def wait_loop(self):
        while 1:
            recv_data, address = self.socket.recvfrom(2048)

            # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
            # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
            # After some more packet inspection, it seems the format goes something like this:
            # - All server messages seem to always start with \xfe\xfd.
            # - The first byte from the client (or third byte from the server) is a command.
            # - Bytes 2 - 5 from the client is some kind of ID. This will have to be inspected later. I believe it's a
            # session-like ID because the number changes between connections. Copying the client's ID might be enough.
            # The above was as guessed.
            # The code in Tetris DS (overlay 10) @ 0216E974 handles the network command creation.
            # R1 contains the command to be sent to the server.
            # R2 contains a pointer to some unknown integer that gets written after the command.
            # - Commands
            #   Commands range from 0x00 to 0x09 (for client only at least?) (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 0216DDCC)
            #   CLIENT:
            #       0x01 - Response (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DCA4)
            #           Sends back base64 of RC4 encrypted string that was gotten from the server's 0x01.
            #       0x03 - Send client state? (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DA30)
            #           Data sent:
            #           1) Loop for each localip available on the system, write as localip%d\x00(local ip)
            #           2) localport\x00(local port)
            #           3) natneg (either 0 or 1)
            #           4) ONLY IF STATE CHANGED: statechanged\x00(state) (Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3)
            #           5) gamename\x00(game name)
            #           6) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicip\x00(public ip)
            #           7) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicport\x00(public port)
            #           if statechanged != 2:
            #               Write various other data described here:
            #       0x07 - Unknown, related to server's 0x06 (returns value sent from server)
            #       0x08 - Keep alive? Sent after 0x03
            #       0x09 - Availability check
            #   SERVER:
            #       0x01 - Unknown
            #           Data sent:
            #           8 random ASCII characters (?) followed by the public IP and port of the client as a hex string
            #       0x06 - Unknown
            #           First 4 bytes is some kind of id? I believe it's a unique identifier for the data being sent,
            #           seeing how the server can send the same IP information many times in a row. If the IP information has
            #           already been parsed then it doesn't waste time handling it.
            #           After that is a "SBCM" section which is 0x14 bytes in total.
            #           SBCM information gets parsed at 2141A0C in Tetris DS overlay 10.
            #           Seems to contain IP address information.
            #           The SBCM seems to contain a little information that must be parsed before.
            #           After the SBCM:
            #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
            #               \x01 - Found player?
            #               \x04 - Unknown
            #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port?
            #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
            #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
            #               \x00\x00\x00\x00 - Unknown but seems to get checked
            #           Another SBCM, after a player has been found and attempting to start a game:
            #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
            #               \x05 - Connecting to player?
            #               \x00 - Unknown
            #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port? Same as before.
            #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
            #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
            #       0x0a - Response to 0x01
            #           Gets sent after receiving 0x01 from the client. So, server 0x01 -> client 0x01 -> server 0x0a.
            #           Has no other data besides the client ID.
            #  - \xfd\xfc commands get passed directly between the other player(s)?
            # Open source version of GameSpy found here:
            # Use as reference.

            session_id = struct.unpack("<I", recv_data[1:5])[0]
            session_id_raw = recv_data[1:5]
            if session_id not in self.sessions:
                # Found a new session, add to session list
                self.sessions[session_id] = self.Session(address)

            # Handle commands
            if recv_data[0] == '\x00': # Query
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received query from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x01': # Challenge
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received challenge from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

                # Prepare the challenge sent from the server to be compared
                challenge = gs_utils.prepare_rc4_base64(self.sessions[session_id].secretkey, self.sessions[session_id].challenge)

                # Compare challenge
                client_challenge = recv_data[5:-1]
                if client_challenge == challenge:
                    # Challenge succeeded
                    self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = True

                    # Handle successful challenge stuff here
                    packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x0a]) # Send client registered command
                    packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID
                    self.socket.sendto(packet, address)
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Sent client registered to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x02': # Echo
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x03': # Heartbeat
                data = recv_data[5:]
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received heartbeat from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], data))

                # Parse information from heartbeat here
                d = data.rstrip('\0').split('\0')

                # It may be safe to ignore "unknown" keys because the proper key names get filled in later...
                k = {}
                for i in range(0, len(d), 2):
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "%s = %s" % (d[i], d[i+1]))
                    k[d[i]] = d[i+1]

                if "gamename" in k:
                    self.sessions[session_id].secretkey = self.secret_key_list[k['gamename']]
                    #print "Got secret key %s for %s" % (self.sessions[session_id].secretkey, k['gamename'])

                if self.sessions[session_id].playerid == 0 and "dwc_pid" in k:
                    # Get the player's id and then query the profile to figure out what console they are on.
                    # The endianness of some server data depends on the endianness of the console, so we must be able
                    # to account for that.
                    self.sessions[session_id].playerid = int(k['dwc_pid'])
                    profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(self.sessions[session_id].playerid)

                    if "console" in profile:
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = profile['console']

                if self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge == False:
                    addr_hex =  ''.join(["%02X" % int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')])
                    port_hex = "%04X" % int(address[1])
                    server_challenge = utils.generate_random_str(8) + addr_hex + port_hex

                    self.sessions[session_id].challenge = server_challenge

                    packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x01]) # Send challenge command
                    packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID

                    self.socket.sendto(packet, address)
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Sent challenge to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

                if "statechanged" in k:
                    if k['statechanged'] == "1": # Create server
                        if k['publicport'] != "0" and k['publicip'] != "0" and k['maxplayers'] != "0":
                            # dwc_mtype controls what kind of server query we're looking for.
                            # dwc_mtype = 0 is used when looking for a matchmaking game.
                            # dwc_mtype = 1 is unknown.
                            # dwc_mtype = 2 is used when hosting a friends only game (possibly other uses too).
                            # dwc_mtype = 3 is used when looking for a friends only game (possibly other uses too).

                            # Some memory could be saved by clearing out any unwanted fields from k before sending.
                            self.server_manager.update_server_list(k['gamename'] , session_id, k, self.sessions[session_id].console)
                    elif k['statechanged'] == "2": # Close server
                        self.server_manager.delete_server(k['gamename'] , session_id)

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x04': # Add Error
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received add error from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x05': # Echo Response
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo response from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x06': # Client Message
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x07': # Client Message Ack
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received client message ack from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x08': # Keep Alive
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received keep alive from %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x09': # Available
                # Availability check only sent to *
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received availability request for '%s' from %s:%s..." % (recv_data[5: -1], address[0], address[1]))
                self.socket.sendto(bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), address)

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x0a': # Client Registered
                # Only sent to client, never received?
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received client registered from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

                self.log(logging.ERROR, address, "Unknown request from %s:%s:" % (address[0], address[1]))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))
    def handle_packet(self, socket, recv_data, address):
        # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
        # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
        # After some more packet inspection, it seems the format goes something like this:
        # - All server messages seem to always start with \xfe\xfd.
        # - The first byte from the client (or third byte from the server) is a command.
        # - Bytes 2 - 5 from the client is some kind of ID. This will have to be inspected later. I believe it's a
        # session-like ID because the number changes between connections. Copying the client's ID might be enough.
        # The above was as guessed.
        # The code in Tetris DS (overlay 10) @ 0216E974 handles the network command creation.
        # R1 contains the command to be sent to the server.
        # R2 contains a pointer to some unknown integer that gets written after the command.
        # - Commands
        #   Commands range from 0x00 to 0x09 (for client only at least?) (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 0216DDCC)
        #   CLIENT:
        #       0x01 - Response (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DCA4)
        #           Sends back base64 of RC4 encrypted string that was gotten from the server's 0x01.
        #       0x03 - Send client state? (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DA30)
        #           Data sent:
        #           1) Loop for each localip available on the system, write as localip%d\x00(local ip)
        #           2) localport\x00(local port)
        #           3) natneg (either 0 or 1)
        #           4) ONLY IF STATE CHANGED: statechanged\x00(state) (Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3)
        #           5) gamename\x00(game name)
        #           6) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicip\x00(public ip)
        #           7) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicport\x00(public port)
        #           if statechanged != 2:
        #               Write various other data described here:
        #       0x07 - Unknown, related to server's 0x06 (returns value sent from server)
        #       0x08 - Keep alive? Sent after 0x03
        #       0x09 - Availability check
        #   SERVER:
        #       0x01 - Unknown
        #           Data sent:
        #           8 random ASCII characters (?) followed by the public IP and port of the client as a hex string
        #       0x06 - Unknown
        #           First 4 bytes is some kind of id? I believe it's a unique identifier for the data being sent,
        #           seeing how the server can send the same IP information many times in a row. If the IP information has
        #           already been parsed then it doesn't waste time handling it.
        #           After that is a "SBCM" section which is 0x14 bytes in total.
        #           SBCM information gets parsed at 2141A0C in Tetris DS overlay 10.
        #           Seems to contain IP address information.
        #           The SBCM seems to contain a little information that must be parsed before.
        #           After the SBCM:
        #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
        #               \x01 - Found player?
        #               \x04 - Unknown
        #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port?
        #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
        #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
        #               \x00\x00\x00\x00 - Unknown but seems to get checked
        #           Another SBCM, after a player has been found and attempting to start a game:
        #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
        #               \x05 - Connecting to player?
        #               \x00 - Unknown
        #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port? Same as before.
        #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
        #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
        #       0x0a - Response to 0x01
        #           Gets sent after receiving 0x01 from the client. So, server 0x01 -> client 0x01 -> server 0x0a.
        #           Has no other data besides the client ID.
        #  - \xfd\xfc commands get passed directly between the other player(s)?
        # Open source version of GameSpy found here:
        # Use as reference.

        session_id = None
        if recv_data[0] != '\x09':
            # Don't add a session if the client is trying to check if the game is available or not
            session_id = struct.unpack("<I", recv_data[1:5])[0]
            session_id_raw = recv_data[1:5]
            if session_id not in self.sessions:
                # Found a new session, add to session list
                self.sessions[session_id] = self.Session(address)
                self.sessions[session_id].session = session_id
                self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(time.time())
                self.sessions[session_id].disconnected = False

            if session_id in self.sessions and self.sessions[session_id].disconnected == True:

            if session_id in self.sessions:
                self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(time.time()) # Make sure the server doesn't get removed

        # Handle commands
        if recv_data[0] == '\x00': # Query
            self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received query from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x01': # Challenge
            self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "Received challenge from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            # Prepare the challenge sent from the server to be compared
            challenge = gs_utils.prepare_rc4_base64(self.sessions[session_id].secretkey, self.sessions[session_id].challenge)

            # Compare challenge
            client_challenge = recv_data[5:-1]
            if client_challenge == challenge:
                # Challenge succeeded
                # Send message back to client saying it was accepted
                packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x0a]) # Send client registered command
                packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID
                self.write_queue.put((packet, address))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "Sent client registered to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

                if self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data != None:
                    self.update_server_list(session_id, self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data)

                # Failed the challenge, request another during the next heartbeat
                self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = False
                self.server_manager.delete_server(self.sessions[session_id].gamename, session_id)

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x02': # Echo
            self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x03': # Heartbeat
            data = recv_data[5:]
            self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "Received heartbeat from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], data))

            # Parse information from heartbeat here
            d = data.rstrip('\0').split('\0')

            # It may be safe to ignore "unknown" keys because the proper key names get filled in later...
            k = {}
            for i in range(0, len(d), 2):
                #self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "%s = %s" % (d[i], d[i+1]))
                k[d[i]] = d[i+1]

            if self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn != None:
                if "gamename" in k and "dwc_pid" in k:
                        profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(k['dwc_pid'])
                        naslogin = self.db.get_nas_login_from_userid(profile['userid'])
                        self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn = str(naslogin['ingamesn']) # convert to string from unicode(which is just a base64 string anyway)
                    except Exception,e:
                        pass # If the game doesn't have, don't worry about it.

                if self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn != None and "ingamesn" not in k:
                    k['ingamesn'] = self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn

            if "gamename" in k:
                if k['gamename'] in self.secret_key_list:
                    self.sessions[session_id].secretkey = self.secret_key_list[k['gamename']]
                    self.log(logging.INFO, address, session_id, "Connection from unknown game '%s'!" % k['gamename'])

            if self.sessions[session_id].playerid == 0 and "dwc_pid" in k:
                # Get the player's id and then query the profile to figure out what console they are on.
                # The endianness of some server data depends on the endianness of the console, so we must be able
                # to account for that.
                self.sessions[session_id].playerid = int(k['dwc_pid'])

                # Try to detect console without hitting the database first
                found_console = False
                if 'gamename' in k:
                    self.sessions[session_id].console = 0

                    if k['gamename'].endswith('ds') or k['gamename'].endswith('dsam') or k['gamename'].endswith('dsi') or k['gamename'].endswith('dsiam'):
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = 0
                        found_console = True
                    elif k['gamename'].endswith('wii') or k['gamename'].endswith('wiiam') or k['gamename'].endswith('wiiware') or k['gamename'].endswith('wiiwaream'):
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = 1
                        found_console = True

                if found_console == False:
                    # Couldn't detect game, try to get it from the database
                    # Try a 3 times before giving up
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                            profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(self.sessions[session_id].playerid)

                            if "console" in profile:
                                self.sessions[session_id].console = profile['console']


            if 'publicip' in k and k['publicip'] == "0": #and k['dwc_hoststate'] == "2": # When dwc_hoststate == 2 then it doesn't send an IP, so calculate it ourselves
                be = self.sessions[session_id].console != 0
                k['publicip'] = str(utils.get_ip(bytearray([int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')]), 0, be))

            if 'publicport' in k and 'localport' in k and k['publicport'] != k['localport']:
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "publicport %s doesn't match localport %s, so changing publicport to %s..." \
                    % (k['publicport'], k['localport'], str(address[1])))
                k['publicport'] = str(address[1])

            if self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge == True:
                self.update_server_list(session_id, k)
                addr_hex =  ''.join(["%02X" % int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')])
                port_hex = "%04X" % int(address[1])
                server_challenge = utils.generate_random_str(6) + '00' + addr_hex + port_hex

                self.sessions[session_id].challenge = server_challenge

                packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x01]) # Send challenge command
                packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID

                self.write_queue.put((packet, address))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "Sent challenge to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

                self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = True
                self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data = k
    def wait_loop(self):
        while 1:
            recv_data, address = self.socket.recvfrom(2048)

            # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
            # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
            # After some more packet inspection, it seems the format goes something like this:
            # - All server messages seem to always start with \xfe\xfd.
            # - The first byte from the client (or third byte from the server) is a command.
            # - Bytes 2 - 5 from the client is some kind of ID. This will have to be inspected later. I believe it's a
            # session-like ID because the number changes between connections. Copying the client's ID might be enough.
            # The above was as guessed.
            # The code in Tetris DS (overlay 10) @ 0216E974 handles the network command creation.
            # R1 contains the command to be sent to the server.
            # R2 contains a pointer to some unknown integer that gets written after the command.
            # - Commands
            #   Commands range from 0x00 to 0x09 (for client only at least?) (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 0216DDCC)
            #   CLIENT:
            #       0x01 - Response (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DCA4)
            #           Sends back base64 of RC4 encrypted string that was gotten from the server's 0x01.
            #       0x03 - Send client state? (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DA30)
            #           Data sent:
            #           1) Loop for each localip available on the system, write as localip%d\x00(local ip)
            #           2) localport\x00(local port)
            #           3) natneg (either 0 or 1)
            #           4) ONLY IF STATE CHANGED: statechanged\x00(state) (Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3)
            #           5) gamename\x00(game name)
            #           6) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicip\x00(public ip)
            #           7) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicport\x00(public port)
            #           if statechanged != 2:
            #               Write various other data described here:
            #       0x07 - Unknown, related to server's 0x06 (returns value sent from server)
            #       0x08 - Keep alive? Sent after 0x03
            #       0x09 - Availability check
            #   SERVER:
            #       0x01 - Unknown
            #           Data sent:
            #           8 random ASCII characters (?) followed by the public IP and port of the client as a hex string
            #       0x06 - Unknown
            #           First 4 bytes is some kind of id? I believe it's a unique identifier for the data being sent,
            #           seeing how the server can send the same IP information many times in a row. If the IP information has
            #           already been parsed then it doesn't waste time handling it.
            #           After that is a "SBCM" section which is 0x14 bytes in total.
            #           SBCM information gets parsed at 2141A0C in Tetris DS overlay 10.
            #           Seems to contain IP address information.
            #           The SBCM seems to contain a little information that must be parsed before.
            #           After the SBCM:
            #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
            #               \x01 - Found player?
            #               \x04 - Unknown
            #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port?
            #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
            #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
            #               \x00\x00\x00\x00 - Unknown but seems to get checked
            #           Another SBCM, after a player has been found and attempting to start a game:
            #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
            #               \x05 - Connecting to player?
            #               \x00 - Unknown
            #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port? Same as before.
            #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
            #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
            #       0x0a - Response to 0x01
            #           Gets sent after receiving 0x01 from the client. So, server 0x01 -> client 0x01 -> server 0x0a.
            #           Has no other data besides the client ID.
            #  - \xfd\xfc commands get passed directly between the other player(s)?
            # Open source version of GameSpy found here:
            # Use as reference.

            if recv_data[0] != '\x09':
                # Don't add a session if the client is trying to check if the game is available or not
                session_id = struct.unpack("<I", recv_data[1:5])[0]
                session_id_raw = recv_data[1:5]
                if session_id not in self.sessions:
                    # Found a new session, add to session list
                    self.sessions[session_id] = self.Session(address)
                    self.sessions[session_id].session = session_id
                    self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(time.time())

            # Handle commands
            if recv_data[0] == '\x00': # Query
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received query from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x01': # Challenge
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received challenge from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

                # Prepare the challenge sent from the server to be compared
                challenge = gs_utils.prepare_rc4_base64(self.sessions[session_id].secretkey, self.sessions[session_id].challenge)

                # Compare challenge
                client_challenge = recv_data[5:-1]
                if client_challenge == challenge:
                    # Challenge succeeded

                    # Send message back to client saying it was accepted
                    packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x0a]) # Send client registered command
                    packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID
                    self.socket.sendto(packet, address)
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Sent client registered to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))
                    # Failed the challenge, request another during the next heartbeat
                    self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = False

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x02': # Echo
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x03': # Heartbeat
                data = recv_data[5:]
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received heartbeat from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], data))

                # Parse information from heartbeat here
                d = data.rstrip('\0').split('\0')

                # It may be safe to ignore "unknown" keys because the proper key names get filled in later...
                k = {}
                for i in range(0, len(d), 2):
                    #self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "%s = %s" % (d[i], d[i+1]))
                    k[d[i]] = d[i+1]

                if "gamename" in k:
                    self.sessions[session_id].secretkey = self.secret_key_list[k['gamename']]
                    #print "Got secret key %s for %s" % (self.sessions[session_id].secretkey, k['gamename'])

                if self.sessions[session_id].playerid == 0 and "dwc_pid" in k:
                    # Get the player's id and then query the profile to figure out what console they are on.
                    # The endianness of some server data depends on the endianness of the console, so we must be able
                    # to account for that.
                    self.sessions[session_id].playerid = int(k['dwc_pid'])
                    profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(self.sessions[session_id].playerid)

                    if "console" in profile:
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = profile['console']

                if self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge == False:
                    addr_hex =  ''.join(["%02X" % int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')])
                    port_hex = "%04X" % int(address[1])
                    server_challenge = utils.generate_random_str(8) + addr_hex + port_hex

                    self.sessions[session_id].challenge = server_challenge

                    packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x01]) # Send challenge command
                    packet.extend(session_id_raw) # Get the session ID

                    self.socket.sendto(packet, address)
                    self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Sent challenge to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

                    self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = True

                if 'publicip' in k and k['publicip'] == "0": #and k['dwc_hoststate'] == "2": # When dwc_hoststate == 2 then it doesn't send an IP, so calculate it ourselves
                    if self.sessions[session_id].console != 0:
                        k['publicip'] = str(ctypes.c_int32(utils.get_int_be(bytearray([int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')]), 0)).value) # Wii
                        k['publicip'] = str(ctypes.c_int32(utils.get_int(bytearray([int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')]), 0)).value) # DS

                if "statechanged" in k:
                    if k['statechanged'] == "1": # Create server
                        #if k['publicport'] != "0" and k['publicip'] != "0":
                            # dwc_mtype controls what kind of server query we're looking for.
                            # dwc_mtype = 0 is used when looking for a matchmaking game.
                            # dwc_mtype = 1 is unknown.
                            # dwc_mtype = 2 is used when hosting a friends only game (possibly other uses too).
                            # dwc_mtype = 3 is used when looking for a friends only game (possibly other uses too).

                            # Some memory could be saved by clearing out any unwanted fields from k before sending.
                        self.server_manager.update_server_list(k['gamename'], session_id, k, self.sessions[session_id].console)._getvalue()

                        if session_id in self.sessions:
                            self.sessions[session_id].gamename = k['gamename']
                    elif k['statechanged'] == "2": # Close server
                        self.server_manager.delete_server(k['gamename'] , session_id)

                        if session_id in self.sessions:

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x04': # Add Error
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received add error from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x05': # Echo Response
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo response from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x06': # Client Message
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x07': # Client Message Ack
                #self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received client message ack from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received client message ack from %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x08': # Keep Alive
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received keep alive from %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))
                self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(time.time())

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x09': # Available
                # Availability check only sent to *
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, "Received availability request for '%s' from %s:%s..." % (recv_data[5: -1], address[0], address[1]))
                self.socket.sendto(bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]), address)

            elif recv_data[0] == '\x0a': # Client Registered
                # Only sent to client, never received?
                self.log(logging.WARNING, address, "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received client registered from %s:%s... %s" % (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

                self.log(logging.ERROR, address, "Unknown request from %s:%s:" % (address[0], address[1]))
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, utils.pretty_print_hex(recv_data))
    def handle_packet(self, socket, recv_data, address):
        # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
        # Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 02144184 - Handle responses back to server
        # After some more packet inspection, it seems the format goes something like this:
        # - All server messages seem to always start with \xfe\xfd.
        # - The first byte from the client (or third byte from the server) is a command.
        # - Bytes 2 - 5 from the client is some kind of ID. This will have to be inspected later. I believe it's a
        # session-like ID because the number changes between connections. Copying the client's ID might be enough.
        # The above was as guessed.
        # The code in Tetris DS (overlay 10) @ 0216E974 handles the network command creation.
        # R1 contains the command to be sent to the server.
        # R2 contains a pointer to some unknown integer that gets written after the command.
        # - Commands
        #   Commands range from 0x00 to 0x09 (for client only at least?) (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 0216DDCC)
        #   CLIENT:
        #       0x01 - Response (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DCA4)
        #           Sends back base64 of RC4 encrypted string that was gotten from the server's 0x01.
        #       0x03 - Send client state? (Tetris DS overlay 10 @ 216DA30)
        #           Data sent:
        #           1) Loop for each localip available on the system, write as localip%d\x00(local ip)
        #           2) localport\x00(local port)
        #           3) natneg (either 0 or 1)
        #           4) ONLY IF STATE CHANGED: statechanged\x00(state) (Possible values: 0, 1, 2, 3)
        #           5) gamename\x00(game name)
        #           6) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicip\x00(public ip)
        #           7) ONLY IF PUBLIC IP AND PORT ARE AVAILABLE: publicport\x00(public port)
        #           if statechanged != 2:
        #               Write various other data described here:
        #       0x07 - Unknown, related to server's 0x06 (returns value sent from server)
        #       0x08 - Keep alive? Sent after 0x03
        #       0x09 - Availability check
        #   SERVER:
        #       0x01 - Unknown
        #           Data sent:
        #           8 random ASCII characters (?) followed by the public IP and port of the client as a hex string
        #       0x06 - Unknown
        #           First 4 bytes is some kind of id? I believe it's a unique identifier for the data being sent,
        #           seeing how the server can send the same IP information many times in a row. If the IP information has
        #           already been parsed then it doesn't waste time handling it.
        #           After that is a "SBCM" section which is 0x14 bytes in total.
        #           SBCM information gets parsed at 2141A0C in Tetris DS overlay 10.
        #           Seems to contain IP address information.
        #           The SBCM seems to contain a little information that must be parsed before.
        #           After the SBCM:
        #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
        #               \x01 - Found player?
        #               \x04 - Unknown
        #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port?
        #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
        #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
        #               \x00\x00\x00\x00 - Unknown but seems to get checked
        #           Another SBCM, after a player has been found and attempting to start a game:
        #               \x03\x00\x00\x00 - Always the same?
        #               \x05 - Connecting to player?
        #               \x00 - Unknown
        #               (2 bytes) - Unknown. Port? Same as before.
        #               (4 bytes) - Player's IP
        #               (4 bytes) - Unknown. Some other IP? Remote server IP?
        #       0x0a - Response to 0x01
        #           Gets sent after receiving 0x01 from the client. So, server 0x01 -> client 0x01 -> server 0x0a.
        #           Has no other data besides the client ID.
        #  - \xfd\xfc commands get passed directly between the other player(s)?
        # Open source version of GameSpy found here:
        # Use as reference.

        session_id = None
        if recv_data[0] != '\x09':
            # Don't add a session if the client is trying to check if the game is available or not
            session_id = struct.unpack("<I", recv_data[1:5])[0]
            session_id_raw = recv_data[1:5]
            if session_id not in self.sessions:
                # Found a new session, add to session list
                self.sessions[session_id] = self.Session(address)
                self.sessions[session_id].session = session_id
                self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(time.time())
                self.sessions[session_id].disconnected = False

            if session_id in self.sessions and self.sessions[
                    session_id].disconnected == True:

            if session_id in self.sessions:
                self.sessions[session_id].keepalive = int(
                    time.time())  # Make sure the server doesn't get removed

        # Handle commands
        if recv_data[0] == '\x00':  # Query
                logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received query from %s:%s... %s" %
                (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x01':  # Challenge
                logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                "Received challenge from %s:%s... %s" %
                (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

            # Prepare the challenge sent from the server to be compared
            challenge = gs_utils.prepare_rc4_base64(

            # Compare challenge
            client_challenge = recv_data[5:-1]
            if client_challenge == challenge:
                # Challenge succeeded
                # Send message back to client saying it was accepted
                packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd,
                                    0x0a])  # Send client registered command
                packet.extend(session_id_raw)  # Get the session ID
                self.write_queue.put((packet, address))
                    logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                    "Sent client registered to %s:%s..." %
                    (address[0], address[1]))

                if self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data != None:
                        session_id, self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data)

                # Failed the challenge, request another during the next heartbeat
                self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = False
                    self.sessions[session_id].gamename, session_id)

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x02':  # Echo
                logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                "NOT IMPLEMENTED! Received echo from %s:%s... %s" %
                (address[0], address[1], recv_data[5:]))

        elif recv_data[0] == '\x03':  # Heartbeat
            data = recv_data[5:]
                logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                "Received heartbeat from %s:%s... %s" %
                (address[0], address[1], data))

            # Parse information from heartbeat here
            d = data.rstrip('\0').split('\0')

            # It may be safe to ignore "unknown" keys because the proper key names get filled in later...
            k = {}
            for i in range(0, len(d), 2):
                #self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "%s = %s" % (d[i], d[i+1]))
                k[d[i]] = d[i + 1]

            if self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn != None:
                if "gamename" in k and "dwc_pid" in k:
                        profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(
                        naslogin = self.db.get_nas_login_from_userid(
                        self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn = str(
                        )  # convert to string from unicode(which is just a base64 string anyway)
                    except Exception, e:
                        pass  # If the game doesn't have, don't worry about it.

                if self.sessions[
                        session_id].ingamesn != None and "ingamesn" not in k:
                    k['ingamesn'] = self.sessions[session_id].ingamesn

            if "gamename" in k:
                if k['gamename'] in self.secret_key_list:
                    self.sessions[session_id].secretkey = self.secret_key_list[
                        logging.INFO, address, session_id,
                        "Connection from unknown game '%s'!" % k['gamename'])

            if self.sessions[session_id].playerid == 0 and "dwc_pid" in k:
                # Get the player's id and then query the profile to figure out what console they are on.
                # The endianness of some server data depends on the endianness of the console, so we must be able
                # to account for that.
                self.sessions[session_id].playerid = int(k['dwc_pid'])

                # Try to detect console without hitting the database first
                found_console = False
                if 'gamename' in k:
                    self.sessions[session_id].console = 0

                    if k['gamename'].endswith('ds') or k['gamename'].endswith(
                            'dsam') or k['gamename'].endswith(
                                'dsi') or k['gamename'].endswith('dsiam'):
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = 0
                        found_console = True
                    elif k['gamename'].endswith(
                            'wii') or k['gamename'].endswith(
                                'wiiam') or k['gamename'].endswith(
                                    'wiiware') or k['gamename'].endswith(
                        self.sessions[session_id].console = 1
                        found_console = True

                if found_console == False:
                    # Couldn't detect game, try to get it from the database
                    # Try a 3 times before giving up
                    for i in range(0, 3):
                            profile = self.db.get_profile_from_profileid(

                            if "console" in profile:
                                self.sessions[session_id].console = profile[


            if 'publicip' in k and k[
                    'publicip'] == "0":  #and k['dwc_hoststate'] == "2": # When dwc_hoststate == 2 then it doesn't send an IP, so calculate it ourselves
                be = self.sessions[session_id].console != 0
                k['publicip'] = str(
                        bytearray([int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')]), 0,

            if 'publicport' in k and 'localport' in k and k['publicport'] != k[
                self.log(logging.DEBUG, address, session_id, "publicport %s doesn't match localport %s, so changing publicport to %s..." \
                    % (k['publicport'], k['localport'], str(address[1])))
                k['publicport'] = str(address[1])

            if self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge == True:
                self.update_server_list(session_id, k)
                addr_hex = ''.join(
                    ["%02X" % int(x) for x in address[0].split('.')])
                port_hex = "%04X" % int(address[1])
                server_challenge = utils.generate_random_str(
                    6) + '00' + addr_hex + port_hex

                self.sessions[session_id].challenge = server_challenge

                packet = bytearray([0xfe, 0xfd,
                                    0x01])  # Send challenge command
                packet.extend(session_id_raw)  # Get the session ID

                self.write_queue.put((packet, address))
                    logging.DEBUG, address, session_id,
                    "Sent challenge to %s:%s..." % (address[0], address[1]))

                self.sessions[session_id].sent_challenge = True
                self.sessions[session_id].heartbeat_data = k