Exemple #1
def issues_list(request, year=None, month=None):
    issues = filter_by_date(Issue.objects.all(), year, month, field='date')
    data = {'issues': issues, 'year': year, 'month': month}
    rc = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response("issue/issues_list.html",
Exemple #2
def archives(request, section=None, subsection=None, year=None, month=None, day=None):
    articles = filter_by_date(Article.published, year, month, day)
    if section:
        section = get_object_or_404(Section, slug=section)
        articles = articles.filter(section=section)
    if subsection:
        subsection = get_object_or_404(Subsection, section=section, slug=subsection)
        articles = articles.filter(section=section, subsection=subsection)
    articles = articles.order_by('pub_date')
    data = { 'articles': articles,
             'year': year,
             'month': month,
             'day': day,
             'section': section,
             'subsection': subsection,
             'poster': Poster.published.get_running(),
             'sections': Section.objects.all() }
    if day:
        template = 'archives/by_day.html'
    elif month:
        template = 'archives/by_month.html'
        pub_dates = articles.values_list('pub_date', flat=True)
        dates = set([datetime.date(d.year, d.month, d.day) for d in pub_dates])
        if not dates:
            # screw reverse, this place is brittle
            url = '/archives/'
            if section:    url += section.slug + '/'
            if subsection: url += subsection.slug + '/'
            if year:       url += year + '/'
            split = url.split('/')
            if len(split) > 3:
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/'.join(split[:-2] + ['']))
            else: # no articles at all? really?
                raise Http404
        if year:
            start_date = datetime.date(int(year), 1, 1)
            end_date = datetime.date(int(year), 12, 31)
            start_date = min(dates)
            end_date = max(dates)
        year_i, month_i = (end_date.year, end_date.month)
        cal = [ (year_i, month_i, calendar.monthcalendar(year_i, month_i)) ]
        while year_i > start_date.year or month_i > start_date.month:
            month_i -= 1
            if month_i < 1:
                month_i = 12
                year_i -= 1
            cal.append( (year_i, month_i, calendar.monthcalendar(year_i, month_i)) )
        weekdays = range(7)
        for year_i, month_i, month_cal in cal:
            for week in month_cal:
                for i in weekdays:
                    if week[i] and datetime.date(year_i, month_i, week[i]) not in dates:
                        week[i] *= -1
        data['calendar'] = cal
        data['url_base'] = '/archives'
        if section:
            data['url_base'] += '/' + section.slug
            if subsection:
                data['url_base'] += '/' + subsection.slug
        template = 'archives/generic.html'
    rc = RequestContext(request, data)
    return render_to_response(template, context_instance=rc)
Exemple #3
def archives(request,
    articles = filter_by_date(Article.published, year, month, day)
    if section:
        section = get_object_or_404(Section, slug=section)
        articles = articles.filter(section=section)
    if subsection:
        subsection = get_object_or_404(Subsection,
        articles = articles.filter(section=section, subsection=subsection)
    articles = articles.order_by('pub_date')

    data = {
        'articles': articles,
        'year': year,
        'month': month,
        'day': day,
        'section': section,
        'subsection': subsection,
        'poster': Poster.published.get_running(),
        'sections': Section.objects.all()

    if day:
        template = 'archives/by_day.html'
    elif month:
        template = 'archives/by_month.html'
        pub_dates = articles.values_list('pub_date', flat=True)
        dates = set([datetime.date(d.year, d.month, d.day) for d in pub_dates])

        if not dates:
            # screw reverse, this place is brittle
            url = '/archives/'
            if section: url += section.slug + '/'
            if subsection: url += subsection.slug + '/'
            if year: url += year + '/'
            split = url.split('/')
            if len(split) > 3:
                return HttpResponseRedirect('/'.join(split[:-2] + ['']))
            else:  # no articles at all? really?
                raise Http404

        if year:
            start_date = datetime.date(int(year), 1, 1)
            end_date = datetime.date(int(year), 12, 31)
            start_date = min(dates)
            end_date = max(dates)


        year_i, month_i = (end_date.year, end_date.month)
        cal = [(year_i, month_i, calendar.monthcalendar(year_i, month_i))]
        while year_i > start_date.year or month_i > start_date.month:
            month_i -= 1
            if month_i < 1:
                month_i = 12
                year_i -= 1
                (year_i, month_i, calendar.monthcalendar(year_i, month_i)))

        weekdays = range(7)
        for year_i, month_i, month_cal in cal:
            for week in month_cal:
                for i in weekdays:
                    if week[i] and datetime.date(year_i, month_i,
                                                 week[i]) not in dates:
                        week[i] *= -1

        data['calendar'] = cal

        data['url_base'] = '/archives'
        if section:
            data['url_base'] += '/' + section.slug
            if subsection:
                data['url_base'] += '/' + subsection.slug

        template = 'archives/generic.html'

    rc = RequestContext(request, data)

    return render_to_response(template, context_instance=rc)
Exemple #4
def issues_list(request, year=None, month=None):
    issues = filter_by_date(Issue.objects.all(), year, month, field="date")
    data = {"issues": issues, "year": year, "month": month}
    rc = RequestContext(request)
    return render_to_response("issue/issues_list.html", data, context_instance=rc)