Exemple #1
# Working with core module of Python Library
import math


# Import our own created games module
import games

# Access the functionality from that module
# that we just imported


# Second way of importing a certain
# functionality from a module

from games import play_game

        "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31",
        "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "00"
game_call_dict = {1: f1.game_1, 2: f1.game_2, 3: f1.game_3, 4: f1.game_4}

# This section sets the initial value for the variable money
money = 100

# This section welcomes the user to the Card Game Simulator and tells them about their starting money

print("Welcome to Card Game Simulator")
print("\nYou currently have £{} game money".format(str(money)))

# This section invites the user to choose which game to play, prints the results and updated the money variable.

# Allow the users to play games 10 times if they have money available
for i in range(1, 10):
    print("\nWe have {} games available".format(len(game_name_dict)))
    for game_num, game_desc in game_name_dict.items():
        print("{} - {}".format(str(game_num), game_desc))
    game_number = input("\nEnter a number to play the game : ")
    if game_number not in ("1", "2", "3", "4"):
        print("Sorry, this is not a valid game number")
        money = f1.play_game(game_number, game_name_dict, game_desc_dict,
                             game_allowed_dict, game_call_dict, money)
        i = i + 1
    "\nThank you for playing 10 games of Card Game Simulator.  We are trying to prevent our game becoming addictive.  Why not stop playing this game and make a nice cup of tea!"
                or self.k_in_row(board, move, player, (1, 1))):
            return if_(player == 'X', +1, -1)
            return 0

    def k_in_row(self, board, move, player, delta):
        "Return true if there is a line through move on board for player."
        delta_x, delta_y = delta[0], delta[1]
        x, y = move
        n = 0  # n is number of moves in row
        while board.get((x, y)) == player:
            n += 1
            x, y = x + delta_x, y + delta_y
        x, y = move
        while board.get((x, y)) == player:
            n += 1
            x, y = x - delta_x, y - delta_y
        n -= 1  # Because we counted move itself twice
        return n >= self.k


#uses random_player function, unable to do intelligent_player
# for i in range(0, 100):
#     print(play_game(ConnectFour(), intelligent_player, random_player))

for i in range(0, 100):
    print(play_game(ConnectFour(), intelligent_player, intelligent_player))
Exemple #4
def process(query):

    query = query.lower()
    name = assistant_details.name
    query = query.replace(name, "")

    noAnswer = [
        "Sorry, can't understand you", "Please give me more info",
        "Not sure I understand"

    if len(query) <= 1:
        return random.choice(noAnswer)

    if "quit" in query:
        output("Thank You!!! See You Soon")

    if query == "--help" or query == "--h":
        return "What can I do for you?"

    if "game" in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("play game")

    elif 'play' in query and 'music' not in query and 'songs' not in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("play")

    elif 'weather' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("weather")

    elif 'location' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("location")

    elif 'search' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("search")

    elif 'send mail' in query or 'send email' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("send email")

    elif 'calculate' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("calculate")

    elif 'map' in query:
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("google map")

    elif 'remind me' == query.lower() or 'alarm' in query.lower():
        if 'remind me' == query.lower():
            output("Enter msg to remind")
            msg = take_input()
            output("Enter time(like 11:15)")
            time = take_input()
            output("Enter date(like 21 july)")
            date = take_input()
            res = 'remind me to ' + msg + 'at ' + time + 'on ' + date

            return remind(res)

            msg = "Alarm"
            output("Enter time(like 11:15)")
            time = take_input()
            output("Enter date(like 21 july)")
            date = take_input()
            res = 'remind me to ' + msg + 'at ' + time + 'on ' + date
            return "Alarm Set"
    elif 'remind me' in query.lower():
        answer = get_answer_from_memory("remind me")
        answer = get_answer_from_memory(query)

    # print("answer - ", answer)

    # Check query

    if answer == "get time details":
        return ('Time is ' + get_time())

    elif answer == "change name":
        output("Okay! what do u want to call me")
        temp = take_input()
        if temp == assistant_details.name:
            return "Can't change. I think you are happy with my old name"
            assistant_details.name = temp
            return "Now you can call me " + temp

    elif answer == "tell date":
        return "Date is " + get_date()

    elif answer == "on speak":
        return turn_on_speech()

    elif answer == "off speak":
        return turn_off_speech()

    elif answer == "on listen":
        return turn_on_listen()

    elif answer == "off listen":
        return turn_off_listen()

    elif answer == "play game":
        return play_game()

    elif answer == "open facebook":
        return "opening facebook"

    elif answer == "open google":
        return "opening google"

    elif answer == "close browser":
        return "closing browser"

    elif answer == "check internet connection":
        if check_internet_connection():
            return "Internet is Connected"
            return "Internet Not Connected"

    elif answer == "play music":
        return play_music()

    elif answer == "pause music":
        return pause_music()

    elif answer == "stop music":
        return stop_music()

    elif answer == "next song":
        return next_song()

    elif answer == "previous song":
        return previous_song()

    elif answer == "play":
        music = play_specific_song(query)
        if "not found" in music:
            output("Song not found, Should i search on youtube!")
            res = take_input()
            if "yes" in res.lower():
                open_youtube_song(query.replace('play ', ''))
                return ("Searching on YouTube")
                return ('Okay')
            return music

    elif answer == 'search':
        if 'youtube' in query:
            query = query.replace('search ', '')
            query = query.replace(' on youtube', '')
            return "Searching youtube"
            query = query.replace('search ', '')
            query = query.replace(' google', '')
            query = query.replace(' on google', '')
            return "Searching Google"

    elif answer == "change wallpaper":
        return change_wallpaper()

    elif answer == "get news":
        return get_news()

    elif answer == "weather":
        place = query.replace('weather', '')
        return check_weather(place)

    elif answer == "location":
        return get_location()

    elif answer == "nearby":
        query = query.replace('nearby ', '')
        return search_near(query)

    elif answer == 'calculate':
        return calculator(query)

    elif answer == "map":
        indx = query.lower().split().index('map')
        que = query.split()[indx + 1:]
        cmd = 'python map.py ' + ' '.join(que)
        return "Opening Google Map"

    elif answer == "direction":
        output("Start location (if current location leave blank)")
        start_place = take_input()
        end_place = take_input()
        if start_place == None:
            return directions(end_place)
            return directions(end_place, start_place)

    elif answer == "mail":
        name = query.replace("send email to ", "")
        mail = get_emailId(name)
        if mail == '0':
            output("Email Id not found in database, please input mail id")
            mail = take_input()
            insert_emailId(name, mail)
            output("mail id inserted to database")

        output("Enter message to send to " + name)
        msg = take_input()

        return sending_mail(name, mail, msg)

    elif answer == "send msg":
        output("Enter Contact Number ")
        number = take_input()
        output("Enter message to send to " + number)
        msg = take_input()

        return sending_text(msg, number)

    elif answer == 'remind me':
        return "Reminder Set"

        res = response(query)
        if res != '0':
            return res

            output("Dont know this one should i search on internet?")
            ans = take_input()
            if "yes" in ans:
                output("Searching Wikipedia...")
                answer = check_on_wikipedia(query)
                if answer != "":
                    return answer

                output("Can you please tell me what it means?")
                ans = take_input()
                if "it means" in ans:
                    ans = ans.replace("it means", "")
                    ans = ans.strip()

                    value = get_answer_from_memory(ans)

                    if value == "":
                        return "Can't help with this one"

                        insert_question_and_answer(query, value)
                        return "Thanks, I will remember it for the next time"

                    return "Can't help with this one"

            return "Nothing"
Exemple #5
def test4():
    game = mancala.MancalaGame()
    named_players = (('MAX', games.alphabeta_full_player), ('MIN', games.alphabeta_player))
    print(games.play_game(game, named_players))