Exemple #1
def __sense(url, releases):
    """Retrieves releases for specified band id.

    Injected into Bandsensor.

        url: ID of the current band (it's mbid format here)
        releases: types of releases to search for

        tuple -- (<url>, <list-of-tuples> -- (<album>, <year>))

    Note: It is meant for internal usage only!

    result = dict()
    offset = 0
    count = 100
    partial = dict()
    while count > 0:
        soup = reqread(
            u'http://www.musicbrainz.org/ws/2/release?artist=' + url
            + u'&type=' + u'|'.join(releases).lower() + u'&offset='
            + unicode(offset) + u'&limit=100')
        (partial, n) = __getalbums(soup, partial)
        count = n - count - offset
        offset += 100
    return (url, list(result.iteritems()))
Exemple #2
def work(artist, element, urls, releases):
    """Retrieves new or updated info for specified artist.

        artist: artist to check against
        element: db element containing existing info (it is db[<artist_name>])
        urls: urls previously retrieved for given artist
        releases: types of releases to check for

    Note: Should be threaded in real application.

    if urls and u'metalArchives' in urls.keys():
        (url, albums) = __sense(urls[u'metalArchives'], releases)
        return {
            u'choice': url,
            u'result': albums,
            u'errors': set(),
            u'artist': artist
    artist_ = urllib2.quote(
        artist.replace(u'&', u'and').replace(u'/', u'').encode(u'utf-8')
    ).replace(u'%20', u'+')
    json = reqread(
        u'http://www.metal-archives.com/search/ajax-band-search/?field=name&query=' +
        artist_ +
    return __parse2(json, artist, element, releases)
Exemple #3
def init():
    res = reqread(
    def __internal(context, artist, url):
        glob[str(url[0])[14:]] = artist[0].text
        return False
    root = etree.HTML(res)
    ns = etree.FunctionNamespace(u'http://fake.gayeogi/functions')
    ns.prefix = u'pa'
    ns[u'test'] = __internal
    root.xpath(u'//td/a[pa:test(strong, @href)]')
Exemple #4
def __sense(url, releases):
    """Retrieves releases for specified band id.

    Injected into Bandsensor.

        url: ID of the current band
        releases: types of releases to search for

        tuple -- (<url>, <list-of-tuples> -- (<album>, <year>))

    Note: It is meant for internal usage only!

    soup = reqread(u'http://www.metal-archives.com/band/discography/id/' +
        url + u'/tab/all').decode(u'utf-8')
    return (url, __getalbums(soup, releases))
Exemple #5
def __sense(url, releases):
    """Retrieves releases for specified band id.

    Injected into Bandsensor.

        url: ID of the current band
        releases: types of releases to search for

        tuple -- (<url>, <list-of-tuples> -- (<album>, <year>))

    Note: It is meant for internal usage only!

    res = reqread(
        u'http://www.progarchives.com/artist.asp?id=' + url
    artist = glob[url]
    def __enabled(context, element):
        for release in releases:
            if element[0].text.lower().startswith(
                artist.lower() + u' ' + di[release].lower()
                return True
        return False
    result = list()
    def __internal(context, albums, years):
        result.append((albums[0].text.strip(), years[0].text.strip()))
        return False
    root = etree.HTML(res)
    ns = etree.FunctionNamespace(u'http://fake.gayeogi/functions')
    ns.prefix = u'pa'
    ns[u'test'] = __internal
    ns[u'enabled'] = __enabled
        u'//h3[pa:enabled(.)]/following-sibling::*[1]//td[pa:test(a[2]/strong, span[3])]'
    return (url, result)
Exemple #6
def work(artist, element, urls, releases):
    """Retrieves new or updated info for specified artist.

        artist: artist to check against
        element: db element containing existing info (it is db[<artist_name>])
        urls: urls previously retrieved for given artist
        releases: types of releases to check for

    Note: Should be threaded in real application.

    if urls and u'musicbrainz' in urls.keys():
        (url, albums) = __sense(urls[u'musicbrainz'], releases)
        return {
            u'choice': url,
            u'result': albums,
            u'errors': set(),
            u'artist': artist
    artist_ = urllib2.quote(artist.replace(u'/', u'').encode(
                u'utf-8')).replace(u'%20', u'+')
    urls_ = reqread(
            + artist_ + u'*&fmt=json')
    if not urls_:
        raise NoBandError()
    sensor = Bandsensor(__sense, JParse(artist).decode(urls_),
            element, releases)
    data = sensor.run()
    if not data:
        raise NoBandError()
    return {
        u'choice': data[0],
        u'result': data[1],
        u'errors': sensor.errors