Exemple #1
async def study_cmd(msg):
    #check if player is in proper channel
    if msg.channel.id == gccfg.location_map.get("study-hall").channel_id:
        #add 1 lofi
        player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
        player.lofi += 1
Exemple #2
async def learn_spell(msg):
    target_spell_name = msg.content.split(' ', 1)[1]

    if target_spell_name in gccfg.spell_map:
        spell = gccfg.spell_map[target_spell_name]
        player = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)
        response = "You have successfully learned {}".format(spell.name)
        response = "{} isn't a real spell dummy. Try {}{}".format(target_spell_name, gccfg.cmd_prefix, "listspells")

    await msg.channel.send('*{}:* {}'.format(msg.author.display_name, response))
Exemple #3
async def work_cmd(msg):
    if msg.channel.id == gccfg.location_map.get("mall").channel_id:
        player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)

        # make a random amount of money beween 1 and 5
        pay = random.randrange(1, 5)

        # add pay to player's money total
        player.money += pay

        response = "you work long and hard at the mall to earn some cash. you made " + str(pay) + " cash!"
        await sent_message(msg, response)
Exemple #4
async def lookout_cmd(msg):
    user_data = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)
    enemies = gcdb.findEnemies("location", user_data.location)

    response = "In " + user_data.location + " you see: \n"
    if enemies:
        for enemy_data in enemies:
            response += "\nA size {} {}. ID: {}".format(str(enemy_data["size"]), enemy_data["name"], enemy_data["id"])

    await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' + response)
Exemple #5
async def look_cmd(msg):
    response = None

    #get player location
    player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
    current_location = gccfg.location_map.get(player.location)

    if (current_location != None):
        response = current_location.look_txt
        response = "You are sitting in front of your parents' PC. There's a cup with some hot brew you made that you can't recall if it was tea or coffee, but it's gotten cold so who cares. You have bags under your eyes. You've been looking at this PC for way too long."
    await sent_message(msg, response)
Exemple #6
async def known_spells(msg):
    # compile all user usable spell names
    player = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)
    player_spells = []
    for spell_name in player.known_spells:
        if spell_name in gccfg.spell_map:

    # Build and send response
    response = "Currently known spells are: \n"
    for spell in player_spells:
        response += "\nName: {} | Cost: {}".format(spell.name, spell.cost)

    await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' + response)
Exemple #7
async def fight(msg):
    target_id = int(msg.content.split(' ', 1)[1])
    enemy_data = gcdb.getEnemyData(target_id)

    response = ""
    if enemy_data:
        enemy = GCEnemy(id = target_id)
        player = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)
        if enemy.location != player.location:
            response = "That enemy is not present here."
            await gcfighting.initiate_combat(enemy, player, msg)
        response = "No enemy with id {} exists".format(target_id)

    await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' + response)
Exemple #8
async def transform_cmd(msg):  # In the future I'll turn it into a tag, for now it is just hard to unlock flavor text

    player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
    currentLofi = player.lofi

    if currentLofi >= 1000000:
        response = "Epic orchestral music starts to sound. You summon the power of friendship and love and scream your magical girl name with all your soul. Your regular student clothes begin to disappear to reveal a super cute outfit without ever showing anything NSFW to the camera. People around you are hypnotized by this transformation, you notice that thanks to the 'Damns' and 'Holy f***s' they let out. You are a magical girl now, go kick some bad guy's ass!"
    elif currentLofi >= 100000:
        response = "you focus REALLY hard, and feel a breeze whip around you! ... but nothing really happened... so close..."
    elif currentLofi >= 10000:
        response = "you spin in place, really believing this time it will work!!! \n you fall over into your chair, having only **transformed** your hair into a big mess"
    elif currentLofi >= 1000:
        response = "you clasp your hands and look up to the sky, the moon reflected in your big eyes. you feel tingly!!! \n .... its just because you have been sitting too long..."
    elif currentLofi >= 100:
        response = "you grab your pen and poirouette around the room! you jump off your bed ready to take flight and- \n you fall onto the conveniently placed beanbag. nope, cant fly yet."
        response = "you spin around your room, your beautiful Guardian Garb flowing around you, those bad guys better watch out!!! \n... ok time to stop playing pretend and get out of this cheap cosplay gear."

    await sent_message(msg, response)
Exemple #9
async def update_member_role(member):
    player_data = GCPlayer(member.id)

    roles_to_remove = []
    for role in member.roles:
        if role.name != "@everyone":

    await member.remove_roles(*roles_to_remove)

    roles_to_add = []
    #get player location role
    location_role = gccfg.role_map.get(player_data.location)
    if location_role != None:

    roles_to_add.append(gccfg.role_map.get("School Girl"))

    await member.add_roles(*roles_to_add)
Exemple #10
async def goto_cmd(msg):
    # Setup necessary variables
    member = msg.author #The user
    player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
    desired_location = msg.content.split(' ', 1)[1] #the input with the command removed. Hopefully only the location name

    # check if desired location is a real location
    found_location = None
    for location in gccfg.location_map:
        location = gccfg.location_map[location]
        if location.is_alias(desired_location):
            found_location = location

    # location not found
    if found_location == None:
        response = "i dont know that location!"
        await sent_message(msg, response)

    # player already in location
    elif found_location.id == player.location:
        response = "You are already here"
        await sent_message(msg, response)

    # vaild desired location
        # Tell them they're moving
        response = 'You begin walking to ' + found_location.full_name + ". it will take 5 seconds"
        await sent_message(msg, response)

        #wait 5 seconds
        await asyncio.sleep(5)

        # change database location
        player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
        player.location = found_location.id

        # update member roles
        await update_member_role(member)
Exemple #11
async def initiate_combat(enemy, player, msg):
    # Check if there is already a fight happening in that district
    if player.location in gccfg.fights:
        existing = gccfg.fights[player.location]
        response = player.location + " was already being fought over!\n"
        if player.userid not in existing.player_ids:
            # Add player to fight if they werent already in it
            response += "\n but {} has now joined the battle!".format(
            existing.pts_remaining[player.userid] = gccfg.pts_per_round
        if enemy.id not in existing.enemy_ids:
            # Add target to fight if they were not already involved
            response += "\n but {} has now joined the battle!".format(
        # Send the response and cut the function, dont need to start a second loop
        await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' +

    # Initialize the fight
    fight = fight_data(location=enemy.location,
                       pts_remaining={player.userid: gccfg.pts_per_round})

    # Tell the user the fight started
    start_msg = "{} prepares to begin combat with {}! They have 30s to prepare attacks!".format(
        msg.author.display_name, enemy.name)
    await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' +
    while (len(fight.enemy_ids) > 0 and len(fight.player_ids) > 0):
        await asyncio.sleep(30)

        # Separate player attacks by priority
        passives = []
        actives = []
        for spell in fight.player_queue:
            if spell.type in gccfg.passive_types:

        # Calculate first priority spells, pool all buffs
        defense_pool = 0
        attack_pool = 0
        healing_pool = 0
        passives_response = ""
        for spell in passives:
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_def_buff:
                defense_pool += spell.power
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_atk_buff:
                attack_pool += spell.power
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_heal_aoe:
                healing_pool += spell.power
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_heal_target:
                if spell.target_id in fight.player_ids:
                    # Grab player object from id and heal
                    passives_response += "<@{}> is healed for {} lofi!\n".format(
                        spell.target_id, spell.power)
                    healed_target = GCPlayer(userid=spell.target_id)
                    healed_target.lofi += spell.power

        # Distribute AOE healing
        heal_per_player = int(healing_pool / len(fight.player_ids))
        if heal_per_player > 0:
            passives_response += "Everyone is healed for {} lofi!\n".format(
            for healed_id in fight.player_ids:
                # Grab player object from id and heal
                healed = GCPlayer(userid=healed_id)
                healed.change_hp(heal_per_player, gccfg.damage_source_combat)

        # Build response for buffs
        if defense_pool > 0:
            passives_response += "Defense is buffed by {}%!\n".format(
                defense_pool * 10)
        if attack_pool > 0:
            passives_response += "Attacks are buffed by {}%!\n".format(
                attack_pool * 10)

        if passives_response != "":
            await msg.channel.send(passives_response)

        # Calculate secondary spells
        total_damage = 0
        total_defense = 0
        for spell in actives:
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_damage:
                total_damage += spell.power
            if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_defense:
                total_defense += spell.power

        # add 10% to damage per point in attack buffs
        if attack_pool != 0:
            attack_pool /= 10
            attack_pool += 1
            total_damage *= attack_pool

        # add 10% to defense per point in defense buffs
        if defense_pool != 0:
            defense_pool /= 10
            defense_pool += 1
            total_defense *= defense_pool

        # Apply damage to enemies
        damage_per_enemy = int(total_damage / len(fight.enemy_ids))
        player_damage_msg = "The Magical Girls deal {} damage to every enemy in the fight!\n".format(
        targets = gcutility.copy_list(fight.enemy_ids)
        for hurt_id in targets:
            hurt = GCEnemy(id=hurt_id)
            hurt.changeHp(damage_per_enemy * -1)
            if hurt.hp <= 0:
                player_damage_msg += "\n{} has been slain by the magical girls and removed from the fight!".format(

        # potentially end the fight if no enemies are left
        if len(fight.enemy_ids) == 0:
            player_damage_msg += "\n\nThe last enemy in the fight has been slain! "
            if gcdb.findEnemies('location', fight.location):
                player_damage_msg += "{} is still not safe however...".format(
                player_damage_msg += "{} is safe from the corruption!! For now...".format(
            await msg.channel.send(player_damage_msg)

        await msg.channel.send(player_damage_msg)

        # Decide enemy attacks after players attack to ensure
        # all targeted enemies get to fight back as long as
        # they survived.
        avg_size = 0
        for monster_id in fight.enemy_ids:
            monster = GCEnemy(id=monster_id)
            avg_size += monster.size
            choice = random.randrange(0, len(monster.attacks))

        # calculate avg size for damage multiplier
        avg_size /= len(fight.enemy_ids)

        # calculate total damage from enemies
        monster_damage = 0
        for spell in fight.enemy_queue:
            monster_damage += spell.power * avg_size

        # Subtract player defense, minimum zero damage
        monster_damage -= total_defense
        if monster_damage <= 0:
            monster_damage = 0

        # distribute monster damage
        monster_damage_per_player = int(monster_damage / len(fight.player_ids))
        monster_damage_message = "The fighting monsters deal {} damage to each player!\n".format(
        damaged_players = gcutility.copy_list(fight.player_ids)
        for fighter_id in damaged_players:
            fighter = GCPlayer(userid=fighter_id)
            fighter.change_hp(-1 * monster_damage_per_player,
            if fighter.lofi <= 0:
                monster_damage_message += "\n<@{}> Has been critically wounded and removed from the fight!".format(

        # potentially end the fight if no players are left
        if len(fight.player_ids) == 0:
            monster_damage_message += "\n\nThe last player has been slain! {} remains in darkness...".format(
            await msg.channel.send(monster_damage_message)
        await msg.channel.send(monster_damage_message)

        # Clear spell queues and inform players of new round
        fight.enemy_queue = []
        fight.player_queue = []
        for uid in fight.pts_remaining:
            fight.pts_remaining[uid] = gccfg.pts_per_round
        new_round_msg = "The players once again have 30s to prepare their spells..."
        await msg.channel.send(new_round_msg)
Exemple #12
async def money_cmd(msg):
    player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
    response = "You have {} currency.".format(player.money)
    await sent_message(msg, response)
Exemple #13
async def queue_spell(msg):
    # Parse target spell and get player
    target_spell_name = shlex.split(msg.content)[1]
    player = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)

    # Ensure spell exists and is known
    if (target_spell_name in gccfg.spell_map and gccfg.spell_map[target_spell_name].name in player.known_spells):
        spell = gccfg.spell_map[target_spell_name].new_copy()
        # Check for fight and ensure player participation
        if player.location in gccfg.fights:
            fight = gccfg.fights[player.location]
            if player.userid in fight.player_ids:
                # TODO - add point system
                if player.lofi > spell.cost:
                    if spell.cost <= fight.pts_remaining[player.userid]:
                        response = ""

                        # Parse target for targeted spells
                        if spell.type == gccfg.spell_type_heal_target:
                            mentions = msg.mentions
                            if len(mentions) == 1:
                                spell.target_id = mentions[0].id
                                if spell.target_id not in fight.player_ids:
                                    response = "The target must be fighting with you!"
                            if len(mentions) < 1:
                                response = "You need to mention a target!"
                            if len(mentions) > 1:
                                response = "This spell can only target one player"

                        if response != "":
                            await msg.channel.send('*{}:* {}'.format(msg.author.display_name, response))

                        player.lofi -= int(spell.cost)
                        fight.pts_remaining[player.userid] -= int(spell.cost)

                        # Build list of enemy names for flavortext
                        enemy_names = ""
                        enemy_number = 0
                        for enemy_id in fight.enemy_ids:
                            enemy_number += 1
                            enemy = GCEnemy(id = enemy_id)
                            if enemy_number > 1 and enemy_number == len(fight.enemy_ids):
                                enemy_names += ", and {} id: {}".format(enemy.name, enemy.id)
                            elif enemy_number > 1:
                                enemy_names += ", {} id: {}".format(enemy.name, enemy.id)
                                enemy_names += "{} id: {}".format(enemy.name, enemy.id)

                        response = "Successfully queued {} against {} for {} lofi".format(spell.name, enemy_names, spell.cost)

                        response = "You only have {} points remaining! that spell costs {}.".format(fight.pts_remaining[player.userid], spell.cost)
                    response = "You only have {} lofi! You need {} to queue that.".format(player.lofi, spell.cost)
                response = "You are not participating in the present fight."
            response = "There are no fights to attack for here."
        response = "You don't know that spell."

    await msg.channel.send('*{}:* {}'.format(msg.author.display_name, response))
Exemple #14
async def lofi_cmd(msg):
    player = GCPlayer(msg.author.id)
    response = "You have {} lofi.".format(player.lofi)
    await sent_message(msg, response)
Exemple #15
async def test(msg):
    player = GCPlayer(userid = msg.author.id)
    player.lofi -= 1
    player.money += 1
Exemple #16
async def register_cmd(msg):
    if GCPlayer(userid=msg.author.id).new:
        await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':* ' + 'You registered!')
        await msg.channel.send('*' + str(msg.author.display_name) + ':*' + ' you already registered')