Exemple #1
    def test_finalization_preprocess_and_postprocess(self):
        # Note that this test is done here again (already was in another class
        # in this module), to see that everything works as it should also with
        # a different flag-context.
        comments = []
        self0 = self

        class A:
            def __del__(self):
                self0.assertIn("run PreProcess", comments)
                comments.append("A del")
                # let's simulate a time-consuming finalizer
                # to ensure that post finalization processing
                # is sensitive to this
                comments.append("A del done")

        class PreProcess(Runnable):
            def run(self):
                self0.assertEqual(comments, [])
                comments.append("run PreProcess")

        class PostProcess(Runnable):
            def run(self):
                self0.assertIn("run PreProcess", comments)
                self0.assertIn("A del", comments)
                self0.assertIn("A del done", comments)
                comments.append("run PostProcess")

        a = A()
        a = None
        prePr = PreProcess()
        postPr = PostProcess()
        time.sleep(1)  #   <- to avoid that the newly registered processes
        #      become subject to previous run (remember: We
        #      are not in monitor-mode, i.e. gc runs async.
        # Note that order matters here:
        # If the flag gc.DONT_FINALIZE_RESURRECTED_OBJECTS is used,
        # gc.registerPostFinalizationProcess(postPr, 0) would lead to failure,
        # because postPr asserts that a's finalizer already ran. Since
        # DONT_FINALIZE_RESURRECTED_OBJECTS also inserted a postprocess,
        # to perform delayed finalization, the 0-index would prepend postPr
        # before the process that actually runs the finalizers.
        # we wait a bit longer here, since PostProcess runs asynchronous
        # and must wait for the finalizer of A
        self.assertIn("run PostProcess", comments)
        comments = []
    def test_finalization_preprocess_and_postprocess(self):
        #Note that this test is done here again (already was in another class
        #in this module), to see that everything works as it should also with
        #a different flag-context.
        comments = []
        self0 = self
        class A:
            def __del__(self):
                self0.assertIn("run PreProcess", comments)
                comments.append("A del")
                #let's simulate a time-consuming finalizer
                #to ensure that post finalization processing
                #is sensitive to this
                comments.append("A del done")

        class PreProcess(Runnable):
            def run(self):
                self0.assertEqual(comments, [])
                comments.append("run PreProcess")

        class PostProcess(Runnable):
            def run(self):
                self0.assertIn("run PreProcess", comments)
                self0.assertIn("A del", comments)
                self0.assertIn("A del done", comments)
                comments.append("run PostProcess")

        a = A()
        a = None
        prePr = PreProcess()
        postPr = PostProcess()
        time.sleep(1) #   <- to avoid that the newly registered processes
                      #      become subject to previous run (remember: We
                      #      are not in monitor-mode, i.e. gc runs async.
        #Note that order matters here:
        #If the flag gc.DONT_FINALIZE_RESURRECTED_OBJECTS is used,
        #gc.registerPostFinalizationProcess(postPr, 0) would lead to failure,
        #because postPr asserts that a's finalizer already ran. Since
        #DONT_FINALIZE_RESURRECTED_OBJECTS also inserted a postprocess,
        #to perform delayed finalization, the 0-index would prepend postPr
        #before the process that actually runs the finalizers.
        #we wait a bit longer here, since PostProcess runs asynchronous
        #and must wait for the finalizer of A
        self.assertIn("run PostProcess", comments)
        comments = []
Exemple #3
    def test_forced_with_extern_NonPyObjectFinalizer_that_notifies_gc(self):
        comments = []

        class A:
            def __init__(self, index):
                self.index = index

            def __del__(self):
                comments.append("A_del_" + str(self.index))

        class PreProcess(Runnable):
            preCount = 0

            def run(self):
                PreProcess.preCount += 1

        class PostProcess(Runnable):
            postCount = 0

            def run(self):
                PostProcess.postCount += 1

        prePr = PreProcess()
        postPr = PostProcess()
        time.sleep(1)  #   <- to avoid that the newly registered processes
        #      become subject to previous run (remember: We
        #      are not in monitor-mode, i.e. gc runs async.
        for i in range(4):
            f = A(i)
            del f
        #NastyFinalizer would cause this test occasionally to fail
        externFinalizer = GCTestHelper.NotSoNastyFinalizer()
        del externFinalizer
        for i in range(4, 8):
            f = A(i)
            del f
        # we wait a bit longer here, since PostProcess runs asynchronous
        # and must wait for the finalizer of A
        self.assertEqual(len(comments), 8)
        self.assertEqual(PreProcess.preCount, 1)
        self.assertEqual(PostProcess.postCount, 1)
        comments = []
    def test_with_extern_NonPyObjectFinalizer_that_notifies_gc(self):
        comments = []
        class A:
            def __init__(self, index):
                self.index = index

            def __del__(self):

        class PreProcess(Runnable):
            preCount = 0
            def run(self):
                PreProcess.preCount += 1

        class PostProcess(Runnable):
            postCount = 0
            def run(self):
                PostProcess.postCount += 1

        prePr = PreProcess()
        postPr = PostProcess()
        time.sleep(1) #   <- to avoid that the newly registered processes
                      #      become subject to previous run (remember: We
                      #      are not in monitor-mode, i.e. gc runs async.
        for i in range(4):
            f = A(i)
            del f
        #NastyFinalizer would cause this test occasionally to fail
        externFinalizer = GCTestHelper.NotSoNastyFinalizer()
        del externFinalizer
        for i in range(4, 8):
            f = A(i)
            del f
        #we wait a bit longer here, since PostProcess runs asynchronous
        #and must wait for the finalizer of A
        self.assertEqual(len(comments), 8)
        self.assertEqual(PreProcess.preCount, 1)
        self.assertEqual(PostProcess.postCount, 1)
        comments = []