Exemple #1
def main():
    #this is the number of trials that the fermat primality test will use on p and q
    k = 10
    print('rsa implementation')
    #get our two primes p and q. we can use 'is_prime' as the condition function
    print('\nenter primes p and q')
    p = gcdbez.get_int_input('p: ', lambda p: is_prime(p, k),
                             'p must be prime')
    q = gcdbez.get_int_input('q: ', lambda q: is_prime(q, k),
                             'q must be prime')
    #this will be the 'public modulus'
    n = p * q
    #this is Euler's phi (totient) function for n
    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    print(f'\nn = {n}, phi(n) = {phi_n}')

    print('\nenter public exponent e')
    e = gcdbez.get_int_input('e: ', lambda e: gcdbez.gcd(e, phi_n) == 1,
                             'e must be coprime to phi(n)')

    #find f, the multiplicative inverse of e mod (phi(n))
    #since gcd(e, phi(n)) = 1, e is a unit and so has a multiplicative inverse
    f, _ = lincon.four_pnt(e, 1, phi_n)

    x = gcdbez.get_int_input('number to encode: ')
    print(f'encoded: {fast_mod_exp(x, e, n)}')

    x = gcdbez.get_int_input('number to decode: ')
    print(f'decoded: {fast_mod_exp(x, f, n)}')
Exemple #2
def main():
    print('solve linear diophantine equations of the form:\n')
    print('                 ax + by = c\n')
    print('by finding an integer solution (x, y)\n')

    #get a, b and c
    a = gcdbez.get_int_input('a: ')
    b = gcdbez.get_int_input('b: ')
    c = gcdbez.get_int_input('c: ')

    start = timeit.default_timer()

    #find the gcd of a and b and a u and v satisfying au + bv = d using Bezout's identity
    d, u, v = gcdbez.gcd_bez(a, b)

    #find a particular solution by multiplying each Bezout coefficient by c / d s.t ax0 + by0 = c
    x0 = c // d * u
    y0 = c // d * v

    end = timeit.default_timer()

    #output the solutions (if they exist)
    print('\nequation and solutions:\n')
    print(f'                 {a}x + {b}y = {c}\n')
    if c % d != 0:
        print(f"no integer solutions, because {d} doesn't divide {c}")
            f'x = {x0} - {b // d}n and y = {y0} + {a // d}n for any integer n')
    print(f'finished in {round(end - start, 4)}s (4d.p)')
def main():
    print('solve a system of linear congruences of the form:\n')
    print('                 (a_1)x := b_1 mod (n_1)')
    print('                              ...')
    print('                 (a_k)x := b_k mod (n_k)\n')
    print('where k is a positive integer\n')

    #how many congruences are there?
    #k = gcdbez.get_int_input('k: ', lambda x: x > 0, 'k must be positive')

    print('enter the constants in each congruence:')

    #how long did the program take (not including waiting for user input or outputting)
    total_time = 0

    i = 0
    cont_flag = True
    while cont_flag:
        a = gcdbez.get_int_input('\na: ')
        b = gcdbez.get_int_input('b: ')
        n = gcdbez.get_int_input('n: ', lambda x: x > 0, 'n must be positive')

        print(f'{a}x := {b} mod ({n})\n')

        start = timeit.default_timer()

        #need to solve/simplify each congruence so its in the form x := b mod (n) otherwise we can't use
        #the chinese remainder theorem
        b, n = lincon.four_pnt(a, b, n)

        #its possible that the given congruence has no solutions
        if b == None:
            print(f'the last congruence has no solutions')
        elif i != 0:
            #amend our current solution so that it satisfies the new congruence
            cur_soln = solve(cur_soln, (b, n))
            print(f'x = {cur_soln[0]} + {cur_soln[1]}t for any integer t')
            #on the first iteration produce the current solution by just solving the first congruence
            cur_soln = (b, n)
            print(f'x = {cur_soln[0]} + {cur_soln[1]}t for any integer t')

        i += 1

        end = timeit.default_timer()
        total_time += end - start

        cont_flag = False if input("'quit' to quit: ") == 'quit' else True

    print(f'finished in {round(total_time, 4)}s (4d.p)')
def main():
    print('find the prime-power factorisation of n > 1\n')
    n = gcdbez.get_int_input('n: ', lambda x: x > 1,
                             'n must be greater than 1')
    ppf = prime_pow_fact(n)
        if b != 0:
            m = gcdbez.gcd(a, b)
            a, b = a // m, b // m
            #if b is zero then the solution must also be zero
            return 0, n
        #if a is +- 1, we can 'read off' a solution
        if a == 1:
            return b % n, n
        elif a == -1:
            return -b % n, n
        #step 4: find a p s.t gcd(a, b + pn) > 1
        p, _ = four_pnt(n % a, -b % a, a)
        b += p * n

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print('solve linear congruences of the form:\n')
    print('                 ax := b mod (n)\n')
    print('by finding a particular solution using the four-point algorithm\n')
    a = gcdbez.get_int_input('a: ')
    b = gcdbez.get_int_input('b: ')
    n = gcdbez.get_int_input('n: ', lambda x: x > 0, 'n must be positive')
    start = timeit.default_timer()
    x0, n = four_pnt(a, b, n)
    end = timeit.default_timer()
    if x0 != None:
        print(f'\nx = {x0} + {n}t for any integer t')
        print("\nno solutions as gcd(a, n) doesn't divide b")
    print(f'finished in {round(end - start, 4)}s (4d.p)')