Exemple #1
def dataset():
    path = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/tests/spectrum/flux_points/diff_flux_points.fits"
    data = FluxPoints.read(path)
    data.table["e_ref"] = data.e_ref.to("TeV")
    model = SkyModel(spectral_model=PowerLawSpectralModel(
        index=2.3, amplitude="2e-13 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1", reference="1 TeV"))
    dataset = FluxPointsDataset(model, data)
    return dataset
Exemple #2
def test_flux_point_dataset_serialization(tmp_path):
    path = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/tests/spectrum/flux_points/diff_flux_points.fits"
    data = FluxPoints.read(path)
    data.table["e_ref"] = data.e_ref.to("TeV")
    spectral_model = PowerLawSpectralModel(index=2.3,
                                           amplitude="2e-13 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1",
                                           reference="1 TeV")
    model = SkyModel(spectral_model=spectral_model, name="test_model")
    dataset = FluxPointsDataset(model, data, name="test_dataset")

    Datasets([dataset]).write(tmp_path, prefix="tmp")
    datasets = Datasets.read(tmp_path / "tmp_datasets.yaml",
                             tmp_path / "tmp_models.yaml")
    new_dataset = datasets[0]
    assert_allclose(new_dataset.data.table["dnde"], dataset.data.table["dnde"],
    if dataset.mask_fit is None:
        assert np.all(new_dataset.mask_fit == dataset.mask_safe)
    assert np.all(new_dataset.mask_safe == dataset.mask_safe)
    assert new_dataset.name == "test_dataset"
Exemple #3
    def get_flux_points(self):
        """Calculate flux points for a specific model component."""
        if not self.fit:
            raise RuntimeError("No results available from Fit.")

        fp_settings = self.config.flux_points
        log.info("Calculating flux points.")
        e_edges = self._make_energy_axis(fp_settings.energy).edges
        flux_point_estimator = FluxPointsEstimator(
        fp = flux_point_estimator.run()
        fp.table["is_ul"] = fp.table["ts"] < 4
        self.flux_points = FluxPointsDataset(
            data=fp, models=self.models[fp_settings.source])
        cols = ["e_ref", "ref_flux", "dnde", "dnde_ul", "dnde_err", "is_ul"]
Exemple #4
def test_flux_point_dataset_serialization(tmp_path):
    path = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/tests/spectrum/flux_points/diff_flux_points.fits"
    data = FluxPoints.read(path)
    data.table["e_ref"] = data.e_ref.to("TeV")
    # TODO: remove duplicate definition this once model is redefine as skymodel
    spatial_model = ConstantSpatialModel()
    spectral_model = PowerLawSpectralModel(index=2.3,
                                           amplitude="2e-13 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1",
                                           reference="1 TeV")
    model = SkyModel(spatial_model, spectral_model, name="test_model")
    dataset = FluxPointsDataset(SkyModels([model]), data, name="test_dataset")

    Datasets([dataset]).to_yaml(tmp_path, prefix="tmp")
    datasets = Datasets.from_yaml(tmp_path / "tmp_datasets.yaml",
                                  tmp_path / "tmp_models.yaml")
    new_dataset = datasets[0]
    assert_allclose(new_dataset.data.table["dnde"], dataset.data.table["dnde"],
    if dataset.mask_fit is None:
        assert np.all(new_dataset.mask_fit == dataset.mask_safe)
    assert np.all(new_dataset.mask_safe == dataset.mask_safe)
    assert new_dataset.name == "test_dataset"
Exemple #5
    def get_flux_points(self, source="source"):
        """Calculate flux points for a specific model component.

        source : string
            Name of the model component where to calculate the flux points.
        if not self._validate_fp_settings():
            return False

        # TODO: add "source" to config
        log.info("Calculating flux points.")
        axis_params = self.settings["flux-points"]["fp_binning"]
        e_edges = MapAxis.from_bounds(**axis_params).edges
        flux_point_estimator = FluxPointsEstimator(
            e_edges=e_edges, datasets=self.datasets, source=source
        fp = flux_point_estimator.run()
        fp.table["is_ul"] = fp.table["ts"] < 4
        model = self.model[source].spectral_model.copy()
        self.flux_points = FluxPointsDataset(data=fp, model=model)
        cols = ["e_ref", "ref_flux", "dnde", "dnde_ul", "dnde_err", "is_ul"]
Exemple #6
# drop the flux upper limit values
flux_points = flux_points.drop_ul()

# ## Power Law Fit
# First we start with fitting a simple [power law](https://docs.gammapy.org/0.11/api/gammapy.spectrum.models.PowerLaw.html#gammapy.spectrum.models.PowerLaw).

# In[ ]:

pwl = PowerLaw(index=2, amplitude="1e-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1", reference="1 TeV")

# After creating the model we run the fit by passing the `'flux_points'` and `'pwl'` objects:

# In[ ]:

dataset_pwl = FluxPointsDataset(pwl, flux_points, likelihood="chi2assym")
fitter = Fit(dataset_pwl)
result_pwl = fitter.run()

# And print the result:

# In[ ]:


# In[ ]:


# Finally we plot the data points and the best fit model:
fpe = FluxPointsEstimator(datasets=[dataset], e_edges=e_edges)
flux_points = fpe.run()

# ### Plot
# Let's plot the spectral model and points. You could do it directly, but there is a helper class.
# Note that a spectral uncertainty band, a "butterfly" is drawn, but it is very thin, i.e. barely visible.

# In[ ]:

model.parameters.covariance = result.parameters.covariance
flux_points_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points, model=model)

# In[ ]:

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))

# ## Exercises
# * Re-run the analysis above, varying some analysis parameters, e.g.
#     * Select a few other observations
#     * Change the energy band for the map
#     * Change the spectral model for the fit
Exemple #8
# Now we plot the flux points and their likelihood profiles. For the plotting of upper limits we choose a threshold of TS < 4.

# In[ ]:

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
flux_points.table["is_ul"] = flux_points.table["ts"] < 4
ax = flux_points.plot(energy_power=2,
                      flux_unit="erg-1 cm-2 s-1",

# The final plot with the best fit model, flux points and residuals can be quickly made like this:

# In[ ]:

flux_points_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points,

# In[ ]:

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))

# ## Stack observations
# And alternative approach to fitting the spectrum is stacking all observations first and the fitting a model. For this we first stack the individual datasets:

# In[ ]:

dataset_stacked = Datasets(datasets_joint).stack_reduce()

# Again we set the model on the dataset we would like to fit (in this case it's only a singel one) and pass it to the `Fit` object:
dataset = Datasets(datasets).stack_reduce()

dataset.model = model

fpe = FluxPointsEstimator(datasets=[dataset], e_edges=e_edges)

flux_points = fpe.run()
flux_points.table["is_ul"] = flux_points.table["ts"] < 1

amplitude_ref = 0.57 * 19.4e-14 * u.Unit("1 / (cm2 s MeV)")
spec_model_true = PowerLawSpectralModel(
    index=4.5, amplitude=amplitude_ref, reference="20 GeV"

flux_points_dataset = FluxPointsDataset(data=flux_points, models=model)

# Now we can plot.

# In[ ]:

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
ax_spectrum, ax_residual = flux_points_dataset.peek()

ax_spectrum.set_ylim([1e-14, 3e-11])
ax_residual.set_ylim([-1.7, 1.7])

Exemple #10
 def spectrum_result(self):
     return FluxPointsDataset(data=self.flux_points,
Exemple #11
# ## Power Law Fit
# First we start with fitting a simple `~gammapy.modeling.models.PowerLawSpectralModel`.

# In[ ]:

pwl = PowerLawSpectralModel(index=2,
                            amplitude="1e-12 cm-2 s-1 TeV-1",
                            reference="1 TeV")
model = SkyModel(spectral_model=pwl)

# After creating the model we run the fit by passing the `'flux_points'` and `'model'` objects:

# In[ ]:

dataset_pwl = FluxPointsDataset(model, flux_points)
fitter = Fit([dataset_pwl])
result_pwl = fitter.run()

# And print the result:

# In[ ]:


# In[ ]:


# Finally we plot the data points and the best fit model:
dataset_hess = Datasets(datasets).stack_reduce()
dataset_hess.name = "HESS"
dataset_hess.models = crab_model

# ### HAWC: 1D dataset for flux point fitting
# The HAWC flux point are taken from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.12518.pdf. Then these flux points are read from a pre-made FITS file and passed to a `FluxPointsDataset` together with the source spectral model.

# In[ ]:

# read flux points from https://arxiv.org/pdf/1905.12518.pdf
filename = "$GAMMAPY_DATA/hawc_crab/HAWC19_flux_points.fits"
flux_points_hawc = FluxPoints.read(filename)
dataset_hawc = FluxPointsDataset(crab_model, flux_points_hawc, name="HAWC")

# ## Datasets serialization
# The `datasets` object contains each dataset previously defined.
# It can be saved on disk as datasets.yaml, models.yaml, and several data files specific to each dataset. Then the `datasets` can be rebuild later from these files.

# In[ ]:

datasets = Datasets([dataset_fermi, dataset_hess, dataset_hawc])
path = Path("crab-3datasets")

datasets.write(path=path, prefix="crab_10GeV_100TeV", overwrite=True)
filedata = path / "crab_10GeV_100TeV_datasets.yaml"
filemodel = path / "crab_10GeV_100TeV_models.yaml"