Exemple #1
class Position(object):
    A point constructed of two `Variable`'s.

    >>> vp = Position((3, 5))
    >>> vp.x, vp.y
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp.pos
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp[0], vp[1]
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))

    _x = solvable(varname='_v_x')
    _y = solvable(varname='_v_y')

    def __init__(self, pos, strength=NORMAL):
        self._x, self._y = pos
        self._x.strength = strength
        self._y.strength = strength

    # _x is a Variable, therefore observed
    def _set_x(self, x):
        self._x = x

    x = property(lambda s: s._x, _set_x)

    # _y is a Variable, therefore observed
    def _set_y(self, y):
        self._y = y

    y = property(lambda s: s._y, _set_y)

    def _set_pos(self, pos):
        Set handle position (Item coordinates).
        self.x, self.y = pos

    pos = property(lambda s: (s.x, s.y), _set_pos)

    def __str__(self):
        return '<%s object on (%g, %g)>' % (self.__class__.__name__,
                                            float(self._x), float(self._y))

    __repr__ = __str__

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Shorthand for returning the x(0) or y(1) component of the point.

        >>> h = Position((3, 5))
        >>> h[0]
        Variable(3, 20)
        >>> h[1]
        Variable(5, 20)
        return (self.x, self.y)[index]
Exemple #2
class Position:
    A point constructed of two `Variable`'s.

    >>> vp = Position((3, 5))
    >>> vp.x, vp.y
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp.pos
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp[0], vp[1]
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))

    x = solvable(varname="_v_x")
    y = solvable(varname="_v_y")

    def __init__(self, pos, strength=NORMAL):
        self.x, self.y = pos
        self.x.strength = strength
        self.y.strength = strength

    def _set_pos(self, pos):
        Set handle position (Item coordinates).
        self.x, self.y = pos

    pos = property(lambda s: (s.x, s.y), _set_pos)

    def __str__(self):
        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} object on ({self.x}, {self.y})>"

    __repr__ = __str__

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Shorthand for returning the x(0) or y(1) component of the point.

        >>> h = Position((3, 5))
        >>> h[0]
        Variable(3, 20)
        >>> h[1]
        Variable(5, 20)
        return (self.x, self.y)[index]
Exemple #3
class ElementNoPorts(Element):
	This is a copy of the Element class, but without the declaration
	of the LinePorts in the __init__ method. It will be proposed to the
	Gaphor team that the Element class be modified like this, because
	there is quite a lot of useful code aside from the LinePort definition.

	min_width = solvable(strength=REQUIRED, varname='_min_width')
	min_height = solvable(strength=REQUIRED, varname='_min_height')

	def __init__(self, width=10, height=10):
		super(Element, self).__init__()
		self._handles = [ h(strength=VERY_STRONG) for h in [Handle]*4 ]

		handles = self._handles
		h_nw = handles[NW]
		h_ne = handles[NE]
		h_sw = handles[SW]
		h_se = handles[SE]

		# Share variables

		# No ports by default
		self._ports = []

		# initialize min_x variables
		self.min_width, self.min_height = 10, 10
		factor = 7
		delta_w = len(self.blockinstance.name)*factor
		delta_h = 10
		self.min_width = delta_w
		self.min_height = delta_h

		# create minimal size constraints
		self.constraint(left_of=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self._min_width)
		self.constraint(above=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self._min_height)

		self.width = width
		self.height = height
Exemple #4
class Position(object):
    A point constructed of two `Variable`'s.

    >>> vp = Position((3, 5))
    >>> vp.x, vp.y
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp.pos
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))
    >>> vp[0], vp[1]
    (Variable(3, 20), Variable(5, 20))

    x = solvable(varname="_v_x")
    y = solvable(varname="_v_y")

    def __init__(self, pos, strength=NORMAL):
        self.x, self.y = pos
        self.x.strength = strength
        self.y.strength = strength

    def _set_pos(self, pos):
        Set handle position (Item coordinates).
        self.x, self.y = pos

    pos = property(lambda s: (s.x, s.y), _set_pos)

    def set_x(self, vx):
        Set the variable for x.

        NOTE: This changes the variable object itself, not only the value!
        self._v_x = vx

    def set_y(self, vy):
        Set the variable for y.

        NOTE: This changes the variable object itself, not only the value!
        self._v_y = vy

    def __str__(self):
        return "<%s object on (%g, %g)>" % (

    __repr__ = __str__

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        Shorthand for returning the x(0) or y(1) component of the point.

        >>> h = Position((3, 5))
        >>> h[0]
        Variable(3, 20)
        >>> h[1]
        Variable(5, 20)
        return (self.x, self.y)[index]
Exemple #5
class Element(Item):
    An Element has 4 handles (for a start)::

     NW +---+ NE
        |   |
     SW +---+ SE

    min_width = solvable(strength=REQUIRED, varname="_min_width")
    min_height = solvable(strength=REQUIRED, varname="_min_height")

    def __init__(self, width=10, height=10):
        super(Element, self).__init__()
        self._handles = [h(strength=VERY_STRONG) for h in [Handle] * 4]

        handles = self._handles
        h_nw = handles[NW]
        h_ne = handles[NE]
        h_sw = handles[SW]
        h_se = handles[SE]

        # Share variables

        # edge of element define default element ports
        self._ports = [
            LinePort(h_nw.pos, h_ne.pos),
            LinePort(h_ne.pos, h_se.pos),
            LinePort(h_se.pos, h_sw.pos),
            LinePort(h_sw.pos, h_nw.pos),

        # initialize min_x variables
        self.min_width, self.min_height = 10, 10

        # create minimal size constraints
        self.constraint(left_of=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self._min_width)
        self.constraint(above=(h_nw.pos, h_se.pos), delta=self._min_height)

        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        # TODO: constraints that calculate width and height based on handle pos
        # self.constraints.append(EqualsConstraint(p1[1], p2[1], delta))

    def setup_canvas(self):
        super(Element, self).setup_canvas()

        # Trigger solver to honour width/height by SE handle pos

    def _set_width(self, width):
        >>> b=Element()
        >>> b.width = 20
        >>> b.width
        >>> b._handles[NW].pos.x
        Variable(0, 40)
        >>> b._handles[SE].pos.x
        Variable(20, 40)
        h = self._handles
        h[SE].pos.x = h[NW].pos.x + width

    def _get_width(self):
        Width of the box, calculated as the distance from the left and
        right handle.
        h = self._handles
        return float(h[SE].pos.x) - float(h[NW].pos.x)

    width = property(_get_width, _set_width)

    def _set_height(self, height):
        >>> b=Element()
        >>> b.height = 20
        >>> b.height
        >>> b.height = 2
        >>> b.height
        >>> b._handles[NW].pos.y
        Variable(0, 40)
        >>> b._handles[SE].pos.y
        Variable(2, 40)
        h = self._handles
        h[SE].pos.y = h[NW].pos.y + height

    def _get_height(self):
        h = self._handles
        return float(h[SE].pos.y) - float(h[NW].pos.y)

    height = property(_get_height, _set_height)

    def normalize(self):
        Normalize only NW and SE handles
        updated = False
        handles = self._handles
        handles = (handles[NW], handles[SE])
        x, y = list(map(float, handles[0].pos))
        if x:
            self.matrix.translate(x, 0)
            updated = True
            for h in handles:
                h.pos.x -= x
        if y:
            self.matrix.translate(0, y)
            updated = True
            for h in handles:
                h.pos.y -= y
        return updated

    def point(self, pos):
        Distance from the point (x, y) to the item.

        >>> e = Element()
        >>> e.point((20, 10))
        h = self._handles
        pnw, pse = h[NW].pos, h[SE].pos
        return distance_rectangle_point(
            list(map(float, (pnw.x, pnw.y, pse.x, pse.y))), pos)