def setupCredentials(N): for fN in N: if fN.startswith('gServo'): subApplication = fN[6:] myCredentials = gauth.get_credentials(subApplication.lower()) http = myCredentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) N[fN] ='gmail','v1',http=http) return N
# MAIN: processStartTime = time.perf_counter() [P,N] = readParams() P = {k:1*v for (k,v) in P.items()} # MULTIPLICATION FACTOR for DEBUGGING ! N = getCustomers(N) LT = dict.fromkeys(P, processStartTime) LT['time_eStatus'] = processStartTime - 2*P['time_eStatus'] # always beacon first iter LT['time_readData'] = processStartTime - 3*P['time_readData'] DF = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0),columns=cabiFields()) dfS = DF[idFields()+timestampFields()+staticFields()] dStatics = {} dumpCount=0 try: #N = setupCredentials(N) credentials = gauth.get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) N['gService'] ='gmail', 'v1', http=http) outgoingMail = [] # initialize DF: # do a single full read here, creating DF while True: try: (DF,status_url_gbfs) = initialize_dataframe_from_gbfs(N['gbfs_url']) print(DF.shape) break except: print('%.2f: Failed to retrieve GBFS data. Trying again in %.0f seconds...'\ %(time.perf_counter(),P['time_checkPingbox'])) time.sleep(P['time_checkPingbox'])
# MAIN: processStartTime = time.clock() [P,N] = readParams() P = {k:1*v for (k,v) in P.iteritems()} # MULTIPLICATION FACTOR for DEBUGGING ! N = getCustomers(N) LT = dict.fromkeys(P, processStartTime) LT['time_eStatus'] = processStartTime - 2*P['time_eStatus'] # always beacon first iter LT['time_readData'] = processStartTime - 3*P['time_readData'] DF = pd.DataFrame(index=range(0),columns=cabiFields()) dfS = DF[idFields()+timestampFields()+staticFields()] dStatics = {} dumpCount=0 try: #N = setupCredentials(N) credentials = gauth.get_credentials() http = credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()) N['gService'] ='gmail', 'v1', http=http) outgoingMail = [] # main loop while True: iterStartTime = time.clock() if ((LT['time_readData']+P['time_readData']) < (LT['time_checkPingbox']+P['time_checkPingbox']+P['bufferTime_readData'])): print(time.ctime() + ': ' + str(iterStartTime) + ': reading new Data') # scrape new data: try: [DF_new,rawXML] = getNewData(N['scrapeURL']) DF = DF.append(DF_new) except Exception as e: #send alert email if read failed [subject,body] = buildEmailAlert('failed to read CaBi data',str(e),P,dbName(N,dumpCount))