def check_scatter(gatype):
    nptype = ga.dtype(gatype)
    if 0 == me:
        print '> Checking scatter (might be slow)...',
    g_a = create_global_array(gatype)
    a = create_local_a(gatype)
    if 0 == me:
        ga.put(g_a, a)
    ijv = np.zeros((m,2), dtype=np.int64)
    v = np.zeros(m, dtype=nptype)
    random.seed(ga.nodeid()*51 + 1) # different seed for each proc
    for j in range(10):
        check = None
        if MIRROR:
            check = random.randint(0,lprocs-1) == iproc
            check = random.randint(0,nproc-1) == me
        if check:
            for loop in range(m):
                ijv[loop,:] = (random.randint(0,n-1),random.randint(0,n-1))
                v[loop] = ijv[loop,0]+ijv[loop,1]
            ga.scatter(g_a, v, ijv)
            for loop in range(m):
                value = ga.get(g_a, ijv[loop], ijv[loop]+1).flatten()
                if not v[loop] == value:
                    ga.error('scatter failed')
    if 0 == me:
        print 'OK'
def check_gather(gatype):
    if 0 == me:
        print '> Checking gather (might be slow)...',
    g_a = create_global_array(gatype)
    a = create_local_a(gatype)
    if 0 == me:
        ga.put(g_a, a)
    ijv = np.zeros((m,2), dtype=np.int64)
    random.seed(ga.nodeid()*51 + 1) # different seed for each proc
    for j in range(10):
        itmp = None
        if MIRROR:
            itmp = random.randint(0,lprocs-1)
            itmp = random.randint(0,nproc-1)
        if itmp == me:
            for loop in range(m):
                ijv[loop,:] = (random.randint(0,n-1),random.randint(0,n-1))
                #if ijv[loop,0] > ijv[loop,1]:
                #    ijv[loop,:] = ijv[loop,::-1] # reverse
            result = ga.gather(g_a, ijv)
            for loop in range(m):
                value = ga.get(g_a, ijv[loop], ijv[loop]+1).flatten()
                if not result[loop] == value:
                    ga.error('gather failed')
    if 0 == me:
        print 'OK'
def check_get(gatype):
    """check nloop random gets from each node"""
    if 0 == me:
        print '> Checking random get (%d calls)...' % nloop
    g_a = create_global_array(gatype)
    a = create_local_a(gatype)
    if 0 == me:
        ga.put(g_a, a)
    nwords = 0
    random.seed(ga.nodeid()*51+1) # different seed for each proc
    for loop in range(nloop):
        ilo,ihi = random.randint(0, nloop-1),random.randint(0, nloop-1)
        if ihi < ilo: ilo,ihi = ihi,ilo
        jlo,jhi = random.randint(0, nloop-1),random.randint(0, nloop-1)
        if jhi < jlo: jlo,jhi = jhi,jlo
        nwords += (ihi-ilo+1)*(jhi-jlo+1)
        ihi += 1
        jhi += 1
        result = ga.get(g_a, (ilo,jlo), (ihi,jhi))
        if not np.all(result == a[ilo:ihi,jlo:jhi]):
            ga.error('random get failed')
        if 0 == me and loop % max(1,nloop/20) == 0:
            print ' call %d node %d checking get((%d,%d),(%d,%d)) total %f' % (
                    loop, me, ilo, ihi, jlo, jhi, nwords)
    if 0 == me:
        print 'OK'
import mpi4py.MPI # initialize Message Passing Interface
from ga4py import ga # initialize Global Arrays

me = ga.nodeid()

def print_distribution(g_a):
    for i in range(ga.nnodes()):
        lo,hi = ga.distribution(g_a, i)
        print "%s lo=%s hi=%s" % (i,lo,hi)

# create some arrays
g_a = ga.create(ga.C_DBL, (10,20,30))
g_b = ga.create(ga.C_INT, (2,3,4,5,6))

if not me:
Exemple #5
Multiplication of two square matrices with randomly generated contents.

import mpi4py.MPI
from ga4py import ga

import numpy as np

NDIM = 2
NBUF = 4

me = ga.nodeid()
nprocs = ga.nnodes()

def verify(g_a, g_b, g_c):
    g_chk = ga.duplicate(g_a, "array check")
    if not g_chk: ga.error("duplicate failed")

    ga.gemm(False, False, TOTALELEMS, TOTALELEMS, TOTALELEMS, 1.0, g_a, g_b,
            0.0, g_chk);

    ga.add(g_c, g_chk, g_chk, 1.0, -1.0)
    rchk =, g_chk)

    if not me:
Exemple #6
import mpi4py.MPI  # initialize Message Passing Interface
from ga4py import ga  # initialize Global Arrays

print "hello from %s out of %s" % (ga.nodeid(), ga.nnodes())
Exemple #7
def comp_pi(n, myrank=0, nprocs=1):
    h = 1.0 / n
    s = 0.0
    for i in xrange(myrank + 1, n + 1, nprocs):
        x = h * (i - 0.5)
        s += 4.0 / (1.0 + x**2)
    return s * h

def prn_pi(pi, PI):
    message = "pi is approximately %.16f, error is %.16f"
    print(message % (pi, abs(pi - PI)))

nprocs = ga.nnodes()
myrank = ga.nodeid()

g_pi = ga.create(ga.C_DBL, [1])

one_time = False
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
    one_time = True

while True:
    if not one_time:
        if myrank == 0:
            n = get_n()
            n = ga.brdcst(n)
            n = ga.brdcst(0)
import mpi4py.MPI # initialize Message Passing Interface
from ga4py import ga # initialize Global Arrays

print "hello from %s out of %s" % (ga.nodeid(),ga.nnodes())

"""Use ga.access() to sum locally per SMP node."""

import mpi4py.MPI
from ga4py import ga
import numpy as np

world_id = ga.nodeid()
world_nproc = ga.nnodes()
node_id = ga.cluster_nodeid()
node_nproc = ga.cluster_nprocs(node_id)
node_me = ga.cluster_procid(node_id,ga.nodeid())

g_a = ga.create(ga.C_DBL, (3,4,5,6))
if world_id == 0:
    ga.put(g_a, np.arange(3*4*5*6))

if node_me == 0:
    sum = 0
    for i in range(node_nproc):
        smp_neighbor_world_id = ga.cluster_procid(node_id,i)
        buffer = ga.access(g_a, proc=smp_neighbor_world_id)
        sum += np.sum(buffer)
    print sum
from mpi4py import MPI
from ga4py import ga
import numpy as np
import sys

EPSILON = .0001
DEBUG = False

if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print "supply dimension"

dim = int(sys.argv[1])
rank = ga.nodeid()
size = ga.nnodes()

def print_sync(obj):
    for proc in range(size):
        if rank == proc:
            print "%d: %s" % (proc, obj)

def convergence_test(g_a, g_b):
    ### PROBLEM: g_b might contain zeros which causes GA to terminate
    # subtract g_b from g_a, results stored in g_b
    ga.add(g_a, g_b, g_b, beta=-1)
    # divide g_b by g_a, results stored in g_b
    ga.elem_divide(g_b, g_a, g_b)
    # find the largets element and compare to epsilon
    value,index = ga.select_elem_max(g_b)
Exemple #11
"""Use ga.access() to sum locally per SMP node."""

import mpi4py.MPI
from ga4py import ga
import numpy as np

world_id = ga.nodeid()
world_nproc = ga.nnodes()
node_id = ga.cluster_nodeid()
node_nproc = ga.cluster_nprocs(node_id)
node_me = ga.cluster_procid(node_id, ga.nodeid())

g_a = ga.create(ga.C_DBL, (3, 4, 5, 6))
if world_id == 0:
    ga.put(g_a, np.arange(3 * 4 * 5 * 6))

if node_me == 0:
    sum = 0
    for i in range(node_nproc):
        smp_neighbor_world_id = ga.cluster_procid(node_id, i)
        buffer = ga.access(g_a, proc=smp_neighbor_world_id)
        sum += np.sum(buffer)
    print sum