Exemple #1
    def list_metric_descriptors(self, filter_string=None, type_prefix=None):
        """List all metric descriptors for the project.


            >>> for descriptor in client.list_metric_descriptors():
            ...     print(descriptor.type)

            >>> for descriptor in client.list_metric_descriptors(
            ...         type_prefix='custom.'):
            ...     print(descriptor.type)

        :type filter_string: string or None
        :param filter_string:
            An optional filter expression describing the metric descriptors
            to be returned. See the `filter documentation`_.

        :type type_prefix: string or None
        :param type_prefix: An optional prefix constraining the selected
            metric types. This adds ``metric.type = starts_with("<prefix>")``
            to the filter.

        :rtype: list of :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor`
        :returns: A list of metric descriptor instances.

        .. _filter documentation:
        return MetricDescriptor._list(self, filter_string,
Exemple #2
    def fetch_metric_descriptor(self, metric_type):
        """Look up a metric descriptor by type.


            >>> METRIC = 'compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization'
            >>> print(client.fetch_metric_descriptor(METRIC))

        :type metric_type: string
        :param metric_type: The metric type name.

        :rtype: :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor`
        :returns: The metric descriptor instance.

        :raises: :class:`gcloud.exceptions.NotFound` if the metric descriptor
            is not found.
        return MetricDescriptor._fetch(self, metric_type)
    def fetch_metric_descriptor(self, metric_type):
        """Look up a metric descriptor by type.


            >>> METRIC = 'compute.googleapis.com/instance/cpu/utilization'
            >>> print(client.fetch_metric_descriptor(METRIC))

        :type metric_type: string
        :param metric_type: The metric type name.

        :rtype: :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor`
        :returns: The metric descriptor instance.

        :raises: :class:`gcloud.exceptions.NotFound` if the metric descriptor
            is not found.
        return MetricDescriptor._fetch(self, metric_type)
Exemple #4
    def list_metric_descriptors(self, filter_string=None):
        """List all metric descriptors for the project.


            >>> for descriptor in client.list_metric_descriptors():
            ...     print(descriptor.type)

        :type filter_string: string or None
        :param filter_string:
            An optional filter expression describing the metric descriptors
            to be returned. See the `filter documentation`_.

        :rtype: list of :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor`
        :returns: A list of metric descriptor instances.

        .. _filter documentation:
        return MetricDescriptor._list(self, filter_string)
Exemple #5
    def list_metric_descriptors(self, filter_string=None):
        """List all metric descriptors for the project.


            >>> for descriptor in client.list_metric_descriptors():
            ...     print(descriptor.type)

        :type filter_string: string or None
        :param filter_string:
            An optional filter expression describing the metric descriptors
            to be returned. See the `filter documentation`_.

        :rtype: list of :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor`
        :returns: A list of metric descriptor instances.

        .. _filter documentation:
        return MetricDescriptor._list(self, filter_string)
Exemple #6
    def metric_descriptor(self, type_,
                          labels=(), unit='', description='', display_name=''):
        """Construct a metric descriptor object.

        Metric descriptors specify the schema for a particular metric type.

        This factory method is used most often in conjunction with the metric
        descriptor :meth:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricDescriptor.create`
        method to define custom metrics::

            >>> descriptor = client.metric_descriptor(
            ...     'custom.googleapis.com/my_metric',
            ...     metric_kind=MetricKind.GAUGE,
            ...     value_type=ValueType.DOUBLE,
            ...     description='This is a simple example of a custom metric.')
            >>> descriptor.create()

        Here is an example where the custom metric is parameterized by a
        metric label::

            >>> label = LabelDescriptor('response_code', LabelValueType.INT64,
            ...                         description='HTTP status code')
            >>> descriptor = client.metric_descriptor(
            ...     'custom.googleapis.com/my_app/response_count',
            ...     metric_kind=MetricKind.CUMULATIVE,
            ...     value_type=ValueType.INT64,
            ...     labels=[label],
            ...     description='Cumulative count of HTTP responses.')
            >>> descriptor.create()

        :type type_: string
        :param type_:
            The metric type including a DNS name prefix. For example:

        :type metric_kind: string
        :param metric_kind:
            The kind of measurement. It must be one of
            :data:`MetricKind.GAUGE`, :data:`MetricKind.DELTA`,
            or :data:`MetricKind.CUMULATIVE`.
            See :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.metric.MetricKind`.

        :type value_type: string
        :param value_type:
            The value type of the metric. It must be one of
            :data:`ValueType.BOOL`, :data:`ValueType.INT64`,
            :data:`ValueType.DOUBLE`, :data:`ValueType.STRING`,
            or :data:`ValueType.DISTRIBUTION`.
            See :class:`ValueType`.

        :type labels: list of :class:`~gcloud.monitoring.label.LabelDescriptor`
        :param labels:
            A sequence of zero or more label descriptors specifying the labels
            used to identify a specific instance of this metric.

        :type unit: string
        :param unit: An optional unit in which the metric value is reported.

        :type description: string
        :param description: An optional detailed description of the metric.

        :type display_name: string
        :param display_name: An optional concise name for the metric.
        return MetricDescriptor(
            self, type_,