def show_fwf(coord, pts):
    global m
    b = (coord == pts).all(axis=1)
    if len(b[b]) > 0:
        m += 1

        # get first match
        i = np.where(b)[0][0]

        b = vlr_wpd == wpd[i]
        step = vlr_temporal[b]
        ampl = wf[i] * vlr_gain[b]

        # remove background noise
        ampl -= ampl[0:3].mean()
        ampl[ampl < 0] = 0

        V = dxdydz[i, :]
        S_x = UTM_XYZ[i, 0] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[0]
        S_y = UTM_XYZ[i, 1] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[1]
        S_z = UTM_XYZ[i, 2] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[2]

        pulse_x = S_x - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[0]
        pulse_y = S_y - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[1]
        pulse_z = S_z - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[2]

        exportlas('tmp_sel%i.las' % m, ampl,
                  np.transpose((pulse_x, pulse_y, pulse_z)))
        call(['displaz', '-script', 'tmp_sel%i.las' % m])

        pl.title('full wave form at (%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
        pl.plot(pulse_z, ampl, lw=1, alpha=0.7, label='p %i' % m)
        pl.xlabel('Elevation [m]')
            'displaz', '-annotation',
            'p %i' % m,
            '%.3f' % coord[0],
            '%.3f' % coord[1],
            '%.3f' % coord[2]
        pl.legend(loc='upper right')
pl.axvline(x=ref_location_offset[i], c='r')
pl.xlabel('Time [ps]')
pl.title('Full Waveform of index %d' % i)

V = dxdydz[i, :]
S_x = UTM_XYZ[i, 0] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[0]
S_y = UTM_XYZ[i, 1] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[1]
S_z = UTM_XYZ[i, 2] + ref_location_offset[i] * V[2]

pulse_x = S_x - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[0]
pulse_y = S_y - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[1]
pulse_z = S_z - np.arange(len(ampl)) * step * V[2]
pts = np.transpose((pulse_x, pulse_y, pulse_z))
rgb = ampl

exportlas('%s_id%i.las' % (lasfname[:-4], i), rgb, pts)

pts_x = S_x - s[peaks] * V[0]
pts_y = S_y - s[peaks] * V[1]
pts_z = S_z - s[peaks] * V[2]
pts = np.transpose((pts_x, pts_y, pts_z))
rgb = usp(s)[peaks]

pts = pts[rgb > 20]
rgb = rgb[rgb > 20]

exportlas('%s_id%i_pts.las' % (lasfname[:-4], i), rgb, pts)
                 (coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]))
        pl.plot(pulse_z, ampl, lw=1, alpha=0.7, label='p %i' % m)
        pl.xlabel('Elevation [m]')
            'displaz', '-annotation',
            'p %i' % m,
            '%.3f' % coord[0],
            '%.3f' % coord[1],
            '%.3f' % coord[2]
        pl.legend(loc='upper right')

# load LAS file into displaz and start interaction
exportlas('tmp.las', intensity.astype('float64'), UTM_XYZ)
call(['displaz', '-script', 'tmp.las'])
xo, yo, zo = 0, 0, 0
m = 0

pts = np.round(UTM_XYZ, decimals=3)

while True:
    xs, ys, zs = map(
        str(check_output('displaz -script -querycursor', shell=True),
    d = np.sqrt((xs - xo)**2 + (ys - yo)**2 + (zs - zo)**2)
    if d:
        show_fwf(np.round([xs, ys, zs], decimals=3), pts)
Exemple #4
fname = 'Haus29_ID04_FWF_V14_xyzinrtWV.asc'
UTM_XYZ, intensity, return_index, gps_time, wpd, byte_offset_wf_data, ref_location_offset, dxdydz, _, _, wf = loadfwf(

lasfname = 'Haus29_ID04_FWF.las'
_, _, vlr_bits_per_sample, vlr_compression, vlr_samples, vlr_temporal, vlr_gain, vlr_wpd = get_vlr_from_las(

from laspy.file import File
f = File(lasfname)
x = f.x
y = f.y
z = f.z
r = f.intensity
exportlas('%s_intensity.las' % lasfname[:-4], r.astype('float64'),
          np.transpose((x, y, z, r)))

n = return_index.shape[0]
pts = np.zeros((n * 3, 3))
rgb = np.zeros(n * 3)
j = 0
for i in range(n):
    if return_index[i, 1] > 1:

    print(i / n)
    b = vlr_wpd == wpd[i]
    step = vlr_temporal[b]
    ampl = wf[i] * vlr_gain[b]

    # remove background noise