def make_control_flow_handlers(self, cont_n, status_n, expected_return,
                                   has_cont, has_break):
        Create the statements in charge of gathering control flow information
        for the static_if result, and executes the expected control flow
        if expected_return:
            assign = cont_ass = [ast.Assign(
                [ast.Tuple(expected_return, ast.Store())],
                ast.Name(cont_n, ast.Load(), None, None), None)]
            assign = cont_ass = []

        if has_cont:
            cmpr = ast.Compare(ast.Name(status_n, ast.Load(), None, None),
                               [ast.Eq()], [ast.Constant(LOOP_CONT, None)])
            cont_ass = [ast.If(cmpr,
                               deepcopy(assign) + [ast.Continue()],
        if has_break:
            cmpr = ast.Compare(ast.Name(status_n, ast.Load(), None, None),
                               [ast.Eq()], [ast.Constant(LOOP_BREAK, None)])
            cont_ass = [ast.If(cmpr,
                               deepcopy(assign) + [ast.Break()],
        return cont_ass
Exemple #2
 def test_expected_result(self):
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.Eq()), "==")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.NotEq()), "!=")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.Lt()), "<")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.LtE()), "<=")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.Gt()), ">")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.GtE()), ">=")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.Is()), "is")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.IsNot()), "is not")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.In()), "in")
     self.assertEqual(cmpop_node_to_str(gast.NotIn()), "not in")
    def visit_If(self, node):
        if node.test not in self.static_expressions:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        imported_ids = self.gather(ImportedIds, node)

        assigned_ids_left = self.escaping_ids(node, node.body)
        assigned_ids_right = self.escaping_ids(node, node.orelse)
        assigned_ids_both = assigned_ids_left.union(assigned_ids_right)

        imported_ids.update(i for i in assigned_ids_left
                            if i not in assigned_ids_right)
        imported_ids.update(i for i in assigned_ids_right
                            if i not in assigned_ids_left)
        imported_ids = sorted(imported_ids)

        assigned_ids = sorted(assigned_ids_both)

        fbody = self.make_fake(node.body)
        true_has_return = self.gather(HasReturn, fbody)
        true_has_break = self.gather(HasBreak, fbody)
        true_has_cont = self.gather(HasContinue, fbody)

        felse = self.make_fake(node.orelse)
        false_has_return = self.gather(HasReturn, felse)
        false_has_break = self.gather(HasBreak, felse)
        false_has_cont = self.gather(HasContinue, felse)

        has_return = true_has_return or false_has_return
        has_break = true_has_break or false_has_break
        has_cont = true_has_cont or false_has_cont


        func_true = outline(self.true_name(), imported_ids, assigned_ids,
                            node.body, has_return, has_break, has_cont)
        func_false = outline(self.false_name(), imported_ids, assigned_ids,
                             node.orelse, has_return, has_break, has_cont)
        self.new_functions.extend((func_true, func_false))

        actual_call = self.make_dispatcher(node.test,
                                           func_true, func_false, imported_ids)

        # variable modified within the static_if
        expected_return = [ast.Name(ii, ast.Store(), None, None)
                           for ii in assigned_ids]

        self.update = True

        # name for various variables resulting from the static_if
        n = len(self.new_functions)
        status_n = "$status{}".format(n)
        return_n = "$return{}".format(n)
        cont_n = "$cont{}".format(n)

        if has_return:
            cfg = self.cfgs[-1]
            always_return = all(isinstance(x, (ast.Return, ast.Yield))
                                for x in cfg[node])
            always_return &= true_has_return and false_has_return

            fast_return = [ast.Name(status_n, ast.Store(), None, None),
                           ast.Name(return_n, ast.Store(), None, None),
                           ast.Name(cont_n, ast.Store(), None, None)]

            if always_return:
                return [ast.Assign([ast.Tuple(fast_return, ast.Store())],
                                   actual_call, None),
                        ast.Return(ast.Name(return_n, ast.Load(), None, None))]
                cont_ass = self.make_control_flow_handlers(cont_n, status_n,
                                                           has_cont, has_break)

                cmpr = ast.Compare(ast.Name(status_n, ast.Load(), None, None),
                                   [ast.Eq()], [ast.Constant(EARLY_RET, None)])
                return [ast.Assign([ast.Tuple(fast_return, ast.Store())],
                                   actual_call, None),
                               [ast.Return(ast.Name(return_n, ast.Load(),
                                                    None, None))],
        elif has_break or has_cont:
            cont_ass = self.make_control_flow_handlers(cont_n, status_n,
                                                       has_cont, has_break)

            fast_return = [ast.Name(status_n, ast.Store(), None, None),
                           ast.Name(cont_n, ast.Store(), None, None)]
            return [ast.Assign([ast.Tuple(fast_return, ast.Store())],
                               actual_call, None)] + cont_ass
        elif expected_return:
            return ast.Assign([ast.Tuple(expected_return, ast.Store())],
                              actual_call, None)
            return ast.Expr(actual_call)
Exemple #4
def negate(node):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
        # Not type info, could be anything :(
        raise UnsupportedExpression()

    if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
        # !~x <> ~x == 0 <> x == ~0 <> x == -1
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Invert):
            return ast.Compare(node.operand,
                               [ast.Constant(-1, None)])
        # !!x <> x
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not):
            return node.operand
        # !+x <> +x == 0 <> x == 0 <> !x
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd):
            return node.operand
        # !-x <> -x == 0 <> x == 0 <> !x
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
            return node.operand

    if isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp):
        new_values = [ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), v) for v in node.values]
        # !(x or y) <> !x and !y
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Or):
            return ast.BoolOp(ast.And(), new_values)
        # !(x and y) <> !x or !y
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.And):
            return ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(), new_values)

    if isinstance(node, ast.Compare):
        cmps = [ast.Compare(x, [negate(o)], [y])
                for x, o, y
                in zip([node.left] + node.comparators[:-1], node.ops,
        if len(cmps) == 1:
            return cmps[0]
        return ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(), cmps)

    if isinstance(node, ast.Eq):
        return ast.NotEq()
    if isinstance(node, ast.NotEq):
        return ast.Eq()
    if isinstance(node, ast.Gt):
        return ast.LtE()
    if isinstance(node, ast.GtE):
        return ast.Lt()
    if isinstance(node, ast.Lt):
        return ast.GtE()
    if isinstance(node, ast.LtE):
        return ast.Gt()
    if isinstance(node, ast.In):
        return ast.NotIn()
    if isinstance(node, ast.NotIn):
        return ast.In()

    if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
        if node.attr == 'False':
            return ast.Constant(True, None)
        if node.attr == 'True':
            return ast.Constant(False, None)

    raise UnsupportedExpression()
Exemple #5
    def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        if not isinstance(node.op, ast.Mod):
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # check that right is a name defined once outside of loop
        # TODO: handle expression instead of names
        if not isinstance(node.right, ast.Name):
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        right_def = self.single_def(node.right)
        if not right_def:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        if self.range_values[].low < 0:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # same for lhs
        if not isinstance(node.left, ast.Name):
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        head = self.single_def(node.left)
        if not head:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # check lhs is the actual index of a loop
        head = head['name']
        loop = self.ancestors[head][-1]

        if not isinstance(loop, ast.For):
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        if not isinstance(loop.iter, ast.Call):
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # make sure rhs is defined out of the loop
        if loop in self.ancestors[right_def['name']]:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # gather range informations
        range_ = None
        for alias in self.aliases[loop.iter.func]:
            if alias is MODULES['__builtin__']['range']:
                range_ = alias
            elif alias is MODULES['__builtin__']['xrange']:
                range_ = alias

        if range_ is None:
            return self.generic_visit(node)

        # everything is setup for the transformation!
        new_id = + '_m'
        i = 0
        while new_id in self.identifiers:
            new_id = '{}_m{}'.format(, i)
            i += 1

        rargs = range_.args.args
        lower = rargs[0] if len(rargs) > 1 else ast.Num(0)
        header = ast.Assign([ast.Name(new_id, ast.Store(), None)],
                                ast.BinOp(deepcopy(lower), ast.Sub(),
                                          ast.Num(1)), ast.Mod(),
        incr = ast.BinOp(ast.Name(new_id, ast.Load(), None), ast.Add(),
        step = ast.Assign([ast.Name(new_id, ast.Store(), None)],
                              ast.Compare(incr, [ast.Eq()],
                                          [deepcopy(node.right)]), ast.Num(0),

        self.loops_mod.setdefault(loop, []).append((header, step))
        self.update = True
        return ast.Name(new_id, ast.Load(), None)