Exemple #1
def ob_ref_rst(ref, folder, cellsize=None):
    Get Reference Raster

    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster

    # Check if refRaster is really a Raster
    isRst = check_isRaster(ref)

    if not isRst:
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isShp

        if not check_isShp(ref):
            raise ValueError(
                ('Extent Template File has an invalid file format. '
                 'Please give a file with one of the following extensions: '
                 'shp, gml, json, kml, tif or img'))
            # We have a shapefile
            # Convert it to Raster
            from gasp.gt.torst import shp_to_rst

            ref_rst = shp_to_rst(ref,
                                 10 if not cellsize else cellsize,
                                 os.path.join(folder, 'ref_raster.tif'),

            return ref_rst
        return ref
Exemple #2
def get_epsg(inFile):
    Get EPSG of any GIS File

    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster, check_isShp

    if check_isRaster(inFile):
        return get_rst_epsg(inFile)
        if check_isShp(inFile):
            return get_epsg_shp(inFile)
            return None
Exemple #3
def get_ext(inFile, outEpsg=None):
    Get Extent of any GIS Data
    return None if inFile is not a GIS File

    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster, check_isShp

    if check_isRaster(inFile):
        from gasp.gt.prop.rst import rst_ext

        extent = rst_ext(inFile)

        if check_isShp(inFile):
            from gasp.gt.prop.feat import get_ext as gext

            extent = gext(inFile)

            return None

    if outEpsg:
        from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_epsg

        fileEpsg = get_epsg(inFile)

        if not fileEpsg:
            raise ValueError('cannot get EPSG of input file')

        if fileEpsg != outEpsg:
            from gasp.g.to import new_pnt
            from gasp.g.prj import prj_ogrgeom

            bt_left = prj_ogrgeom(new_pnt(extent[0], extent[2]), fileEpsg,
            top_right = prj_ogrgeom(new_pnt(extent[1], extent[3]), fileEpsg,

            left, bottom = bt_left.GetX(), bt_left.GetY()
            right, top = top_right.GetX(), top_right.GetY()

            extent = [left, right, bottom, top]

    return extent
Exemple #4
def fext_to_geof(inF, outF, ocellsize=10):
    Extent of a File to Raster or Shapefile

    from gasp.gt.prop.ext import get_ext
    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster
    from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_epsg

    # Get extent
    left, right, bottom, top = get_ext(inF)

    # Get EPSG of inF
    EPSG = get_epsg(inF)

    # Export Boundary
    isRst = check_isRaster(outF)

    if isRst:
        from gasp.gt.torst import ext_to_rst

        return ext_to_rst((left, top), (right, bottom),
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isShp

        isShp = check_isShp(outF)

        if isShp:
            from gasp.gt.toshp.coord import coords_to_boundshp

            return coords_to_boundshp((left, top), (right, bottom), EPSG, outF)

            raise ValueError(
                '{} is not recognized as a file with GeoData'.format(inF))
Exemple #5
def get_ref_raster(refBoundBox, folder, cellsize=None):
    Get Reference Raster
    import os
    from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isRaster
    # Check if refRaster is really a Raster
    isRst = check_isRaster(refBoundBox)
    if not isRst:
        from gasp.gt.prop.ff import check_isShp
        if not check_isShp(refBoundBox):
            raise ValueError((
                'refRaster File has an invalid file format. Please give a file '
                'with one of the following extensions: '
                'shp, gml, json, kml, tif or img'
            # We have a shapefile
            # Check SRS and see if it is a projected SRS
            from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_epsg_shp
            epsg, isProj = get_epsg_shp(refBoundBox, returnIsProj=True)
            if not epsg:
                raise ValueError('Cannot get epsg code from {}'.format(refBoundBox))
            if not isProj:
                # A conversion between SRS is needed
                from gasp.gt.prj import proj
                ref_shp = proj(
                    refBoundBox, os.path.join(folder, 'tmp_ref_shp.shp'),
                    outEPSG=3857, inEPSG=epsg, gisApi='ogr2ogr'
                epsg = 3857
                ref_shp = refBoundBox
            # Convert to Raster
            from gasp.gt.torst import shp_to_rst
            refRaster = shp_to_rst(
                ref_shp, None, 2 if not cellsize else cellsize,
                -1, os.path.join(folder, 'ref_raster.tif'), api='gdal'
        # We have a raster
        from gasp.gt.prop.prj import get_rst_epsg
        epsg, isProj = get_rst_epsg(refBoundBox, returnIsProj=True)
        if not epsg:
            raise ValueError('Cannot get epsg code from {}'.format(refBoundBox))
        # Check if Raster has a SRS with projected coordinates
        if not isProj:
            # We need to reproject raster
            from gasp.gt.prj import reprj_rst
            refRaster = reprj_rst(
                os.path.join(folder, 'refrst_3857.tif'),
                epsg, 3857
            epsg = 3857
            refRaster = refBoundBox
    return refRaster, epsg
Exemple #6
def adjust_ext_to_snap(outExt, snapRst):
    Adjust extent for a output raster to snap with other raster
    from gasp.gt.prop.ff  import check_isShp, check_isRaster
    from gasp.gt.prop.rst import rst_ext, get_cellsize
    from gasp.g.to        import new_pnt, create_polygon
    # Check if outExt is a raster or not
    isRst = check_isRaster(outExt)
    if isRst:
        shpAExt = rst_ext(outExt)
        isShp = check_isShp(outExt)
        if isShp:
            from gasp.gt.prop.feat import get_ext
            shpAExt = get_ext(outExt)
            raise ValueError((
                "outExt value should be a path to a SHP or to a Raster file"
    # Check if snapRst is a raster
    isRst = check_isRaster(snapRst)
    if not isRst:
        raise ValueError((
            "snapRst should be a path to a raster file"
    # Get snapRst Extent
    snapRstExt = rst_ext(snapRst)
    # Get cellsize
    csize = get_cellsize(snapRst)
    # Find extent point of outExt inside the two extents
    # This will be used as pseudo origin
    snapRstPnt = [
        new_pnt(snapRstExt[0], snapRstExt[3]),
        new_pnt(snapRstExt[1], snapRstExt[3]),
        new_pnt(snapRstExt[1], snapRstExt[2]),
        new_pnt(snapRstExt[0], snapRstExt[2]),
        new_pnt(snapRstExt[0], snapRstExt[3]),
    poly_snap_rst = create_polygon(snapRstPnt)
    outExtPnt = {
        'top_left'     : new_pnt(shpAExt[0], shpAExt[3]),
        'top_right'    : new_pnt(shpAExt[1], shpAExt[3]),
        'bottom_right' : new_pnt(shpAExt[1], shpAExt[2]),
        'bottom_left'  : new_pnt(shpAExt[0], shpAExt[2])
    out_rst_pseudo = {}
    for pnt in outExtPnt:
        out_rst_pseudo[pnt] = outExtPnt[pnt].Intersects(poly_snap_rst)
    pseudoOrigin = outExtPnt['top_left'] if out_rst_pseudo['top_left'] else \
        outExtPnt['bottom_left'] if out_rst_pseudo['bottom_left'] else \
        outExtPnt['top_right'] if out_rst_pseudo['top_right'] else \
        outExtPnt['bottom_right'] if out_rst_pseudo['bottom_right'] else None
    if not pseudoOrigin:
        raise ValueError((
            'Extents doesn\'t have overlapping areas'
    pseudoOriginName = 'top_left' if out_rst_pseudo['top_left'] else \
        'bottom_left' if out_rst_pseudo['bottom_left'] else \
        'top_right' if out_rst_pseudo['top_right'] else \
        'bottom_right' if out_rst_pseudo['bottom_right'] else None
    # Get out Raster Shape
    n_col = int((shpAExt[1] - shpAExt[0]) / csize)
    n_row = int((shpAExt[3] - shpAExt[2]) / csize)
    # Get Output Raster real origin/top left
    yName, xName = pseudoOriginName.split('_')
    if xName == 'left':
        # Obtain left of output Raster
        left_out_rst = snapRstExt[0] + (
            csize * int((shpAExt[0] - snapRstExt[0]) / csize))
        # obtain right of output Raster
        right_out_rst = snapRstExt[1] - (
            csize * int((snapRstExt[1] - shpAExt[1]) / csize))
        # Use right to obtain left coordinate
        left_out_rst = right_out_rst - (n_col * csize)
    if yName == 'top':
        # Obtain top of output Raster
        top_out_rst = snapRstExt[3] - (
            csize * int((snapRstExt[3] - shpAExt[3]) / csize))
        # obtain bottom of output raster
        bot_out_rst = snapRstExt[2] + (
            csize * int((shpAExt[2] - snapRstExt[2]) / csize))
        # use bottom to find the top of the output raster
        top_out_rst = bot_out_rst + (n_row * csize)
    return left_out_rst, top_out_rst, n_row, n_col, csize