Exemple #1
async def test_invalid(factory: ComponentFactory) -> None:
    """Invalid tokens should not be returned even if cached."""
    token_data = await create_session_token(factory, scopes=["read:all"])
    token_cache = factory.create_token_cache_service()
    internal_token = Token()
    notebook_token = Token()

    token_cache.store_internal_token(internal_token, token_data,
                                     "some-service", ["read:all"])
    token_cache.store_notebook_token(notebook_token, token_data)

    assert internal_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
        token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")
    assert notebook_token != await token_cache.get_notebook_token(
        token_data, "")
Exemple #2
async def test_basic(factory: ComponentFactory) -> None:
    token_data = await create_session_token(factory, scopes=["read:all"])
    token_service = factory.create_token_service()
    token_cache = factory.create_token_cache_service()
    async with factory.session.begin():
        internal_token = await token_service.get_internal_token(
            token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], ip_address="")
        notebook_token = await token_service.get_notebook_token(
            token_data, ip_address="")

    assert internal_token == await token_cache.get_internal_token(
        token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")
    assert notebook_token == await token_cache.get_notebook_token(
        token_data, "")

    # Requesting different internal tokens doesn't work.
    async with factory.session.begin():
        assert internal_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
            token_data, "other-service", ["read:all"], "")
        assert notebook_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
            token_data, "some-service", [], "")

    # A different service token for the same user requesting the same
    # information creates a different internal token.
    new_token_data = await create_session_token(factory, scopes=["read:all"])
    async with factory.session.begin():
        assert internal_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
            new_token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")
        assert notebook_token != await token_cache.get_notebook_token(
            new_token_data, "")

    # Changing the scope of the parent token doesn't matter as long as the
    # internal token is requested with the same scope.  Cases where the parent
    # token no longer has that scope are caught one level up by the token
    # service and thus aren't tested here.
    token_data.scopes = ["read:all", "admin:token"]
    assert internal_token == await token_cache.get_internal_token(
        token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")
    async with factory.session.begin():
        assert internal_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
            token_data, "some-service", ["admin:token"], "")
Exemple #3
async def test_expiration(config: Config, factory: ComponentFactory) -> None:
    """The cache is valid until half the lifetime of the child token."""
    token_data = await create_session_token(factory, scopes=["read:all"])
    lifetime = config.token_lifetime
    now = current_datetime()
    redis = await redis_dependency()
    logger = structlog.get_logger(config.safir.logger_name)
    storage = RedisStorage(TokenData, config.session_secret, redis)
    token_store = TokenRedisStore(storage, logger)
    token_cache = factory.create_token_cache_service()

    # Store a token whose expiration is five seconds more than half the
    # typical token lifetime in the future and cache that token as an internal
    # token for our session token.
    created = now - timedelta(seconds=lifetime.total_seconds() // 2)
    expires = created + lifetime + timedelta(seconds=5)
    internal_token_data = TokenData(
    await token_store.store_data(internal_token_data)
    token_cache.store_internal_token(internal_token_data.token, token_data,
                                     "some-service", ["read:all"])

    # The cache should return this token.
    assert internal_token_data.token == await token_cache.get_internal_token(
        token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")

    # Now change the expiration to be ten seconds earlier, which should make
    # the remaining lifetime less than half the total lifetime, and replace
    # replace the stored token with that new version.
    internal_token_data.expires = expires - timedelta(seconds=20)
    await token_store.store_data(internal_token_data)

    # The cache should now decline to return the token and generate a new one.
    old_token = internal_token_data.token
    async with factory.session.begin():
        assert old_token != await token_cache.get_internal_token(
            token_data, "some-service", ["read:all"], "")

    # Do the same test with a notebook token.
    notebook_token_data = TokenData(
    await token_store.store_data(notebook_token_data)
    token_cache.store_notebook_token(notebook_token_data.token, token_data)
    assert notebook_token_data.token == await token_cache.get_notebook_token(
        token_data, "")
    notebook_token_data.expires = expires - timedelta(seconds=20)
    await token_store.store_data(notebook_token_data)
    old_token = notebook_token_data.token
    async with factory.session.begin():
        assert old_token != await token_cache.get_notebook_token(
            token_data, "")