))
                # connect device
                self.adbc, self.serial_no = ViewClient.connectToDeviceOrExit(verbose=DEBUG, serialno=deviceIdList[0])
                print "device %s connected." % self.serial_no
                self.devices = self.adbc.getDevices()
                for device in self.devices:
                    print device.serialno
                raise RuntimeError("cannot connect to device.")
            raise RuntimeError("cannot find device.")