def migrate_votes(request, user, votes): """When an User registers, migrate the users session votes to REAL votes.""" for issue_id, direction in votes.items(): try: issue = Issue.objects.get(id=issue_id) except Issue.DoesNotExist: continue, issue, int(direction), keep_private=False)
def xmlhttprequest_vote_on_object(request, model, direction, object_id=None, slug=None, slug_field=None): """ Generic object vote function for use via XMLHttpRequest. Properties of the resulting JSON object: success ``true`` if the vote was successfully processed, ``false`` otherwise. score The object's updated score and number of votes if the vote was successfully processed. error_message Contains an error message if the vote was not successfully processed. """ if request.method == 'GET': return json_error_response( 'XMLHttpRequest votes can only be made using POST.') if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return json_error_response('Not authenticated.') try: vote = possible_votes[direction] except KeyError: return json_error_response( '\'%s\' is not a valid vote type.' % direction) # Look up the object to be voted on lookup_kwargs = {} if object_id: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' %] = object_id elif slug and slug_field: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % slug_field] = slug else: return json_error_response('Generic XMLHttpRequest vote view must be ' 'called with either object_id or slug and ' 'slug_field.') try: obj = model._default_manager.get(**lookup_kwargs) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return json_error_response( 'No %s found for %s.' % (model._meta.verbose_name, lookup_kwargs)) # Vote and respond #should be done whit signal presave. #Vote.objects.record_vote(request.user, obj, vote), obj, direction, keep_private=False,) return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps({ 'success': True, 'score': Vote.objects.get_object_votes(obj), }))
def save_votes(self, request, user, votes): """bulk load users votes to REAL saved votes. """ for issue_id, direction in votes.items(): try: issue = Issue.objects.get(id=issue_id) except Issue.DoesNotExist: continue try:, issue, int(direction), keep_private=False) except ValueError: #wrong direction code. pass
def vote_on_object(request, model, direction, post_vote_redirect=None, object_id=None, slug=None, slug_field=None, template_name=None, template_loader=loader, extra_context=None, context_processors=None, template_object_name='object', allow_xmlhttprequest=False): """ Generic object vote function. The given template will be used to confirm the vote if this view is fetched using GET; vote registration will only be performed if this view is POSTed. If ``allow_xmlhttprequest`` is ``True`` and an XMLHttpRequest is detected by examining the ``HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH`` header, the ``xmlhttp_vote_on_object`` view will be used to process the request - this makes it trivial to implement voting via XMLHttpRequest with a fallback for users who don't have JavaScript enabled. Templates:``<app_label>/<model_name>_confirm_vote.html`` Context: object The object being voted on. direction The type of vote which will be registered for the object. """ if allow_xmlhttprequest and request.is_ajax(): return xmlhttprequest_vote_on_object(request, model, direction, object_id=object_id, slug=slug, slug_field=slug_field) if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect_to_login(request.path) try: direction = int(direction) vote = possible_votes[direction] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid vote type." % direction) # Look up the object to be voted on lookup_kwargs = {} if object_id: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' %] = object_id elif slug and slug_field: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % slug_field] = slug else: raise AttributeError('Generic vote view must be called with either ' 'object_id or slug and slug_field.') try: obj = model._default_manager.get(**lookup_kwargs) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, 'No %s found for %s.' % (model._meta.app_label, lookup_kwargs) if request.method == 'POST': if post_vote_redirect is not None: next = post_vote_redirect elif request.REQUEST.has_key('next'): next = request.REQUEST['next'] elif hasattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url'): if callable(getattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url')): next = obj.get_absolute_url() else: next = obj.get_absolute_url else: raise AttributeError( 'Generic vote view must be called with either ' 'post_vote_redirect, a "next" parameter in ' 'the request, or the object being voted on ' 'must define a get_absolute_url method or ' 'property.') #Vote.objects.record_vote(request.user, obj, direction) # should be done with signal pre_save. request.user, obj, direction, keep_private=False, ) return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: if not template_name: template_name = '%s/%s_confirm_vote.html' % ( model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name.lower()) t = template_loader.get_template(template_name) c = RequestContext(request, { template_object_name: obj, 'direction': direction, }, context_processors) for key, value in extra_context.items(): if callable(value): c[key] = value() else: c[key] = value response = HttpResponse(t.render(c)) return response
def xmlhttprequest_vote_on_object(request, model, direction, object_id=None, slug=None, slug_field=None): """ Generic object vote function for use via XMLHttpRequest. Properties of the resulting JSON object: success ``true`` if the vote was successfully processed, ``false`` otherwise. score The object's updated score and number of votes if the vote was successfully processed. error_message Contains an error message if the vote was not successfully processed. """ if request.method == 'GET': return json_error_response( 'XMLHttpRequest votes can only be made using POST.') if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return json_error_response('Not authenticated.') try: vote = possible_votes[direction] except KeyError: return json_error_response('\'%s\' is not a valid vote type.' % direction) # Look up the object to be voted on lookup_kwargs = {} if object_id: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' %] = object_id elif slug and slug_field: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % slug_field] = slug else: return json_error_response('Generic XMLHttpRequest vote view must be ' 'called with either object_id or slug and ' 'slug_field.') try: obj = model._default_manager.get(**lookup_kwargs) except ObjectDoesNotExist: return json_error_response('No %s found for %s.' % (model._meta.verbose_name, lookup_kwargs)) # Vote and respond #should be done whit signal presave. #Vote.objects.record_vote(request.user, obj, vote) request.user, obj, direction, keep_private=False, ) return HttpResponse( simplejson.dumps({ 'success': True, 'score': Vote.objects.get_object_votes(obj), }))
def vote_on_object(request, model, direction, post_vote_redirect=None, object_id=None, slug=None, slug_field=None, template_name=None, template_loader=loader, extra_context=None, context_processors=None, template_object_name='object', allow_xmlhttprequest=False): """ Generic object vote function. The given template will be used to confirm the vote if this view is fetched using GET; vote registration will only be performed if this view is POSTed. If ``allow_xmlhttprequest`` is ``True`` and an XMLHttpRequest is detected by examining the ``HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH`` header, the ``xmlhttp_vote_on_object`` view will be used to process the request - this makes it trivial to implement voting via XMLHttpRequest with a fallback for users who don't have JavaScript enabled. Templates:``<app_label>/<model_name>_confirm_vote.html`` Context: object The object being voted on. direction The type of vote which will be registered for the object. """ if allow_xmlhttprequest and request.is_ajax(): return xmlhttprequest_vote_on_object(request, model, direction, object_id=object_id, slug=slug, slug_field=slug_field) if extra_context is None: extra_context = {} if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return redirect_to_login(request.path) try: direction = int(direction) vote = possible_votes[direction] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("'%s' is not a valid vote type." % direction ) # Look up the object to be voted on lookup_kwargs = {} if object_id: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' %] = object_id elif slug and slug_field: lookup_kwargs['%s__exact' % slug_field] = slug else: raise AttributeError('Generic vote view must be called with either ' 'object_id or slug and slug_field.') try: obj = model._default_manager.get(**lookup_kwargs) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise Http404, 'No %s found for %s.' % (model._meta.app_label, lookup_kwargs) if request.method == 'POST': if post_vote_redirect is not None: next = post_vote_redirect elif request.REQUEST.has_key('next'): next = request.REQUEST['next'] elif hasattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url'): if callable(getattr(obj, 'get_absolute_url')): next = obj.get_absolute_url() else: next = obj.get_absolute_url else: raise AttributeError('Generic vote view must be called with either ' 'post_vote_redirect, a "next" parameter in ' 'the request, or the object being voted on ' 'must define a get_absolute_url method or ' 'property.') #Vote.objects.record_vote(request.user, obj, direction), obj, direction, keep_private=False, ) return HttpResponseRedirect(next) else: if not template_name: template_name = '%s/%s_confirm_vote.html' % ( model._meta.app_label, model._meta.object_name.lower()) t = template_loader.get_template(template_name) c = RequestContext(request, { template_object_name: obj, 'direction': direction, }, context_processors) for key, value in extra_context.items(): if callable(value): c[key] = value() else: c[key] = value response = HttpResponse(t.render(c)) return response