Exemple #1
 def test_selected_piece(self):
     Tests selected_piece variable in Play class instance
     test = Play()
     self.assertEqual(test.selected_piece, None)
     test.selected_piece = test.game.pieces['0']
     self.assertEqual(test.selected_piece, '0000')
     self.assertEqual(test.selected_piece, test.game.pieces['0'])
Exemple #2
    def test_players(self):
        Tests players array variable in Play class instance
        test = Play()
        self.assertEqual(test.players, [])
        test.init_players(3, 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(test.players), 2)

        for i in range(2):
            self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.players[i], PlayerMediumAI))
Exemple #3
 def test_current_and_change_player(self):
     Tests current_player variable and change_player() method
     in Play class instance
     test = Play()
     self.assertEqual(test.current_player, None)
     test.init_players(3, 2)
     player_one = test.current_player
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(player_one, PlayerMediumAI))
     player_two = test.change_player()
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(player_two, PlayerMediumAI))
     self.assertNotEqual(player_one, player_two)
Exemple #4
    def test_player_ai_easy_vs_ai_hard_play(self):
        Tests average EasyAI player wins against HardAI player <= 5%
        Theoretically, should never win against the hard (minimax) AI
        p_one, p_two, wins = "Player One", "Player Two", 0
        samples = 100  # the number of samples of won games in each test

        for i in range(samples):
            test = Play()
            test.players = [PlayerEasyAI(test.game, p_one),
                            PlayerHardAI(test.game, p_two)]
            test.current_player = choice(test.players)

            if test.play_auto() and test.current_player.name == p_two:
                wins += 1
        self.assertTrue(((samples - wins) / samples * 100) <= 5)
Exemple #5
    def test_player_ai_easy_vs_ai_medium_play(self):
        Tests average EasyAI player wins against MediumAI player <= 15%
        Is usually below 10% win rate, but can by chance be just above 10%
        p_one, p_two, wins = "Player One", "Player Two", 0
        samples = 100  # the number of samples of won games in each test

        for i in range(samples):
            test = Play()
            test.players = [PlayerEasyAI(test.game, p_one),
                            PlayerMediumAI(test.game, p_two)]
            test.current_player = choice(test.players)

            if test.play_auto() and test.current_player.name == p_one:
                wins += 1
        self.assertTrue((wins / samples * 100) <= 10)
Exemple #6
    def test_player_ai_hard_vs_ai_easy_play(self):
        Test HardAI for average wins against EasyAI being >= 95%
        average, p_one, p_two = 0, "Player One", "Player Two"

        for i in range(100):
            test = Play()
            test.players = [
                PlayerHardAI(test.game, p_one),
                PlayerEasyAI(test.game, p_two)
            test.current_player = choice(test.players)

            if test.play_auto() and test.current_player == p_one:
                average += 1
        self.assertTrue(average >= 95)
Exemple #7
    def test_player_ai_hard_play(self):
        Test HardAI for average wins against itself being <= 10%
        average = 0

        for i in range(100):
            test = Play()
            test.players = [
                PlayerHardAI(test.game, "Player One"),
                PlayerHardAI(test.game, "Player Two")
            test.current_player = choice(test.players)

            if test.play_auto() and test.current_player == "Player One":
                average += 1
        self.assertTrue(average <= 10)
Exemple #8
    def test_play_auto(self):
        Tests that play_auto() returns only game result and winner if any
        play_auto() returns winner's name if game won, or None if game drawn
        p_one, p_two = "Player One", "Player Two"
        test = Play()
        test.players = [
            PlayerMediumAI(test.game, p_one),
            PlayerMediumAI(test.game, p_two)
        test.current_player = test.players[0]
        result = test.play_auto()

        if result:
            self.assertTrue(result in [i.name for i in test.players])
Exemple #9
    def test_player_ai_medium_play(self):
        Tests average PlayerMediumAI player wins 50% +/- 15% in non-drawn games
        Usually between 40-60% win rate, but can by chance be just below/over
        p_one, p_two, count, wins = "Player One", "Player Two", 0, 0
        samples = 100  # the number of samples of won games in each test

        while count < samples:
            test = Play()
            test.players = [
                PlayerMediumAI(test.game, p_one),
                PlayerMediumAI(test.game, p_two)
            test.current_player = choice(test.players)

            if test.play_auto():
                count += 1

                if test.current_player.name == p_one:
                    wins += 1
        self.assertTrue((35 <= (wins / samples * 100) <= 65))
    def test_easy_difficulty_ai_vs_ai(self):
        Tests initialisation of two AI players in
        AI vs AI game play at easy difficulty
        test, count = Play(), 0
        test.init_players(3, 1)

        for i in range(2):
            if test.current_player.name == "Player One":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerEasyAI))
                count += 1
            elif test.current_player.name == "Player Two":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerEasyAI))
                count += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(test.players), 2)
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)
    def test_easy_difficulty_human_vs_ai(self):
        Tests initialisation of human and AI players in
        human vs AI game play at easy difficulty
        test, count = Play(), 0
        test.init_players(2, 1, "Peter")

        for i in range(2):
            if test.current_player.name == "Peter":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerHuman))
                count += 1
            elif test.current_player.name == "Player Two":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerEasyAI))
                count += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(test.players), 2)
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)
    def test_human_vs_human(self):
        Tests initialisation of two human players in
        human vs human game play
        test, count = Play(), 0
        test.init_players(1, None, "Andy", "Joe")

        for i in range(2):
            if test.current_player.name == "Andy":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerHuman))
                count += 1
            elif test.current_player.name == "Joe":
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.current_player, PlayerHuman))
                count += 1
        self.assertEqual(len(test.players), 2)
        self.assertEqual(count, 2)
Exemple #13
class GameEngine:
    This is temporary class for the CLI testing and presentation
    Author(s):      Adam Ross; Gustav From
    Last-edit-date: 14/02/2019
    def __init__(self):
        The GameEngine CLI test class constructor
        self.play = Play()  # initiates a Play class instance
        self.introduction()  # Prints to terminal an introduction to the game

    def introduction(self):
        print("\n*** Welcome to GameEngine ***")

    def declare_available_pieces(self):
        Declares to the players the pieces available for selection
        Temporary for the CLI testing
        print("\nGame pieces status:")
                (len(self.play.game.pieces) + 1) / 2)])

        if len(self.play.game.pieces) > 1:
                    (len(self.play.game.pieces) + 1) / 2):])

    def declare_board_status(self):
        Declares to the players the current status of the game board
        Temporary for the CLI testing
        print("\nGame board status:")
        print(*(row for row in self.play.game.board), sep="\n")

    def declare_current_player(self):
        Temporary printing of current player for CLI testing and presenting
        print("\nCurrent player: '" + self.play.current_player.name + "'")

    def declare_selected_piece(self):
        Temporary printing of selected piece for CLI testing and presenting
        print("\nCurrent piece: " + self.play.selected_piece)

    def game_mode_selection(self):
        while True:
            print("\nSelect a following game mode (enter number 1 - 3):")
            n = input("1: Player vs Player\n2: Player vs AI\n3: AI vs AI\n")

            if n == "2" or n == "3":
                print("\nSelect a following difficulty (enter number 1 - 3):")
                d = input("1: easy\n2: medium\n3: hard\n")

                if d == "1" or d == "2" or d == "3":
                    self.play.init_players(int(n), int(d))  # initializes play
            elif n == "1":
                self.play.init_players(int(n), None)  # initializes players
        self.declare_current_player()  # prints the starting player turn

    def play_game(self):
        self.declare_available_pieces()  # prints game board status
        self.declare_board_status()  # prints available pieces status

        if isinstance(self.play.current_player, PlayerHuman):
            while True:
                pce = input("\nEnter number 0-15 of piece selection: ")

                if self.play.play_selection(pce):
        self.declare_selected_piece()  # prints the selected piece
        self.declare_current_player()  # prints the current player turn

        if isinstance(self.play.current_player, PlayerHuman):
            while True:
                    y, x = input("\nEnter 2 ints 0-3 separated by a space: ").\

                    if self.play.play_placement(y, x):

        if self.play.game.has_won_game(self.play.selected_piece):
            self.declare_board_status()  # prints final status of board
            print("game won by " + self.play.current_player.name)
        elif not self.play.game.has_next_play():  # checks if turns remaining
            self.declare_board_status()  # prints final status of board
            self.play_game()  # plays the next turn
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self):
     The GameEngine CLI test class constructor
     self.play = Play()  # initiates a Play class instance
     self.introduction()  # Prints to terminal an introduction to the game
Exemple #15
 def test_game_instance(self):
     Tests Game instance in Play class instance
     test = Play()
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(test.game, Game))
Exemple #16
 def test_play(self):
     Tests Play class instance
     test = Play()
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(test, Play))