def test_get_c3ds(): """Test c3ds getter""" # should get all c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs) assert len(c3ds) == 22 c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') assert len(c3ds) == 21 c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='static') assert len(c3ds) == 1 c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, tags=['E1']) assert len(c3ds) == 1 c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, tags=['foo']) assert len(c3ds) == 0
def test_average_model_data(): """Test averaging of model data""" c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') data_all, nc = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, collect_types={ 'model': True, 'emg': False }) data_model = data_all['model'] avgdata, stddata, ncycles_ok = stats.average_model_data( data_model, reject_outliers=None) # test whether data was averaged for all vars # except CGM2 forefoot (which are not in the c3d data) desired_vars = set.union( set(models.pig_lowerbody.varnames), set(models.pig_lowerbody_kinetics.varnames), set(models.musclelen.varnames), ) - set( [var for var in models.pig_lowerbody.varnames if 'ForeFoot' in var]) for var in desired_vars: assert avgdata[var] is not None and avgdata[var].shape == (101, ) assert stddata[var] is not None and stddata[var].shape == (101, ) # test with median stats avgdata, stddata, ncycles_ok = stats.average_model_data( data_model, reject_outliers=None, use_medians=True) for var in desired_vars: assert avgdata[var] is not None and avgdata[var].shape == (101, ) assert stddata[var] is not None and stddata[var].shape == (101, ) # test outlier rejection avgdata, stddata, ncycles_ok_reject = stats.average_model_data( data_model, reject_outliers=1e-3) for var in desired_vars: assert avgdata[var] is not None and avgdata[var].shape == (101, ) assert stddata[var] is not None and stddata[var].shape == (101, ) assert any(ncycles_ok_reject[var] < ncycles_ok[var] for var in ncycles_ok)
def test_rm_dead_channels(): """Test removing dead chs from EMG layout""" cfg.emg.autodetect_bads = True c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir2_abs, trial_type='dynamic') emgs = [trial.Trial(fn).emg for fn in c3ds] emg = emgs[0] lout = [ ['LGlut', 'RGlut'], ['LHam', 'RHam'], ['LRec', 'RRec'], ['LVas', 'RVas'], ['LTibA', 'RTibA'], ['LPer', 'RPer'], ['LGas', 'RGas'], ['LSol', 'RSol'], ] lout_ = [ ['LHam', 'RHam'], ['LRec', 'RRec'], ['LTibA', 'RTibA'], ['LPer', 'RPer'], ['LGas', 'RGas'], ['LSol', 'RSol'], ] # assert that Glut and Vas get removed for both single and multiple EMG # instances assert layouts._rm_dead_channels(emg, lout) == lout_ assert layouts._rm_dead_channels(emgs, lout) == lout_ cfg.emg.autodetect_bads = False
def test_collect_trial_data(): """Test collection of trial data""" c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') data_all, cycles_all = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds) data_model = data_all['model'] collected_vars = set(data_model.keys()) # test whether data was collected for all vars # except CGM2 forefoot (which are not in the c3d data) desired_vars = (set.union( set(models.pig_lowerbody.varnames), set(models.pig_lowerbody_kinetics.varnames), set(models.musclelen.varnames), ) - set( [var for var in models.pig_lowerbody.varnames if 'ForeFoot' in var])) assert collected_vars == desired_vars # check that the correct number of cycles was collected assert len(cycles_all['model']['LHipMomentX']) == 17 assert data_model['LHipMomentX'].shape[0] == 17 assert data_model['RAnkleMomentX'].shape[0] == 19 assert len(cycles_all['model']['RKneeAnglesX']) == 46 assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[0] == 46 assert data_model['fubar'] is None # forceplate cycles only data_all, cycles_all = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, fp_cycles_only=True) data_model = data_all['model'] assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[0] == 19 assert data_model['RAnkleMomentX'].shape[0] == 19 assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[1] == 101 assert len(cycles_all['model']['RKneeAnglesX']) == 19 # EMG data collection data_all, cycles_all = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, collect_types=['emg'], analog_len=501) assert 'model' not in data_all data_emg = data_all['emg'] emg_chs = [ 'LGas', 'LGlut', 'LHam', 'LPer', 'LRec', 'LSol', 'LTibA', 'LVas', 'RGas', 'RGlut', 'RHam', 'RPer', 'RRec', 'RSol', 'RTibA', 'RVas', ] assert set(data_emg.keys()) == set(emg_chs) assert all(data.shape[0] == 46 for ch, data in data_emg.items() if ch[0] == 'R') assert all(data.shape[0] == 42 for ch, data in data_emg.items() if ch[0] == 'L') assert all(data.shape[1] == 501 for data in data_emg.values())
def test_trials_extract_values(): """Test curve value extraction from trials""" c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') extr_vals = stats._trials_extract_values( c3ds, from_models=[models.pig_lowerbody]) # forefoot vars are not present in our test data forefoot = models._list_with_context( ['ForeFootAnglesX', 'ForeFootAnglesY', 'ForeFootAnglesZ']) assert set(extr_vals.keys()) == (set(models.pig_lowerbody.varnames) - set(forefoot))
def test_avgtrial(): """Test the AvgTrial class""" # create from trials c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') atrial = stats.AvgTrial.from_trials( c3ds, sessionpath=sessiondir_abs, reject_outliers=1e-3, ) assert atrial.sessionpath == sessiondir_abs assert atrial.trialname assert atrial.t.shape == (101, ) assert len(atrial.cycles) == atrial.ncycles == 2 assert atrial.cycles[0].trial == atrial with pytest.raises(ValueError): atrial.set_norm_cycle(None) adata, t = atrial.get_model_data('RKneeAnglesX') assert adata.shape == (101, ) cycs = atrial.get_cycles('all') assert len(cycs) == 2 cycs = atrial.get_cycles('forceplate') assert len(cycs) == 2 # create from already averaged data data_all, nc = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, collect_types={ 'model': True, 'emg': True }) data_model = data_all['model'] avgdata_model, stddata_model, ncycles_ok = stats.average_model_data( data_model, reject_outliers=None) data_emg = data_all['emg'] avgdata_emg, stddata_emg, ncycles_ok = stats.average_analog_data( data_emg, reject_outliers=None) atrial = stats.AvgTrial( avgdata_model=avgdata_model, stddata_model=stddata_model, avgdata_emg=avgdata_emg, stddata_emg=stddata_emg, sessionpath=sessiondir_abs, nfiles=len(c3ds), ) assert atrial.sessionpath == sessiondir_abs assert atrial.trialname assert atrial.t.shape == (101, ) assert len(atrial.cycles) == atrial.ncycles == 2 assert atrial.cycles[0].trial == atrial with pytest.raises(ValueError): atrial.set_norm_cycle(None) adata, t = atrial.get_model_data('RKneeAnglesX') assert adata.shape == (101, ) cycs = atrial.get_cycles('all') assert len(cycs) == 2 cycs = atrial.get_cycles('forceplate') assert len(cycs) == 2
def test_plot_trials(): """Test individual trial plotter""" c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs) trials = [trial.Trial(fn) for fn in c3ds] for backend in ['plotly', 'matplotlib']: # XXX: we don't test the figs for the time being fig = plots.plot_trials(trials, backend=backend) # fig = plots.plot_trials(trials, backend='plotly') tr = trials[0] # test different cycle args fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles='all', backend=backend) fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles='forceplate', backend=backend) fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles='unnormalized', backend=backend) with pytest.raises(ValueError): fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles='foo', backend=backend) fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles={'emg': 'all'}, backend=backend) fig = plots.plot_trials(tr, cycles={'emg': 0}, backend=backend)
def get_static_files(subject, newer_than=None, rootdir=None): """ Get trial files according to given subject and trial type (e.g. 'normal') and file extension """ rootdir = rootdir or params['rootdir'] logger.debug('finding static trial files for %s' % subject) # try to auto find data dirs under subject dir subjdir = op.join(rootdir, subject) if not op.isdir(subjdir): logger.warning('Subject directory not found: %s' % subjdir) return list() datadirs = [ file for file in os.listdir(subjdir) if op.isdir(op.join(subjdir, file)) ] logger.debug('subject data dirs: %s' % datadirs) for datadir in datadirs: logger.debug('trying data dir %s/%s' % (subject, datadir)) sessiondir = op.join(subjdir, datadir) files = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir, trial_type='static', check_if_exists=True) if not files: logger.debug('%s is probably not a CP data dir' % datadir) continue if newer_than is not None: sessiondate = sessionutils.get_session_date(sessiondir)'session %s timestamp %s' % (datadir, sessiondate)) if sessiondate < newer_than:'session %s too old' % datadir) continue logger.debug('subject %s, datadir %s, static trials: found %d files' % (subject, sessiondir, len(files))) return files # we did not hit return'no acceptable static trials found for %s' % subject) return list()
def test_collect_trial_data(): """Test collection of trial data""" c3ds = sessionutils.get_c3ds(sessiondir_abs, trial_type='dynamic') data_all, nc = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds) data_model = data_all['model'] collected_vars = set(data_model.keys()) # test whether data was collected for all vars # except CGM2 forefoot (which are not in the c3d data) desired_vars = set.union( set(models.pig_lowerbody.varnames), set(models.pig_lowerbody_kinetics.varnames), set(models.musclelen.varnames), ) - set( [var for var in models.pig_lowerbody.varnames if 'ForeFoot' in var]) assert collected_vars == desired_vars # check that correct number of cycles was collected assert nc == {'R_fp': 19, 'R': 54, 'L': 53, 'L_fp': 17} assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[0] == nc['R'] assert data_model['RAnkleMomentX'].shape[0] == nc['R_fp'] assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[1] == 101 assert data_model['fubar'] is None # forceplate cycles only data_all, nc = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, fp_cycles_only=True) data_model = data_all['model'] assert nc == {'R_fp': 19, 'R': 19, 'L': 17, 'L_fp': 17} assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[0] == nc['R'] assert data_model['RAnkleMomentX'].shape[0] == nc['R_fp'] assert data_model['RKneeAnglesX'].shape[1] == 101 # EMG data collection data_all, nc = stats.collect_trial_data(c3ds, collect_types={ 'model': False, 'emg': True }, analog_len=501) assert 'model' not in data_all data_emg = data_all['emg'] assert set(data_emg.keys()) == set(cfg.emg.channel_labels.keys()) assert all(data.shape[0] == nc['L'] for ch, data in data_emg.items() if ch[0] == 'L') assert all(data.shape[0] == nc['R'] for ch, data in data_emg.items() if ch[0] == 'R') assert all(data.shape[1] == 501 for data in data_emg.values())
def test_convert_videos(): c3d_file = sessionutils.get_c3ds( sessiondir_abs, tags=None, trial_type='dynamic', check_if_exists=False )[0] original_vids = videos.get_trial_videos(c3d_file, vid_ext='.avi', overlay=False) assert len(original_vids) == 3 target_vids = videos.get_trial_videos(c3d_file, vid_ext='.ogv', overlay=False) # remove target videos if they exist for vidfile in target_vids: vidfile.unlink() # check should not find target videos any more assert not videos.convert_videos(original_vids, check_only=True) # start conversion process procs = videos.convert_videos(original_vids) assert procs completed = False # wait in a sleep loop until processes have finished while not completed: n_complete = len([p for p in procs if p.poll() is not None]) completed = n_complete == len(procs) time.sleep(0.1) # now conversion target videos should exist assert videos.convert_videos(original_vids, check_only=True)