def __init__(self): self.letter = '' self.keep_playing = True self.play_again = True self.jumper = Jumper() self.word_processor = Word_Processor() self.console = Console()
def __init__(self): """States the variables we will use""" self.lives = 4 self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.word = Word()
def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.word = Word() #generate the word here. correctWord is generated on Word init self.jumper = Jumper(self.word.correctWord) #needs the correct word to generate length of underscore array self.keep_playing = True
def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.keep_playing = True self.word = Word() self.current_guess = ""
def __init__(self): self.keep_playing = True self.random_word = "" self.parachuter = [ " ___ ", " /___\ ", " \ / ", " \ / ", " 0 ", " /|\ ", " / \ ", " ", "^^^^^^^" ] self.cut_parachute = False self.guess = "" self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.cutter = Cutter()
def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.guesser = Guesser() self.keep_playing = True self.word_guessed = False self.parachute = self.jumper.return_parachute() self.current_guess = self.guesser.return_guess() self.letter = ''
def __init__(self): """Attributesof of the class""" """Objects of the class""" self.strikes = 0 # Strikes start at 0 self.jumper = Jumper() # Call the Jumper Class self.word = Word() # Call the Word Class self.output = Output() # Call the Output Class self.keep_playing = True # Keep playing while true self.guess = "" # Empty string to hold user letter input
class Director: def __init__(self): self.jumper = Jumper() self.console = Console() self.puzzle = Puzzle() self.keepPlaying = True def start_game(self): while (self.keepPlaying): self.console.displayMessage(self.puzzle.getDisplayWord()) self.console.displayParachute(self.jumper.getNumParachutePieces()) userGuess = str(self.console.getGuess()) if (not self.puzzle.isCorrect(userGuess)): self.jumper.cutParachute() if (self.puzzle.hasWon()): self.console.displayMessage("The word is: " + self.puzzle.getWord()) self.console.displayParachute( self.jumper.getNumParachutePieces()) self.console.displayMessage("Congratulations! You have won!") self.keepPlaying = False if (self.jumper.getNumParachutePieces() == 0): self.console.displayMessage("The word is: " + self.puzzle.getWord()) self.console.displayParachute( self.jumper.getNumParachutePieces()) self.console.displayMessage( "YOU'RE DEAD X_X BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!") self.keepPlaying = False
class Director: """Director class engine of the program""" def __init__(self): """States the variables we will use""" self.lives = 4 self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.word = Word() def start_game(self): """Starts the game""" self.console.write("Hello welcome to Jumper") # Get a word self.word.get_word() while self.lives >= 0: # Display word result = self.word.print_word() if result: self.console.write( "Congratulations you guessed the word correctly") break # Display the Jumper self.console.write(self.jumper.get_parachute(self.lives)) # Check if you lose if not self.lives: self.console.write("You killed him") break # Ask for a Guess guess ="Guess a letter [a-z]: ") # Filters input result = self.word.check_guess(guess) if not result: continue # Saves guess and updates life result = self.word.save_guess(guess) if not result: self.lives -= 1
class Director: """The responsibility of the director is to control how the game is played. Stereotype: Controller Attributes: console (Console): An instance of the class of objects known as Console. keep_playing (boolean): Whether or not the game can continue. word_guessed (boolean): Whether or not the word has been guessed. parachute (array): The status of the parachute. current_guess (string): The current amount of letters guessed. letter (char): The letter from the user. jumper (Jumper): An instance of the class of objects known as Jumper. guesser (Guesser): An instance of the class of objects known as Guesser. """ def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.guesser = Guesser() self.keep_playing = True self.word_guessed = False self.parachute = self.jumper.return_parachute() self.current_guess = self.guesser.return_guess() self.letter = '' def start_game(self): """Starts the game loop to control how the game is played. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.guesser.generate_word() self.do_outputs() while self.keep_playing: self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() def get_inputs(self): """Gets the inputs at the beginning of each round of play. In this instance it means getting a letter from the user. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.letter = self.console.get_letter() def do_updates(self): """Updates the important game information for each round of play. In this case that means checking the parachute and cutting off part if user guess is wrong. As well as keeping track of correct guesses and updating the current word. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ good_parachute = self.jumper.check_parachute() if good_parachute == True and self.word_guessed == False: letter = self.letter valid_guess = self.guesser.check_guess(letter) self.current_guess = self.guesser.return_guess() self.jumper.cut_parachute(valid_guess) self.parachute = self.jumper.return_parachute() self.word_guessed = self.guesser.check_word() elif good_parachute == False: self.keep_playing = False if self.word_guessed == True: self.keep_playing = False def do_outputs(self): """Outputs the important game information for each round of play. Such as the current word and the status of the jumper. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.console.display_guess(self.current_guess) self.console.display_parachute(self.jumper.parachute)
def __init__(self): self.correct = True self.keep_playing = True self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.word_bank = Word_Bank()
class Director: def __init__(self): self.correct = True self.keep_playing = True self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.word_bank = Word_Bank() def start_game(self): self.word_bank.load_list("wordlist.txt") self.word_bank.choose_word() self.word_bank.get_blank() self.jumper.create_parachute() self.jumper.print_parachute() while self.keep_playing: blank = self.word_bank.get_blank() self.console.write(blank) self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() def get_inputs(self): guess = ("Guess a letter [a-z]: ")).lower() self.correct = self.word_bank.check_guess(guess) def do_updates(self): if self.correct == True: self.jumper.print_parachute() elif self.correct == False: self.jumper.remove_parachute() self.jumper.print_parachute() else: self.console.write("You already guessed that letter") self.get_inputs() def do_outputs(self): if self.jumper.is_alive() == False: self.keep_playing = False self.console.write( f"Oh no he died! the word was {self.word_bank.word}") elif self.word_bank.check_win() == True: self.keep_playing = False self.console.write(f"You did it!") else: self.keep_playing == True
def __init__(self): self.jumper = Jumper() self.console = Console() self.puzzle = Puzzle() self.keepPlaying = True
class Director: """A code template for a person who directs the game. The responsibility of this class of objects is to control the sequence of play. Stereotype: Controller Attributes: console (Console): An instance of the class of objects known as Console. jumper (Jumper): An instance of the class of objects known as Jumper. keep_playing (boolean): Whether or not the game can continue. word (Word): An instance of the class of objects known as Word. current_guess (string): The last guess made by the player. """ def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.keep_playing = True self.word = Word() self.current_guess = "" def start_game(self): """Starts the game loop to control the sequence of play. When the game is over, it plays a corresponding sound and displays the correct word. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.do_outputs() while self.keep_playing: self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() self.console.write("The word was: " + self.word.cur_word) if self.word.is_win(): playsound('./assets/win.wav') else: playsound('./assets/death.mp3') def get_inputs(self): """Gets the inputs at the beginning of each round of play. In this case, gets a letter from the player to match the word. Only allows players to input letters they haven't guessed yet. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.current_guess = self.console.read_letters("Guess a letter [a-z]: ") while self.current_guess in self.word.all_guesses: self.current_guess = self.console.read_letters("You already guessed that. Please guess a new letter [a-z]: ") def do_updates(self): """Updates the important game information for each round of play. In this case, the jumper hangs the man some more, or the new correct letter gets displayed. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ if not self.word.check_letter(self.current_guess): self.jumper.deduct_life() def do_outputs(self): """Outputs the important game information for each round of play. In this case, that means it displays if the guy is alive or not still along with the word. Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.keep_playing = self.jumper.is_alive() jumper_drawing = f"{self.word.hidden_word}\n\n" + self.jumper.get_output() self.console.write(jumper_drawing) if self.word.is_win(): self.keep_playing = False
class Director: """A code template for a person who directs the game. The responsibility of this class of objects is to control the sequence of play. Stereotype: Controller Attributes: console (Console): An instance of the class of objects known as Console. keep_playing (boolean): Whether or not the game can continue. """ def __init__(self): """The class constructor. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ self.console = Console() self.word = Word() #generate the word here. correctWord is generated on Word init self.jumper = Jumper(self.word.correctWord) #needs the correct word to generate length of underscore array self.keep_playing = True def start_game(self): """Starts the game loop to control the sequence of play. Args: self (Director): an instance of Director. """ while self.keep_playing: self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() self.do_outputs() def get_inputs(self): """Gets the inputs from user at the beginning of each round of play. Send update array to jumper Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ message = "" for element in self.jumper.displayArray: # Line added message = message + element + " " # Line added self.console.write(message) # Original line message = self.jumper.picture() self.console.write(message) oneLetterResponse = False while not oneLetterResponse: self.guess ="Guess a letter [a-z]: ") if len(self.guess) != 1: print("\nPlease enter one letter. No more, no less.\n") else: oneLetterResponse = True def do_updates(self): """Updates the important game information for each round of play. check the word (boolean value). Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ self.positionsOfCorrect = self.word.checkLetter(self.guess) self.jumper.updateArray(self.positionsOfCorrect, self.guess) self.checkVictory = self.jumper.checkVictory() self.checkDefeat = self.jumper.checkDefeat() def do_outputs(self): """Outputs the important game information for each round of play. In checkVictory checkDefeat Args: self (Director): An instance of Director. """ if self.checkVictory == True: #Checks to see if you've won. Still needs lots of testing message = "Congratulations, you won! The word was: " self.console.write(message) message = "\n" + self.word.correctWord self.console.write(message) self.keep_playing = False #If you've won, game ends. elif self.checkDefeat == True: #checks to see if you've lost, still needs lots of testing. message = self.jumper.picture() self.console.write(message) message ="\nSorry! Try again! Your word was: " self.console.write(message) message ="\n" + self.word.correctWord self.console.write(message) self.keep_playing = False #if you've lost, game ends
class Director: """ A code template for a person who directs the game. The responsibility of this class of objects is to keep track of the score and control the sequence of play. Attributes: General Workflow: """ def __init__(self): self.letter = '' self.keep_playing = True self.play_again = True self.jumper = Jumper() self.word_processor = Word_Processor() self.console = Console() def start_game(self): """ Starts the game loop """ self.word_processor.get_word() self.word_processor.set_hidden_word(self.word_processor.word_choice) while self.keep_playing: self.get_user_get_and_display() self.do_updates() def get_user_get_and_display(self): """ Asks the user input """ self.console.write('') self.console.write(self.word_processor.hidden_word) self.console.write('') self.console.write(self.jumper.displayed_chute) self.console.write('---------------') self.letter ="Guess a letter [A-Z]: ") self.console.write('') def do_updates(self): """ This will adjust data based off of user's choices """ self.jumper.update_chute(self.word_processor.check_input(self.letter)) if self.word_processor.check_complete(): self.console.write(self.word_processor.hidden_word) self.console.write("You win!\nThanks for playing!") self.keep_playing == False exit() elif self.jumper.is_alive is False: self.console.write( f'Sorry the word was: {self.word_processor.word_choice}') self.console.google_word(self.word_processor.word_choice) self.console.write('Oh. He ded...') self.console.write(self.jumper.displayed_chute) self.keep_playing == False exit()
class Director: """A code template for a person who directs the game. The responsibility of this class of objects is to control the sequence of play. Stereotype: Controller Attributes: keep_playing (boolean): Whether or not the game can continue. random_word (string): Word for player to guess parachuter: list of strings for an ascii art cut_parachute (boolean): Wheter or not to cut the parachute guess (string): letter guessed by player console (Console): An instance of the class of objects known as Console. jumper (Jumper): An instance of the class of objects known as Jumper. cutter (Cutter): An instance of the class of objects known as Cutter. """ def __init__(self): self.keep_playing = True self.random_word = "" self.parachuter = [ " ___ ", " /___\ ", " \ / ", " \ / ", " 0 ", " /|\ ", " / \ ", " ", "^^^^^^^" ] self.cut_parachute = False self.guess = "" self.console = Console() self.jumper = Jumper() self.cutter = Cutter() def start_game(self): #Get words from list and randomly choose one for game self.get_text_file() self.random_word = self.cutter.get_word(self.word_list) while (self.keep_playing): self.do_outputs() self.get_inputs() self.do_updates() #If game is lost show that the parachuter is dead self.parachuter[0] = " X " self.console.display_parachuter(self.parachuter) self.console.display_answer(self.cutter.word) def do_outputs(self): #Display empty spaces and parachuter self.console.display_wordspace(self.cutter.empty_word) self.console.display_parachuter(self.parachuter) def do_updates(self): #Update parachuter and end if no parachute self.cutter.update_blanks(self.guess) self.cutter.cut_parachute(self.guess, self.parachuter) #need to update the blankword array with correct letter self.keep_playing = self.cutter.end_of_line() def get_inputs(self): #Get inputs self.guess = self.jumper.get_guess() def get_text_file(self): #Read file with words self.my_file = open("jumper\Randomwords.txt") self.word_list = self.my_file.readlines() self.my_file.close()