Exemple #1
def guess_comp_type(repo, comp_type, cp, tarball_dir):
    """Guess compression type"""

    srcpkg = cp['Source']
    upstream_version = cp['Upstream-Version']

    if comp_type != 'auto':
        comp_type = compressor_aliases.get(comp_type, comp_type)
        if comp_type not in compressor_opts:
            gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type - guessing.")
            comp_type = 'auto'

    if comp_type == 'auto':
        if not repo.has_pristine_tar_branch():
            if not tarball_dir:
                tarball_dir = '..'
            detected = None
            for comp in compressor_opts.keys():
                if du.DebianPkgPolicy.has_orig(du.orig_file(cp, comp),
                    if detected is not None:
                        raise GbpError("Multiple orig tarballs found.")
                    detected = comp
            if detected is not None:
                comp_type = detected
                comp_type = 'gzip'
            regex = 'pristine-tar .* %s_%s\.orig.tar\.' % (srcpkg,
            commits = repo.grep_log(regex, repo.pristine_tar_branch)
            if commits:
                commit = commits[-1]
                gbp.log.debug("Found pristine-tar commit at '%s'" % commit)
                commit = repo.pristine_tar_branch
            tarball = repo.get_commit_info(commit)['subject']
            (base_name, archive_fmt,
             comp_type) = parse_archive_filename(tarball)
            gbp.log.debug("Determined compression type '%s'" % comp_type)
            if not comp_type:
                comp_type = 'gzip'
                gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type of %s, assuming %s" %
                             (tarball, comp_type))
    return comp_type
def guess_comp_type(repo, comp_type, cp, tarball_dir):
    """Guess compression type"""

    srcpkg = cp['Source']
    upstream_version = cp['Upstream-Version']

    if comp_type != 'auto':
        comp_type = compressor_aliases.get(comp_type, comp_type)
            dummy = compressor_opts[comp_type]
        except KeyError:
            gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type - guessing.")
            comp_type = 'auto'

    if comp_type == 'auto':
        if not repo.has_pristine_tar_branch():
            if not tarball_dir:
                tarball_dir = '..'
            detected = None
            for comp in compressor_opts.keys():
                if du.DebianPkgPolicy.has_orig(du.orig_file(cp, comp), tarball_dir):
                    if detected is not None:
                        raise GbpError("Multiple orig tarballs found.")
                    detected = comp
            if detected is not None:
                comp_type = detected
                comp_type = 'gzip'
            regex = 'pristine-tar .* %s_%s\.orig.tar\.' % (srcpkg, upstream_version)
            commits = repo.grep_log(regex, repo.pristine_tar_branch)
            if commits:
                commit = commits[-1]
                gbp.log.debug("Found pristine-tar commit at '%s'" % commit)
                commit = repo.pristine_tar_branch
            tarball = repo.get_subject(commit)
            comp_type = du.DebianPkgPolicy.get_compression(tarball)
            gbp.log.debug("Determined compression type '%s'" % comp_type)
            if not comp_type:
                comp_type = 'gzip'
                gbp.log.warn("Unknown compression type of %s, assuming %s" % (tarball, comp_type))
    return comp_type