Exemple #1
    def test_add(self):
        gaussian_one = Gaussian(25, 3)
        gaussian_two = Gaussian(30, 4)
        gaussian_sum = gaussian_one + gaussian_two

        self.assertEqual(gaussian_sum.mean, 55)
        self.assertEqual(gaussian_sum.stdev, 5)
Exemple #2
def main():
    Entry point of app
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture("detectbuoy.avi")
    gaussian = Gaussian()
    frame_width = int(cap.get(3))
    frame_height = int(cap.get(4))
    out = cv2.VideoWriter('output_part_2_3.avi',
                          cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 15,
                          (frame_width, frame_height))
    did_run_once = False
    i = 0
    while cap.isOpened():
        i = i + 1
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if frame is not None and not did_run_once:
            did_run_once = False
            frame = gaussian.detect_buoys(frame, i)
            cv2.imshow('Buoy Detection', frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

 def __init__(self, data, sigma_min=1, sigma_max=1, mix=.5):
     self.data = data
     self.G1 = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max), uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
     self.G2 = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max), uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
     self.Prior1 = 0.5
     self.Prior2 = 0.5
     self.mix_factor = mix
class GMM: 
    "Gaussian Mixture Model"
    def __init__(self, data, sigma_min=1, sigma_max=1, mix=.5):
        self.data = data
        self.G1 = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max), uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
        self.G2 = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max), uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
        self.Prior1 = 0.5
        self.Prior2 = 0.5
        self.mix_factor = mix
    def E_step(self):
        "Expectation step"
        self.loglike = 0
        for datum in self.data:            
            pdf1 = self.G1.pdf(float(datum)) * self.Prior1
            pdf2 = self.G2.pdf(float(datum)) * self.Prior2
            tot_prob = pdf1 + pdf2
            pdf1 /= tot_prob   
            pdf2 /= tot_prob
            self.loglike += log(tot_prob) 
            yield (pdf1, pdf2)
    def M_step(self, weights):
        "Maximization step"
        (left, right) = zip(*weights) 
        sum_left = sum(left)
        sum_right = sum(right)
        self.G1.mu = sum(w * d  for (w, d) in zip(left, self.data)) / sum_left
        self.G2.mu = sum(w * d  for (w, d) in zip(right, self.data)) / sum_right
        self.G1.sigma = sqrt(sum(w * (d - self.G1.mu)**2  for (w, d) in zip(left, self.data)) / sum_left)
        self.G2.sigma = sqrt(sum(w * (d - self.G2.mu)**2  for (w, d) in zip(right, self.data)) / sum_right)
        self.Prior1 = sum_left / len(self.data)
        self.Prior2 = 1 - self.Prior1
    def iterate(self, N=1):
        "Iterate over N steps"
        for i in range(N):
        "Compute log-likelihood"
    def pdf(self, x):
        return (self.Prior1)*self.G1.pdf(x) + (self.Prior2)*self.G2.pdf(x)
Exemple #5
    def _em(self, trans, states):
        Perform parameter estimation for a hidden Markov model (HMM).
        Perform parameter estimation for an HMM using multi-dimensional Gaussian
        states.  The training observation sequences, signals,  are available
        to the class, and states designates the initial allocation of emitting states to the
        signal time steps.   The HMM parameters are estimated using Viterbi
        Note: It is possible that some states are never allocated any
        observations.  Those states are then removed from the states table, effectively redusing
        the number of emitting states. In what follows, n_states is the original
        number of emitting states, while n_states' is the final number of
        emitting states, after those states to which no observations were assigned,
        have been removed.
        trans : (n_states+1,n_states+1) ndarray
            The left-to-right transition probability table.  The rightmost column contains probability
            of transitioning to final state, and the last row the initial state's
            transition probabilities.   Note that all the rows need to add to 1.
        states : (n_obs, n_states) ndarray
            Initial allocation of signal time-steps to states as a one-hot encoding.  Thus
            'states[:,j]' specifies the allocation of all the observations to state j.
        trans : (n_states'+1,n_states'+1) ndarray
            Updated transition probability table
        dists : (n_states',) list
            Gaussian object of each component.
        newLL : float
            Log-likelihood of parameters at convergence.
        iters: int
            The number of iterations needed for convergence

        covs, means = self._updatecovs(states) # Initialize the covariances and means using the initial state allocation
        dists = [Gaussian(mean=means[i], cov=covs[i]) for i in range(len(covs))]
        oldstates, trans, oldLL = self._calcstates(trans, dists)
        converged = False
        iters = 0
        while not converged and iters <  self.maxiters:
            covs, means = self._updatecovs(oldstates)
            dists = [Gaussian(mean=means[i], cov=covs[i]) for i in range(len(covs))]
            newstates, trans, newLL = self._calcstates(trans, dists)
            if abs(newLL - oldLL) / abs(oldLL) < self.rtol:
                converged = True
            oldstates, oldLL = newstates, newLL
            iters += 1
        if iters >= self.maxiters:
            warn("Maximum number of iterations reached - HMM parameters may not have converged")
        return trans, dists, newLL, iters
Exemple #6
class TestGaussianClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.gaussian = Gaussian(25, 2)

    def test_initialization(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.gaussian.mean, 25, 'incorrect mean')
        self.assertEqual(self.gaussian.stdev, 2,
                         'incorrect standard deviation')

    def test_pdf(self):
        self.assertEqual(round(self.gaussian.pdf(25), 5), 0.19947,\
         'pdf function does not give expected result')

    def test_meancalculation(self):
        self.gaussian.read_data_file('numbers.txt', True)
         sum(self.gaussian.data) / float(len(self.gaussian.data)), 'calculated mean not as expected')

    def test_stdevcalculation(self):
        self.gaussian.read_data_file('numbers.txt', True)
        self.assertEqual(round(self.gaussian.stdev, 2), 92.87,
                         'sample standard deviation incorrect')
        self.gaussian.read_data_file('numbers.txt', False)
        self.assertEqual(round(self.gaussian.stdev, 2), 88.55,
                         'population standard deviation incorrect')
def test_gaussian():
    p = Gaussian([3, 2, 2])
    x = p.sample(10)
    assert x.shape[0] == 10
    assert x.shape[1] == 3
    assert x.shape[2] == 2
    assert x.shape[3] == 2

    t = torch.tensor([i for i in range(3 * 2 * 2)
                      ]).to(torch.float32).reshape(1, 3, 2, 2)

    logp = p.logProbability(t)

    assert_almost_equal(logp.item(), -264.0273, decimal=4)
Exemple #8
def test_bijective():
    p = Gaussian([8])
    tList = [
        utils.SimpleMLP([4, 10, 4]),
        utils.SimpleMLP([4, 10, 4]),
        utils.SimpleMLP([4, 10, 4]),
        utils.SimpleMLP([4, 10, 4])
    #x = torch.randn(100,8) # Build your NICE net here, may take multiply lines.
    f = NICE(tList, prior=p)
    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    x = f.sample(100)  #变换后的sample

    op = f.logProbability(x)  #变换后的logp
    y, pi = f.inverse(x)  #变换前sample
    pp = f.prior.logProbability(y)  #变换前logp
    yx, pf = f.forward(y)
    yxy, pfi = f.inverse(yx)

    assert_array_almost_equal(x.detach().numpy(), yx.detach().numpy())
    assert_array_almost_equal(y.detach().numpy(), yxy.detach().numpy())

    assert_array_almost_equal(pi.detach().numpy(), -pf.detach().numpy())
    assert_array_almost_equal(pf.detach().numpy(), -pfi.detach().numpy())

    assert_array_almost_equal((op + pi).detach().numpy(), pp.detach().numpy())
    assert_array_almost_equal((pp - pfi).detach().numpy(), op.detach().numpy())
Exemple #9
 def estimate(self, estimation_pt, sample, bandwidth):
     Performs a GWR estimation at a given point.
     estimation_pt is a list, tuple or numpy array containing the 
         coordinates of the regression point.
     sample is a list or array with a sample to compute a prediction at 
         the same time, by applying the regression parameters found by the
         regression to this value.
     bandwidth is a the kernel bandwidth.
     Returns a GWRResult object.
     # Compute the weights of all known samples using the Euclidean
     # distance between the points, and a Gaussian kernel.
     if self.kernel:
         w = self.kernel(self.locations, estimation_pt, bandwidth)[0]
         w = Gaussian.kernel(self.locations, estimation_pt, bandwidth)[0]
     # Perform the weighted regression using Maximum likelihood
     if self.family is None: # Gaussian GWR
         res = sm.WLS(self.targets, self.samples, w)
         fres = res.fit()
     else: # Poisson GWR
         res = sm.GLM(endog=self.targets, exog=self.samples, family=self.family)
         fres = res.fit(data_weights=w)
     # Pack everything into a GWRResult object
     # A GWRResult allows convenient inspection of the results.
     gwr_result = GWRResult(estimation_pt, sample, fres, self)
     return gwr_result
Exemple #10
def add_to_input(inp_str, **kwargs):
    from gaussian import Gaussian
    route = get_route(inp_str)
    command = Gaussian(**kwargs)._get_route().replace('#p',
                                                      '').replace('#P', '')
    n_route = route + command
    return inp_str.replace(route, n_route)
Exemple #11
 def run(self, context):
     # Turn raw python array into ndarray for easier math
     if self.norm_device:
         data = np.array(context.getData(self.pos_device, self.sig_device, self.norm_device))
         x = data[0]
         y = data[1] 
         n = data[2]
         print "x = ", x
         print "y = ", y
         print "n = ", n
         print "norm: ", self.norm_value
         y = y * float(self.norm_value) / n
         context.logData("normalized", y.nda)
         data = np.array(context.getData(self.pos_device, self.sig_device))
         x = data[0]
         y = data[1]
         print "x = ", x
         print "y = ", y
     # Compute fit
     g = Gaussian.fromCentroid(x, y)
     print g
     fit = g.values(x)
     # Log the 'fit' data for later comparison with raw data
     context.logData("fit", fit.nda)
     # Set PVs with result
     context.write(self.pv_pos, g.center)
     context.write(self.pv_height, g.height)
     context.write(self.pv_width, g.width)
Exemple #12
    def run(self, context):
        # Turn raw python array into ndarray for easier math
        if self.norm_device:
            data = np.array(
                context.getData(self.pos_device, self.sig_device,
            x = data[0]
            y = data[1]
            n = data[2]
            print "x = ", x
            print "y = ", y
            print "n = ", n
            print "norm: ", self.norm_value
            y = y * float(self.norm_value) / n
            context.logData("normalized", y.nda)
            data = np.array(context.getData(self.pos_device, self.sig_device))
            x = data[0]
            y = data[1]
            print "x = ", x
            print "y = ", y

        # Compute fit
        g = Gaussian.fromCentroid(x, y)
        print g
        fit = g.values(x)

        # Log the 'fit' data for later comparison with raw data
        context.logData("fit", fit.nda)

        # Set PVs with result
        context.write(self.pv_pos, g.center)
        context.write(self.pv_height, g.height)
        context.write(self.pv_width, g.width)
Exemple #13
    def __call__(self, domain, field):
        :param object domain: A Domain
        :param object field: Current field
        :return: Field after modification by Generator
        :rtype: Object
        self.field = field

        for b, bit in enumerate(self.bit_stream):
            if bit["m"] > 0:
                self.shape = Gaussian(**bit())
                self.shape = Sech(**bit())

            if domain.channels > 1:
                self.field[self.channel] += self.shape.generate(domain.t)
                self.field += self.shape.generate(domain.t)

            # Alternative: Only affect field of the current bit,
            # not the entire field:
            #~spb = domain.samples_per_bit
            #~bit_range = (b * spb, (b + 1) * spb)

            #~if domain.channels > 1:
            #~self.field[self.channel][bit_range[0]:bit_range[1]] += \
            #~self.field[bit_range[0]:bit_range[1]] += \

        return self.field
Exemple #14
 def estimate(self, estimation_pt, sample, bandwidth):
     Performs a GWR estimation at a given point.
     estimation_pt is a list, tuple or numpy array containing the 
         coordinates of the regression point.
     sample is a list or array with a sample to compute a prediction at 
         the same time, by applying the regression parameters found by the
         regression to this value.
     bandwidth is a the kernel bandwidth.
     Returns a GWRResult object.
     # Compute the weights of all known samples using the Euclidean
     # distance between the points, and a Gaussian kernel.
     if self.kernel:
         w = self.kernel(self.locations, estimation_pt, bandwidth)[0]
         w = Gaussian.kernel(self.locations, estimation_pt, bandwidth)[0]
     # Perform the weighted regression using Maximum likelihood
     if self.family is None: # Gaussian GWR
         res = sm.WLS(self.targets, self.samples, w)
         fres = res.fit()
     else: # Poisson GWR
         res = sm.GLM(endog=self.targets, exog=self.samples, family=self.family)
         fres = res.fit(data_weights=w)
     # Pack everything into a GWRResult object
     # A GWRResult allows convenient inspection of the results.
     gwr_result = GWRResult(estimation_pt, sample, fres, self)
     return gwr_result
Exemple #15
def generate_initial_gaussians(amount, minvalue, maxvalue):
    gaussians = []
    for i in range(amount):
            Gaussian(random.gauss((maxvalue - minvalue) / 2, 10),
                     max(1, random.gauss(3, 3)), 1.0 / amount))
    return gaussians
Exemple #16
def main():
    angle = ChangeValue()
    window = pyglet.window.Window(width=786, height=600, vsync=False)
    projection = Projection(0, 0, window.width, window.height, near=0.1, far=100)
    width, height = 128, 128
    ripples = Ripples(width, height)
    height_texture = Texture(width*2, height*2, format=GL_RGBA32F)
    processor = Processor(height_texture)
    gaussian = Gaussian(processor)
    heightmap = Heightmap(width*2, height*2, scale=1.2)
    sun = Sun()

    def rain(delta):
        x = random.randint(0, ripples.width)
        y = random.randint(0, ripples.height)
        size = random.random() * 0.5
        with nested(ripples.framebuffer, Color):
            glColor4f(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0)
            glVertex3f(x, y, 0)

    fps = pyglet.clock.ClockDisplay()

    pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(rain, 0.2)
    pyglet.clock.schedule(lambda delta: None)

    def on_draw():
        processor.copy(ripples.result, height_texture)
        gaussian.filter(height_texture, 2)
        with nested(projection, Color, sun):
            glColor3f(7/256.0, 121/256.0, 208/256.0)
            glTranslatef(0, 0, -1)
            glRotatef(10, 1, 0, 0)
            glRotatef(angle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
            glTranslatef(-0.5, 0, -0.5)

        heightmap.vertex_texture.draw(2*width, 0, scale=0.5)
        heightmap.normal_texture.draw(4*width, 0, scale=0.5)

Exemple #17
def grid_update(grid, grid_size, live, dead):
    """function to update the grid after evolution 

      grid (arry): input array
      grid_size (int): size of grid
      live (int): value assigned for live cells
      dead (int): value assigned for live cells

      [array]: updated grid after calcultaing neighbor sum
    # copy grid
    # and we go line by line
    mean = 0
    std = 0.1
    newGrid = grid.copy()
    for i in range(grid_size):
        for j in range(grid_size):
            # compute 8-neghbor sum
            neighbours_sum = (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample()+grid[i, (j-1)%grid_size]) + (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample() + grid[i, (j+1)%grid_size])+\
              (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample() +grid[(i-1)%grid_size, j] )+ (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample()+grid[(i+1)%grid_size, j]) + \
              (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample() + grid[(i-1)%grid_size, (j-1)%grid_size])+ (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample()+grid[(i-1)%grid_size, (j+1)%grid_size]) + \
              (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample()+grid[(i+1)%grid_size, (j-1)%grid_size]) + (Gaussian(mean,std).get_sample()+grid[(i+1)%grid_size, (j+1)%grid_size])

            # neighbours_sum = (grid[i, (j-1)%grid_size] + grid[i, (j+1)%grid_size] +
            #          grid[(i-1)%grid_size, j] + grid[(i+1)%grid_size, j] +
            #          grid[(i-1)%grid_size, (j-1)%grid_size] + grid[(i-1)%grid_size, (j+1)%grid_size] +
            #          grid[(i+1)%grid_size, (j-1)%grid_size] + grid[(i+1)%grid_size, (j+1)%grid_size])

            # # Conway's rules
            if grid[i, j] == live:
                if (neighbours_sum < 2) or (neighbours_sum > 3):
                    newGrid[i, j] = dead
                elif ((neighbours_sum >= 2) and (neighbours_sum <= 3)):
                    newGrid[i, j] = live
                if (neighbours_sum) == 3:
                    newGrid[i, j] = live

    return newGrid
Exemple #18
class TestGaussianClass(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.gaussian = Gaussian(25, 2)

    # def test_initialization(self):
    #     self.assertEqual(self.gaussian.mean, 25, 'incorrect mean')
    #     self.assertEqual(self.gaussian.stdev, 2, 'incorrect standard deviation')

    def test_pdf(self):
        self.assertEqual(round(self.gaussian.pdf(25), 5), 0.19947,\
         'pdf function does not give expected result')
def main():
    Entry point of app
    cap = cv2.VideoCapture("detectbuoy.avi")
    gaussian = Gaussian()

    did_run_once = False

    while cap.isOpened():
        ret, frame = cap.read()
        if frame is not None and not did_run_once:
            did_run_once = True
            frame = gaussian.detect_buoys(frame)
            cv2.imshow('Buoy Detection', frame)
        if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

Exemple #20
 def instrPSF(self, ghostpath):
     Grabs instrumental psf for negative planet injection.
     Intended to be expanded to include default gaussian
     Initialized: William B. 9/22/2020
     if self.usegaussian is True:
         gauss = Gaussian(31, self.fwhm)
         psf = gauss.g
         psf = fits.getdata(ghostpath)
     return psf
def get_distributions(num_means, segment_length, difficulty, bound):
    noise_var = walk_noise_variance(difficulty, bound)
    attraction_coeff = necessary_attraction_coefficient(
        noise_var, walk_stationary_variance(difficulty, bound))
    means = walk_from_stationary_dist(noise_var, attraction_coeff, num_means)

    segment_var = iid_segment_variance(difficulty, bound)
    distributions = []
    for mean in means:
        for _step in range(segment_length):
            distributions.append(Gaussian(mean, segment_var))
    return distributions
Exemple #22
def handle_gaussian_task():
    print "{0: >8}\t{1: <16} {2: <14} {3: <18}".format(
                "Nodes", "Result", "H", "Runge")
    nodes = 2
    prev_result = 0.0
    prev_runge = 0.0
    runge = 0.0
    while nodes <= TASK2.NODES_LIMIT:
        gauss = Gaussian(FUNCTION, TASK2.HIGH, TASK2.LOW, nodes)
        result = gauss.integrate()
        if prev_result != 0:
            runge = runge_error(prev_result, result, TASK2.PRECISION)
            output = "{0: >8}\t{1: <16} {2: <14} {3: <18} {4: <14}".format(
                nodes, result, gauss.h, runge, prev_runge*1.0/runge)
            output = "{0: >8}\t{1: <16} {2: <14}".format(
                nodes, result, gauss.h)
        print output

        prev_result = result
        prev_runge = runge
        nodes *= 2
  def prob(self, gauss):
    """Returns the probability of drawing the provided Gaussian from this prior."""
    d = self.mu.shape[0]
    wishart = Wishart(d)
    gaussian = Gaussian(d)

    return wishart.prob(gauss.getPrecision()) * gaussian.prob(gauss.getMean())
 def __init__(self, data, limits, num_bins, title, xlabel, ylabel,
              file_name, fig_num, units):
     self.data = data
     self.limits = limits
     self.num_bins = num_bins
     self.title = title
     self.xlabel = xlabel
     self.ylabel = ylabel
     self.file_name = file_name
     self.fig_num = fig_num
     self.n = []
     self.bins = []
     self.patches = []
     self.mean = float()
     self.resolution = float()
     self.FWHM = float()
     self.signal_limits = tuple()
     self.lower_sideband_limits = tuple()
     self.upper_sideband_limits = tuple()
     self.noise_fit = list()
     self.N = float()
     self.B = float()
     self.S = float()
     self.prob = float()
     self.bin_width = (np.max(self.data) -
                       np.min(self.data)) / self.num_bins
     self.parameters_g = dict()
     self.parameters_2g = dict()
     self.parameters_cb = dict()
     self.single_gaussian = Gaussian()  #utilizes gaussian module imported
     self.double_gaussian = Double_gaussian(
     )  #utilizes double gaussian module imported
     self.crystal_ball = Crystal_ball(
     )  #utilizes crystal ball module imported
     self.units = units
Exemple #25
def oniom_comp_calcs(atoms_oniom, **kwargs):
    """extracts component calculations from an atoms_oniom object that has run an =OnlyInputFiles oniom calculation"""
    from gaussian import Gaussian
    # recursion means if we pass in [atoms1s, atoms2, atoms3...] we return [low_reals, high_models, low_models]
    # where low_reals = [low_real1, low_real2, low_real3...] etc.
    if isinstance(atoms_oniom, list):
        return [
            for c in zip(*[oniom_comp_calcs(r, **kwargs) for r in atoms_oniom])

    proc, mem, ver = atoms_oniom.calc.job_params[
        'nodes'], atoms_oniom.calc.job_params[
            'memory'], atoms_oniom.calc.job_params['version']

    init_inp_strs = extract_oniom_inputs(atoms_oniom)
    inp_strs = [add_to_input(s, **kwargs) for s in init_inp_strs]
    old_label = atoms_oniom.calc.label

    components = []
    comp_strs = ['low_real', 'high_model', 'low_model']
    method_strs = get_oniom_calc_methods(
        atoms_oniom.calc.method.replace('=OnlyInputFiles', ''))

    for i in range(len(inp_strs)):
        atoms_comp = copy.deepcopy(atoms_oniom)
        new_label = old_label + '_' + comp_strs[i]

            method, basis = method_strs[i].split('/')
        except ValueError:
            method, basis = method_strs[i], ''

        #the method/basis variables are not used as we are defining raw_input but it is useful to be able to read them later on
        atoms_comp.calc.set_job(nodes=proc, memory=mem, version=ver)

        #the input files gaussian produces have no link information so we have to add that manually
        atoms_comp.calc.extra_params.update({'initial_raw_input': inp_strs[i]})
        atoms_comp.calc.extra_params['raw_input'] = atoms_comp.calc._get_link0(
        ) + inp_strs[i]

    return components
Exemple #26
def main():  # mean , variance
    gaussian = Gaussian()
    green, red, yellow = gaussian.getBuoys()
    cou = 1
    time = 1
    data_r = np.zeros((1, 19))
    data_g = np.zeros((1, 19))
    data_b = np.zeros((1, 19))
    no_of_clusters = 3
    for image in green:
        if (cou < 3):
            img = cv2.imread(image)
            redChannel = img[:, :, 0]
            #print('red: ',redChannel.shape)
            greenChannel = img[:, :, 1]
            blueChannel = img[:, :, 2]
            for (row1, row2, row3) in zip(redChannel, greenChannel,
                if time == 1:
                    data_r = row1
                    data_g = row2
                    data_b = row3
                    time = 3
                    data_r = np.append(data_r, row1, axis=0)
                    data_g = np.append(data_g, row2, axis=0)
                    data_b = np.append(data_b, row3, axis=0)
            cou = 2
    data_r = np.array(data_r).flatten()
    data_b = np.array(data_b).flatten()
    data_g = np.array(data_g).flatten()
    b = np.vstack((data_g, data_b))
    data = np.vstack((data_r, b))
    compute_EM(no_of_clusters, data)
def runPlotLoop(robot: cozmo.robot.Robot):
	global particles

	# create plot
	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
	ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, aspect=1)

	ax.set_xlim(m.grid.minX(), m.grid.maxX())
	ax.set_ylim(m.grid.minY(), m.grid.maxY())

	plotMap(ax, m)

	particlesXYA = np.zeros([numParticles, 3])
	for i in range(0, numParticles):
		particlesXYA[i, :] = particles[i].toXYA()
	particlePlot = plt.scatter(particlesXYA[:, 0], particlesXYA[:, 1], color="red", zorder=3, s=10, alpha=0.5)

	empiricalG = Gaussian.fromData(particlesXYA[:, 0:2])
	gaussianPlot = plotGaussian(empiricalG, color="red")

	# main loop
	t = 0
	while True:
		# update plot
		for i in range(0, numParticles):
			particlesXYA[i, :] = particles[i].toXYA()
		particlePlot.set_offsets(particlesXYA[:, 0:2])

		empiricalG = Gaussian.fromData(particlesXYA[:, 0:2])
		plotGaussian(empiricalG, color="red", existingPlot=gaussianPlot)

Exemple #28
 def run(self, context):
     # Turn raw python array into ndarray for easier math
     data = array(context.getData(self.pos_device, self.sig_device))
     x = data[0]
     y = data[1]
     # Compute fit
     g = Gaussian.fromCentroid(x, y)
     print g
     fit = g.values(x)
     # Log the 'fit' data for later comparison with raw data
     context.logData("fit", fit.nda)
     # Set PVs with result
     context.write(self.pos_device, g.center)
    def __init__(self, data, n_mix, sigma_min=0.1, sigma_max=1.0):
        self.data = data

        mu_min = min(data)
        mu_max = max(data)

        # create n-gaussians that will comprise the gaussian mixture model
        self.gaussians = {}
        # probability of each gaussians
        self.mix = {}
        # number of gaussians
        self.n_mix = n_mix
        # initialize the gaussians
        for i in range(0, n_mix):
            self.gaussians[i] = Gaussian(uniform(mu_min, mu_max),
                                    uniform(sigma_min, sigma_max))
            self.mix[i] = 1/n_mix
Exemple #30
    def prob(self, gauss):
        """Returns the probability of drawing the provided Gaussian from this prior."""
        d = self.mu.shape[0]
        wishart = Wishart(d)
        gaussian = Gaussian(d)

        gaussian.setPrecision(self.k * gauss.getPrecision())

        return wishart.prob(gauss.getPrecision()) * gaussian.prob(gauss.getMean())
Exemple #31
def test_bijective():
    p = Gaussian([10])
    tList = [SimpleMLP([5,10,5],[nn.ELU(),nn.Tanh()]) for _ in range(2)]
    sList = [SimpleMLP([5,10,5],[nn.ELU(),nn.Tanh()]) for _ in range(2)]

    #tList =[utils.SimpleMLP([28*28/2, 28*28, 28*28/2]) for _ in range(4)]
    #sList =[utils.SimpleMLP([28*28/2, 28*28, 28*28/2]) for _ in range(4)]
    maskList = []
    for i in range(len(tList)//2):
        b = torch.zeros(1,10).byte()
        i = torch.randperm(b.numel()).narrow(0, 0, b.numel() // 2)
        b.zero_()[:,i] = 1
    b = torch.zeros(1,28*28).byte()
    b[:,:28*28//2] = 1
    for i in range(len(tList)):
        b = 1-b
    maskList = torch.cat(maskList,0)
    #x = torch.randn(1,8)
    #  # Build your NICE net here, may take multiply lines.
    # import pdb
    # pdb.set_trace()
    f = Realnvp(sList,tList,p,maskList)
    x = f.sample(10)    #print 10行 1*8矩阵
    op = f.logProbability(x)  #print 1*10矩阵
    y,pi = f.inverse(x)
    pp = f.prior.logProbability(y)
    yx,pf = f.forward(y)
    yxy,pfi = f.inverse(yx)

    assert_array_almost_equal(x.detach().numpy(),yx.detach().numpy(), decimal=5)
    assert_array_almost_equal(y.detach().numpy(),yxy.detach().numpy(), decimal=5)

    assert_array_almost_equal(pi.detach().numpy(),-pf.detach().numpy(), decimal=5)
    assert_array_almost_equal(pf.detach().numpy(),-pfi.detach().numpy(), decimal=5)

    assert_array_almost_equal((op+pi).detach().numpy(),pp.detach().numpy(), decimal=5)
Exemple #32
def parse(filename):
    lines = (line.rstrip('\n') for line in open(filename, 'r'))

    evidence = []
    gaussians = []
    mustlink = []
    cannotlink = []

    for line in lines:
        parts = line.split(' ')
        if parts[0] == 'g':
            gaussians.append(Gaussian(float(parts[1]), float(parts[2]), float(parts[3])))
        elif parts[0] == 'e':
        elif parts[0] == 'c':
            cannotlink.append(CannotLinkConstraint(evidence[int(parts[1])], evidence[int(parts[2])]))
        elif parts[0] == 'm':
            mustlink.append(MustLinkConstraint(evidence[int(parts[1])], evidence[int(parts[2])]))
    return (evidence, gaussians, mustlink, cannotlink)
Exemple #33
 def construct_inst_PSF(self, outside=None):
     Constructs the instrumental psf to use as the forwarded model, either
     from an instrumental ghost or a gaussian. FWHM of gaussian can be
     input or taken from header of files in filelist
     if self.fwhm is None:
         fwhm = self.head["0PCTFWHM"]
         fwhm = self.fwhm
     if outside is not None:
         psf = outside
         ghostdata, moffat, gauss, gaufwhm, newfwhm, smallermof = ghost.ghostIsolation(
             self.filepaths, 380, 220, 10, fwhm, 1, fwhm=fwhm)
         self.fwhm = newfwhm
         fwhm = newfwhm
         if self.ePSF == 'doGaussian':
             gauss = Gaussian(31, newfwhm)
             psf = gauss.g
             # psf = gaufwhm
         elif self.ePSF == 'doGaussFit':
             psf = gauss
         elif self.ePSF == 'doMoffat':
             psf = smallermof  #moffat
         elif self.ePSF == 'doGhost':
             psf = ghostdata
             psf = fits.getdata(self.ePSF)
     # shape instrumental psf how pyklipFM wants
     psf2 = np.zeros((1, psf.shape[0], psf.shape[1]))
     psf2[0] = psf
     self.psf2 = psf2
     from pyklip.klip import high_pass_filter
     filtersize = psf2.shape[0] / self.hpf
     self.psf2 = high_pass_filter(self.psf2, filtersize)
Exemple #34
 def setUp(self):
     self.gaussian = Gaussian(25, 2)
Exemple #35
window = pyglet.window.Window()
projection = Projection(0, 0, window.width, window.height)
noise = ShaderProgram(
    seed = 0.0,
width, height = 64, 64 
noise_texture = Texture(width, height, format=GL_RGBA32F)
noise_processor = Processor(noise_texture)
texture = Texture(64, 64, format=GL_RGBA32F)
processor = Processor(texture)
noise_processor.filter(noise_texture, noise)
processor.copy(noise_texture, texture)
gaussian = Gaussian(processor)
gaussian.filter(texture, 2)

rotation = ChangeValue()
def on_draw():

    with nested(projection, texture):
        glTranslatef(0, 0, -3)
        glRotatef(-45, 1, 0, 0)
        glRotatef(rotation, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
        quad(-1, 1, 1, -1)
    def common_flow(self, nodes, accuracy):
        gauss = Gaussian(self.function, self.high, self.low, nodes)
        result = gauss.integrate()

        self.assertAlmostEquals(result, self.accurate_result, accuracy)
Exemple #37
    def sample(self):
        """Returns a Gaussian, drawn from this prior."""
        d = self.mu.shape[0]
        wishart = Wishart(d)
        gaussian = Gaussian(d)
        ret = Gaussian(d)


        gaussian.setPrecision(self.k * ret.getPrecision())

        return ret
class Gaussian_variable(Variable):  #Inherits Variable Class
    #Method to initialize the class parameters to be used later for analysis
    def __init__(self, data, limits, num_bins, title, xlabel, ylabel,
                 file_name, fig_num, units):
        self.data = data
        self.limits = limits
        self.num_bins = num_bins
        self.title = title
        self.xlabel = xlabel
        self.ylabel = ylabel
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.fig_num = fig_num
        self.n = []
        self.bins = []
        self.patches = []
        self.mean = float()
        self.resolution = float()
        self.FWHM = float()
        self.signal_limits = tuple()
        self.lower_sideband_limits = tuple()
        self.upper_sideband_limits = tuple()
        self.noise_fit = list()
        self.N = float()
        self.B = float()
        self.S = float()
        self.prob = float()
        self.bin_width = (np.max(self.data) -
                          np.min(self.data)) / self.num_bins
        self.parameters_g = dict()
        self.parameters_2g = dict()
        self.parameters_cb = dict()
        self.single_gaussian = Gaussian()  #utilizes gaussian module imported
        self.double_gaussian = Double_gaussian(
        )  #utilizes double gaussian module imported
        self.crystal_ball = Crystal_ball(
        )  #utilizes crystal ball module imported
        self.units = units

    #method that finds the mean of a gaussian by finding the maximum bin in a gaussian histogram
    def find_mean(self):
        largest_bin = np.amax(self.n)
        i = np.where(self.n == largest_bin)[0][0]
        self.mean = self.bins[i]
        return self.mean

    #method to set the Full Width Half Maximum after visual inspection of the histogram
    def set_FWHM(self, x):
        self.FWHM = x
        return self.FWHM

    #method to obtain an estimate of the resolutions of the histogram after finding the mean and setting the FWHM
    def find_resolution(self):
        self.resolution = self.mean / self.FWHM
        return self.resolution

    #method that finds the minimum and maximum indices that satisify a limit within the self.bin parameter
    def find_limits_index(self, limits):
        i_min = 0
        i_max = 0
        for i in range(0, len(self.bins)):
            if self.bins[i] <= limits[0]:
                i_min = i
            elif self.bins[i] >= limits[0] and self.bins[i] <= limits[1]:
                i_max = i
        return (i_min, i_max)

    #method to obtain the minimum and maximum indices that characterize the signal in the self.bin parameter.
    #The signal is the part of the curve that is most characterized by a gaussian curve
    def find_signal_limits(self):
        limits = (self.mean - 30., self.mean + 30)
        i_limits = self.find_limits_index(limits)
        self.signal_limits = i_limits
        return i_limits

    #method to find the number of events within the signal limits
    def num_events_signal_width(self):
        total = 0
        for j in range(self.signal_limits[0], self.signal_limits[1]):
            total += self.n[j]
        self.N = float(total)
        return total

    #method that finds the minimum and maximum indices of the limits for both sidebands on either side of
    #the self.bin parameter
    def find_sideband_limits(self):
        lower_limits = (self.bins[0], self.bins[0] + 30)
        i_lower_limits = self.find_limits_index(lower_limits)
        self.lower_sideband_limits = i_lower_limits
        upper_limits = (self.bins[self.num_bins] - 30,
        i_upper_limits = self.find_limits_index(upper_limits)
        self.upper_sideband_limits = i_upper_limits
        return i_lower_limits, i_upper_limits

    #method that does a least square fit to the sideband data to obtain a straight lines parameters (the gradient and
    #y-intercept) that characterizes the background of the data
    def lstsqr_fit_noise(self):
        temp_x = self.bins[self.upper_sideband_limits[0]:self.
        x_data = np.append(
                      lower_sideband_limits[1]], temp_x)
        temp_y = self.n[self.upper_sideband_limits[0]:self.
        y_data = np.append(
                   lower_sideband_limits[1]], temp_y)
        A = np.vstack([x_data, np.ones(len(x_data))]).T
        m, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, y_data, rcond=None)[
            0]  #calls least square fit function within numpy.linalg
        self.noise_fit = [m, c]
        return m, c

    #method to obtain the number of events that characterize the background of the data from the parameters previously
    #found for the least square fit of the straight line
    def signal_num_noise(self):
        m = self.noise_fit[0]
        c = self.noise_fit[1]
        self.B = np.sum(
            m * (self.bins[self.signal_limits[0]:self.signal_limits[1]]) + c)
        return self.B

    #method to find tha actual number of events that are believed to have been due to Jpsi meson production and not
    def actual_signal_events(self):
        self.S = self.N - self.B
        return self.S, self.N

    ##Single Gaussian
    #method that returns the output of a gaussian with an exponential decay background from parameters given to it
    def gauss(self, x, F, a, mu, st):
        y = (1 - F) * self.single_gaussian.single_gaussian(
            x, mu, st) + F * self.exponential(x, a)
        return y

    #method that returns the output of the negative natural logarithm of the maximum likelihood of a single gaussian
    #with an exponential decay for background from parameters given to it
    def NLOGL(self, F, a, mu, st):
        a = np.longdouble(a)
        L = -1 * np.sum(np.log(self.gauss(self.data, F, a, mu, st)))
        return L

    #Double Gaussian
    #method that returns the output of a double gaussian with an exponential decay background from parameters
    # given to it
    def gauss_two(self, x, F, a, mu_1, st_1, st_2, Q):
        y = (1 - F) * self.double_gaussian.double_gaussian(
            x, mu_1, st_1, st_2, Q) + F * self.exponential(x, a)
        return y

    #method that returns the output of the negative natural logarithm of the maximum likelihood of a double gaussian
    #with an exponential decay for background from parameters given to it
    def NLOGL_2(self, F, a, mu_1, st_1, st_2, Q):
        a = np.longdouble(a)
        Q = np.longdouble(Q)
        L = -1 * np.sum(
            np.log(self.gauss_two(self.data, F, a, mu_1, st_1, st_2, Q)))
        return L

    ## Crystal Ball
    #method that returns the output of the negative natural logarithm of the maximum likelihood of a crystal ball
    #function with an exponential decay for background from parameters given to it
    def NLOGL_crystalball(self, n, a, mu, st, F, w):
        n = (n)
        a = np.longdouble(a)
        mu = np.longdouble(mu)
        st = np.longdouble(st)
        F = np.longdouble(F)
        w = np.longdouble(w)
        e = (self.data - mu) / st
        x_1 = self.data[(e > -a)]
        x_2 = self.data[(e <= -a)]
        L_1 = float()
        L_2 = float()
        if len(
        ) > 0:  #passes data that satifisies first condition in crystal ball function
            L_1 = np.sum(
                (np.log((1 - F) *
                        self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_1(x_1, n, a, mu, st) +
                        F * self.exponential(x_1, w))))
        if len(
        ) > 0:  #passes data that satifisies second condition in crystal ball function
            L_2 = np.sum(
                (np.log((1 - F) *
                        self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_2(x_2, n, a, mu, st) +
                        F * self.exponential(x_2, w))))
        L = -1 * (L_1 + L_2)
        return L

    #method that plots a histogram of the Probability density function with a crystal ball fitted to it from parameters
    #found using a maximum likelihood fit
    def plot_crystal_ball(self, fig_num):
        n = self.parameters_cb[0]
        a = self.parameters_cb[1]
        mu = self.parameters_cb[2]
        st = self.parameters_cb[3]
        F = self.parameters_cb[4]
        w = self.parameters_cb[5]
        exp_y = np.array([])
        crystal_y = np.array([])
        ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
        #Finds y for the model to be fitted and just for the crystal ball part
        for i in range(0, len(self.bins) - 1):
            x = self.bins[i]
            if (x - mu) / st > -a:
                y = (1 - F) * self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_1(
                    x, n, a, mu, st) + F * self.exponential(x, w)
                exp_y = np.append(exp_y, np.array([y]))
                c_y = (1 - F) * self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_1(
                    x, n, a, mu, st)
                crystal_y = np.append(crystal_y, np.array([c_y]))
            elif (x - mu) / st <= -a:
                y = (1 - F) * self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_2(
                    x, n, a, mu, st) + F * self.exponential(x, w)
                exp_y = np.append(exp_y, np.array([y]))
                c_y = (1 - F) * self.crystal_ball.crystal_ball_2(
                    x, n, a, mu, st)
                crystal_y = np.append(crystal_y, np.array([c_y]))
        self.expy_cb = exp_y
        expo_y = F * self.exponential(
            w)  #finds y for background exponential decay
        plt.ylabel("Probability Density per " +
                   str(round_digits(self.bin_width, 2)) + " " + self.units)
            "Probability Density Function with Crystal Ball Function Fit:\n " +
        u, bins, patches = plt.hist(self.data,
                                    stacked=True)  #Note that
        # density and stacked being true ensures histogram is normalized and thus a PDF (Probability Denisty Function)
                 label="Full Crystal Ball Model Fit")
                 label="Crystal Ball Function Part")
                 label="Background Exponential Decay Fit")
        return self.expy_cb

    #method that plots a histogram of the Probability density function with a single gaussian to it from parameters
    #found using a maximum likelihood fit
    def plot_single_gaussian(self, fig_num):
        F = self.parameters_g[0]
        a = self.parameters_g[1]
        mu = self.parameters_g[2]
        st = self.parameters_g[3]
        ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
        exp_y = self.gauss(self.bins[0:self.num_bins], F, a, mu,
                           st)  #finds y for full model
        gauss_y = (1 - F) * self.single_gaussian.single_gaussian(
            self.bins[0:self.num_bins], mu,
            st)  #finds y for just gaussian part
        expo_y = F * self.exponential(
            a)  #finds y for exponential background decay
        self.expy_single = exp_y
        plt.ylabel("Probability Density per " +
                   str(round_digits(self.bin_width, 2)) + " " + self.units)
        plt.title("Probability Density Function with Single Gaussian Fit:\n " +
        self.prob, bins, patches = plt.hist(self.data,
                 label="Full Single Gaussian Model Fit")
                 label="Single Gaussian Part")
                 label="Exponential Background Decay")
        return self.expy_single

    #method that plots a histogram of the Probability density function (PDF) with a double gaussian to it from parameters
    #found using a maximum likelihood fit
    def plot_double_gaussian(self, fig_num):
        F = self.parameters_2g[0]
        a = self.parameters_2g[1]
        mu_1 = self.parameters_2g[2]
        st_1 = self.parameters_2g[3]
        st_2 = self.parameters_2g[4]
        Q = self.parameters_2g[5]
        ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
        self.expy_double = self.gauss_two(
            self.bins[0:self.num_bins], F, a, mu_1, st_1, st_2,
            Q)  #finds y for full double gaussian model
        gauss1_y = (1 - F) * Q * self.single_gaussian.single_gaussian(
            self.bins[0:self.num_bins], mu_1,
            st_1)  #finds y for narrow gaussian
        gauss2_y = (1 - F) * (1 - Q) * self.single_gaussian.single_gaussian(
            self.bins[0:self.num_bins], mu_1, st_2)  #finds y for wide gaussian
        expo_y = F * self.exponential(
            a)  #finds y for exponential background decay
        plt.ylabel("Probability Density per " +
                   str(round_digits(self.bin_width, 2)) + " " + self.units)
        plt.title("Probability Density Function with Double Gaussian Fit\n: " +
        n, bins, patches = plt.hist(self.data,
                 label="Full Double Gaussian Model Fit")
                 label="Narrow Gaussian Fit")
                 label="Wide Gaussian Fit")
                 label="Exponential Background Decay")
        return self.expy_double

    #method that plots the residuals between the PDF and a given y set of data
    def plot_residuals(self, y):
        ax2 = plt.subplot(212)
        residuals = self.prob - y
        plt.ylabel(str("Residuals of " + self.ylabel))
        plt.title(str("Plot of the Residuals versus " + self.xlabel))
        ax2.scatter(self.bins[0:self.num_bins], residuals)
Exemple #39
 def fetch(self):
   """Returns the Gaussian distribution calculated so far."""
   ret = Gaussian(self.mean.shape[0])
   return ret