def takeOutNaNs(pixSeries): """Takes out NaNs from a pixel time series Takes out NaNs in each pixel's time series and replaces them by filling in the gaps using interpolation methods. If a single pixel's time series is made up of all NaNs, replace all of the NaNs with 0 Notes: ----------- For more information, see Inputs: ---------- pixSeries (2d numpy array) Size: (number of pixels in cadence, number of time points) The 3d data cube reshaped to a 2d array to make it easy to iterate over Returns: ------------ newPixSeries (2d numpy array) Size: (number of pixels in cadence, number of time points) The input array with all of the NaNs taken out """ newPixSeries = [] for singlePixTimeSeries in pixSeries: if np.all(np.isnan(singlePixTimeSeries)): singlePixTimeSeries = np.zeros(len(singlePixTimeSeries)) else: singlePixTimeSeries, badIdx = gapfill.gapFill(singlePixTimeSeries) newPixSeries.append(singlePixTimeSeries) return np.array(newPixSeries)
def main(): ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### # #PARAMETERS ###Update parameters # Process decision dummies # Download images dload = False # Mosaic images for each region and crop to extent mosaic = False # Check quality checkQuality = False # Fill missing values and mask by exact AOI fillMissing = False # Smooth images smooth = False # Create baselines createBaselines = False # Rank individual images against baseline images ranking = False # Average MODIS value in each region avgValue = False #Additional options with the average # Compute the quality information to inform the # average values for each region qualIndex = True #Create charts of the differential to the long term chartDiff = True #Create maps of the ranking rasters by date mapDiff = True ########### DOWNLOAD # Start date for the product download (format YYYY-MM-DD) # If None, will default to date of most recent MODIS file on disk if any, or stop the process startDownload = '2018-03-01' ############ FILL MISSING # Year(s) of images to fill yearsMissing = [2017, 2018] # Day(s) of images to fill daysMissing = None #[[49,65,81]] ############ MAPPING #Dates to map mapDates = ['2018-03-22'] ###Long term parameters # Allow parallel computing? allowPara = True # Number of cores to use? nCores = 3 # Satellite satelliteModis = 'terra' # 'terra' # 'aqua' # Root folder prefixRootSys = '/media/olivier/olivier_ext1/gedata_current/jde_coffee' # 'E:/gedata_current' #'/home/olivierp/jde_coffee' # #DIRECTORIES parameters # Working directory dst = os.path.join(prefixRootSys, 'MODIS/collection6/' + satelliteModis + '/Vietnam') # Directory data sources dataDir = os.path.join(prefixRootSys, 'data/Vietnam') # Folder inside dst to use for temporary files (should be empty) tempDir = os.path.join(prefixRootSys, 'Temp') # Destination folder for the downloaded MODIS tiles rawdataDir = os.path.join(dst, 'raw_data') # #REGIONS parameters # Regions to process inputs !!!!SHOULD BE IN EPSG 4326 PROJECTION # Names of the regions (also folders names) states = ["LD"] # Varieties in each case varieties = [['coffee']] # Addresses of the shapefiles with the boundaries for each of the regions # !!!!SHOULD BE IN EPSG 4326 PROJECTION statesBoundFiles = [ dataDir + '/' + s + '/aoi/AOI_' + s + '.shp' for s in states ] # Name of subfolder in each region where to save the raw mosaic data # (should be in the folders of the regions) statesRawFolder = 'raw_data' # Name of the subfolder where to save the masked images statesMaskedFolder = 'masked_missing' # Name of the subfolder where to save the filled images statesFilledFolder = 'filled_missing' # Name of subfolder where to save the smoothed mosaic data (should be in the folders of the regions) statesSmoothFolder = 'smooth_data' # Name of subfolder where to save (if produced) and get the reference # baseline for each date in the year (should be in the folders of the regions) statesRefFolder = 'baseline' # Process decision dummies # Get the percentage of missing values for each pixel across history checkPercMissing = False #maskLand = False ########### DOWNLOAD # Product to download if satelliteModis == 'terra': product = 'MOD13Q1.006' else: product = 'MYD13Q1.006' # Username for the earthdata website user = "******" # Password for the earthdata website pwd = "Michele1950" # Tiles to download. tiles = ['h28v07'] # ['h28v07'] # Start date for the product download (format YYYY-MM-DD) # If None, will default to date of most recent MODIS file on disk if any, or stop the process #startDownload = '2018-02-01' # '2017-05-26' # End date for the product download (format YYYY-MM-DD) # If None, defaults to today endDownload = None ############ MOSAIC # Starting date for the files to mosaic # If None, will default to the files that have been just downloaded if # any. startMosaic = startDownload #'2018-02-01' # startMosaic = '2005-01-01' # Ending date for the files to mosaic # If None, defaults to today endMosaic = None # '2005-02-01' ############ MASK QUALITY # Input folder of the images to mask inCheck = statesRawFolder # Output folder of the images to mask outCheck = statesMaskedFolder # Start date for the files to check startCheck = startDownload #'2018-02-01' # End date for the files to check endCheck = None ############ FILL MISSING # Input folder for the images to fill inMissing = statesMaskedFolder # Output folder for the images to fill outMissing = statesFilledFolder # Year(s) of images to fill #yearsMissing = [2017,2018] # Day(s) of images to fill #daysMissing = [[49,65,81],[49,65,81]] # Suffix to put at the end of the name of the # images after filling suffMissing = 'f' # !!! The two conditions are additive (AND) ############ SMOOTH # Size of the regression and average window (Swets algorithm) regWindow = 7 avgWindow = 3 # Starting date for the files to include as input in the smoothing process # If None, defaults to 1 year before the end smoothing date d = datetime.strptime(startDownload, '%Y-%m-%d').date() startSmooth = d - timedelta(days=365 * 2) startSmooth = startSmooth.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') #startSmooth = '2016-05-15' # Ending date for the files to include as input in the smoothing process # If None, defaults to today endSmooth = None # Start and end dates for the files to save to the disk after smoothing # If None, defaults to 6 months before end smoothing date startSaveS = d - timedelta(days=365) startSaveS = startSaveS.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') #startSaveS = '2017-07-01' # startSaveS = '2017-03-01' endSaveS = None # None to save them up to the end smoothing date ############ BASELINE # Starting and ending years for the reference period. Included. startRef = 2006 endRef = 2016 # Mask and output model to use for the baseline rasters. # The mask should overlap perfectly with the modis images # The output model can have a different resolution, in which case the baseline will be produced with that resolution # maskBaseline = [['masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_250m.tif']] # outModelRaster = [['masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_1km.tif']] maskBaseline = [[ dst + '/LD/' + 'masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_250m.tif' ]] outModelRaster = [[ dst + '/LD/' + 'masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_1km.tif' ]] ############ RANKING # Ranking individual dates modis images in terms of deciles using # the baselines # Starting and ending dates for the images to consider. Included # If None, will default to 60 days before the endRank date startRank = d - timedelta(days=125) startRank = startRank.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') #startRank = '2017-12-01' # If None, will default to today endRank = None # Minimum density of coffee to consider minCoffee = [0.05, 0.15] # File to use for masking the output using the density # maskRank = [['masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_1km.tif']] maskRank = [[ dst + '/LD/' + 'masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_1km.tif' ]] ############ AVERAGE # Starting and ending dates for the images to consider. Included # If None, defaults to 1 year before today startAvg = '2006-01-01' # If None, will default to today endAvg = None #Grid/Raster to use for the averaging --> FULL PATH!!!!!!! avgWeights = [[ dst + '/LD/masks/LD_densities_coffee_from_classifications_250m.tif' ]] # Name of the field with the density information if the masks for averaging # are shapefiles weightField = None ############ MAPPING #Dates to map #mapDates = ['2018-03-22'] # % of coffee masks to map out (the rasters for each should have been prepared in advance modisPct = ['5', '15'] # Destination folder for the maps from the modisPrefix destFolder = os.path.join(dst, 'maps') # Size of the maps for each region mapSizes = [(11, 8)] #Roughly A4 # Titles for each of the modis maps, to which the modis date will be added at the end mapTitles = [[ 'Lam Dong Crop Health Index \nComparison to 11y History (2006-2016) \nCoffee, ' ]] # Name of the boundary shapefile for each of the states boundaries = ['aoi/AOI_LD.shp'] #Position of the note in each map notePositions = [(0.05, 0.12)] #Size of the note font noteFont = 8 #Position of the legend in each map legendPositions = [(0.05, 0.22)] #Size of the legend title and labels fonts legendFonts = (12, 10) # Name of the shapefile with the cities for each of the states cities = ['LD_cities.shp'] citiesField = ['name'] #Size of the labels and markers for the cities citiesLabelSizes = [12] citiesMarkerSizes = [3] #Scale parameeters scaleLen = [100] #in km scaleFont = 10 scalePositions = [(0.65, 0.01)] ##################################################################################################################### ##################################################################################################################### # #ACTIVE CODE if allowPara and not nCores: nCores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if dload: newHdf = md.downloadMODIS(dstFolder=os.path.join(dst, rawdataDir), pwd=pwd, user=user, tiles=tiles, product=product, startDownload=startDownload, endDownload=endDownload, satellite=satelliteModis) else: newHdf = [] if mosaic: thereHdf = [ f for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, rawdataDir)) if f.endswith('.hdf') ] if not newHdf and not thereHdf: return else: if not startMosaic: print('No start date provided for mosaic. Will mosaic ' + 'downloaded images only') print('Starting the mosaic process') md.mosaicMODISWrapper(root=dst, srcFolder=os.path.join(dst, rawdataDir), tmpFolder=tempDir, regions=states, regionsOut=statesRawFolder, regionsBoundaries=statesBoundFiles, tiles=tiles, subset='1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0', suffix=['NDVI', 'Quality'], nodataOut=[32767, 65535], startMosaic=startMosaic, endMosaic=endMosaic) if checkQuality: print('Starting quality check') if not endCheck: endCheck = endCheck = else: endCheck = datetime.strptime(endCheck, '%Y-%m-%d').date() if startCheck: startCheck = datetime.strptime(startCheck, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for s, b in zip(states, statesBoundFiles): print(' Starting region ' + s) # Import all the raw ndvi modis images on disk allNDVI = [ os.path.join(dst, s, inCheck, f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, s, inCheck)) if f.endswith('NDVI.tif') ] # Dates of these files datesNDVI = ['_([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', f).group(1) for f in allNDVI ] # Transform into date format datesNDVI = [ datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for d in datesNDVI ] if not startCheck: startCheck = min(datesNDVI) # Keep only the files and dates within the dates to process allNDVI = [ f for f, d in zip(allNDVI, datesNDVI) if d >= startCheck and d <= endCheck ] allNDVI.sort() # Update the dates in the final selection datesNDVI = [ d for d in datesNDVI if d >= startCheck and d <= endCheck ] datesNDVI.sort() # Import all the quality modis images on disk allQuality = [ os.path.join(dst, s, inCheck, f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, s, inCheck)) if f.endswith('Quality.tif') ] # Dates of these files datesQual = ['_([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', f).group(1) for f in allQuality ] # Transform into date format datesQual = [ datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for d in datesQual ] # Keep the same files as the NDVI allQuality = [ f for f, d in zip(allQuality, datesQual) if d in datesNDVI ] allQuality.sort() # Prepare the output names allOut = [re.sub(inCheck, outCheck, f) for f in allNDVI] # Define the dataset dataset = zip(allNDVI, allQuality, allOut) if allowPara: #p = mp.Pool(nCores) p = pa.pools.ProcessPool() lambda d: md.maskQualityVI(ndviRaster=d[0], qualityRaster=d[1], outRaster=d[2], nodataOut=-3000), dataset) lambda d: md.clipMaskRasterByShp(shp=b, raster=d[2], outRaster=d[2], clipR=False, maskR=True, dataToMask=[-3000], nodataOut=32767), dataset) else: for d in dataset: # Mask the low quality pixels md.maskQualityVI(ndviRaster=d[0], qualityRaster=d[1], outRaster=d[2], nodataOut=-3000) # Mask the pixels outside the shapefile md.clipMaskRasterByShp(shp=b, raster=d[2], outRaster=d[2], clipR=False, maskR=True, dataToMask=[-3000], nodataOut=32767) if fillMissing: print('Starting interpolation of missing values') fillIndex = {} for s, b in zip(range(len(states)), statesBoundFiles): print(' Starting region ' + states[s]) inputRasters = [ os.path.join(dst, states[s], inMissing, f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, states[s], inMissing)) if f.endswith('.tif') ] inputRasters.sort() # Get the dates datesAll = ['_([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', f).group(1) for f in inputRasters ] # Transform into date format datesAll = [ datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for d in datesAll ] # Transform into days from start of the year days = [int(d.strftime('%j')) for d in datesAll] # Get the years for the files on disk years = [int(d.strftime('%Y')) for d in datesAll] if avgWeights[s]: avgW = avgWeights[s] else: avgW = None fillIndex[states[s]] = gapfill.gapFill(rasters=inputRasters, seasons=days, years=years, outFolder=os.path.join( dst, states[s], outMissing), suffix=suffMissing, nodata=[-3000], iMax=27, subsetSeasons=daysMissing, subsetYears=yearsMissing, subsetMissing=None, clipRange=(-2000, 10000), maskRaster=avgW, parallel=allowPara, nCores=nCores) out = [] for p, v in fillIndex[states[s]][0].iteritems(): d = datetime.strptime(p, '%j-%Y').date() out.append({'date': d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'), 'value': v}) with open(dst + "/test" + states[s] + ".txt", "wb") as f: dict_writer = DictWriter(f, ['date', 'value'], extrasaction='ignore', delimiter="\t", restval="0") dict_writer.writeheader() for p in out: dict_writer.writerow(p) # Mask the resulting rasters to the specific extent of the AOI for r, y, d in zip(inputRasters, years, days): if (yearsMissing and not y in yearsMissing): continue elif (yearsMissing and daysMissing and not d in daysMissing[yearsMissing.index(y)]): continue elif not yearsMissing and daysMissing and not d in daysMissing: continue nameR = os.path.join( dst, states[s], outMissing, re.sub('.tif', '_' + suffMissing + '.tif', os.path.basename(r))) md.clipMaskRasterByShp(shp=b, raster=nameR, outRaster=nameR, clipR=False, maskR=True, dataToMask=None, nodataOut=32767) ''' for s, b in zip(states, statesBoundFiles): inputRasters = [os.path.join(dst, s, outMissing, f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, s, outMissing)) if f.endswith('.tif') and not '_f' in f] for r in inputRasters: md.clipMaskRasterByShp(shp=b, raster=r, outRaster=r, clipR=False, maskR=True, dataToMask=None, nodataOut=32767) ''' if smooth: print('Starting the smoothing process') md.smoothMODISWrapper(root=dst, regions=states, regionsIn=statesFilledFolder, regionsOut=statesSmoothFolder, startSmooth=startSmooth, endSmooth=endSmooth, regWindow=regWindow, avgWindow=avgWindow, startSaveSmooth=startSaveS, endSaveSmooth=endSaveS, parallel=allowPara, nCores=nCores) if createBaselines: print('Starting creation of baselines') md.createBaseline(root=dst, regions=states, varieties=varieties, regionsIn=statesSmoothFolder, regionsOut=statesRefFolder, startRef=startRef, endRef=endRef, mask=maskBaseline, outModelRaster=outModelRaster, parallel=allowPara, nCores=nCores) if ranking: print('Starting analysis of individual dates compared to baseline') md.rankDatesDeciles(root=dst, regions=states, varieties=varieties, regionsIn=statesSmoothFolder, refDecilesIn=statesRefFolder, startRank=startRank, endRank=endRank, mask=maskRank, minDensity=minCoffee) if avgValue: print('Computing the average ndvi value for each zone') # Create an empty dictionary to get the values for each of the regions averages = {} if qualIndex: qualityMasked = {} qualityFilled = {} colnames = [] datesAll = [] for r in range(len(states)): for v in range(len(varieties[r])): if not avgWeights[r][v]: continue colnames.append(states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]) # Get the images to consider print('Averaging region ' + str(states[r]) + '...') if avgWeights[r] and avgWeights[r][v]: avgW = avgWeights[r][v] else: avgW = None avgRegion = md.avgRegionRasterWrap(regionIn=os.path.join( dst, states[r], statesSmoothFolder), avgWeights=avgW, weightField=weightField, startAvg=startAvg, endAvg=endAvg, alltouch=False) ''' avgRegion = md.avgRegionQualWrap( regionIn=os.path.join(dst, states[r], statesSmoothFolder), maskedIn=os.path.join(dst, states[r], statesMaskedFolder), avgWeights=avgW, weightField=weightField, startAvg=startAvg, endAvg=endAvg, alltouch=False) ''' if avgRegion == False: break if len(avgRegion) == 0: continue if qualIndex: # Compute the quality for all the dates qualMasked = md.computeQualityIndexNdviWrap( regionIn=os.path.join(dst, states[r], statesMaskedFolder), avgWeights=avgW, weightField=weightField, missingValue=-3000, startAvg=startAvg, endAvg=endAvg, alltouch=False) qualFilled = md.computeQualityIndexNdviWrap( regionIn=os.path.join(dst, states[r], statesFilledFolder), avgWeights=avgW, weightField=weightField, missingValue=None, startAvg=startAvg, endAvg=endAvg, alltouch=False) # Transform the results into a dictionary easier to export for k, s in avgRegion.iteritems(): # Transform into 'per Hectare' s = s / (250.) * 10000. if not k in datesAll: datesAll.append(k) if not k in averages: averages[k] = {} averages[k]['date'] = k averages[k][states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]] = s if qualIndex: if qualMasked: if not k in qualityMasked: qualityMasked[k] = {} qualityMasked[k]['date'] = k if k in qualMasked: qualityMasked[k][ states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]] = qualMasked[k] else: qualityMasked[k][states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]] = ' ' if qualFilled: if not k in qualityFilled: qualityFilled[k] = {} qualityFilled[k]['date'] = k if k in qualFilled: qualityFilled[k][ states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]] = qualFilled[k] else: qualityFilled[k][states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v]] = ' ' #Prepare the filling quality information for export if fillMissing: outFill = {} for r in range(len(states)): for v in range(len(varieties[r])): for p, v in fillIndex[states[r]][v].iteritems(): d = datetime.strptime(p, '%j-%Y').date() d = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') if d in qualMasked: if not d in outFill: outFill[d] = {} outFill[d][states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v] + '_Q'] = ( 1 - (qualMasked[d] / 0.8 ^ (1 - qualMasked[d]) + v / 0.5 ^ (1 - v)) / 2.) colnames.append(states[r] + '_' + varieties[r][v] + '_Q') # Sort the dates and get min and max datesAll = [datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for d in datesAll] datesAll.sort() outMin = min(datesAll) outMax = max(datesAll) # Create output name outNm = ('Weighted_avg_ndvi_' + outMin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '_' + outMax.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.txt') # order the output by date in a list. Each element is an element of the original dictionary and will be exported out = [] for date in datesAll: if fillMissing: if date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') in outFill: out.append(averages[date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')] + outFill[date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) else: out.append(averages[date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) # Export the dictionary with open(os.path.join(dst, outNm), "w") as f: dict_writer = DictWriter(f, ['date'] + colnames, extrasaction='ignore', delimiter="\t", restval="0") dict_writer.writeheader() for p in out: dict_writer.writerow(p) # Same process for the quality information if qualIndex: if qualityMasked: outNmMasked = ('Quality_masked_ndvi_' + outMin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '_' + outMax.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.txt') outM = [] for date in datesAll: outM.append(qualityMasked[date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) with open(os.path.join(dst, outNmMasked), "w") as f: dict_writer = DictWriter(f, ['date'] + colnames, extrasaction='ignore', delimiter="\t", restval="0") dict_writer.writeheader() for p in outM: dict_writer.writerow(p) if qualityFilled: outNmFilled = ('Quality_filled_ndvi_' + outMin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '_' + outMax.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + '.txt') outF = [] for date in datesAll: outF.append(qualityFilled[date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')]) with open(os.path.join(dst, outNmFilled), "w") as f: dict_writer = DictWriter(f, ['date'] + colnames, extrasaction='ignore', delimiter="\t", restval="0") dict_writer.writeheader() for p in outF: dict_writer.writerow(p) if chartDiff: #Remove the date from the variables in averages for v in averages.itervalues(): v.pop('date', None) #Create the plots md.plotModisLtavg(inDic=averages, ltAvgStart=2006, ltAvgEnd=2016, dateStartChart='01-01', yearsPlot=range(2010, 2019), outFolder=dst) if mapDiff: for s in range(len(states)): for v in range(len(varieties[s])): for d in mapDates: for p in modisPct: # Transform into date to be able to reformat date = datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() #Mapping function md.mapModisRanking( mapSize=mapSizes[s], mapTitle=mapTitles[s][v] + date.strftime('%B %d, %Y'), mapFile=os.path.join( dst, states[s], ('ndvi_' + d + '_CompareToDecile_0BelowMin_110AboveMax_' + varieties[s][v] + '_maskedbelow' + p + 'pct.tif')), boundaryFile=os.path.join(dataDir, states[s], boundaries[s]), notePosition=notePositions[s], noteSize=noteFont, legendPosition=legendPositions[s], legendSizes=legendFonts, outName=os.path.join( destFolder, ('decile_comparison_' + states[s] + '_' + varieties[s][v] + '_' + p + 'pct_' + d + '.png')), outRes=200, backgroundLabel='Less than ' + p + '% ' + varieties[s][v].title(), citiesFile=os.path.join(dataDir, states[s], 'places', cities[s]), citiesField=citiesField[s], citiesLabelSize=citiesLabelSizes[s], citiesMarkerSize=citiesMarkerSizes[s], scaleLen=scaleLen[s], scaleSize=scaleFont, scalePosition=scalePositions[s]) if checkPercMissing: # Get the names of all the masked rasters on file onDisk = [ os.path.join(dst, 'CO/masked_missing', f) for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(dst, 'CO/masked_missing')) if f.endswith('NDVI.tif') ] # Dates of these files datesAll = ['_([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', f).group(1) for f in onDisk ] # Transform into date format datesAll = [datetime.strptime(d, '%Y-%m-%d').date() for d in datesAll] # Transform into days from start of the year and keep only the unique values days = {d.strftime('%j') for d in datesAll} # Transform back into a list and order by date days = [int(d) for d in days] days.sort() # Get the years for the files on disk years = {d.strftime('%Y') for d in datesAll} years = [int(y) for y in years] years.sort() for d in days: # Get the names of all the rasters for this date dates = [ datetime(y, 1, 1).date() + timedelta(days=d - 1) for y in years ] files = [f for f, date in zip(onDisk, datesAll) if date in dates] # Prepare output name outFile = re.sub('([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2})', str(d), files[0]) outFile = re.sub('masked', 'perc', outFile) # Extract the percentage of missing md.percMissingStack(images=files, outName=outFile, nodata=None) '''