def get_game_variables(constants): inventory_component = Inventory(26) body_component = get_human_body() player = Entity(int(constants['screen_width'] / 2), int(constants['screen_height'] / 2), '@', tcod.white, "Player", blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, ai=Player, inventory=inventory_component, body=body_component) entities = [player] animator = Animator([]) turn_count = 0 game_map = GameMap(constants['map_width'], constants['map_height']) game_map.make_map(player, entities, constants) message_log = MessageLog(constants['message_x'], constants['message_width'], constants['message_height']) game_state = GameStates.PLAYER_TURN return player, entities, animator, turn_count, game_map, message_log, game_state
def get_game_variables(): player = Entity(0, 0, '@',, 'Player', True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, inventory=component("INVENTORY"), equipment=component("EQUIPMENT"), purse=component("PURSE"), fighter=component("PLAYER")) entities = [player] game_map = GameMap(CONFIG.get('MAP_WIDTH'), CONFIG.get('MAP_HEIGHT')) game_map.make_map( CONFIG.get('MAX_ROOMS'), CONFIG.get('ROOM_MIN_SIZE'), CONFIG.get('ROOM_MAX_SIZE'), player, entities, CONFIG.get('MAX_MONSTERS'), CONFIG.get('MAX_ITEMS'), component) message_log = MessageLog(CONFIG.get("MESSAGE_X"), CONFIG.get("MESSAGE_WIDTH"), CONFIG.get("MESSAGE_HEIGHT")) game_state = GameStates.INSTRUCTIONS return player, entities, game_map, message_log, game_state
def get_game_variables(constants): fighter_component = Fighter(hp=100, defense=1, power=2) inventory_component = Inventory(26) level_component = Level() equipment_component = Equipment() player = Entity(0, 0, '@', libtcod.white, 'Player', blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, fighter=fighter_component, inventory=inventory_component, level=level_component, equipment=equipment_component) entities = [player] equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.MAIN_HAND, power_bonus=2) dagger = Entity(0, 0, '-',, 'Dagger', equippable=equippable_component) player.inventory.add_item(dagger) game_map = GameMap(constants['map_width'], constants['map_height']) game_map.make_map(constants['max_rooms'], constants['room_min_size'], constants['room_max_size'], constants['map_width'], constants['map_height'], player, entities) message_log = MessageLog(constants['message_x'], constants['message_width'], constants['message_height']) game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN return player, entities, game_map, message_log, game_state
def get_game_variables( ) -> Tuple[Entity, List[Entity], GameMap, MessageLog, GameStates]: player = Entity(0, 0, '@', tcod.white, 'Player', blocks=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, fighter=Fighter(hp=100, defense=1, power=2), inventory=Inventory(26), equipment=Equipment(), level=Level()) entities = [player] dagger = Entity(0, 0, '-',, 'Dagger', render_order=RenderOrder.ITEM, equippable=Equippable(EquipmentSlots.MAIN_HAND, power_bonus=2)) player.inventory.add_item(dagger) game_map = GameMap(constants.map_width, constants.map_height) game_map.make_map(constants.max_rooms, constants.room_min_size, constants.room_max_size, player, entities) message_log = MessageLog(constants.message_x, constants.message_width, constants.message_height) game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN return player, entities, game_map, message_log, game_state
def get_game_variables(constants): player = Entity(0, 0, blocks_movement=True, render_order=RenderOrder.ACTOR, components={ 'fighter': Fighter(hp=100, defense=1, power=2), 'inventory': Inventory(26), 'level': Level(), 'equipment': Equipment(), }) player.set_appearance('@', tcod.white, 'Player') entities = [player] equippable_component = Equippable(EquipmentSlots.MAIN_HAND, power_bonus=2) dagger = Entity(0, 0, components={ 'equippable': equippable_component, }) dagger.set_appearance( '-',, 'Dagger', ) player.inventory.add_item(dagger) game_map = GameMap(constants['map_width'], constants['map_height'], constants['room_min_size'], constants['room_max_size']) entities.extend(game_map.make_map(constants['max_rooms'], player)) message_log = MessageLog(constants['message_x'], constants['message_width'], constants['message_height']) game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN return player, entities, game_map, message_log, game_state
class Engine(): def __init__(self): # Set up the game window #libtcod.console_set_custom_font('spritesheet.png', libtcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | libtcod.FONT_LAYOUT_TCOD) libtcod.console_set_custom_font( 'Winterwing_Curses.png', libtcod.FONT_TYPE_GREYSCALE | libtcod.FONT_LAYOUT_ASCII_INROW) libtcod.console_init_root(game_constants.screen_width, game_constants.screen_height, 'Ascetic of the Cabal', True, libtcod.RENDERER_SDL2, vsync=True) # Establish the primary console as well as the detail panel self.con = libtcod.console.Console(game_constants.screen_width, game_constants.screen_height) self.panel = libtcod.console.Console(game_constants.screen_width, game_constants.panel_height) # Create references for the player input self.key = libtcod.Key() self.mouse = libtcod.Mouse() self.initialize_game() # Initializes a lot of run-specific items. Kept outside of init because it has to be re-run on a restart def initialize_game(self): # Create and initialize the Message Log self.message_log = MessageLog() #Initialize the player self.player = self.initialize_player() # Create a game map and fill it with enemies self.build_map() self.player_target = None # Establish the Game State self.game_map.compute_dijkstra_map([self.player], 'player', True) self.game_map.compute_dijkstra_map( self.entities.get_sublist(lambda x: != "Ascetic"), "enemies") self.game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN self.previous_game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN self.game_running = True # Creates the player object, with all associated defaults # This can and probably should be moved to another file def initialize_player(self): player_components = { "Fighter": Fighter(hp=300, defense=2, power=5, factions=[Factions.PLAYER]), "Inventory": Inventory(26), "Devotee": Devotee(100), "StatusContainer": StatusContainer() } player = Entity(int(game_constants.screen_width / 2), int(game_constants.screen_height / 2), '@', libtcod.white, "Ascetic", True, RenderOrder.ACTOR, message_log=self.message_log, state=AIStates.INANIMATE, components=player_components) player.get_component("Inventory").equip_item( generate_starting_pistol(self.message_log)) return player # Generates a game map and initializes the FOV map of it def build_map(self, level=1): self.game_map = GameMap(self.message_log, level) self.entities = Entities(self.game_map) self.game_map.make_map(self.player, self.entities) self.entities.insert_entity(self.player) self.fov_recompute = True self.fov_map = initialize_fov(self.game_map) # Literally 0 recollection what this does def grade_map_down(self): self.game_map.grade_down() def cull_dead(self): # Finds every entity in the game world with 0 or less health and kills them # Returns true if it kills the player, otherwise false player_killed = False dead_entities = self.entities.get_sublist( lambda x: x.has_component("Fighter") and not x.get_component( "Fighter").isAlive() and x.char != '%') if dead_entities: for dead_entity in dead_entities: drop = dead_entity.get_component("Fighter").die() if drop: self.entities.insert_entity(drop) if dead_entity == self.player: player_killed = True return player_killed def send_invalid_action_message(self): self.message_log.add_message(Message("Can't do that here"), # Initializes the game's start menu, and captures any player input on that menu and passes it to the appropriate handler def start_screen(self): show_main_menu = True while show_main_menu: libtcod.sys_check_for_event( libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS | libtcod.EVENT_MOUSE, self.key, self.mouse) main_menu(self.con, game_constants.main_menu_background_image) libtcod.console_flush() action = handle_keys(self.key, GameStates.MAIN_MENU) game_type = action.get('game_start') exit_game = action.get('action') == 'exit' if exit_game: return False elif game_type == 'from_scratch': return True elif game_type == 'from_save': self.player, self.entities, self.game_map, self.message_log, self.game_state = load_game( ) self.fov_map = initialize_fov(self.game_map) self.entities.set_log_all(self.message_log) return True def main(self): # Game Loop while self.game_running: # Check input streams for an event libtcod.sys_check_for_event( libtcod.EVENT_KEY_PRESS | libtcod.EVENT_MOUSE, self.key, self.mouse) # If we need to recompute fov, do so if self.fov_recompute: recompute_fov(self.fov_map, self.player.x, self.player.y) # Render the game world according to current FOV, mark FOV recompute as complete, and flush to console render_all(self.con, self.panel, self.entities, self.player, self.game_map, self.fov_map, self.fov_recompute, self.message_log, self.mouse, self.game_state, self.player_target) self.fov_recompute = False libtcod.console_flush() # Interpret the input into a game action input = handle_keys(self.key, self.game_state) action = input.get('action') inventory_item = input.get( 'inventory_item') if 'inventory_item' in input else None dialogue_option = input.get( 'dialogue_option') if 'dialogue_option' in input else None shop_option = input.get( 'shop_option') if 'shop_option' in input else None unequip_item = input.get('slot') if 'slot' in input else None # If players turned and it's their turn to move if action == 'move' and self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN: # Calculate where they should move dx, dy = input.get('move') destination_x = self.player.x + dx destination_y = self.player.y + dy # TODO: This is where you hid the noclip check. Fix this for release #if not self.game_map.is_blocked(destination_x, destination_y): if True: # If they're not about to walk into a wall, check for enemies at the destination potential_collision_list = self.entities.get_sublist( lambda ent: ent.x == destination_x and ent.y == destination_y and ent.blocks) target = potential_collision_list[ 0] if potential_collision_list else None if target and target.state == AIStates.HOSTILE: # If there are enemies, attack them self.player.get_component("Fighter").attack(target) self.game_state = GameStates.ENEMY_TURN elif target and target.state == AIStates.FRIENDLY: self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.player_target = target self.game_state = GameStates.DIALOGUE else: # If there are not enemies, move and mark FOV for recomputation self.player.move(dx, dy, self.game_map) self.fov_recompute = True self.game_map.compute_dijkstra_map([self.player], 'player', True) self.game_state = GameStates.ENEMY_TURN # If the player grabs something, check if there is an object at their feet, and either have them pick it up (if it's an Item) or add it to their wallet (if it's money) elif action == 'grab' and self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN: for item in self.entities.get_sublist( lambda entity: (entity.has_component("Item") or entity. has_component("Money")) and entity.x == self.player.x and entity.y == self.player.y): if item.has_component("Money"): self.player.get_component("Fighter").pick_up_money( item) else: self.player.get_component("Inventory").add_item(item) self.entities.remove_entity(item) self.game_state = GameStates.ENEMY_TURN # Open up the inventory menu elif action == 'inventory' and inventory_item is None: self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.game_state = GameStates.INVENTORY_OPEN # Open up the equipped menu elif action == 'equipped': self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.game_state = GameStates.EQUIPPED_OPEN elif action == 'unequip' and self.game_state == GameStates.EQUIPPED_OPEN: self.player.get_component("Inventory").unequip_slot( unequip_item) # if the player has selected an inventory item to use, get the item object, and equip it if it's vgear, or use it if it's a consumable (like a potion) elif inventory_item is not None and self.previous_game_state != GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD and inventory_item < len( self.player.get_component("Inventory").items): item_entity = self.player.get_component( "Inventory").items[inventory_item] if ItemType(item_entity.get_component( "Item").item_type) != ItemType.NONE: self.player.get_component("Inventory").equip_item( item_entity) else: print("In the else") if item_entity.get_component("Item").use(self.player): self.player.get_component("Inventory").remove_item( item_entity) # if the player is in dialogue, provide the dialogue option to the target's Character object elif dialogue_option is not None: dialogue_response = self.player_target.get_component( "Character").talk(dialogue_option) if self.game_state = GameStates.SHOPPING # if the player attempts to go down some stairs, make sure they're on stairs, then build a new map and clear the console elif action == 'go_down' and self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN: stairs_candidates = self.entities.get_sublist( lambda entity: entity.x == self.player.x and entity.y == self.player.y and entity.has_component("Stairs")) if stairs_candidates: self.build_map( stairs_candidates[0].get_component("Stairs").floor) libtcod.console_clear(self.con) # Save the game elif action == 'save': save_game(self.player, self.entities, self.game_map, self.message_log, self.game_state) # if the player draws their gun, change to a player shoot state and await gunfire elif self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN and action == 'gun': if (self.player.get_component("Inventory").slot_filled( "RANGED")): self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.game_state = GameStates.PLAYER_SHOOT self.message_log.add_message( Message( "Taking aim. Click on your target, or e to holster" )) else: self.message_log.add_message( Message("No ranged weapon equipped!")) # if the player already has their gun drawn and presses the draw button, holster it instead elif self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYER_SHOOT and action == 'holster': self.game_state = self.previous_game_state self.message_log.add_message(Message("Holstered your weapon")) # if the player has their gun drawn and clicks on a target, check if there is line of sight # and if so, shoot the target. This sets the AI to hostile if it isn't already (this should be handled by Fighter) elif self.game_state == GameStates.PLAYER_SHOOT and self.mouse.lbutton_pressed: target = get_shoot_target(self.mouse, self.entities, self.fov_map) if (target): line_of_sight = draw_line((self.player.x, self.player.y), (target.x, target.y)) if not [ space for space in line_of_sight if self.game_map.is_blocked(space[0], space[1]) ]: self.player.get_component("Fighter").ranged_attack( target) target.state = AIStates.HOSTILE self.game_state = GameStates.ENEMY_TURN else: self.message_log.add_message( Message("You don't have a clear line of sight!")) # if the player right clicks something, get open up the inspect menu for that target elif self.mouse.rbutton_pressed and self.game_state != GameStates.INSPECT_OPEN: target = get_shoot_target(self.mouse, self.entities, self.fov_map, False) if (target): self.player_target = target self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.game_state = GameStates.INSPECT_OPEN # If the player is buying something, they make the purchase elif action == 'buy' and shop_option is not None: target.get_component("Shop").purchase(shop_option, self.player) elif action == 'status': self.previous_game_state = self.game_state self.game_state = GameStates.STATUS # Exit the game if action == 'exit' and (self.game_state in [ GameStates.INVENTORY_OPEN, GameStates.DIALOGUE, GameStates.EQUIPPED_OPEN, GameStates.SHOPPING, GameStates.INSPECT_OPEN, GameStates.STATUS ]): self.game_state = self.previous_game_state elif action == 'exit': return True # Set the game to fullscreen if action == 'fullscreen': libtcod.console_set_fullscreen( not libtcod.console_is_fullscreen()) # cull_dead returns true if the player is dead, so this conditional calls it to cull the dead, and then # checks if the game is over if self.cull_dead(): self.game_state = GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD # when it's the AI's turn, find every entity that has AI and move it (if it's hostile) if self.game_state == GameStates.ENEMY_TURN: for entity in self.entities.get_entity_set(): if entity.has_component( "AI") and entity.state == AIStates.HOSTILE: entity.get_component("AI").take_turn( self.player, self.fov_map, self.game_map, self.entities) if self.cull_dead(): self.game_state = GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD if entity.has_component("StatusContainer"): entity.get_component("StatusContainer").tick_clocks() for status in entity.get_component( "StatusContainer").get_statuses(): status_mapping[status](entity, self.entities, self.game_map) if self.game_state != GameStates.PLAYER_DEAD: self.player.get_component("StatusContainer").tick_clocks() for status in self.player.get_component( "StatusContainer").get_statuses(): status_mapping[status](self.player, self.entities, self.game_map) self.game_map.compute_dijkstra_map( self.entities.get_sublist( lambda x: != "Ascetic"), "enemies") self.game_state = GameStates.PLAYERS_TURN # TODO: need a check somewhere around here to tick condition clocks, and then to apply conditions if action == 'restart': libtcod.console_clear(self.con) self.initialize_game()
def main(): t = Terminal() # Prelude"----------------------------------")"Starting new run.")"Datetime: %s","Revision: %s", os.getenv('REVISION'))"Terminal colors: %d", t.number_of_colors)"Terminal size: %dx%d", t.width, t.height)"----------------------------------") # # Create the world map_dimensions = (20, 12) if t.width < map_dimensions[0] or t.height < map_dimensions[1]: logger.fatal("Terminal too small: Must be at least %dx%d in size.", map_dimensions[0], map_dimensions[1]) sys.exit(1) game_map = GameMap(map_dimensions[0], map_dimensions[1]) game_map.make_map() fov_map = initialize_fov(game_map) entities = [ Entity(4, 4, '@', 'Player', FormattingString(, t.normal), fighter=Fighter(hp=30, defense=2, power=5)), Entity(map_dimensions[0] // 2 + 5, map_dimensions[1] // 2 - 2, '$', 'Mysterious Object', FormattingString(t.yellow, t.normal)), Entity(3, 3, '%', 'Crate', FormattingString(, t.normal), pushable=True), Entity(10, 5, 'o', 'Goblin', FormattingString(, t.normal), fighter=Fighter(hp=16, defense=1, power=3), ai=BasicMonster()) ] # Ready the screen for drawing print(t.enter_fullscreen()) with t.hidden_cursor(): # Handle input immediately with t.cbreak(): # Enter the main game loop game_loop(t, game_map, entities, fov_map) print(t.exit_fullscreen())