Exemple #1
def alphabeta(board, alpha, beta, depth, color, player):
    can_moves = []
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if gamePlay.valid(board, player, (i,j)):

    if depth == 0 or len(can_moves) == 0:
        return calculate_heuristic(board, color)

    if(player == color):#Maximizing
        v = -999999
        for can_move in can_moves:
            temp_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(temp_board, player, can_move)
            v = max(v, alphabeta(temp_board, alpha, beta, depth-1, color, gamePlay.opponent(player)))
            alpha = max(alpha, v)
            if(alpha >= beta):

        return v
        v = 999999
        for can_move in can_moves:
            temp_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(temp_board, player, can_move)
            v = min(v, alphabeta(temp_board, alpha, beta, depth-1, color, gamePlay.opponent(player)))
            beta = min(beta, v)
            if (alpha >= beta):

        return v
def alphabeta(board, color, depth, alpha, beta, moveMade, isMax, timeoutAt=None):
    # alphabeta failed to find a solution in time alotted
    if timeoutAt and time.time() > timeoutAt:
        raise threading.ThreadError('alphabeta timed out before finding a solution')

    if depth == 0 or gameOver(board):
        #print 'bottomed out at %s' % str((simpleHeuristic(board), moveMade))
        return (simpleHeuristic(board), moveMade)
    if isMax:
        for movePos in children(board, color):
                childScore, childMove = alphabeta(childBoard(board, color, movePos), opponent(color), depth-1, alpha, beta, movePos, False)
            except threading.ThreadError as e:
                raise e
            alpha = (childScore, movePos) if childScore > alpha[0] else alpha
            if beta[0] <= alpha[0]:
        return alpha
        for movePos in children(board, color):
                childScore, childMove = alphabeta(childBoard(board, color, movePos), opponent(color), depth-1, alpha, beta, movePos, True)
            except threading.ThreadError as e:
                raise e
            beta = (childScore, movePos) if childScore < beta[0] else beta
            if beta[0] <= alpha[0]:
        return beta
def nextMove(board, color, time, reversed = False):
	global myColor
	global opponentColor
	global alpha
	global beta
	global localalpha
	#print "moves  :",moves
	if len(moves) == 0:
	   return "pass"
	#print "moves :",len(moves)

	for move in moves:

		parnt = makeNode(None,None,move[0],move[1])
		newBoard = deepcopy(board)
		#print "aaaaaaa ",aaaa
		if bestMove==None:
		elif bestValue<parnt[1]:
		if alpha == None:
		if alpha<beta:

		#print parnt[1]
	#for n in childNodes:
	#	print "final value :",n[1]

	#print "bestValue ",bestValue
	#print "bestMove ",bestMove
	return bestMove
Exemple #4
def nextMove(board, color, time, reversed=False):
    global myColor
    global opponentColor
    global alpha
    global beta
    global localalpha
    opponentColor = gamePlay.opponent(color)
    myColor = color
    moves = getMoves(board, color)
    #print "moves  :",moves
    if len(moves) == 0:
        return "pass"
    childNodes = []
    bestMove = None
    bestValue = None
    #print "moves :",len(moves)

    for move in moves:

        parnt = makeNode(None, None, move[0], move[1])
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, color, move)
        oppColor = gamePlay.opponent(color)
        traverseTree(parnt, newBoard, oppColor, 1)
        #print "aaaaaaa ",aaaa
        if bestMove == None:
            bestMove = move
            bestValue = parnt[1]
        elif bestValue < parnt[1]:
            bestMove = move
            bestValue = parnt[1]
        if alpha == None:
            alpha = beta
        if alpha < beta:
            alpha = beta
        beta = None
        localalpha = None

        #print parnt[1]
    #for n in childNodes:
    #	print "final value :",n[1]

    #print "bestValue ",bestValue
    #print "bestMove ",bestMove
    return bestMove
Exemple #5
def traverseTree(parnt, board, color, depth):
    #print "color",color
    global alpha
    global beta
    global localalpha
    global flag
    moves = getMoves(board, color)

    if depth == globalDepth or len(moves) == 0:
        value = valueBoard(board)
        parnt[1] = value

    #print "moves",moves
    #if len(moves) == 0:
    #	return

    for move in moves:
        #print "iCounter :",iCounter
        flag = True
        node = makeNode(parnt, None, move[0], move[1])
        #print "a"
        newBoard = deepcopy(board)
        #print "b"
        gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, color, move)
        #print "c"
        #print newBoard
        oppColor = gamePlay.opponent(color)
        traverseTree(node, newBoard, oppColor, depth + 1)
        #if traverseTreeReturn=="depth" or traverseTreeReturn=="pass":
        #print "value",node[0][1]
        if node[0][1] == None:
            node[0][1] = node[1]
            if depth % 2 == 0:
                localalpha = node[1]
            if depth % 2 == 1:
                beta = node[1]
        elif node[0][1] <= node[1] and depth % 2 == 0:
            node[0][1] = node[1]
            if localalpha != None and localalpha < node[1]:
                localalpha = node[1]
        elif node[0][1] >= node[1] and depth % 2 == 1:
            node[0][1] = node[1]
            if beta != None and beta > node[1]:
                beta = node[1]

        if alpha != None and beta != None:
            if alpha >= beta and flag == True:
                flag = False
        if localalpha != None and beta != None:
            if localalpha >= beta and flag == True:
                flag = False

Exemple #6
def nextMove(board, color, time):
	best_val = None
	best_move = None
	moves = []
	for row in range(8):
		for col in range(8):
			if gamePlay.valid(board, color, (row, col)):
				moves.append((row, col))
	#shuffle the moves in case it places the same position in every game
	if len(moves) == 0:
		return "pass"
	if moves == "pass":
		return "pass"
	opp = gamePlay.opponent(color)
	#evaluate max's position and choose the best value
	if color == "B":
		for move in moves:
			newBoard = board[:]
			gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, color, move)
			#alpha = - INFINITY beta = INFINITY
			#we want to choose the max one
			if best_val = max(best_val, alpha_beta(newBoard, opp, 3, -INFINITY, INFINITY)):
				#update best move
				best_move = move
def maxVal(node,color,depth,a,b): 

    #if game is over or reached search depth, calculate score.
    #here, I simply use the score function provided in gameplay.
    if gameOver(node.state) or depth==0:
        if (color == "B"):
            return black
        elif (color == "W"):
            return white
    #set v value to a very small number
    #populate children
    #if no children, just get value at current step
    if len(node.children)==0:
        return maxVal(node,color,0,a,b);
    #for each child in next depth, calculate opponent score
    for child in node.children:
        if v>=b:
            return v;
    return v;
def minVal(node,color,depth,a,b):
    #if game is over or reached search depth, calculate score.
    if gameOver(node.state) or depth==0:
        if (color == "B"):
            return black
        elif (color == "W"):
            return white
    #set v value to a very large number
    #populate children
    #if no children, just get value at current step
    if len(node.children)==0:
        return minVal(node,color,0,a,b);
    #for each child in next depth, calculate opponent score
    for child in node.children:
        if v<=a:
            return v;
    return v
def minimax(board, color, depth, alpha, beta, maximizingPlayer):
    #By default if we do not get any move, we use "pass"
    bestMove = "pass"
    #Successor function called on current board 
    moves = successor(board, color)
    if depth == 0 or moves== "pass":
        return value(board, color, maximizingPlayer),"pass"
    #Recursing over self and opponent
    if maximizingPlayer: 
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard,color, move)
            child = newBoard
            x = minimax(child, gamePlay.opponent(color), depth - 1, alpha, beta, False)[0]
            #alpha will select the maximum value
            if alpha < x:
                alpha = x
                bestMove = move 
            #pruning condition
            if beta <= alpha:
        #maxplayer will always return the best move    
        return alpha,bestMove
    #opponents best play
        for move in moves:
            newBoard = deepcopy(board)
            gamePlay.doMove(newBoard,color, move)
            child =  newBoard
            y = minimax(child, gamePlay.opponent(color), depth - 1, alpha, beta, True)[0]
            #beta will select the minimum value
            if beta > y:
                beta = y
            #pruning condition   
            if beta <= alpha:
        #Doesn't matter what move we pass, this will never be returned to nextmove    
        return beta, "pass"
def value(board, color, maximizingPlayer): 
    new = deepcopy(board)
    #we use i and j to refer to indices at positional
    #values to calculate positional advantage of self and opponent 
    valueSelf = 0
    valueOpp = 0 
    #Traversing each board position to calculate the advantage based on the         
    for row in board:
        j = 0
        i += 1
        for elem in row:
            value = positional[i][j] 
            if elem == color:
                #if we are maximizing player, we keep adding advantage to self since it is self color
                # else add in opponent
                if maximizingPlayer:
                    valueSelf = valueSelf + value
                    valueOpp = valueOpp + value
                #if we are maximizing player, we keep subtracting since its not our color advantage to self
                #else subtract from opponent
                if maximizingPlayer:
                    valueSelf = valueSelf - value
                    valueOpp = valueOpp - value
            j +=1
    #The positional advantage of whole board will be subtraction of self advantage and opponents advantage    
    boardCount = valueSelf-valueOpp
    #calculating number of available moves in future; for self and opponent
    myMoves = successor(new, color)
    oppMoves = successor(new, opponent(color))
    #Taking the ratio of moves 
    #If opponent comes to "pass" in future; set m as 10 which is desirable
    #if self has "pass" in future; set m as -10 since it is undesirable                 
    if not myMoves=="pass" and not oppMoves=="pass":
        if len(myMoves) > len(oppMoves):
            m = len(myMoves) / float((len(myMoves) + len(oppMoves)))
            m = -(len(myMoves)) / float((len(myMoves) + len(oppMoves)))
    elif myMoves=="pass":
        m = -10
        m = 10        
    #The heurisitic will scale mobility and add positional advantage
    heuristic = (100 * m) +  boardCount    

    return heuristic   
def alphabeta(board, color, depth, alpha, beta, moveMade, isMax):
    if depth == 0 or gameOver(board):
        #print 'bottomed out at %s' % str((simpleHeuristic(board), moveMade))
        return (simpleHeuristic(board, color), moveMade)
    if isMax:
        for movePos in children(board, color):
            childScore, childMove = alphabeta(childBoard(board, color, movePos), opponent(color), depth-1, alpha, beta, movePos, False)
            alpha = (childScore, movePos) if childScore > alpha[0] else alpha
            if beta[0] <= alpha[0]:
        return alpha
        for movePos in children(board, color):
            childScore, childMove = alphabeta(childBoard(board, color, movePos), opponent(color), depth-1, alpha, beta, movePos, True)
            beta = (childScore, movePos) if childScore < beta[0] else beta
            if beta[0] <= alpha[0]:
        return beta
def simpleHeuristic(board, myColor):
    value = 0
    for row in board:
        for elem in row:
            if elem == opponent(myColor):
                value = value + 1
            elif elem == myColor:
                value = value - 1
    return value
Exemple #13
	def getWeight(self, color):     # weight matrix의 놓인 위치를 비교하여 값 계산
		acc = 0
		opp = opponent(color)
		for i in range(8):
			for j in range(8):
				if self.board[i][j] == color or self.board[i][j] == color:
					acc += WEIGHT_BOARD[i][j]   # 내가 놓았다면 plus
				elif self.board[i][j] == opp or self.board[i][j] == opp:
					acc -= WEIGHT_BOARD[i][j]   # 상대가 놓았다면 minus
		return acc
Exemple #14
	def calcRatio(self, color):     # 상대방의 돌과 내 돌의 비율을 계산
		opp = opponent(color)
		my = 0
		you = 0
		for i in range(8):
			for j in range(8):
				if self.board[i][j] == color:
					my += 1
				elif self.board[i][j] == opp:
					you += 1
		return (float(my) / float(my + you)) * 10
Exemple #15
def calculate_heuristic(board, color):
    player_pieces = 0
    opponent_pieces = 0
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if board[i][j]==color:
                player_pieces += 1
            elif board[i][j]==gamePlay.opponent(color):
                opponent_pieces += 1

    edge_pos = [(0,0), (0,7), (7,0), (7,7)]
    for edge in edge_pos:
        if board[edge[0]][edge[1]] == color:
            player_pieces += 999
        elif board[edge[0]][edge[1]] == gamePlay.opponent(color):
            opponent_pieces += 999

    side_pos = [0,7]
    for side in side_pos:
        for k in range(8):
            if board[side][k] == color:
                player_pieces += 5
            elif board[side][k] == gamePlay.opponent(color):
                opponent_pieces += 5
            elif board[k][side] == color:
                player_pieces += 5
            elif board[k][side] == gamePlay.opponent(color):
                opponent_pieces += 5

    weak_pos= [(1,1),(1,0),(0,1),(6,6),(0,6),(6,0),(1,6),(6,7),(7,6),(6,1),(7,1),(1,7)]
    for weak in weak_pos:
        if board[weak[0]][weak[1]] == color:
            opponent_pieces += 5
        elif board[weak[0]][weak[1]] == gamePlay.opponent(color):
            player_pieces += 5

    count_eval = player_pieces - opponent_pieces
    return  count_eval
Exemple #16
def alpha_beta(board, color):
	'''Alpha-beta pruning'''
	next_positions = get_successors(board, color)
	if len(next_positions) == 0:
		return "pass"
	next_color = gamePlay.opponent(color)
	best_value = -100000
	best_move = (-1, -1)
	'''This for loop works as max_value(), so here starts the recursion with min_value()'''
	for pos in next_positions:
		tempboard = deepcopy(board)
		gamePlay.doMove(tempboard, color, pos)
		val = min_value(tempboard, next_color, 6) # Search depth is 6. If it is deeper, we need to wait too long for result
		if val >= best_value:
			best_value = val
			best_move = pos
	return best_move
Exemple #17
def makeTree(root, color, depth):             # 트리 생성 함수
	if depth >= limitDepth:                   # 한계 깊이 이상이면 종료
	moveslen = len(root.children)
	for k in range(moveslen):
		child = root.children[k]              # 움직일 수 있는 곳을 하나씩 움직여봄

		another = opponent(color)
		for i in range(8):
			for j in range(8):
				if valid(child.board, another, (i, j)):     # 다음 턴에 놓을 수 있는 곳이면 자식으로 추가
					temp = Node()
					temp.data = (i,j)
					temp.board = deepcopy(child.board)
					doMove(temp.board, another, temp.data)
		if len(child.children) != 0:
			makeTree(child, another, depth + 1)             # 재귀적으로 자식을 확장
Exemple #18
def min_value(board, color, depth):
	'''Calculate the min value. The comments are the same as in max_value()'''
	global alpha, beta
	if gamePlay.gameOver(board) or depth == 0:
		return evaluation(board, color)
	depth -= 1
	val = 100000
	next_positions = get_successors(board, color)
	next_color = gamePlay.opponent(color)
	if len(next_positions) == 0:
		return evaluation(board, color)
	for pos in next_positions:
		tempboard = deepcopy(board)
		gamePlay.doMove(tempboard, color, pos)
		val = min(val, max_value(tempboard, next_color, depth))
		if val <= alpha:
			return val
		beta = min(beta, val) # Update beta value
	return val
Exemple #19
def alpha_beta(board, color, depth, alpha, beta):
	"""Find the utility value of the game and the best_val move in the game."""
	if depth == 0:
		return eval_fn(board, color)
	if gamePlay.gameOver(board):
		return gamePlay.score(board)
	moves = []
	for row in range(8):
		for col in range(8):
			if gamePlay.valid(board, color, (row, col)):
				moves.append((row, col))
	#shuffle the moves in case it places the same position in every game
	if len(moves) == 0:
		return "pass"
	if moves == "pass":
		return eval_fn(board, color)

	opp = gamePlay.opponent(color)
	# try each move
	#evaluate max's position and choose the best value
	if color == "B":
		for move in moves:
			newBoard = board[:]
			gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, color, move)
			#cut off the branches
			alpha = max(alpha, alpha_beta(newBoard, opp, depth-1, alpha, beta))
			if beta <= alpha:
		return alpha
	#evaluate min's position and choose the best value
	if color == "W":
		for move in moves:
			newBoard = board[:]
			gamePlay.doMove(newBoard, color, move)
			#cut off the branches
			beta = min(beta, alpha_beta(newBoard, opp, depth-1, alpha, beta))
			if beta <= alpha:
		return beta
Exemple #20
def minimax(board, color, depth):
  	#Find the best move in the game
  	#if depth = 0, we calculate the score
    if depth == 0:
    	return eval_fn(board, color)
    #if game is over, we calculate the score
    if gamePlay.gameOver(board):
        return gamePlay.score(board)

    best_val = None
    best_move = None
    opp = gamePlay.opponent(color)
    # valid moves
    moves = []
    for row in range(8):
    	for col in range(8):
    		if gamePlay.valid(board, color, (row,col)):
	#shuffle the moves in case it places the same position in every game
	if len(moves) == 0:
		return "pass"
	if move == "pass":
		return eval_fn(board, color)
	#try each move in valid moves
    #evaluate max's position and choose the best value
	if color == "B":
		for move in moves:
			newBoard = board[:]
    		gamePlay.doMove(newboard, color, move)
    		val = minimax(newBoard, opp, depth-1)
    		if best_val is None or val > (best_val, best_move)[0]:
				(best_val, best_move) = (val, move)
    #evaluate min's position and choose the best value
    if color == "W":
    	for move in moves:
			newBoard = board[:]
			gamePlay.doMove(newboard, color, move)
			val = minimax(newBoard, opp, depth-1)
			if best_val is None or val < (best_val, best_move)[0]:
				(best_val, best_move) = (val, move)
    return (best_val, best_move)[0]
Exemple #21
def max_value(board, color, depth):
	'''Calculate the max value'''
	global alpha, beta
	if gamePlay.gameOver(board) or depth == 0:
		'''If the game board is full of pieces, or reach the search depth, give the evaluation of the situation'''
		return evaluation(board, color)
	depth -= 1
	val = -100000
	next_positions = get_successors(board, color) # Get the child nodes
	next_color = gamePlay.opponent(color) # Get the opponent's color
	if len(next_positions) == 0:
		return evaluation(board, color) # If no child node, return the evaluation
	for pos in next_positions:
		tempboard = deepcopy(board) # Create a new board for mock moves
		gamePlay.doMove(tempboard, color, pos) # Do a mock move
		val = max(val, min_value(tempboard, next_color, depth))
		'''Alpha-beta pruning'''
		if val >= beta:
			return val
		alpha = max(alpha, val) # Update alpha value
	return val
def children(board, myColor):
    """Yields all child nodes worth exploring"""
    opponentTiles = []
    opponentMarker = opponent(myColor)

    # define what tiles are on the board
    for x in range(8):
        for y in range(8):
            if board[x][y].upper() == opponentMarker:
                opponentTiles.append((x, y))

    alreadyYielded = set()

    for tile in opponentTiles:
        # for each opponent tile on board
        neighbors = filter(lambda pos: isValid(board, myColor, pos), _surrounding(tile))
        # only valid neighbors of this tile
        for move in neighbors:
            if move not in alreadyYielded:
                # yield each possible move only once
                yield move
Exemple #23
def eval_fn(board, color):
	# if the game is over, give a 100 point bonus to the winning player
    if gamePlay.gameOver(board):
        point = gamePlay.score(board)
        if point > 0:
            return 100
        elif point < 0:
            return -100
            return 0
    point = 0
    #find the color of the opponent
    opp = gamePlay.opponent(color)
    for row in range(8):
        for col in range(8):
            #calculate the point of current player
            if board[row][col] == color:
                point += gradingStrategy[(row+1)*10+1+col]
            #calculate the point of the opponent
            elif board[row][col] == opp:
                point -= gradingStrategy[(row+1)*10+1+col]
    return point
def traverseTree(parnt,board,color,depth):
	#print "color",color
	global alpha
	global beta
	global localalpha
	global flag

	if depth==globalDepth or len(moves) == 0:

	#print "moves",moves
	#if len(moves) == 0:
	#	return

	for move in moves:
		#print "iCounter :",iCounter
		flag= True
		node =makeNode(parnt,None,move[0],move[1])
		#print "a"
		newBoard = deepcopy(board)
		#print "b"
		#print "c"
		#print newBoard
		#if traverseTreeReturn=="depth" or traverseTreeReturn=="pass":
			#print "value",node[0][1]
		if node[0][1]==None:
			if depth%2==0:
			if depth%2==1:
		elif node[0][1]<=node[1] and depth%2==0:
			if localalpha!=None and localalpha<node[1]:
		elif node[0][1]>=node[1] and depth%2==1:
			if beta!=None and beta >node[1]:

		if alpha !=None and beta !=None:
			if alpha>=beta and flag ==True:
		if localalpha!=None and beta !=None:
			if localalpha>=beta and flag==True:

Exemple #25
def nextMove(board, color, time):
    limit_depth = 4
    max_value = -999999
    min_value = 99999
    valid_count = 0
    for i in range(8):
        for j in range(8):
            if gamePlay.valid(board ,color, (i,j)):
                valid_count += 1
                temp_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
                gamePlay.doMove(temp_board, color, (i,j))
                v = alphabeta(temp_board, max_value, min_value, limit_depth-1, color, gamePlay.opponent(color))
                if v >= max_value:
                    next_move = (i, j)
                    max_value = v

    if valid_count == 0:
        return "pass"

    return next_move