def run(): # Attempt to use custom board global board global player setup_images() try: board = Board(game.GAME_WIDTH, game.GAME_HEIGHT) except (AttributeError) as e: board = Board() game.GAME_BOARD = board """ try: board.register(player) update_list.append(player) except (AttributeError) as e: print "No player" player = None """ # Set up an fps display try: if game.DEBUG == True: fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() draw_list.append(fps_display) except AttributeError: pass # Add the board and the fps display to the draw list draw_list.append(board) # Add the keyboard handler if it's ready key_handler = key.KeyStateHandler() game.KEYBOARD = key_handler game_window.push_handlers(key_handler) try: badguy_handler = game.badguy_handler def badguy_handler_wrapper(dt): badguy_handler() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(badguy_handler_wrapper, 1/4.0) except AttributeError: print "No badguy handler" pass try: handler = game.keyboard_handler def handler_wrapper(dt): handler() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(handler_wrapper, 1/10.0) except AttributeError: print "No keyboard handler" pass # Set up the update clock pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/10.0) game.initialize()
def run(): # Attempt to use custom board global board global player setup_images() try: board = Board(game.GAME_WIDTH, game.GAME_HEIGHT) except (AttributeError) as e: board = Board() game.GAME_BOARD = board """ try: board.register(player) update_list.append(player) except (AttributeError) as e: print "No player" player = None """ # Set up an fps display try: if game.DEBUG == True: fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() draw_list.append(fps_display) except AttributeError: pass # Add the board and the fps display to the draw list draw_list.append(board) # Add the keyboard handler if it's ready key_handler = key.KeyStateHandler() game.KEYBOARD = key_handler game_window.push_handlers(key_handler) try: handler = game.keyboard_handler def handler_wrapper(dt): handler() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(handler_wrapper, 1/10.0) except AttributeError: print "No keyboard handler" pass try: evil_handler = game.enemy_handler def enemy_handler(dt): evil_handler() pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(enemy_handler, 2.0) except AttributeError: print "No enemy handler" pass # Set up the update clock pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/10.) game.initialize()
def main(): ''' This is the starting function to start the game ''' game.initialize(WIDTH, HEIGHT, TITLE) game.game_loop(FPS) return 0
def main(initial_state = None): game.initialize() if initial_state: game.set_state(initial_state) state = game.state() state.play_music() while True: for event in pygame.event.get(): state.handle_event(event) state.update() if state.refresh_screen: state.draw_to_screen() game.refresh_screen() state.refresh_screen = False state = game.state() game.tick() return
def set_game(self, player_id, selected_game=[None, None]): """Sets game and respective player id""" if selected_game!=[None, None]: assert isinstance(player_id, int), 'player_id argument must be int type' assert isinstance(selected_game, list) assert len(selected_game)==2 self.game_player_id = player_id = game.initialize(selected_game[0], selected_game[1])
def accept(user_id, user_name, channel): """Allows the challenged player to accept a challenge""" players = channel['players'] player2 = channel['player2'] player1 = channel['player1'] if channel['ongoing_game'] is False: res = { "response_type": "ephemeral", "text": "To start a game type '/ttt challenge @username'" } if channel['ongoing_game'] is True: if user_name == player2: players |= {user_id} channel['ongoing_game'] = True channel['accepted_invite'] = True channel['turn'] = player2 game.initialize(player1, player2) res = { "response_type": "in_channel", "attachments": [{ "text": "Please use the following cell number to make your move.\n/ttt move # - to make a move\n/ttt end - to end the game\n" + "```" + game.instructions() + "```" + "\nHere is the current game board:\n" + "```" + game.print_board(channel['board']) + "```", "pretext": "Challenge accepted. %s starts the game. Your marker is 'O'. Please read the instructions below:" % player2, "mrkdwn_in": ["text", "pretext"] }] } if user_name != player2: res = { "response_type": "ephemeral", "text": "You were not the challenged player.", } return res
def run(): # Setup the images setup_images() # Create the game board try: board = Board(width=game.GAME_WIDTH, height=game.GAME_HEIGHT, tile_width=TILE_WIDTH, tile_height=TILE_HEIGHT, screen_width=SCREEN_X, screen_height=SCREEN_Y) board.IMAGES = IMAGES board.draw_board() except (AttributeError) as e: board = Board() game.GAME_BOARD = board # Set up an fps display try: if game.DEBUG == True: fps_display = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay() draw_list.append(fps_display) except AttributeError: pass # Add the board and the fps display to the draw list draw_list.append(board) # Set up the update clock pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/2.) game.initialize()
def main(): state, msg = g.initialize(), '' while g.is_final_state(state) == 0: # display clear() print(msg) msg = '' g.display_board(state) # if state[1] == -1: sleep(0.6) # game logic if state[1] == 1: # old_pos, new_pos = (0, 0), (0, 0) # try: # print('choose a piece to move:') # old_pos = (int(input(' row = ')), int(input(' col = '))) # print('choose where to move it:') # new_pos = (int(input(' row = ')), int(input(' col = '))) # except: # msg = INPUT_ERROR_MSG # continue # if g.is_valid_transition(state, old_pos, new_pos): # state = g.transition(state, old_pos, new_pos) # else: # msg = MOVE_ERROR_MSG start = time() t = s.minimax(state)[0] state = g.transition(state, t[0], t[1]) log.write(f' Minimax: {round((time() - start) * 1000, 2)} ms\n') else: start = time() t = s.minimum_value(state)[0] state = g.transition(state, t[0], t[1]) log.write(f'Apha beta: {round((time() - start) * 1000, 2)} ms\n\n') # end game clear() g.display_board(state) switch = { 1: lambda: print(colored('⬤ ', 'white') + 'White won!'), -1: lambda: print(colored('⬤ ', 'grey') + 'Black won!'), 2: lambda: print( colored('⬤ ', 'white') + 'White is blocked. It\'s a draw!'), -2: lambda: print( colored('⬤ ', 'grey') + 'Black is blocked. It\'s a draw!') } switch[g.is_final_state(state)]()
''' Created on Oct 25, 2014 @author: Richard ''' import pygame, game from battle import * from random import choice pygame.init() game.initialize() pygame.display.quit() game.load_music("ff4.wav") game.play_music() weapons = [ShortSword(), LongBow(), Hadouken()] ray = Ray(weapons) ray = ray.battle_unit() enemies = [Skeleton(), EvilSpirit(), Dragon()] ray_weapons = ray.weapons() prompt = "Choose a weapon: " for i in range(len(ray_weapons)): prompt += "\n{0} = {1}".format(i + 1, ray_weapons[i].name) prompt += "\n-> " enemy = None enemy_weapons = None while ray.is_alive() and (enemy != None or enemies != []): if enemy == None: enemy = enemies.pop(0)
''' Created on Oct 12, 2014 @author: Richard ''' from game import initialize from main_program import main from game_state import TitleState initialize() main(TitleState())
# Ghost1Path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'images/Blinky.png') # Ghost2Path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'images/Clyde.png' # Ghost3Path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'images/Inky.png') # Ghost4Path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'images/Pinky.png') # # level=Levels.Level1() # sprite,sprite1 = level.setupPlayers(PlayerPath, [Ghost1Path, Ghost2Path, Ghost3Path, Ghost4Path]) # pygame.display.set_mode(sprite) # pygame.display.set_mode(sprite1) # changeSpeed(speed, sprite) # for hero in sprite: # assert(hero.changeSpeed==[1,0]) # test_change_speed() game.main(game.initialize()) def testValidGhos1tpath(): if not os.path.exists(game.Ghost1Path): print("test failed") def testValidPlayerpath(): if not os.path.exists(game.PlayerPath): print("test failed") def testValidGhos2tpath(): if not os.path.exists(game.Ghost2Path): print("test failed"), random_c, (random_x, random_y), random_r) #GUI #Start Pygame pygame.init() #Starts pygame window = pygame.display.set_mode( (SCREEN_X, SCREEN_Y)) # Created window to display game window.fill((0, 0, 0)) #Makes the screen be black. pygame.display.set_caption("Minesweeper") # Sets menu bar title pygame.font.init() #Starts the font engine. #Initialize Board g.initialize( TILES_X, TILES_Y, NUM_BOMBS) #This is a functionality, it sets up the board. run = True #This controls the main game loop. #Main game loop. The program does this over and over, drawing things to the screen repeatedly. #Tiles are rectangles, drawn to the screen. Flags and bombs are just circles. Text (ie, for the numbers surrounding the bombs) are surface objects containing text. x_mouse = 0 # Setting x and y mouse coordinates prior to game run prevents x_mouse not defined error y_mouse = 0 while run: pygame.time.delay( 50 ) #This makes sure that the game doesn't run too fast. Disable at your own risk!
def main(): game.initialize() main_loop(MainState()) return
async def initialize_handler(request): game.initialize() return web.HTTPNoContent() import board import canvas import widget import game if __name__ == "__main__": settings = widget.Widget() settings.main_loop() #if cancel_button pressed then don't start game if not settings.cancel_button_pressed() == True: #configure game setting choice = settings.get_game() turn = settings.get_turn() row = int(settings.get_row()) column = int(settings.get_column()) game_mode = settings.get_game() first_turn = settings.get_turn() board = board.Board(row, column) board.game_settings() #start game game = game.Game(board, game_mode, first_turn) game.initialize() canvas = canvas.Canvas(game, row, column)