Exemple #1
def smarterEndPosition(posn_begin, posn_end):
    # instead of targeting arrival airport, target a closer pt just inside the arrival area
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end,   lon_end,   alt_end  ) = posn_end
    dist_begin_end  = gcUtils.gcDistNMile( (lat_begin,lon_begin), (lat_end,lon_end) )
    dist_end_smarterend = min(ARRIVAL_RADIUS, dist_begin_end) * ARRIVAL_RADIUS_SHRINKAGE
    lat_smarter, lon_smarter = gcUtils.gcPtAtDistance( 
                                (lat_end,lon_end), (lat_begin,lon_begin), 
                                dist_end_smarterend, gcUtils.EARTH_RADIUS_NM    )
    alt_smarter = ARRIVAL_ALTITUDE
    posn_smarterend = (lat_smarter, lon_smarter, alt_smarter)
    return posn_smarterend
def directDescend(posn_begin, posn_end, npts, flightModel):
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end) = posn_end
    #assert alt_begin >= alt_end
    dist = gcUtils.gcDistNMile((lat_begin, lon_begin), (lat_end, lon_end))
    slope = (alt_begin - alt_end) / dist
    return moveAirplane(posn_begin,
                        altMinMax=(alt_end, alt_begin))
def intersectPosition(posn_begin, slope_begin, posn_end, slope_end):
    # finds intersection position of 2 lines in the GC path plane between 2 points
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end) = posn_end
    dist_begin_to_end = gcUtils.gcDistNMile((lat_begin, lon_begin),
                                            (lat_end, lon_end))
    intercept_begin = alt_begin - slope_begin * dist_begin_to_end
    intercept_end = alt_end - slope_end * 0.0
    dist_intersect, alt_intersect = lineLineIntersectionPt(
        slope_begin, intercept_begin, slope_end, intercept_end)
    dist_from_begin = dist_intersect
    dist_from_end = dist_begin_to_end - dist_from_begin
    lat_intersect, lon_intersect = gcUtils.gcPtAtDistance(
        (lat_begin, lon_begin), (lat_end, lon_end), dist_from_end,
    return (lat_intersect, lon_intersect, alt_intersect)
def classifyZone(posn_begin, posn_end, flightModel):
    # classify current position into one of 4 zones; useful for picking a flightpath
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end) = posn_end
    dist_to_end = gcUtils.gcDistNMile((lat_begin, lon_begin),
                                      (lat_end, lon_end))
    cruise_alt = flightModel.cruiseIntercept
    direct_descent_slope = float(alt_begin - alt_end) / dist_to_end

    if direct_descent_slope > abs(flightModel.descentSlope):
        return 'near-high'  # short-range, high-altitude (over/near airport)
    elif alt_begin > cruise_alt:
        return 'far-high'  # long-range,  high-altitude
    elif cruisePossible(posn_begin, posn_end, flightModel):
        return 'far-low'  # long-range,  low-altitude
        return 'near-low'  # short-range, low-altitude (no cruise leg)
def positionCruiseEnd(posn_begin, posn_end, flightModel):
    # Returns the position directly above the airport (posn_end) if
    # the plane cruised there from the current position (posn_begin)
    # at *cruise* altitude (not the current altitude)
    # Note: plane may climb slowly, reflecting optimal cruise altitude
    # varies as plane burns off fuel and gets lighter.
    # Why do we need this point? It's useful for defining a line (cruise path)
    # that intersects a ascent/descent line from the current position.
    # That intersection is where the plane should start cruising.
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end) = posn_end
    dist_begin = gcUtils.gcDistNMile((lat_begin, lon_begin),
                                     (lat_end, lon_end))
    dist_end = 0.0  # dist to endpoint is 0 when at endpoint
    alt_cruise = flightModel.cruiseIntercept
    alt_end = flightModel.cruiseAlt(alt_cruise, dist_begin, dist_end)
    return (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end)
def moveAirplane(posn_begin,
    # create intermediate position waypoints between two other waypoints

    # print "moveAirplane:", posn_begin, "-->", posn_end
    (lat_begin, lon_begin, alt_begin) = posn_begin
    (lat_end, lon_end, alt_end) = posn_end
    dist_begin = gcUtils.gcDistNMile((lat_begin, lon_begin),
                                     (lat_end, lon_end))
    if dist_begin < WAYPOINT_ARRIVAL_RADIUS:
        return noWaypoints(posn_begin, posn_end, npts, flightModel=None)

    pts = gcUtils.gcIntermediate((lat_begin, lon_begin), (lat_end, lon_end),
    # tricky: zip(*pts) unzips intermediate points with format
    # [(lat1,lon1),(lat2,lon2),...] into (lat1, lat2...), (lon1, lon2...)
    lats, lons = zip(*pts)

    dists = [
        dist_begin * (1. - frac) for frac in gcUtils.intermediateFracs(npts)
    alts = [altVsDistModel(alt_begin, dist_begin, d) for d in dists]
    if altMinMax:
        altMin, altMax = min(altMinMax), max(altMinMax)
        alts = [max(altMin, min(altMax, alt)) for alt in alts]
    airspeeds = [airspeedVsAltModel(alt) for alt in alts]

    lats = tuple(lats) + (lat_end, )
    lons = tuple(lons) + (lon_end, )
    alts = tuple(alts) + (alt_end, )
    airspeeds = tuple(airspeeds) + (airspeedVsAltModel(alt_end), )

    waypoints = {
        'LatitudeDegrees': lats,
        'LongitudeDegrees': lons,
        'AltitudeFeet': alts,
        'AirspeedKnots': airspeeds
    return waypoints