Exemple #1
def test_gauss():
	mu0 = [0,0]
	cov0 = (0.8**2)*np.identity(2)
	g0 = 50*Gauss(numN=(mu0,cov0))

	mu1 = [1,0]
	cov1 = (0.1**2)*np.array([[2,1],[1,1]])
	g1 = Gauss(numN=(mu1,cov1))

	mu2 = [0,1.5]
	cov2 = (0.3**2)*np.identity(2)
	g2 = 8*Gauss(numN=(mu2,cov2))

	g3 = g2 + g1 + g0
	import code; code.interact(local=locals())
def plot_fit(series, filename):
    y = series.tolist()
    x = np.array(range(len(y)))
    gauss = Gauss(x, y)
    y_pred = gauss.fit()
    fit_series = pd.Series(y_pred, series.index, name="Fitted Curve")

    _, m, s = gauss.par
    current = int(sum(y))
    estimate = gauss.estimate_total()

    fig1 = series.iplot(kind="bar", asFigure=True)
    fig2 = fit_series.iplot(asFigure=True,

    fig = cf.tools.merge_figures([fig1, fig2])
    fig = go.Figure(fig)
        title_text="Total Infection Estimate<br>-------------------------------"\
                   "<br>Current: {} people,"\
                   " Estimate: {} people".format(current,estimate),
        yaxis_title="Capita [-]")

    cf.iplot(figure=fig, asUrl=True, filename=filename)
Exemple #3
def test_gradient_implementation():
	cov = np.array([[2,1],[1,1]])
	mu = np.array([0.1,0.2])
	g = 2 * Gauss(numN=[(mu,cov)])
	x = np.array([0.2,0.4])
	g.single_gaussian = False
Exemple #4
def test_gradient():
	cov = np.array([[2,1],[1,1]])
	mu = np.array([0.1,0.2])
	g = 2 * Gauss(numN=[(mu,cov)])
	x = np.array([0.2,0.4])
	dx = 0.000001
	dgdx = np.array([ (g[x+np.array([dx,0])] - g[x]) / dx, (g[x+np.array([0,dx])] - g[x]) / dx ])
	dgdx2 = -g[x] * np.linalg.inv(g.numN[0].cov) @ (x.reshape((-1,)) - g.numN[0].mean)
	print("%s - %s" % (x.reshape((-1,)), g.numN[0].mean))
	print("computed dgdx: %s" % dgdx)
	print("calculated dgdx: %s" % dgdx2)
	import code; code.interact(local=locals())
Exemple #5
def Run(e):
    global powerFlow
    if admittance == None:
    # Else
    frm.SetStatusText('Running Gauss-Seidel Power Flow')
    # Takes admittance matrix and known values at each bus
    with wx.FileDialog(frm, 'PQVd Information') as fileDialog:
        if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
        fname = fileDialog.GetPath()
    pqvd = pd.read_csv(fname, header=None)
    powerFlow = Gauss(admittance.admittance, pqvd[0].values, pqvd[1].values,
                      pqvd[2].values, pqvd[3].values)
        frm, 2, 'V = ' + np.array2string(np.array(powerFlow.V)) + '\n S = ' +
        np.array2string(np.array(powerFlow.S)) + '\n')
Exemple #6
    def soft_assign(self, x, mixmean=None, mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Calculate the probability of x for each of the k classes.            
        Typically the sample is assigned to class n with n = arg max(resp).
        x : (d,n) ndarray
            The observations that need to be classified.
        mixmeans : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        prob : (k,) ndarray
            The probabilities for each of the k classes.
        if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x[:, None]
        d, n = x.shape

        # Get the necessary parameters from the class
        mixmean = self.mixmean
        mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        mixcov = self.mixcov

        k = len(mixcoef)

        prob = np.zeros((k, n))
        for j in range(n):
            for i in range(k):
                g = Gauss(mixmean[:, i], mixcov[i])
                prob[i, j] = g.f(x[:, j]) * mixcoef[i]

        return prob / np.sum(prob, axis=0)[None, :]
Exemple #7
    def _respon(self, mixmean, mixcoef, mixcov):
        Calculate the responsibilities of each data point for each class k.
        mixmean   : (d,k) ndarray
            The means of the k mixture components        
        mixcoef : (d,) array
            The mixture coefficient for each component 
        mixcov : (k,d,d) ndarray
            The covariance matrices of the k mixture components
        gam : (k,n) ndarray
            The responsibilities of data point x_n to the mixture components k

        data = self.data
        d, n = data.shape
        k = self.k
        # TODO TEST THIS
        gam = np.zeros((k, n))
        #	print "inside _respons"
        #	print np.shape(self.logf(data.T[0], mixmean, (mixcoef), mixcov))
        #	print np.sum(mixcoef,axis = 0)
        gaussian = np.zeros((k, n))
        for j in range(n):
            for i in range(k):
                g = Gauss(mixmean[:, i], mixcov[i])
                gaussian[i, j] = np.log(g.f(data[:, j])) + np.log(mixcoef[i])
# for i in range(k):
#	    gaussian_nominator = self.logf(data[j], mixmean, mixcoef, mixcov) + np.log(mixcoef)
#	    print "---------"
#	    print gaussian_nominator.shape
#	    print gaussian_denominator_total.shape
#	    print gam.shape
        gaussian = gaussian - np.log(np.sum(np.exp(gaussian), axis=0)[None, :])
        #        gam[:,j] = np.exp(gaussian_nominator - gaussian_denominator_total)
        gam = np.exp(gaussian)
        return gam
Exemple #8
def Nt(T, P):
    X = [-1, 3, -1, -10, -20, -35]

    while True:
        gamma = dichotomy(0, 3, EPS,
                          lambda cur_gamma: gamma_func(cur_gamma, T, X))
        d_e = find_d_e(T, gamma)
        K = find_K(T, d_e)

        alpha = 0.285 * pow(10, -11) * pow(gamma * T, 3)

        system = [[1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0,
                   log(K[0]) + X[1] - X[2] - X[0]],
                  [1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0,
                   log(K[1]) + X[2] - X[3] - X[0]],
                  [1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0,
                   log(K[2]) + X[3] - X[4] - X[0]],
                  [1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1,
                   log(K[3]) + X[4] - X[5] - X[0]],
                      -exp(X[0]), -exp(X[1]), -exp(X[2]), -exp(X[3]),
                      -exp(X[4]), -exp(X[5]),
                      exp(X[0]) + exp(X[1]) + exp(X[2]) + exp(X[3]) +
                      exp(X[4]) + exp(X[5]) - alpha - P * 7243 / T
                      exp(X[0]), 0, -Z_c[1] * exp(X[2]), -Z_c[2] * exp(X[3]),
                      -Z_c[3] * exp(X[4]), -Z_c[4] * exp(X[5]),
                      Z_c[1] * exp(X[2]) + Z_c[2] * exp(X[3]) +
                      Z_c[3] * exp(X[4]) + Z_c[4] * exp(X[5]) - exp(X[0])

        d_X = Gauss(system)

        if max([d_X[i] / X[i] for i in range(len(X))]) < 1e-4:

        for i in range(len(X)):
            X[i] += d_X[i]

    return sum([exp(i) for i in X])
Exemple #9
    def f(self, x, mixmean=None, mixcoef=None, mixcov=None):
        Evaluate the gmm at x. 
        x : (d,) ndarray
            A single d-dimensional observation 
        mixmean : (d,k), ndarray, or None
            The means of the k mixture components
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        mixcoef : (k,) ndarray, or None
            The k mixture coefficients
            If `None` use the values of  the class.        
        mixcov : (k,d,d), ndarray, or None
            The covariances of the k mixture components.
            If `None` use the values of  the class.
        val : float
            The value of the gmm at given x.      

        if mixmean == None: mixmean = self.mixmean
        if mixcoef == None: mixcoef = self.mixcoef
        if mixcov == None: mixcov = self.mixcov
        #	print mixcoef
        #	print np.shape(mixcoef)
        k = len(mixcoef)

        comp = np.zeros((k, ))
        for j in range(k):
            g = Gauss(mixmean[:, j], mixcov[j])
            comp[j] = g.f(x)
        return mixcoef.dot(comp)
import inference
from gauss import Gauss 

# Handles for readability.
inf = np.inf

# HMM parameters
# prior
pi = np.array([0.6, 0.4])

# state transition matrix
A = np.array([[0.7, 0.3],
              [0.2, 0.8]])

# state emission probabilities
B = np.array([Gauss(mean=np.array([1.0, 2.0]),
              Gauss(mean=np.array([0.0, -1.0]),
intra = np.array([[0,1],[0,0]])  # Intra-slice dependencies
inter = np.array([[1,0],[0,0]])  # Inter-slice dependencies

node_sizes = np.array([2,inf])

discrete_nodes = [0]
continuous_nodes = [1]

node_cpds = [cpds.TabularCPD(pi),
Exemple #11
 def setUp(self):
     self.gauss = Gauss([[10, 2, 1], [1, 5, 1], [2, 3, 10]])
Exemple #12
def test_ghmm():
    Testing: GHMM
    # Handles for readability.
    inf = np.inf

    # HMM parameters
    # prior
    pi = np.array([0.6, 0.4])

    # state transition matrix
    A = np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.2, 0.8]])

    # state emission probabilities
    B = np.array([
        Gauss(mean=np.array([1.0, 2.0]), cov=np.eye(2)),
        Gauss(mean=np.array([0.0, -1.0]), cov=np.eye(2))
    # DBN
    intra = np.array([[0, 1], [0, 0]])  # Intra-slice dependencies
    inter = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 0]])  # Inter-slice dependencies

    node_sizes = np.array([2, inf])

    discrete_nodes = [0]
    continuous_nodes = [1]

    node_cpds = [cpds.TabularCPD(pi), cpds.GaussianCPD(B), cpds.TabularCPD(A)]

    dbn = models.DBN(intra, inter, node_sizes, discrete_nodes,
                     continuous_nodes, node_cpds)

    inference_engine = inference.JTreeUnrolledDBNInferenceEngine()
    inference_engine.model = dbn

    dbn.inference_engine = inference_engine

    evidence = [[None, [1.0, 2.0]], [None, [3.0, 4.0]], [None, [5.0, 6.0]],
                [None, [7.0, 8.0]], [None, [9.0, 10.0]]]
    print "Likelihood of single sample: %f" % dbn.sum_product()

    samples = [[[None, [-0.9094, -3.3056]], [None, [2.7887, 2.3908]],
                [None, [1.0203, 1.5940]], [None, [-0.5349, 2.2214]],
                [None, [-0.3745, 1.1607]]],
               [[None, [0.7914, 2.7559]], [None, [0.3757, -2.3454]],
                [None, [2.4819, 2.0327]], [None, [2.8705, 0.7910]],
                [None, [0.2174, 1.2327]]]]

    print "\nEM parameter learning:"
    dbn.learn_params_EM(samples, max_iter=10)
    print "\nPrior (pi):"
    print dbn.node_cpds[0]
    print "\nTransition matrx (A):"
    print dbn.node_cpds[2]
    print "\nEmission probabilities (B):"
    print dbn.node_cpds[1]