def test_load_data(): # Load/format data src = os.path.abspath(__file__ + '/../../')+'/demo/demo_data.csv' raw_data = pd.read_csv(src, skiprows=99, names=['timestamps', 'x', 'y', 'z'], usecols=[0, 1, 2, 3]) raw_data['unix_timestamps'] = pd.to_datetime(raw_data.timestamps, format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S:%f").values.astype(np.int64) // 10**6 raw_data = raw_data.iloc[:10,:] # Create an instance of GaitPy gaitpy = Gaitpy(raw_data, 50, v_acc_col_name='y', ts_col_name='unix_timestamps', v_acc_units='g', ts_units='ms', flip=False) # Run function being tested obtained_y_accel, obtained_ts = util._load_data(gaitpy, gaitpy.down_sample) # Confirm expected results expected_y_accel = pd.Series(np.array([7.138261,7.177487,7.177487,7.215733,6.177209,7.868856,7.676646,5.792788,4.831736,10.713765]), name='y') pd.testing.assert_series_equal(obtained_y_accel, expected_y_accel) expected_ts = pd.Series(np.array([1565087150000,1565087150020,1565087150040,1565087150060,1565087150080, 1565087150100,1565087150120,1565087150140,1565087150160,1565087150180]), name='unix_timestamps') pd.testing.assert_series_equal(obtained_ts, expected_ts)
def extract_features(self, subject_height, subject_height_units='centimeter', sensor_height_ratio=0.53, result_file=None, classified_gait=None, ic_prom=5, fc_prom=25): ''' Continuous wavelet transform based method of gait feature detection optimization methods Parameters ---------- subject_height : int or float Height of the subject. Accepts centimeters by default. subject_height_units : str Units of provided subject height. Centimeters by default. - options: 'centimeter', 'inches', 'meter' sensor_height_ratio : float Height of the sensor relative to subject height. Calculated: sensor height / subject height result_file : str Optional argument that accepts .csv filepath string to save resulting gait feature dataframe to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.csv) classified_gait : str or pandas.core.frame.DataFrame Pandas dataframe containing results of gait bout classification procedure (classify_bouts) OR File path of .h5 file containing results of gait bout classification procedure (classify_bouts) ic_prom : int Prominance of initial contact peak detection fc_prom : int Prominance of final contact peak detection ''' import pandas as pd import gaitpy.util as util import warnings print('\tExtracting features...') # Load data y_accel, timestamps = util._load_data(self, self.down_sample) # If classified gait is provided, load pandas dataframe or h5 file if classified_gait is not None: if type(classified_gait) is str: gait_predictions = pd.read_hdf(classified_gait) elif type(classified_gait) is pd.core.frame.DataFrame: gait_predictions = classified_gait else: print( 'Unable to load classified gait: Please make sure the data is in the correct format, aborting...' ) return # Isolate gait bouts gait_windows = gait_predictions[gait_predictions['prediction'] == 1] if gait_windows.empty: print( 'The classified_gait data indicates no bouts of gait were detected, aborting...' ) return # Concatenate concurrent bouts gait_bouts = util._concatenate_windows(gait_windows, window_length=3) else: # if classified_gait is not provided, assume entire timeseries is 1 bout of gait start_time = timestamps[0].astype('datetime64[ms]') end_time = timestamps.iloc[-1].astype('datetime64[ms]') gait_bouts = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'start_time': [start_time], 'end_time': [end_time], 'bout_length': [(end_time - start_time).item().total_seconds()] }) all_bout_gait_features = pd.DataFrame() bout_n = 1 # Loop through gait bouts for row_n, bout in gait_bouts.iterrows(): bout_indices = ( timestamps.astype('datetime64[ms]') >= bout.start_time) & ( timestamps.astype('datetime64[ms]') <= bout.end_time) bout_data = pd.DataFrame([]) bout_data['y'] = pd.DataFrame( y_accel.loc[bout_indices].reset_index(drop=True)) bout_data['ts'] = timestamps.loc[bout_indices].reset_index( drop=True) if len(bout_data.y) < 15: warnings.warn('There are too few data points between ' + str(bout.start_time) + ' and ' + str(bout.end_time) + ', skipping bout...') continue # Run CWT Gait Model IC and FC detection ic_peaks, fc_peaks = util._cwt(bout_data.y, self.down_sample, ic_prom, fc_prom) # Run gait cycle optimization procedure pd.options.mode.chained_assignment = None optimized_gait = util._optimization(bout_data['ts'], ic_peaks, fc_peaks) if optimized_gait.empty or 1 not in list( optimized_gait.Gait_Cycle): continue # Calculate changes in height of the center of mass optimized_gait = util._height_change_com(optimized_gait, bout_data['ts'], bout_data['y'], self.down_sample) # Calculate gait features sensor_height = util._calculate_sensor_height( subject_height, subject_height_units, sensor_height_ratio) gait_features = util._cwt_feature_extraction( optimized_gait, sensor_height) # remove center of mass height and gait cycle boolean columns, remove rows with NAs gait_features.dropna(inplace=True) gait_features.drop(['CoM_height', 'Gait_Cycle', 'FC_opp_foot'], axis=1, inplace=True) gait_features.insert(0, 'bout_number', bout_n) gait_features.insert(1, 'bout_length_sec', bout.bout_length) gait_features.insert(2, 'bout_start_time', bout.start_time) gait_features.insert(5, 'gait_cycles', len(gait_features)) all_bout_gait_features = all_bout_gait_features.append( gait_features) bout_n += 1 all_bout_gait_features.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) all_bout_gait_features.iloc[:, 7:] = all_bout_gait_features.iloc[:, 7:].round( 3) # Save results if result_file: try: if not result_file.endswith('.csv'): result_file += '.csv' all_bout_gait_features.to_csv(result_file, index=False, float_format='%.3f') except: print( 'Unable to save data: Please make sure your results directory exists, aborting...' ) return if all_bout_gait_features.empty: print( '\tFeature extraction complete. No gait cycles detected...\n') else: print('\tFeature extraction complete!\n') return all_bout_gait_features
def classify_bouts(self, result_file=None): """ Gait bout classification using acceleration data in the vertical direction from the lumbar location. Parameters ---------- result_file : str Optional argument that accepts .h5 filepath string to save resulting predictions to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.h5) """ import pickle import pandas as pd import os import deepdish as dd import gaitpy.util as util print('\tClassifying bouts of gait...') # Load model and feature order model_filename = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/model/model.pkl' features_filename = os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/model/feature_order.txt' model = pickle.load(open(model_filename, 'rb')) feature_order = open(features_filename, 'r').read().splitlines() model_sample_rate = 50. # Load data and convert to g raw_y_accel, ts = util._load_data(self, self.down_sample) y_accel = raw_y_accel / 9.80665 # Resample data if necessary if self.down_sample > model_sample_rate: data, timestamps = util._resample_data( y_accel, ts, str(1000. / model_sample_rate) + 'ms') elif self.down_sample == model_sample_rate: data = pd.DataFrame({'y': y_accel}) timestamps = pd.DatetimeIndex(ts.astype('datetime64[ms]')) elif self.down_sample < model_sample_rate: print( 'Data sample rate too low for bout detection model. Minimum sample rate required: ' + str(model_sample_rate) + ' hz, aborting...') return # Extract signal features from vertical acceleration data feature_set, start_times_list, end_times_list = util._extract_signal_features( data, timestamps, model_sample_rate) feature_set = feature_set[feature_order] # Predict try: pred = model.predict(feature_set) predictions_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'prediction': pred, 'window_start_time': start_times_list, 'window_end_time': end_times_list }) except: print( 'Unable to make predictions from signal features, aborting...') return # Save predictions to hdf file if result_file: try: if not result_file.endswith('.h5'): result_file += '.h5' predictions_dict = {} predictions_dict['predictions'] = predictions_df, predictions_dict) except: print( 'Unable to save data: Please make sure your results directory exists, aborting...' ) return print('\tBout classification complete!\n') return predictions_df
def plot_contacts(self, gait_features, result_file=None, show_plot=True): """ Plot initial and final contacts of lumbar based gait feature extraction Parameters ---------- gait_features : pandas.DataFrame or str Pandas dataframe containing results of extract_features function OR File path of .csv file containing results of extract_features function result_file : str Optional argument that accepts .html filepath string to save resulting gait event plot to. None by default. (ie. myfolder/myfile.html) show_plot : bool Optional boolean argument that specifies whether your plot is displayed. True by default. """ from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, save, show from bokeh.models import Legend, Span import pandas as pd import gaitpy.util as util import numpy as np print('\tPlotting contacts...') # Load data y_accel, timestamps = util._load_data(self, self.down_sample) ts = pd.to_datetime(timestamps, unit='ms') # Load gait_features try: if type(gait_features) is str: icfc = pd.read_csv(gait_features) elif type(gait_features) is pd.core.frame.DataFrame: icfc = gait_features else: print( 'Unable to load gait features: Please make sure the gait_features is in the correct format, aborting...' ) return except: print( 'Unable to load gait features: Please make sure you have provided the correct filepath or dataframe, aborting...' ) return if icfc.empty: print('\tGait feature dataframe is empty, aborting...') return p = figure(plot_width=1200, plot_height=600, x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label='m/s^2', toolbar_location='above', x_axis_type='datetime') # Plot vertical axis p1 = p.line(ts, y_accel, line_width=2, line_color='blue') # isolate ICs, FCs, and bout start/end times minima_time = [] minima_signal = [] maxima_time = [] maxima_signal = [] bout_starts = [] bout_ends = [] ics = pd.to_datetime(icfc.IC, unit='ms') fcs = pd.to_datetime(icfc.FC, unit='ms') icfc.bout_start_time = icfc.bout_start_time.astype( np.int64).values // 10**6 bouts = icfc[['bout_number', 'bout_length_sec', 'bout_start_time']].drop_duplicates() for ic in ics: minima_time.append(ic) minima_signal.append(float(y_accel[ts.index[ts == ic]])) for fc in fcs: maxima_time.append(fc) maxima_signal.append(float(y_accel[ts.index[ts == fc]])) for row, bout in bouts.iterrows(): bout_starts.append(bout.bout_start_time) bout_ends.append(bout.bout_start_time + (bout.bout_length_sec * 1000)) # add IC and FCs to plot p2 =, minima_signal, size=15, color="green", alpha=0.5) p3 =, maxima_signal, size=15, color="darkorange", alpha=0.5) # add bout start and end times to plot for bout_start in bout_starts: start_bout_line = Span(location=bout_start, dimension='height', line_color='green', line_dash='solid', line_width=1.5) p.add_layout(start_bout_line) for bout_end in bout_ends: end_bout_line = Span(location=bout_end, dimension='height', line_color='red', line_dash='solid', line_width=1.5) p.add_layout(end_bout_line) # add legend legend = Legend(items=[("Acceleration", [p1]), ("Initial contact", [p2]), ("Final contact", [p3])], location=(10, 300)) # format plot p.add_layout(legend, 'right') p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "16pt" p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = "16pt" p.axis.major_label_text_font_size = '16pt' p.title.align = 'center' p.title.text_font_size = '16pt' p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style = 'normal' p.xaxis.axis_label_standoff = 5 p.yaxis.axis_label_standoff = 20 p.legend.label_text_font = "arial" p.legend.label_text_font_size = '16pt' p.legend.glyph_height = 30 if show_plot: show(p) # save plot if result_file: try: if not result_file.endswith('.html'): result_file += '.html' output_file(result_file) save(p) except: print( 'Unable to save data: Please make sure your results directory exists, aborting...' ) return print('\tPlot complete!\n')