Exemple #1
 def testWin(self):
     startergraph = makeNewGame()
     starterboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     """shouldn't be able to win at the start"""
     self.assertEqual(win_state_llist(starterboard), False)
     action = ['dig_chamber', None]
     startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     action = ['dig_tunnel', 'chamber1', None]
     startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     for i in range(2, 11):
         action = ['dig_chamber', 'chamber' + str(i - 1)]
         startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
         action = ['dig_tunnel', 'chamber' + str(i), None]
         startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     """Even with 10 chambers, this shouldn't work because they have no food"""
     longboard = starterboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     self.assertEqual(win_state_llist(longboard), False)
     for i in range(1, 11):
         chamber = 'chamber' + str(i)
         startergraph['food'][chamber]['crumb'] = 3
     """Now we should be able to win"""
     winboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     self.assertEqual(win_state_llist(winboard), True)
     """but if we make one of the chambers under attack, it will be impossible again"""
     startergraph['under_attack']['chamber1'] = True
     winboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     self.assertEqual(win_state_llist(winboard), False)
Exemple #2
 def testLose(self):
     startergraph = makeNewGame()
     starterboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     losingboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': False}
     """shouldn't be able to lose at the start"""
     self.assertEqual(lose_state_llist(starterboard), False)
     """unless the queen gets yeeted somehow"""
     self.assertEqual(lose_state_llist(losingboard), True)
     action = ['dig_chamber', None]
     startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     action = ['dig_tunnel', 'chamber1', None]
     startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     action = ['dig_chamber', 'chamber1']
     startergraph = doAction(startergraph, action)
     """our chambers are connected so this won't cause a lose"""
     tunnelboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     self.assertEqual(lose_state_llist(starterboard), False)
     """but now they will!"""
     startergraph['tunnels']['chamber1'][1][0] = None
     losetunnelboard = {'graph': startergraph, 'queen_at_head': True}
     self.assertEqual(lose_state_llist(losetunnelboard), True)
     startergraph['tunnels']['chamber1'][1][0] = 'Head'
     "should work for both top chamber and the connection from c1 to c2"
     action = ['fill_tunnel', 'chamber1']
     losebynoconnection = doAction(startergraph, action)
     self.assertEqual(lose_state_llist({'graph': losebynoconnection, 'queen_at_head': True}), True)
 def test_ants(self):
     gamestate = makeNewGame()
     action = ['spawn_ant']
     gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
     self.assertEqual(2, gamestate['chambers']['surface']['num_ants'])
     action = ['move_ant', 'A1', 'chamber1']
     gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
     self.assertEqual(1, gamestate['chambers']['chamber1']['num_ants'])
    def test_fills(self):
        """create a game with some tunnels and chambers already in"""
        gamestate = makeNewGame()
        action = ['dig_tunnel', 'chamber1', None]
        gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
        action = ['dig_chamber', 'chamber1']
        gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
        action = ['dig_tunnel', 'chamber2', None]
        gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
        """do the fills"""
        action = ['fill_tunnel', 'chamber2']
        gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)

        action = ['fill_chamber', 'chamber2']
        gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
        self.assertEqual(2, len(gamestate['chambers'].keys()))
        """game state shouldn't change if I remove a nonexistent tunnel"""
        action = ['fill_tunnel', 'chamber3']
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            doAction(gamestate, action)
        """game state shouldn't change if I remove a nonexistent chamber"""
        action = ['fill_chamber', 'chamber3']
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            doAction(gamestate, action)
 def test_inserts(self):
     """test some inserts, make sure they produce intended behavior"""
     gamestate = makeNewGame()
     action = ('dig_tunnel', 'chamber1', None)
     gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
     action = ('dig_chamber', 'chamber1')
     gamestate = doAction(gamestate, action)
     self.assertIn('chamber2', gamestate['chambers'])
     """game state shouldn't change if I add a chamber connected to a nonexistent one"""
     action = ('dig_chamber', 'chamber4')
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         doAction(gamestate, action)
     """or if I add a tunnel to/from a nonexistent chamber"""
     action = ('dig_tunnel', 'chamber2', 'chamber4')
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         doAction(gamestate, action)