Exemple #1
def test_singleton() -> None:

    bottom_left = Point(0, 0)
    top_right = Point(100, 100)
    first_instace = GameMap(bottom_left, top_right)
    second_instance = GameMap(bottom_left, top_right)
    assert first_instace is second_instance
Exemple #2
def test_adding_tiles() -> None:

    bottom_left = Point(0, 0)
    top_right = Point(100, 100)
    game_map = GameMap(bottom_left, top_right)
    tile = BasicTile(20, 20)
    other_object = InteractiveObject()
    assert tile in game_map.container

    with pytest.raises(InteractiveObject.AddingObjectError) as exc_info:
    error_message = 'Map should contains BasicTiles only!'
    assert error_message in str(exc_info.value)
Exemple #3
def Load(pathname):
  @return a MapAndEntities tuple containing the game map and the collections of
          entities created from parsing the map
  if not path.exists(pathname):
    raise FileNotFoundError

  map_list = []
  player = None
  workers = []
  commuters = []

  player_symbols = schema.ENTITIES["player"]
  worker_symbols = schema.ENTITIES["worker"]
  commuter_symbols = schema.ENTITIES["commuter"]

  with open(pathname, 'r') as map_file:
    row = 0
    for line in map_file:
      line = line.rstrip('\n')
      col = 0
      for char in line:
        if char in player_symbols:
          # The map should only contain a single player symbol.
          assert player == None
          player = Player("player", True, Point(row, col), char)
        elif char in worker_symbols:
          workers.append(Worker("worker", True, Point(row,col), schema.WORKER_SYMBOL))
        elif char in commuter_symbols:
          commuters.append(Commuter("commuter", True, Point(row,col), schema.COMMUTER_SYMBOL))


        col = col + 1
      row = row + 1

  assert player != None

  return MapAndEntities(GameMap.from_list(map_list, schema.NUM_ROWS, schema.NUM_COLS),
                        GameEntities(player, workers, commuters))
                    # Vertical tunnel, then Horizontal
                    self._create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, prev_x)
                    self._create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, new_y)

    def _create_h_tunnel(self, x1, x2, y):
        Create a tunnel
        :param int x1: Start of Tunnel
        :param int x2: End of Tunnel
        :param int y: The y position of the tunnel
        for x in range(min(x1, x2), max(x1, x2) + 1):

    def _create_v_tunnel(self, y1, y2, x):
        Create a vertical tunnel
        :param int y1: Start of Tunnel
        :param int y2: End of Tunnel
        :param int x: X position of the tunnel
        for y in range(min(y1, y2), max(y1, y2) + 1):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_map = GameMap(80, 25)
    dungeon = TutorialDungeon(test_map)
Exemple #5
from user_input.input_handler import InputHandler
from Item import DamageItem
from game_map.game_map import GameMap
from scene_manager import SCENE_MANAGER
from game_state_manager import GAME_STATE_MANAGER, GameState
from fight_manager import FIGHT_MANAGER
from ActionTree import ActionTree

# from Inventory import Inventory

last_frame_time = 0
tb = termbox.Termbox()
input_handler = InputHandler()
game_map = GameMap('./game_map/game_map.csv')
# inventory = Inventory(5, 10)
# inventory.add_item(DamageItem(500))

current_game_state = GAME_STATE_MANAGER['CurrentState']

def update_fight():
    if FIGHT_MANAGER['CurrentFight'].is_battle_over() == True:
        if FIGHT_MANAGER['CurrentFight'].get_player_inventory().get_health(
        ) > 0:
            FIGHT_MANAGER['CurrentFight'] = None
            GAME_STATE_MANAGER['CurrentState'] = GameState.MAP
            SCENE_MANAGER['CurrentScene'] = SCENE_MANAGER['OldScene']