Exemple #1
class FyborgLogic:
    def __init(self):

    def intro(self):

        intro = Colors.CYAN + """
                      .'           `.
                     /               \\
                  .-'                 '-.
                 /                       \\            .----------------.
                / _.--._           _.--._ \\         __i """ + Colors.RED + """*FYBORG POWER*""" + Colors.CYAN + """ |
               / /      `-._   _.-'      \ \\        '-.________________:
              : :      """ + Colors.RED + """.--._""" + Colors.CYAN + """) (""" + Colors.RED + """_.--.""" + Colors.CYAN + """      : :
              | `.    """ + Colors.RED + """/""" + Colors.CYAN + """    / : \    """ + Colors.RED + """\ """ + Colors.CYAN + """   .' |
              :   `-.___.-':/ \:`-.___.-'   :
               \   _       \:_:/       _   /
                `.' "`-.           .-'" '.'
                  :     `-._   _.-'     :
                  |                     |
                  :     _.--._.--._     :
                   \   ^-.__   __.-^   /
                    `-.     '''     .-'
                       \           /
                __..-'/             \\'-..__
           __.-'  _.-'               '-._  `-.__

  (c) 2012 FNNDSC / Boston Children's Hospital
  E-Mail us: [email protected]

""" + Colors._CLEAR

        print intro

    def outro(self):

        outro = Colors.CYAN + """
                            .---.--.       .--.   
                          ,(     ),.`.   .'.--.`. 
                          ; \\   / : \\ ;.'.'    \\ ;
\\                         ; """ + Colors.RED + """_""" + Colors.CYAN + """; :""" + Colors.RED + """_""" + Colors.CYAN + """ :""-/ /-.     ;:
 \\                        ;""" + Colors.RED + """'-""" + Colors.CYAN + """;":""" + Colors.RED + """-'""" + Colors.CYAN + """:"-/ /-._^.   ;:
\\ \\                       :  : ;  ; / /  / \\ \\  ;:
\\\\ \\                      :\\  V  / : :  :   ; ;-';
 \\\\ \\                     ; ;._.':,' ;  ;   : :-' 
\\ \\\\ \\                   : : ; : ;o /-._;   : :   
 \\ \\\\ \\                 _;o; : ; '-'.'.-"`. :-^,  
  \\ \\\\ \\            .-.;:_"  _..--"/ /  _  ;y  ;  
   \\ \\\\ \\         .' / '-,; ::    : :  (o) ;   :  
    \\ \\\\ "-.     /  :    ;: ;;    ; ;     /    :  
bug  : \\\\   \\   :   ;    :: ;;  .' ;._..+:     ;  
     :  \\\\   \\  :  _:    ;: :: /   ; ;  ; ;(o):   
"-.   \\  \\\\   \\/ Y' '.  // ^ \\Y   / /  :  '._.;   
\\  \\   \\  ;"-. ;/     7"" / \\ :.-'.' .';  /  /    
\\\\  \\   \\ :   ":_    :"\\ ;..-^'--" .' /  /  /     
 \\\\  \\   "+.;-"" )._..^-""        /  / .' .'      
  ;"+.;_.-" :--=<___)    __..__  /  :-" .'        
\\ :/_. ;  .-" \\ _____.--""__..--""   ;.-"         
 ":  '+'  __..-\\/\\  ''''T__..___..-":             
  :   :\\."      \\/;     ;: () ;  .-" ;            
   "--q/\\        "      :;    :-"    :            
       \\/;              ;:    ;   ..-(            
        "               :-\\__/-+""-. .^.          
                         ; \\  (     \\;  `.        
                        /`. `-/\\ ,=. '.   `.      
                       : \\ \\ :"-:/ .`. \\    \\     
                       ;  ; ;;"-;\\/ .'`."-.  ;    
                      :   : ;"-.: \\/ .' j  "-:    
                      ;   : :"-.;  `: ,' ;    \\   
                     :    : :"-:     "..':     ;  
                     ;    ; ;"-;       `=;  ;  :  
""" + Colors._CLEAR

        print outro

    def run(self, input, output, radius, length, stage, cortex_only, verbose):

        if stage == 0:
            # create output directory
            # but not if we start with a different stage

        # activate log file
        self.__debug = verbose
        self.__logger = Logger(os.path.join(output, 'log.txt'), verbose)
        sys.stdout = self.__logger
        sys.stderr = self.__logger

        # the input data
        _inputs = {
            'adc': ['*adc.nii', None],
            'b0': ['*b0.nii', None],
            'b0_resampled': ['*_b0_resampled.nii.gz', None],
            'e1': ['*e1.nii', None],
            'e2': ['*e2.nii', None],
            'e3': ['*e3.nii', None],
            'fa': ['*fa.nii', None],
            'fibers': ['*streamline.trk', '*/final-trackvis/*.trk', None],
            'segmentation': ['*aparc+aseg.mgz', None],
            'T1': ['*T1.mgz', None]
            # 'T1':['*T1-TO-b0.nii.gz', None],
            # 'T1toB0matrix':['*T1-TO-b0.mat', None]

        # the output data
        _outputs = {
            os.path.join(output, 'T1-to-b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'aparc+aseg-to-b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'T1-to-b0.mat'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_adc.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_fa.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e1.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e2.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e3.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_mapped.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_mapped_length_filtered.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_final.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_all.mat'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_fibercount.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_length.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_adc.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_inv_adc.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_fa.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e1.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e2.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e3.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'roi')


        # 4 x beep
        print '\a\a\a\a\a\a\a'

        # time.sleep( 3 )

        # stage 1
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '1' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' ANALYZING INPUT DATA' + Colors._CLEAR)

        if stage <= 2:  # we can never skip stage 1 without skipping stage 2
            _inputs = self.analyze_input_data(input, _inputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # stage 2
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '2' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' PREPROCESSING' +

        if stage <= 2:
            self.preprocessing(_inputs, _outputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # stage 3
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '3' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' MAPPING' +

        if stage <= 3:
            self.mapping(_inputs, _outputs, radius)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '4' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' FILTERING' +

        if stage <= 4:
            self.filtering(_inputs, _outputs, length, cortex_only)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '5' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' CONNECTIVITY MATRICES' + Colors._CLEAR)

        if stage <= 5:
            self.connectivity(_inputs, _outputs, cortex_only)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '6' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ROI EXTRACTION' +

        if stage <= 6:
            self.roi_extract(_inputs, _outputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info('ALL DONE! SAYONARA..')

    def preprocessing(self, inputs, outputs):
    Co-Register the input files using Flirt.

        # copy T1-to-b0 and segmentation
        # shutil.copyfile(inputs['T1'][-1], outputs['T1']+'.gz')

        # copy transformation matrix
        # shutil.copyfile(inputs['T1toB0matrix'][-1], outputs['T1toB0matrix'])

        # convert the T1.mgz to T1.nii
        cmd = 'ss;'
        cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
        cmd += 'mri_convert ' + inputs['T1'][-1] + ' ' + outputs['T1']
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Converting ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.mgz' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.nii' +
               Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

        # convert aparc+aseg.mgz to aparc+aseg.nii.gz
        cmd = 'ss;'
        cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
        cmd += 'mri_convert ' + inputs['segmentation'][-1] + ' ' + outputs[
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Converting ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'aparc+aseg.mgz' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'aparc+aseg.nii' + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

        # register T1 to B0
        cmd = 'ss;'
        cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
        flirtcmd = 'flirt -in ' + outputs['T1'] + ' -ref ' + inputs['b0'][
            -1] + ' -usesqform -nosearch -dof 6 -cost mutualinfo -out ' + outputs[
                'T1'] + '.gz -omat ' + outputs['T1toB0matrix'] + ';'
        cmd += flirtcmd
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Registering ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.nii' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['T1'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' and storing ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['T1toB0matrix'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

        # resample aparc+aseg to DTI space

        # ideally use the b0_resampled but only if it exists
        if not inputs['b0_resampled'][-1]:
            inputs['b0_resampled'][-1] = inputs['b0'][-1]
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Using ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   ' original b0 and *NOT* the resampled version.' +

        cmd = 'ss;'
        cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
        flirtcmd = 'flirt -in ' + outputs['segmentation'] + ' -ref ' + inputs[
            'b0_resampled'][-1] + ' -out ' + outputs[
                'segmentation'] + '.gz -init ' + outputs[
                    'T1toB0matrix'] + ' -applyxfm -interp nearestneighbour;'
        cmd += flirtcmd
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Resampling ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['segmentation'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['segmentation'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' using ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['T1toB0matrix'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

        # unzip T1-to-b0 and segmentation
        cmd = 'gzip -d -f ' + outputs['T1'] + '.gz;'
        cmd += 'gzip -d -f ' + outputs['segmentation'] + '.gz;'
        sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

        # copy all dti volumes and fibers
        for i in inputs:

            if i == 'segmentation' or i == 'T1' or i == 'T1toB0matrix' or i == 'b0_resampled':
                # we do not map these
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Copying ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   os.path.split(inputs[i][-1])[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' +
                   Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(outputs[i])[1] +
                   Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            shutil.copyfile(inputs[i][-1], outputs[i])

    def mapping(self, inputs, outputs, radius):
    Map all detected scalar volumes to each fiber.

        # check if we have all required input data
        # we need at least:
        #  - outputs['fibers'] == Track file in T1 space
        #  - outputs['segmentation'] == Label Map
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['fibers']):
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    outputs['fibers'] + Colors.RED +
                    ' but we really need it to start with stage 3!!' +
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['segmentation']):
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    outputs['segmentation'] + Colors.RED +
                    ' but we really need it to start with stage 3!!' +

        actions = []

        for i in inputs:

            if i == 'fibers' or i == 'segmentation' or i == 'T1' or i == 'b0' or i == 'T1toB0matrix' or i == 'b0_resampled':
                # we do not map these

            if not os.path.exists(outputs[i]):
                # we can't map this since we didn't find the file

            # for normal scalars: append it to the actions
            actions.append(fyborg.FyMapAction(i, outputs[i]))

            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' +
                   Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(outputs[i])[1] +
                   Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   os.path.split(outputs['fibers'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' +

        # now the segmentation with the lookaround radius
            fyborg.FyRadiusMapAction('segmentation', outputs['segmentation'],
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['segmentation'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(outputs['fibers'])[1] +
               Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # and also the fiber length
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'fiber length' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['fibers'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' +

        # run, forest, run!!
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Performing configured mapping for ' +
               Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(outputs['fibers'])[1] +
               Colors.YELLOW + ' and storing as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['fibers_mapped'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' (~ 30 minutes)!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        if self.__debug:
            fyborg.fyborg(outputs['fibers'], outputs['fibers_mapped'], actions,
            fyborg.fyborg(outputs['fibers'], outputs['fibers_mapped'], actions)

    def filtering(self, inputs, outputs, length, cortex_only):
    Filter the mapped fibers.

        # check if we have all required input data
        # we need at least:
        #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['fibers_mapped']):
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    outputs['fibers_mapped'] + Colors.RED +
                    ' but we really need it to start with stage 4!!' +

        # find the order of the mapped scalars
        header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly(outputs['fibers_mapped'])
        scalars = list(header['scalar_name'])

        # split the length range
        length = length.split(' ')
        min_length = int(length[0])
        max_length = int(length[1])

        # length filtering

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Filtering ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'fiber length' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to be ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               '>' + str(min_length) + ' and <' + str(max_length) +
               Colors.YELLOW + ' for ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['fibers_mapped'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' and store as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'])[1] +
               Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
                      outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'], [
                                                      min_length, max_length)

        header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly(outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'])
        new_count = header['n_count']

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Number of tracks after ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'length filtering' + Colors.YELLOW + ': ' + str(new_count) +
               Colors.YELLOW + Colors._CLEAR)

        if cortex_only:

            # special cortex filtering

                Colors.YELLOW + '  Filtering for ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                'valid cortex structures' + Colors.YELLOW + ' in ' +
                Colors.PURPLE +
                os.path.split(outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'])[1] +
                Colors.YELLOW + ' and store as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                    outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'])[1] +
                Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '    Conditions for valid fibers:' +
                Colors.PURPLE + '    1.' + Colors.YELLOW +
                ' The fiber track has to pass through the cerebral white matter. (Label values: '
                + Colors.PURPLE + '[2, 41]' + Colors.YELLOW + ')' +
                Colors.PURPLE + '    2.' + Colors.YELLOW +
                ' The fiber track shall only touch sub-cortical structures not more than '
                + Colors.PURPLE + '5 times' + Colors.YELLOW +
                '. (Label values: ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                '[10, 49, 16, 28, 60, 4, 43]' + Colors.YELLOW + ')' +
                Colors.PURPLE + '    3.' + Colors.YELLOW +
                ' The track shall not pass through the corpus callosum (Labels: '
                + Colors.PURPLE + '[251, 255]' + Colors.YELLOW +
                ') and end in the same hemisphere (Labels: ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                '[1000-1035]' + Colors.YELLOW + ' for left, ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                '[2000-2035]' + Colors.YELLOW + ' for right).' + Colors._CLEAR)


            header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly(
            new_count = header['n_count']

            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Number of tracks after ' +
                   Colors.PURPLE + 'cortex filtering' + Colors.YELLOW + ': ' +
                   str(new_count) + Colors.YELLOW + Colors._CLEAR)

                Colors.YELLOW + '  Copied filtered tracks from ' +
                Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(
                    outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'])[1] +
                Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                os.path.split(outputs['fibers_final'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
                '!' + Colors._CLEAR)


            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Info: ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   'Cortical _and_ sub-cortical structures ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                   'will be included..' + Colors._CLEAR)

            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Copied filtered tracks from ' +
                   Colors.PURPLE +
                   os.path.split(outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'])[1] +
                   Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   os.path.split(outputs['fibers_final'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
                   '!' + Colors._CLEAR)

    def connectivity(self, inputs, outputs, cortex_only):
    Generate connectivity matrices using mapped values.
        # check if we have all required input data
        # we need at least:
        #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['fibers_final']):
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    outputs['fibers_final'] + Colors.RED +
                    ' but we really need it to start with stage 5!!' +

        s = io.loadTrk(outputs['fibers_final'])
        tracks = s[0]
        header = s[1]

        scalarNames = header['scalar_name'].tolist()
        matrix = {}
        indices = {}

        # check if the segmentation is mapped
            indices['segmentation'] = scalarNames.index('segmentation')
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    'segmentation' + Colors.RED +
                    ' as a mapped scalar but we really need it!')

        if cortex_only:
            labels = [
                2012, 2019, 2032, 2014, 2020, 2018, 2027, 2028, 2003, 2024,
                2017, 2026, 2002, 2023, 2010, 2022, 2031, 2029, 2008, 2025,
                2005, 2021, 2011, 2013, 2007, 2016, 2006, 2033, 2009, 2015,
                2001, 2030, 2034, 2035, 1012, 1019, 1032, 1014, 1020, 1018,
                1027, 1028, 1003, 1024, 1017, 1026, 1002, 1023, 1010, 1022,
                1031, 1029, 1008, 1025, 1005, 1021, 1011, 1013, 1007, 1016,
                1006, 1033, 1009, 1015, 1001, 1030, 1034, 1035
            labels = [
                2012, 2019, 2032, 2014, 2020, 2018, 2027, 2028, 2003, 2024,
                2017, 2026, 2002, 2023, 2010, 2022, 2031, 2029, 2008, 2025,
                2005, 2021, 2011, 2013, 2007, 2016, 2006, 2033, 2009, 2015,
                2001, 2030, 2034, 2035, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 53, 54, 1012, 1019,
                1032, 1014, 1020, 1018, 1027, 1028, 1003, 1024, 1017, 1026,
                1002, 1023, 1010, 1022, 1031, 1029, 1008, 1025, 1005, 1021,
                1011, 1013, 1007, 1016, 1006, 1033, 1009, 1015, 1001, 1030,
                1034, 1035, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 17, 18, 16

            Colors.YELLOW +
            '  Getting ready to create connectivity matrices for the following labels: '
            + Colors.PURPLE + str(labels) + Colors._CLEAR)
            Colors.YELLOW +
            '  Note: Mapped scalar values along the points will be averaged for each fiber track.'
            + Colors._CLEAR)

        # create matrices for the attached scalars
        for i, s in enumerate(scalarNames):

            if i >= header['n_scalars']:

            if not s or s == 'segmentation':

            # this is a scalar value for which a matrix will be created
            matrix[s] = np.zeros([len(labels), len(labels)])
            indices[s] = scalarNames.index(s)
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   '[' + str(len(labels)) + 'x' + str(len(labels)) + ']' +
                   Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + s +
                   Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR)

            if s == 'adc':
                s = 'inv_adc'
                matrix[s] = np.zeros([len(labels), len(labels)])
                indices[s] = scalarNames.index('adc')
                c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE +
                       '[' + str(len(labels)) + 'x' + str(len(labels)) + ']' +
                       Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + s +
                       Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # always create one for the fiber counts
        matrix['fibercount'] = np.zeros([len(labels), len(labels)])
        indices['fibercount'] = 0
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE + '[' +
               str(len(labels)) + 'x' + str(len(labels)) + ']' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'fibercount' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Analyzing fibers of ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               os.path.split(outputs['fibers_final'])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
               '..' + Colors._CLEAR)
        for tCounter, t in enumerate(tracks):

            tCoordinates = t[0]
            tScalars = t[1]

            # find the segmentation labels for the start and end points
            start_label = tScalars[0, indices['segmentation']]
            end_label = tScalars[-1, indices['segmentation']]

                # now grab the index of the labels in our label list
                start_index = labels.index(start_label)
                end_index = labels.index(end_label)
                # this label is not monitored, so ignore this track

            # loop through all different scalars
            for m in matrix:

                # calculate the mean for each track
                value = np.mean(tScalars[:, indices[m]])

                if m == 'inv_adc':
                    # invert the value since it is 1-ADC
                    value = 1 / value
                elif m == 'fibercount':
                    # in the case of fibercount, add 1
                    value = 1

                # store value in the matrix
                matrix[m][start_index, end_index] += value
                if not start_index == end_index:
                    matrix[m][end_index, start_index] += value

        # fiber loop is done, all values are stored
        # now normalize the matrices
        np.seterr(all='ignore')  # avoid div by 0 warnings
        cbar = None
        for m in matrix:
            if not m == 'fibercount':
                # normalize it
                matrix[m][:] /= matrix['fibercount']
                matrix[m] = np.nan_to_num(matrix[m])

            # store the matrix
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Storing ' + Colors.PURPLE + m +
                   Colors.YELLOW + ' connectivity matrix as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   os.path.split(outputs['matrix_' + m])[1] + Colors.YELLOW +
                   '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            np.savetxt(outputs['matrix_' + m], matrix[m], delimiter='\t')

            # store a picture
            picture_path = os.path.splitext(
                os.path.split(outputs['matrix_' + m])[1])[0] + '.png'
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Generating ' + Colors.PURPLE + m +
                   ' image' + Colors.YELLOW + ' as ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   picture_path + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            img = plot.imshow(matrix[m], interpolation='nearest')
            if not cbar:
                cbar = plot.colorbar()
                    os.path.split(outputs['matrix_' + m])[0], picture_path))

        np.seterr(all='warn')  # reactivate div by 0 warnings

        # now store the matlab version as well
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Storing ' + Colors.PURPLE +
               'matlab data bundle' + Colors.YELLOW + ' containing ' +
               Colors.PURPLE + 'all matrices' + Colors.YELLOW + ' as ' +
               Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split(outputs['matrix_all'])[1] +
               Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
        scipy.io.savemat(outputs['matrix_all'], matrix, oned_as='row')

    def roi_extract(self, inputs, outputs):
        # check if we have all required input data
        # we need at least:
        #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['fibers_final']):
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    outputs['fibers_final'] + Colors.RED +
                    ' but we really need it to start with stage 6!!' +

        s = io.loadTrk(outputs['fibers_final'])
        tracks = s[0]
        header = s[1]

        scalarNames = header['scalar_name'].tolist()
        labels = {}

        # check if the segmentation is mapped
            seg_index = scalarNames.index('segmentation')
            c.error(Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW +
                    'segmentation' + Colors.RED +
                    ' as a mapped scalar but we really need it!')

        # create the roi subfolder
        if not os.path.exists(outputs['roi']):

        # parse the color table
        lut = fyborg.colortable.freesurfer.split('\n')
        colors = {}
        for color in lut:
            if not color or color[0] == '#':

            splitted_line = color.split(' ')
            splitted_line = filter(None, splitted_line)
            colors[splitted_line[0]] = splitted_line[1]

        # loop through tracks
        for i, t in enumerate(tracks):

            tCoordinates = t[0]
            tScalars = t[1]

            # grab the scalars for each point
            for scalar in tScalars:

                # but only the label value
                label_value = str(int(scalar[seg_index]))

                if not label_value in labels:

                    labels[label_value] = []

                if not i in labels[label_value]:
                    # store the unique fiber id for this label

        # now loop through all detected labels
        for l in labels:

            new_tracks = []

            for t_id in labels[l]:
                # grab the fiber + scalars
                current_fiber = tracks[t_id]


            # now store the trk file
            trk_outputfile = l + '_' + colors[l] + '.trk'
            nii_outputfile = l + '_' + colors[l] + '.nii.gz'
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Creating fiber ROI ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   trk_outputfile + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            io.saveTrk(os.path.join(outputs['roi'], trk_outputfile),
                       new_tracks, header, None, True)

            # also create a roi label volume for this label value
            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Creating NII ROI ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                   nii_outputfile + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
            cmd = 'ss;'
            cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
            cmd += 'mri_binarize --i ' + outputs[
                'segmentation'] + ' --o ' + os.path.join(
                    nii_outputfile) + ' --match ' + l + ' --binval ' + l + ';'
            sp = subprocess.Popen(["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd],

    def analyze_input_data(self, input_directory, inputs):
    Scan an input directory for all kind of inputs. Connectome Pipeline output has 
    higher priority than Tractography Pipeline output since the Connectome pipeline 
    also includes the Tractography output.
    Returns a dictionary of found files.
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(input_directory):


            for f in files:
                fullpath = os.path.join(root, f)

                # try to find the files
                for _f in inputs:

                    # don't check if we already found this one
                    if inputs[_f][-1] != None:

                    for _mask in inputs[_f][:-1]:

                        if fnmatch.fnmatch(fullpath, _mask):
                            # this matches our regex
                            c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '  Found ' + Colors.PURPLE +
                                   f + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR)
                            self.__logger.debug('Full path: ' + fullpath)
                            inputs[_f][-1] = fullpath
                            # time.sleep( 1 )
                            # don't consider any other option

        return inputs
Exemple #2
class FyborgLogic:

  def __init( self ):

  def intro( self ):

    intro = Colors.CYAN + """
                      .'           `.
                     /               \\
                  .-'                 '-.
                 /                       \\            .----------------.
                / _.--._           _.--._ \\         __i """ + Colors.RED + """*FYBORG POWER*""" + Colors.CYAN + """ |
               / /      `-._   _.-'      \ \\        '-.________________:
              : :      """ + Colors.RED + """.--._""" + Colors.CYAN + """) (""" + Colors.RED + """_.--.""" + Colors.CYAN + """      : :
              | `.    """ + Colors.RED + """/""" + Colors.CYAN + """    / : \    """ + Colors.RED + """\ """ + Colors.CYAN + """   .' |
              :   `-.___.-':/ \:`-.___.-'   :
               \   _       \:_:/       _   /
                `.' "`-.           .-'" '.'
                  :     `-._   _.-'     :
                  |                     |
                  :     _.--._.--._     :
                   \   ^-.__   __.-^   /
                    `-.     '''     .-'
                       \           /
                __..-'/             \\'-..__
           __.-'  _.-'               '-._  `-.__

  (c) 2012 FNNDSC / Boston Children's Hospital
  E-Mail us: [email protected]

""" + Colors._CLEAR

    print intro

  def outro( self ):

    outro = Colors.CYAN + """
                            .---.--.       .--.   
                          ,(     ),.`.   .'.--.`. 
                          ; \\   / : \\ ;.'.'    \\ ;
\\                         ; """ + Colors.RED + """_""" + Colors.CYAN + """; :""" + Colors.RED + """_""" + Colors.CYAN + """ :""-/ /-.     ;:
 \\                        ;""" + Colors.RED + """'-""" + Colors.CYAN + """;":""" + Colors.RED + """-'""" + Colors.CYAN + """:"-/ /-._^.   ;:
\\ \\                       :  : ;  ; / /  / \\ \\  ;:
\\\\ \\                      :\\  V  / : :  :   ; ;-';
 \\\\ \\                     ; ;._.':,' ;  ;   : :-' 
\\ \\\\ \\                   : : ; : ;o /-._;   : :   
 \\ \\\\ \\                 _;o; : ; '-'.'.-"`. :-^,  
  \\ \\\\ \\            .-.;:_"  _..--"/ /  _  ;y  ;  
   \\ \\\\ \\         .' / '-,; ::    : :  (o) ;   :  
    \\ \\\\ "-.     /  :    ;: ;;    ; ;     /    :  
bug  : \\\\   \\   :   ;    :: ;;  .' ;._..+:     ;  
     :  \\\\   \\  :  _:    ;: :: /   ; ;  ; ;(o):   
"-.   \\  \\\\   \\/ Y' '.  // ^ \\Y   / /  :  '._.;   
\\  \\   \\  ;"-. ;/     7"" / \\ :.-'.' .';  /  /    
\\\\  \\   \\ :   ":_    :"\\ ;..-^'--" .' /  /  /     
 \\\\  \\   "+.;-"" )._..^-""        /  / .' .'      
  ;"+.;_.-" :--=<___)    __..__  /  :-" .'        
\\ :/_. ;  .-" \\ _____.--""__..--""   ;.-"         
 ":  '+'  __..-\\/\\  ''''T__..___..-":             
  :   :\\."      \\/;     ;: () ;  .-" ;            
   "--q/\\        "      :;    :-"    :            
       \\/;              ;:    ;   ..-(            
        "               :-\\__/-+""-. .^.          
                         ; \\  (     \\;  `.        
                        /`. `-/\\ ,=. '.   `.      
                       : \\ \\ :"-:/ .`. \\    \\     
                       ;  ; ;;"-;\\/ .'`."-.  ;    
                      :   : ;"-.: \\/ .' j  "-:    
                      ;   : :"-.;  `: ,' ;    \\   
                     :    : :"-:     "..':     ;  
                     ;    ; ;"-;       `=;  ;  :  
""" + Colors._CLEAR

    print outro

  def run( self, input, output, radius, length, stage, cortex_only, verbose ):

    if stage == 0:
      # create output directory
      # but not if we start with a different stage
      os.mkdir( output )

    # activate log file
    self.__debug = verbose
    self.__logger = Logger( os.path.join( output, 'log.txt' ), verbose )
    sys.stdout = self.__logger
    sys.stderr = self.__logger

    # the input data
    _inputs = {'adc':[ '*adc.nii', None],
              'b0':[ '*b0.nii', None],
              'e1':['*e1.nii', None],
              'e2':[ '*e2.nii', None],
              'e3':[ '*e3.nii', None],
              'fa':[ '*fa.nii', None],
              'fibers':['*streamline.trk', '*/final-trackvis/*.trk', None],
              'segmentation': ['*aparc+aseg.mgz', None],
              'T1':['*/mri/brain.mgz', None]

    # the output data
    _outputs = {'T1':os.path.join( output, 'T1.nii' ),
                'segmentation':os.path.join( output, 'aparc+aseg.nii' ),
                'b0_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_b0_T1_space.nii' ),
                'adc_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_adc_T1_space.nii' ),
                'fa_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_fa_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e1_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e1_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e2_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e2_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e3_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e3_T1_space.nii' ),
                'B0toT1matrix':os.path.join( output, 'B0-to-T1.mat' ),
                'fibers':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped_length_filtered':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped_length_filtered.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only.trk' ),
                'fibers_final':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_final.trk' ),
                'matrix_all': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_all.mat' ),
                'matrix_fibercount': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_fibercount.csv' ),
                'matrix_length': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_length.csv' ),
                'matrix_adc': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_adc.csv' ),
                'matrix_inv_adc': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_inv_adc.csv' ),
                'matrix_fa': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_fa.csv' ),
                'matrix_e1': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e1.csv' ),
                'matrix_e2': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e2.csv' ),
                'matrix_e3': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e3.csv' ),
                'roi':os.path.join( output, 'roi' )


    # 4 x beep
    print '\a\a\a\a\a\a\a'

    #time.sleep( 3 )

    # stage 1
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '1' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ANALYZING INPUT DATA' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 2: # we can never skip stage 1 without skipping stage 2
      _inputs = self.analyze_input_data( input, _inputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # stage 2
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '2' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' PREPROCESSING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 2:
      self.preprocessing( _inputs, _outputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # stage 3
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '3' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' MAPPING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 3:
      self.mapping( _inputs, _outputs, radius )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '4' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' FILTERING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 4:
      self.filtering( _inputs, _outputs, length, cortex_only )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '5' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' CONNECTIVITY MATRICES' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 5:
      self.connectivity( _inputs, _outputs, cortex_only )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '6' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ROI EXTRACTION' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 6:
      self.roi_extract( _inputs, _outputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( '' )
    c.info( 'ALL DONE! SAYONARA..' )

  def preprocessing( self, inputs, outputs ):
    Co-Register the input files using Flirt.

    # convert the T1.mgz to T1.nii
    cmd = 'ss;'
    cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
    cmd += 'mri_convert ' + inputs['T1'][-1] + ' ' + outputs['T1']
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Converting ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.mgz' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.nii' + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

    # convert the aparc+aseg.mgz to aparc+aseg.nii
    cmd = 'ss;'
    cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
    cmd += 'mri_convert ' + inputs['segmentation'][-1] + ' ' + outputs['segmentation']
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Converting ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'aparc+aseg.mgz' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'aparc+aseg.nii' + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

    # register B0 to T1
    cmd = 'ss;'
    cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
    flirtcmd = 'flirt -in ' + inputs['b0'][-1] + ' -ref ' + outputs['T1'] + ' -usesqform -nosearch -dof 6 -cost mutualinfo -out ' + outputs['b0_T1_space'] + '.gz -omat ' + outputs['B0toT1matrix'] + ';'
    cmd += flirtcmd
    cmd += 'gzip -d -f ' + outputs['b0_T1_space'] + '.gz;'
    self.__logger.debug( flirtcmd )
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Registering ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( inputs['b0'][-1] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'T1.nii' + Colors.YELLOW + ' and storing ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['B0toT1matrix'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

    # resample all other DTI volumes to T1 space
    for i in inputs:

      if i == 'fibers' or i == 'segmentation' or i == 'T1' or i == 'b0':
        # we do not map these

      cmd = 'ss;'
      cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
      flirtcmd = 'flirt -in ' + inputs[i][-1] + ' -ref ' + outputs['T1'] + ' -out ' + outputs[i + '_T1_space'] + '.gz -init ' + outputs['B0toT1matrix'] + ' -applyxfm;'
      cmd += flirtcmd
      cmd += 'gzip -d -f ' + outputs[i + '_T1_space'] + '.gz;'
      self.__logger.debug( flirtcmd )
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Resampling ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( inputs[i][-1] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs[i + '_T1_space'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' using ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['B0toT1matrix'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

    # resample the fibers to T1 space
    cmd = 'ss;'
    cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
    transformcmd = 'track_transform ' + inputs['fibers'][-1] + ' ' + outputs['fibers'] + ' -src ' + inputs['b0'][-1] + ' -ref ' + outputs['T1'] + ' -reg ' + outputs['B0toT1matrix'] + ';'
    cmd += transformcmd
    self.__logger.debug( transformcmd )
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Transforming ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( inputs['fibers'][-1] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' using ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['B0toT1matrix'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

  def mapping( self, inputs, outputs, radius ):
    Map all detected scalar volumes to each fiber.

    # check if we have all required input data
    # we need at least: 
    #  - outputs['fibers'] == Track file in T1 space
    #  - outputs['segmentation'] == Label Map
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['fibers'] ):
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + outputs['fibers'] + Colors.RED + ' but we really need it to start with stage 3!!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sys.exit( 2 )
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['segmentation'] ):
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + outputs['segmentation'] + Colors.RED + ' but we really need it to start with stage 3!!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    actions = []

    for i in inputs:

      if i == 'fibers' or i == 'segmentation' or i == 'T1' or i == 'b0':
        # we do not map these

      if not os.path.exists( outputs[i + '_T1_space'] ):
        # we can't map this since we didn't find the file

      # for normal scalars: append it to the actions
      actions.append( fyborg.FyMapAction( i, outputs[i + '_T1_space'] ) )

      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs[i + '_T1_space'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # now the segmentation with the lookaround radius
    actions.append( fyborg.FyRadiusMapAction( 'segmentation', outputs['segmentation'], radius ) )
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['segmentation'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # and also the fiber length
    actions.append( fyborg.FyLengthAction() )
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Configuring mapping of ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'fiber length' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # run, forest, run!!
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Performing configured mapping for ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' and storing as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' (~ 30 minutes)!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    if self.__debug:
      fyborg.fyborg( outputs['fibers'], outputs['fibers_mapped'], actions, 'debug' )
      fyborg.fyborg( outputs['fibers'], outputs['fibers_mapped'], actions )

  def filtering( self, inputs, outputs, length, cortex_only ):
    Filter the mapped fibers.

    # check if we have all required input data
    # we need at least: 
    #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['fibers_mapped'] ):
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + outputs['fibers_mapped'] + Colors.RED + ' but we really need it to start with stage 4!!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    # find the order of the mapped scalars
    header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly( outputs['fibers_mapped'] )
    scalars = list( header['scalar_name'] )

    # split the length range
    length = length.split( ' ' )
    min_length = int( length[0] )
    max_length = int( length[1] )

    # length filtering

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Filtering ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'fiber length' + Colors.YELLOW + ' to be ' + Colors.PURPLE + '>' + str( min_length ) + ' and <' + str( max_length ) + Colors.YELLOW + ' for ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' and store as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    fyborg.fyborg( outputs['fibers_mapped'], outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'], [fyborg.FyFilterLengthAction( scalars.index( 'length' ), min_length, max_length )] )

    header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'] )
    new_count = header['n_count']

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Number of tracks after ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'length filtering' + Colors.YELLOW + ': ' + str( new_count ) + Colors.YELLOW + Colors._CLEAR )

    if cortex_only:

      # special cortex filtering

      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Filtering for ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'valid cortex structures' + Colors.YELLOW + ' in ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' and store as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '    Conditions for valid fibers:' + Colors._CLEAR )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '    1.' + Colors.YELLOW + ' The fiber track has to pass through the cerebral white matter. (Label values: ' + Colors.PURPLE + '[2, 41]' + Colors.YELLOW + ')' + Colors._CLEAR )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '    2.' + Colors.YELLOW + ' The fiber track shall only touch sub-cortical structures not more than ' + Colors.PURPLE + '5 times' + Colors.YELLOW + '. (Label values: ' + Colors.PURPLE + '[10, 49, 16, 28, 60, 4, 43]' + Colors.YELLOW + ')' + Colors._CLEAR )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '    3.' + Colors.YELLOW + ' The track shall not pass through the corpus callosum (Labels: ' + Colors.PURPLE + '[251, 255]' + Colors.YELLOW + ') and end in the same hemisphere (Labels: ' + Colors.PURPLE + '[1000-1035]' + Colors.YELLOW + ' for left, ' + Colors.PURPLE + '[2000-2035]' + Colors.YELLOW + ' for right).' + Colors._CLEAR )

      fyborg.fyborg( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'], outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'], [fyborg.FyFilterCortexAction( scalars.index( 'segmentation' ) )] )

      header = io.loadTrkHeaderOnly( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'] )
      new_count = header['n_count']

      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Number of tracks after ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'cortex filtering' + Colors.YELLOW + ': ' + str( new_count ) + Colors.YELLOW + Colors._CLEAR )

      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Copied filtered tracks from ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_final'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      shutil.copyfile( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only'], outputs['fibers_final'] )


      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Info: ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'Cortical _and_ sub-cortical structures ' + Colors.YELLOW + 'will be included..' + Colors._CLEAR )

      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Copied filtered tracks from ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + ' to ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_final'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      shutil.copyfile( outputs['fibers_mapped_length_filtered'], outputs['fibers_final'] )

  def connectivity( self, inputs, outputs, cortex_only ):
    Generate connectivity matrices using mapped values.
    # check if we have all required input data
    # we need at least: 
    #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['fibers_final'] ):
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + outputs['fibers_final'] + Colors.RED + ' but we really need it to start with stage 5!!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    s = io.loadTrk( outputs['fibers_final'] )
    tracks = s[0]
    header = s[1]

    scalarNames = header['scalar_name'].tolist()
    matrix = {}
    indices = {}

    # check if the segmentation is mapped
      indices['segmentation'] = scalarNames.index( 'segmentation' )
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + 'segmentation' + Colors.RED + ' as a mapped scalar but we really need it!' )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    if cortex_only:
      labels = [2012, 2019, 2032, 2014, 2020, 2018, 2027, 2028, 2003, 2024, 2017, 2026, 2002, 2023, 2010, 2022, 2031, 2029, 2008, 2025, 2005, 2021, 2011, 2013, 2007, 2016, 2006, 2033, 2009, 2015, 2001, 2030, 2034, 2035, 1012, 1019, 1032, 1014, 1020, 1018, 1027, 1028, 1003, 1024, 1017, 1026, 1002, 1023, 1010, 1022, 1031, 1029, 1008, 1025, 1005, 1021, 1011, 1013, 1007, 1016, 1006, 1033, 1009, 1015, 1001, 1030, 1034, 1035]
      labels = [2012, 2019, 2032, 2014, 2020, 2018, 2027, 2028, 2003, 2024, 2017, 2026, 2002, 2023, 2010, 2022, 2031, 2029, 2008, 2025, 2005, 2021, 2011, 2013, 2007, 2016, 2006, 2033, 2009, 2015, 2001, 2030, 2034, 2035, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 53, 54, 1012, 1019, 1032, 1014, 1020, 1018, 1027, 1028, 1003, 1024, 1017, 1026, 1002, 1023, 1010, 1022, 1031, 1029, 1008, 1025, 1005, 1021, 1011, 1013, 1007, 1016, 1006, 1033, 1009, 1015, 1001, 1030, 1034, 1035, 10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 17, 18, 16]

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Getting ready to create connectivity matrices for the following labels: ' + Colors.PURPLE + str( labels ) + Colors._CLEAR )
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Note: Mapped scalar values along the points will be averaged for each fiber track.' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # create matrices for the attached scalars
    for i, s in enumerate( scalarNames ):

      if i >= header['n_scalars']:

      if not s or s == 'segmentation':

      # this is a scalar value for which a matrix will be created
      matrix[s] = np.zeros( [len( labels ), len( labels )] )
      indices[s] = scalarNames.index( s )
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE + '[' + str( len( labels ) ) + 'x' + str( len( labels ) ) + ']' + Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + s + Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR )

      if s == 'adc':
        s = 'inv_adc'
        matrix[s] = np.zeros( [len( labels ), len( labels )] )
        indices[s] = scalarNames.index( 'adc' )
        c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE + '[' + str( len( labels ) ) + 'x' + str( len( labels ) ) + ']' + Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + s + Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # always create one for the fiber counts
    matrix['fibercount'] = np.zeros( [len( labels ), len( labels )] )
    indices['fibercount'] = 0
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Preparing matrix (' + Colors.PURPLE + '[' + str( len( labels ) ) + 'x' + str( len( labels ) ) + ']' + Colors.YELLOW + ') for ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'fibercount' + Colors.YELLOW + ' values!' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Analyzing fibers of ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['fibers_final'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '..' + Colors._CLEAR )
    for tCounter, t in enumerate( tracks ):

      tCoordinates = t[0]
      tScalars = t[1]

      # find the segmentation labels for the start and end points
      start_label = tScalars[0, indices['segmentation']]
      end_label = tScalars[-1, indices['segmentation']]

        # now grab the index of the labels in our label list
        start_index = labels.index( start_label )
        end_index = labels.index( end_label )
        # this label is not monitored, so ignore this track

      # loop through all different scalars
      for m in matrix:

        # calculate the mean for each track
        value = np.mean( tScalars[:, indices[m]] )

        if m == 'inv_adc':
          # invert the value since it is 1-ADC
          value = 1 / value
        elif m == 'fibercount':
          # in the case of fibercount, add 1
          value = 1

        # store value in the matrix
        matrix[m][start_index, end_index] += value
        if not start_index == end_index:
          matrix[m][end_index, start_index] += value

    # fiber loop is done, all values are stored
    # now normalize the matrices
    np.seterr( all='ignore' ) # avoid div by 0 warnings
    cbar = None
    for m in matrix:
      if not m == 'fibercount':
        # normalize it
        matrix[m][:] /= matrix['fibercount']
        matrix[m] = np.nan_to_num( matrix[m] )

      # store the matrix
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Storing ' + Colors.PURPLE + m + Colors.YELLOW + ' connectivity matrix as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['matrix_' + m] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      np.savetxt( outputs['matrix_' + m], matrix[m], delimiter='\t' )

      # store a picture
      picture_path = os.path.splitext( os.path.split( outputs['matrix_' + m] )[1] )[0] + '.png'
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Generating ' + Colors.PURPLE + m + ' image' + Colors.YELLOW + ' as ' + Colors.PURPLE + picture_path + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      img = plot.imshow( matrix[m], interpolation='nearest' )
      img.set_cmap( 'jet' )
      img.set_norm( LogNorm() )
      img.axes.get_xaxis().set_visible( False )
      img.axes.get_yaxis().set_visible( False )
      if not cbar:
        cbar = plot.colorbar()
      cbar.set_label( m )
      cbar.set_ticks( [] )
      plot.savefig( os.path.join( os.path.split( outputs['matrix_' + m] )[0], picture_path ) )

    np.seterr( all='warn' ) # reactivate div by 0 warnings

    # now store the matlab version as well
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Storing ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'matlab data bundle' + Colors.YELLOW + ' containing ' + Colors.PURPLE + 'all matrices' + Colors.YELLOW + ' as ' + Colors.PURPLE + os.path.split( outputs['matrix_all'] )[1] + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
    scipy.io.savemat( outputs['matrix_all'], matrix, oned_as='row' )

  def roi_extract( self, inputs, outputs ):
    # check if we have all required input data
    # we need at least: 
    #  - outputs['fibers_mapped'] == Track file in T1 space with mapped scalars
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['fibers_final'] ):
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + outputs['fibers_final'] + Colors.RED + ' but we really need it to start with stage 6!!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    s = io.loadTrk( outputs['fibers_final'] )
    tracks = s[0]
    header = s[1]

    scalarNames = header['scalar_name'].tolist()
    labels = {}

    # check if the segmentation is mapped
      seg_index = scalarNames.index( 'segmentation' )
      c.error( Colors.RED + 'Could not find ' + Colors.YELLOW + 'segmentation' + Colors.RED + ' as a mapped scalar but we really need it!' )
      sys.exit( 2 )

    # create the roi subfolder
    if not os.path.exists( outputs['roi'] ):
      os.mkdir( outputs['roi'] )

    # parse the color table
    lut = fyborg.colortable.freesurfer.split( '\n' )
    colors = {}
    for color in lut:
      if not color or color[0] == '#':

      splitted_line = color.split( ' ' )
      splitted_line = filter( None, splitted_line )
      colors[splitted_line[0]] = splitted_line[1]

    # loop through tracks
    for i, t in enumerate( tracks ):

      tCoordinates = t[0]
      tScalars = t[1]

      # grab the scalars for each point
      for scalar in tScalars:

        # but only the label value
        label_value = str( int( scalar[seg_index] ) )

        if not label_value in labels:

          labels[label_value] = []

        if not i in labels[label_value]:
          # store the unique fiber id for this label
          labels[label_value].append( i )

    # now loop through all detected labels
    for l in labels:

      new_tracks = []

      for t_id in labels[l]:
        # grab the fiber + scalars
        current_fiber = tracks[t_id]

        new_tracks.append( current_fiber )

      # now store the trk file
      trk_outputfile = l + '_' + colors[l] + '.trk'
      nii_outputfile = l + '_' + colors[l] + '.nii'
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Creating fiber ROI ' + Colors.PURPLE + trk_outputfile + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      io.saveTrk( os.path.join( outputs['roi'], trk_outputfile ), new_tracks, header, None, True )

      # also create a roi label volume for this label value
      c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Creating NII ROI ' + Colors.PURPLE + nii_outputfile + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
      cmd = 'ss;'
      cmd += 'chb-fsstable;'
      cmd += 'mri_binarize --i ' + outputs['segmentation'] + ' --o ' + os.path.join( outputs['roi'], nii_outputfile ) + ' --match ' + l + ' --binval ' + l + ';'
      self.__logger.debug( cmd )
      sp = subprocess.Popen( ["/bin/bash", "-i", "-c", cmd], stdout=sys.stdout )

  def analyze_input_data( self, input_directory, inputs ):
    Scan an input directory for all kind of inputs. Connectome Pipeline output has 
    higher priority than Tractography Pipeline output since the Connectome pipeline 
    also includes the Tractography output.
    Returns a dictionary of found files.
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk( input_directory ):


      for f in files:
        fullpath = os.path.join( root, f )

        # try to find the files
        for _f in inputs:

          # don't check if we already found this one
          if inputs[_f][-1] != None:

          for _mask in inputs[_f][:-1]:

            if fnmatch.fnmatch( fullpath, _mask ):
              # this matches our regex
              c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '  Found ' + Colors.PURPLE + f + Colors.YELLOW + '!' + Colors._CLEAR )
              self.__logger.debug( 'Full path: ' + fullpath )
              inputs[_f][-1] = fullpath
              #time.sleep( 1 )
              # don't consider any other option

    return inputs
Exemple #3
    def run(self, input, output, radius, length, stage, cortex_only, verbose):

        if stage == 0:
            # create output directory
            # but not if we start with a different stage

        # activate log file
        self.__debug = verbose
        self.__logger = Logger(os.path.join(output, 'log.txt'), verbose)
        sys.stdout = self.__logger
        sys.stderr = self.__logger

        # the input data
        _inputs = {
            'adc': ['*adc.nii', None],
            'b0': ['*b0.nii', None],
            'b0_resampled': ['*_b0_resampled.nii.gz', None],
            'e1': ['*e1.nii', None],
            'e2': ['*e2.nii', None],
            'e3': ['*e3.nii', None],
            'fa': ['*fa.nii', None],
            'fibers': ['*streamline.trk', '*/final-trackvis/*.trk', None],
            'segmentation': ['*aparc+aseg.mgz', None],
            'T1': ['*T1.mgz', None]
            # 'T1':['*T1-TO-b0.nii.gz', None],
            # 'T1toB0matrix':['*T1-TO-b0.mat', None]

        # the output data
        _outputs = {
            os.path.join(output, 'T1-to-b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'aparc+aseg-to-b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'T1-to-b0.mat'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_b0.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_adc.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_fa.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e1.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e2.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'dti_e3.nii'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_mapped.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_mapped_length_filtered.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'fybers_final.trk'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_all.mat'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_fibercount.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_length.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_adc.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_inv_adc.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_fa.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e1.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e2.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'matrix_e3.csv'),
            os.path.join(output, 'roi')


        # 4 x beep
        print '\a\a\a\a\a\a\a'

        # time.sleep( 3 )

        # stage 1
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '1' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' ANALYZING INPUT DATA' + Colors._CLEAR)

        if stage <= 2:  # we can never skip stage 1 without skipping stage 2
            _inputs = self.analyze_input_data(input, _inputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # stage 2
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '2' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' PREPROCESSING' +

        if stage <= 2:
            self.preprocessing(_inputs, _outputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        # stage 3
        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '3' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' MAPPING' +

        if stage <= 3:
            self.mapping(_inputs, _outputs, radius)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '4' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' FILTERING' +

        if stage <= 4:
            self.filtering(_inputs, _outputs, length, cortex_only)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '5' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW +
               ' CONNECTIVITY MATRICES' + Colors._CLEAR)

        if stage <= 5:
            self.connectivity(_inputs, _outputs, cortex_only)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info(Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '6' +
               Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ROI EXTRACTION' +

        if stage <= 6:
            self.roi_extract(_inputs, _outputs)
            c.info(Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR)

        c.info('ALL DONE! SAYONARA..')
Exemple #4
  def run( self, input, output, radius, length, stage, cortex_only, verbose ):

    if stage == 0:
      # create output directory
      # but not if we start with a different stage
      os.mkdir( output )

    # activate log file
    self.__debug = verbose
    self.__logger = Logger( os.path.join( output, 'log.txt' ), verbose )
    sys.stdout = self.__logger
    sys.stderr = self.__logger

    # the input data
    _inputs = {'adc':[ '*adc.nii', None],
              'b0':[ '*b0.nii', None],
              'e1':['*e1.nii', None],
              'e2':[ '*e2.nii', None],
              'e3':[ '*e3.nii', None],
              'fa':[ '*fa.nii', None],
              'fibers':['*streamline.trk', '*/final-trackvis/*.trk', None],
              'segmentation': ['*aparc+aseg.mgz', None],
              'T1':['*/mri/brain.mgz', None]

    # the output data
    _outputs = {'T1':os.path.join( output, 'T1.nii' ),
                'segmentation':os.path.join( output, 'aparc+aseg.nii' ),
                'b0_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_b0_T1_space.nii' ),
                'adc_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_adc_T1_space.nii' ),
                'fa_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_fa_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e1_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e1_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e2_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e2_T1_space.nii' ),
                'e3_T1_space':os.path.join( output, 'dti_e3_T1_space.nii' ),
                'B0toT1matrix':os.path.join( output, 'B0-to-T1.mat' ),
                'fibers':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped_length_filtered':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped_length_filtered.trk' ),
                'fibers_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_T1_space_mapped_length_filtered_cortex_only.trk' ),
                'fibers_final':os.path.join( output, 'fybers_final.trk' ),
                'matrix_all': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_all.mat' ),
                'matrix_fibercount': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_fibercount.csv' ),
                'matrix_length': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_length.csv' ),
                'matrix_adc': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_adc.csv' ),
                'matrix_inv_adc': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_inv_adc.csv' ),
                'matrix_fa': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_fa.csv' ),
                'matrix_e1': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e1.csv' ),
                'matrix_e2': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e2.csv' ),
                'matrix_e3': os.path.join( output, 'matrix_e3.csv' ),
                'roi':os.path.join( output, 'roi' )


    # 4 x beep
    print '\a\a\a\a\a\a\a'

    #time.sleep( 3 )

    # stage 1
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '1' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ANALYZING INPUT DATA' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 2: # we can never skip stage 1 without skipping stage 2
      _inputs = self.analyze_input_data( input, _inputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # stage 2
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '2' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' PREPROCESSING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 2:
      self.preprocessing( _inputs, _outputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    # stage 3
    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '3' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' MAPPING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 3:
      self.mapping( _inputs, _outputs, radius )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '4' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' FILTERING' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 4:
      self.filtering( _inputs, _outputs, length, cortex_only )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '5' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' CONNECTIVITY MATRICES' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 5:
      self.connectivity( _inputs, _outputs, cortex_only )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( Colors.YELLOW + '>> STAGE [' + Colors.PURPLE + '6' + Colors.YELLOW + ']: ' + Colors.YELLOW + ' ROI EXTRACTION' + Colors._CLEAR )

    if stage <= 6:
      self.roi_extract( _inputs, _outputs )
      c.info( Colors.PURPLE + '  skipping it..' + Colors._CLEAR )

    c.info( '' )
    c.info( 'ALL DONE! SAYONARA..' )