Exemple #1
 def setUp(self):
     GN = fwdpy11.GaussianNoise
     self.w = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0)
     self.t = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(
         2.0, fwdpy11.GSS(0.0, 1.0))
     self.tn = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(1.0,
                                          0.0, 1.0),
                                      GN(mean=0.1, sd=2.0))
Exemple #2
    def testPopGenSim(self):
        N = 1000
        demography = np.array([N] * 10 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
        rho = 1.
        r = rho / (4 * N)

        a = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0)
        p = {
            'nregions': [],
            'sregions': [fwdpy11.ExpS(0, 1, 1, 0.01)],
            'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
            'rates': (0.0, 0.00005, r),
            'gvalue': a,
            'prune_selected': True,
            'demography': demography
        params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**p)
        rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(101 * 45 * 110 * 210)
        pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, 1.0)
        fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 100, track_mutation_counts=True)
        mc = fwdpy11.count_mutations(pop.tables, pop.mutations,
                                     [i for i in range(2 * pop.N)])
        assert len(pop.fixations) > 0, "Test is meaningless without fixations"
        fixations = np.where(mc == 2 * pop.N)[0]
        self.assertEqual(len(fixations), 0)

        # Brute-force calculation of fixations
        brute_force = np.zeros(len(pop.mutations), dtype=np.int32)
        for g in pop.haploid_genomes:
            if g.n > 0:
                for k in g.smutations:
                    brute_force[k] += g.n

        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(brute_force, mc))
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(brute_force, pop.mcounts))
def runsim(args):
    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(args.seed)

    pdict = {'gvalue': fwdpy11.Multiplicative(FITNESS_SCALING),
             'rates': (0., args.mu, None),
             'nregions': [],
             'sregions': [fwdpy11.GammaS(0., GENOME_LENGTH, 1.0-args.proportion,
                                         args.mean, args.shape, FITNESS_SCALING/2.0,
                                         scaling=2*args.popsize, label=1),
                          fwdpy11.ConstantS(0, GENOME_LENGTH, args.proportion, TWONS,
                                            FITNESS_SCALING/2.0, label=2,
             'recregions': [fwdpy11.PoissonInterval(0, GENOME_LENGTH, args.recrate)],
             'demography': np.array([args.popsize]*SIMLEN*args.popsize, dtype=np.uint32),
             # This could easily be True for these sims:
             'prune_selected': False
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**pdict)

    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(args.popsize, GENOME_LENGTH)

    sampler = fwdpy11.RandomAncientSamples(
        args.seed, args.popsize, [i for i in range(10*pop.N, SIMLEN*pop.N)])

    # With a lot of ancient samples:
    # 1. RAM use already skyrockets
    # 2. Simplification slows down
    # So, we should do it a little less often:
    fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 1000, sampler,

    return pop
Exemple #4
def build_parameters_dict(args):
    Returns sim params and the final sizes
    in each deme
    demog, simlen, finalNs = build_demography(args)

    nregions = []
    sregions = []
    recregions = [fwdpy11.PoissonInterval(0, 1, args.rho / (4.0 * args.Nref))]

    rates = (0, 0, None)
    if args.gamma is not None:
        sregions = [
                              scaling=2 * args.Nref)
        rates = (0, args.theta / (4.0 * args.Nref), None)

    pdict = {
        "nregions": nregions,
        "sregions": sregions,
        "recregions": recregions,
        "rates": rates,
        "gvalue": fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0),
        "demography": demog,
        "simlen": simlen,
        "prune_selected": True,

    return pdict, simlen, finalNs
Exemple #5
def runsim(argtuple):
    seed = argtuple

    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(seed)

    pdict = {
        'rates': (0., U / 2., R),  # The U/2. is from their eqn. 2.
        'nregions': [],
        'sregions': [
            fwdpy11.ConstantS(0, 1. / 3., 1, -0.02, 1.),
            fwdpy11.ConstantS(2. / 3., 1., 1, -0.02, 1.)
        [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1. / 3., 1),
         fwdpy11.Region(2. / 3., 1., 1)],
        np.array([N] * 20 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**pdict)

    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, GENOME_LENGTH)

    fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 100, suppress_table_indexing=True)

    rdips = np.random.choice(N, NSAM, replace=False)
    md = np.array(pop.diploid_metadata, copy=False)
    rdip_nodes = md['nodes'][rdips].flatten()
    nodes = np.array(pop.tables.nodes, copy=False)
    # Only visit trees spanning the
    # mutation-free segment of the genome
    tv = fwdpy11.TreeIterator(pop.tables,
                              begin=1. / 3.,
                              end=2. / 3.)
    plist = np.zeros(len(nodes), dtype=np.int8)
    sum_pairwise_tmrca = 0
    for t in tv:
        for i in range(len(rdip_nodes) - 1):
            u = rdip_nodes[i]
            while u != fwdpy11.NULL_NODE:
                plist[u] = 1
                u = t.parent(u)
            for j in range(i + 1, len(rdip_nodes)):
                u = rdip_nodes[j]
                while u != fwdpy11.NULL_NODE:
                    if plist[u] == 1:
                        sum_pairwise_tmrca += 2 * \
                        u = fwdpy11.NULL_NODE
                        u = t.parent(u)
    return 2 * sum_pairwise_tmrca / (len(rdip_nodes) * (len(rdip_nodes) - 1))
Exemple #6
def runsim(args, simseed, npseed):
    dg = demes.load(args.yaml)

    final_demes = get_final_demes(dg)

    demog = fwdpy11.discrete_demography.from_demes(dg, burnin=args.burnin)

    final_deme_ids = sorted([
        i for i in demog.metadata["deme_labels"]
        if demog.metadata["deme_labels"][i] in final_demes

    initial_sizes = [
        for i in sorted(demog.metadata["initial_sizes"].keys())
    recrate = RHO / (4.0 * initial_sizes[0])

    pdict = {
        "nregions": [],
        "sregions": [],
        "recregions": [fwdpy11.PoissonInterval(0, 1, recrate)],
        "gvalue": fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0),
        "rates": (0.0, 0.0, None),
        "simlen": demog.metadata["total_simulation_length"],
        "demography": demog,
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**pdict)
    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(initial_sizes, 1.0)

    # FIXME: need seed as input argument to this fxn
    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(simseed)

    fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, params, 100)

    nmuts = fwdpy11.infinite_sites(rng, pop, THETA / (4.0 * initial_sizes[0]))

    md = np.array(pop.diploid_metadata, copy=False)
    sample_nodes = []
    for i in final_deme_ids:
        w = np.where(md["deme"] == i)
        s = np.random.choice(w[0], args.nsam, replace=False)

    fs = pop.tables.fs(sample_nodes)

    return fs
Exemple #7
    def setUp(self):
        import numpy as np
        N = 1000
        demography = np.array([N] * 10 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
        rho = 1.
        r = rho / (4 * N)

        a = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0)
        self.p = {
            'nregions': [],
            'sregions': [fwdpy11.ExpS(0, 1, 1, 0.01)],
            'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
            'rates': (0.0, 0.00005, r),
            'gvalue': a,
            'demography': demography
        self.pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N)
        self.rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(101 * 45 * 110 * 210)
Exemple #8
def mslike(pop, **kwargs):
    Function to establish default parameters
    for a single-locus simulation for standard pop-gen
    modeling scenarios.

    :params pop: An instance of :class:`fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation`
    :params kwargs: Keyword arguments.
    import fwdpy11
    if isinstance(pop, fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation) is False:
        raise ValueError("incorrect pop type: " + str(type(pop)))
    defaults = {
        'simlen': 10 * pop.N,
        'beg': 0.0,
        'end': 1.0,
        'theta': 100.0,
        'pneutral': 1.0,
        'rho': 100.0,
        'dfe': None
    for key, value in kwargs.items():
        if key in defaults:
            defaults[key] = value
    import numpy as np

    params = {
        np.array([pop.N] * defaults['simlen'], dtype=np.uint32),
        'nregions': [fwdpy11.Region(defaults['beg'], defaults['end'], 1.0)],
        'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(defaults['beg'], defaults['end'], 1.0)],
        ((defaults['pneutral'] * defaults['theta']) / (4.0 * pop.N),
         ((1.0 - defaults['pneutral']) * defaults['theta']) / (4.0 * pop.N),
         defaults['rho'] / (4.0 * float(pop.N))),
    if defaults['dfe'] is None:
        params['sregions'] = []
        params['sregions'] = [defaults['dfe']]
    return params
Exemple #9
def set_up_standard_pop_gen_model():
    For this sort of model, when mutations fix, they are
    removed from the simulation, INCLUDING THE TREE
    SEQUENCES. The fact of their existence gets
    recorded in pop.fixations and pop.fixation_times
    # TODO add neutral variants
    N = 1000
    demography = np.array([N] * 10 * N, dtype=np.uint32)
    rho = 1.
    # theta = 100.
    # nreps = 500
    # mu = theta/(4*N)
    r = rho / (4 * N)

    a = fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0)
    pselected = 1e-3
    p = {
        'nregions': [],
        'sregions': [
                           1. - pselected,
                           scaling=2 * N),
            fwdpy11.ConstantS(0, 1, pselected, 1000, scaling=2 * N)
        'recregions': [fwdpy11.Region(0, 1, 1)],
        'rates': (0.0, 0.001, r),
    params = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**p)
    rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(666**2)
    pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, 1.0)
    return params, rng, pop
Exemple #10
import sys

import fwdpy11

N = int(sys.argv[1])
seed = int(sys.argv[2])

pdict = {
    "nregions": [],
    "sregions": [],
    "recregions": [],
    "rates": [0, 0, 0],
    "gvalue": fwdpy11.Multiplicative(2.0),
    "simlen": 5 * N,
mp = fwdpy11.ModelParams(**pdict)
pop = fwdpy11.DiploidPopulation(N, 1.0)
rng = fwdpy11.GSLrng(seed)
fwdpy11.evolvets(rng, pop, mp, 100, suppress_table_indexing=True)
ts = pop.dump_tables_to_tskit()  # Copies all data from C++ to Python