Exemple #1
def put():
    data = request.get_json()
    b1 = data["board"]
    x = int(data["x"])
    y = int(data["y"])
    adv = data["adv"]
    if adv:
        W = deepcopy(data["W"])
        w = deepcopy(data["w"])
    b2 = []
    for i in range(8):
        b2.append(list(b1[i * 8:(i + 1) * 8]))
    mode = "maxmin" if data["mode"] == 'settai' else "minmax"
    if data["difficulty"] == 0:
        mode = "random"
    depth = int(data["difficulty"])
    p = get_player_instance(mode, "B")
    q = get_player_instance(mode, "W")
    b = Board(b2)
    if x >= 0:
        if validate(b.board_data, "B", [x, y]):
            do_move(b.board_data, "B", [x, y])
    plisult = deepcopy(b.board_data)
    if adv and depth > 0:
        nm = q.next_move(b.board_data, "W", depth, W, w)
    elif depth > 0:
        nm = q.next_move(b.board_data, "W", depth)
        nm = q.next_move(b.board_data, "W")
    if validate(b.board_data, "W", nm):
        do_move(b.board_data, "W", nm)
    qlisult = b.board_data
    return jsonify({"player": plisult, "com": qlisult, "pos": nm})
Exemple #2
 def successors(self, state, color):
     suclist = []
     movs = []
     for y in range(8):
         for x in range(8):
             if game.validate(state, color, [x, y]):
                 movs.append([x, y])
     for mov in movs:
         nb = deepcopy(state)
         game.do_move(nb, color, mov)
         suclist.append([mov, nb])
     return suclist
Exemple #3
 def get_successors(self, poslist):
     if self._color == "B":
         idx = 0
     elif self._color:
         idx = 1
     suclist = []
     before_score = game.score(self._board)
     for pos in poslist:
         nb = deepcopy(self._board)
         game.do_move(nb, self._color, pos)
         after_score = game.score(nb)
         suclist.append([pos, nb, after_score[idx] - before_score[idx] - 1])
     return suclist
Exemple #4
def test_do_move_cant_finish():
    p0 = Player.get(0)
    status = [Piece(0, 0, 58)]

    success = do_move(status, p0, 0, 6)

    assert not success
    assert status[0].progress() == 58
Exemple #5
def test_do_move_on_target():
    p0 = Player.get(0)
    status = [Piece(0, 0, 56), Piece(1, 0, 33)]

    success = do_move(status, p0, 0, 1)

    assert success
    assert status[0].progress() == 57
    assert status[1].progress() == 33
Exemple #6
def test_do_move_blocked_out_of_home():
    p1 = Player.get(1)
    piece = Piece(1, 0, 0)
    status = [piece, Piece(0, 0, 15), Piece(0, 1, 15)]

    assert not is_valid_move(piece, 6, status)

    success = do_move(status, p1, 0, 6)

    assert not success
    assert status[0].progress() == 0
Exemple #7
def test_do_move_cant_out_of_home():
    p1 = Player.get(1)
    piece = Piece(1, 0, 0)
    status = [piece]

    assert not is_valid_move(piece, 5, status)

    success = do_move(status, p1, 0, 5)

    assert not success
    assert status[0].progress() == 0
Exemple #8
def test_do_move_on_path():
    p1 = Player.get(1)
    piece = Piece(0, 0, 16)
    status = [piece, Piece(1, 0, 1)]

    assert is_valid_move(piece, 1, status)

    success = do_move(status, p1, 0, 1)

    assert success
    assert status[0].progress() == 0
    assert status[1].progress() == 2
Exemple #9
 def get_game_result(self, board_data, game_ended=False, opponent=None):
     b = Board(deepcopy(board_data))
     act = opponent.next_move(b.board_data, opponent.color)
     game.do_move(b.board_data, opponent.color, act)
     is_over = b.is_game_over()
     r = 0
     if is_over:
         tmp = b.board_data
         nb, nw = tmp.count("B"), tmp.count("W")
         is_bwin = nb > nw
         is_wwin = nb < nw
         is_draw = nb == nw
         if is_draw:
             r = 0
         elif self.color == "B":
             r = 1 if is_bwin else -1
         elif self.color == "W":
             r = 1 if is_wwin else -1
     if self.last_move != None:
         self.learn(self.last_board, self.last_move, r, b, is_over)
     if not is_over:
         self.act_ctr += 1
         self.last_move = None
         self.last_board = None
Exemple #10
def test_random_moves_get_game_over():
    num_games = 20
    num_moves = 500

    for _ in range(num_games):
        board = STARTING_BOARD
        active_player = Player.RED
            for _ in range(num_moves):
                piece_loc, player, move = get_move_randomly(
                    active_player, board)
                board = do_move(move, piece_loc, player, board)
                active_player = active_player.enemy
            assert False, "Game did not finish with {} random moves!".format(
        except GameOver:
    assert True
Exemple #11
def play(num_players: int, num_pieces: int, first_player: Player) -> None:
    status = set_board(num_players, num_pieces)

    next = first_player.number
    win = False
    while not win:
        dice = roll_dice(next)
        player = Player.get(next)
        valid_moves = get_valid_moves(player, dice, status)
        valid = not valid_moves
        while not valid:
            piece_to_move = ask_move(valid_moves)
            valid = do_move(status, player, piece_to_move, dice)

        win = check_endgame(status)
        if not win and dice != 6:
            next = (next + 1) % num_players

    end_game(status, player)
Exemple #12
def main():
    board = STARTING_BOARD
    active_player = Player.RED

    print("Welcome to checkers!")
    print("X = Red's pieces")
    print("O = Black's pieces")
    print("The rules have been simplified for your convenience! Good luck!")

        while True:
            print("{}'s turn".format(active_player))
            piece_loc, player, move = get_move_from_stdin(active_player, board)

            board = do_move(move, piece_loc, player, board)
            active_player = active_player.enemy
    except GameOver:
        print("Game Over!")