def multiply_bands(self, s1, s2, a, b, c): """Method <multiply_bands> computes the production of the bands Arguments: s1 - first source band; s2 - second source band; a,b,c - unusable; The output raster pixel density is calculated by formula res = X * Y where X and Y are densities of first and second source bands. """ for i in range(s1.YSize): s1_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s1, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] s2_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s2, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] temp_buf = 1. * s1_buf * s2_buf self.out_buf[i, 0:] = \ clip_result(self.numtype, temp_buf).astype(self.numtype)
def add_bands(self, s1, s2, a, b, c): """<add_bands> method computes the linear combination of the bands Arguments: s1 - first source band; s2 - second source band; a,b,c - linear combination coefficients; The output raster pixel density is calculated by formula res = a * X + b * Y + c where X and Y are densities of first and second source bands """ for i in range(s1.YSize): s1_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s1, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] s2_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s2, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] temp_buf = a * s1_buf + b * s2_buf + c self.out_buf[i, 0:] = \ clip_result(self.numtype, temp_buf).astype(self.numtype)
def veg_index(self, s1, s2, a, b, c): """Method <veg_index> computes the vegetation index for pair of the bands Arguments: s1 - first source band; s2 - second source band; a,b - coefficients; c - unusable; The output raster pixel density is calculated by formula res = a * (X - Y) / (X + Y) + b where X and Y are densities of first and second source bands. """ for i in range(s1.YSize): s1_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s1, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] s2_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s2, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] temp_buf1 = s1_buf + s2_buf + 1 temp_buf = a * (s1_buf - s2_buf) / temp_buf1 + b self.out_buf[i, 0:] = \ clip_result(self.numtype, temp_buf).astype(self.numtype)
def divide_bands(self, s1, s2, a, b, c): """<divide_bands> method executes the division of the bands Arguments: s1 - first source band; s2 - second source band; a,b,c - coefficients; The output raster pixel density is calculated by formula res = a * X / (b + Y) + c where X and Y are densities of first and second source bands """ for i in range(s1.YSize): s1_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s1, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] s2_buf = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(s2, 0, i, s1.XSize, 1)[0] try: temp_buf = a * s1_buf / (b + s2_buf) + c except: raise self.out_buf[i, 0:] = \ clip_result(self.numtype, temp_buf).astype(self.numtype)
def ReadAsArray(self, xoff=0, yoff=0, win_xsize=None, win_ysize=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_obj=None): import gdalnumeric return gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(self, xoff, yoff, win_xsize, win_ysize, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_obj)
def compute(self, *args): import re ex_exp = self.expression type = gdal.GetDataTypeByName( self.types_list[self.types.get_history()]) numtype = gdalnumeric.GDALTypeCodeToNumericTypeCode(type) if numtype == None: gvutils.error("Error! Type " + numtype + " is not supported!") return FALSE fun_names_dict = {} fun_names_dict["max"] = ("maximum", 2) fun_names_dict["min"] = ("minimum", 2) fun_names_dict["asin"] = ("arcsin", 1) fun_names_dict["acos"] = ("arccos", 1) fun_names_dict["atan"] = ("arctan", 1) fun_names_dict["AND"] = ("bitwise_and", 2) fun_names_dict["OR"] = ("bitwise_or", 2) fun_names_dict["XOR"] = ("bitwise_xor", 2) fun_names_dict["inv"] = ("invert", 1) fun_names_dict["LShift"] = ("left_shift", 2) fun_names_dict["RShift"] = ("right_shift", 1) fun_names_dict['NDVI'] = ("self.NDVI", 2) sh_names_list = fun_names_dict.keys() for item in sh_names_list: ex_exp = re.sub(item, fun_names_dict[item][0], ex_exp) test_exp = ex_exp test_array = Numeric.zeros((1, 5), numtype) for i in range(len(self.list_of_bands)): patt_i = "%" + str(i + 1) repl_i = "sb[" + str(i) + "]" ex_exp = re.sub(patt_i, repl_i, ex_exp) test_exp = re.sub(patt_i, "test_array", test_exp) ex_exp = "rb=" + ex_exp test_exp = "test_res=" + test_exp try: exec test_exp except: gvutils.error("Illegal expression!") return FALSE if self.switch_new_view.get_active(): b1_name = self.list_of_bands[self.s1_list.get_history()] band_list = [] for i in range(len(self.list_of_bands)): band_list.append(self.get_band(self.list_of_bands[i])) b1 = self.get_band(b1_name) proto_ds = self.dict_of_bands[b1_name][1].get_parent().get_dataset() self.out_buf = Numeric.zeros((b1.YSize, b1.XSize), numtype) sb = range(len(self.list_of_bands)) for y in range(b1.YSize): for i in range(len(self.list_of_bands)): sb[i] = \ gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(band_list[i],0,y,b1.XSize,1)[0] try: exec ex_exp except: gvutils.error("ZeroDivide?") return FALSE self.out_buf[y, 0:] = clip_result(numtype, rb).astype(numtype) res_ds = gdalnumeric.OpenArray(self.out_buf, proto_ds)
def classify_cb(self, *args): if len(self.band_list_to_classify) < 2: return if self.metric_num == 0: distance = L1 elif self.metric_num == 2: distance = L3 else: distance = L2 nClusters = int(self.clusters.get_text()) minvol = int(self.min_volume.get_text()) maxit = int(self.maxiter.get_text()) movement_treshold = float(self.mov_treshold.get_text()) nBands = len(self.band_list_to_classify) cl_table = ClassesTable(nBands) self.hide() b1_name = self.sel_list.get_text(0, 0) band_list = self.band_list_to_classify b1 = self.get_band(b1_name) proto_ds = self.dict_of_bands[b1_name][1].get_parent().get_dataset() self.out_buf = zeros((b1.YSize, b1.XSize), UnsignedInt8) sb = range(len(band_list)) cp = zeros(nBands) d_means = zeros(nClusters, Float) volumes = range(nClusters) centres = [] disp = [] maxVal = 256. ymax = b1.YSize / 20 ys = 20 max_percent_val = 11 * maxit * b1.YSize / 40 cur_percent_val = 0 for i in range(nClusters): centres.append(((ones(nBands, Float) * i) * maxVal) / nClusters) disp.append(zeros(nBands, Float)) for kit in range(maxit): centres_s = [] for i in range(len(centres)): volumes[i] = 0 centres_s.append(zeros(nBands, Float)) flag = 0 nc = len(centres) if kit >= maxit / 2: ymax = b1.YSize ys = 1 for yc in range(ymax): y = yc * ys for i in range(nBands): sb[i] = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray( band_list[i], 0, y, b1.XSize, 1)[0] rb = self.out_buf[y, 0:] for x in range(b1.XSize): for i in range(nBands): cp[i] = sb[i][x] mind = 1e29 for i in range(nc): d = distance(centres[i], cp) if d < mind: mind = d ic = i if rb[x] != ic: rb[x] = ic flag = 1 centres_s[ic] += cp disp[ic] += cp * cp volumes[ic] += 1 if (distance == L2): d_means[ic] += sqrt(mind) else: d_means[ic] += mind self.out_buf[y, 0:] = rb if y % 2 == 0: cur_percent_val += 1 cl_table.show_progress( 100. * cur_percent_val / max_percent_val, y) ########################################################## new_centres = [] d_tresh = sum(d_means) / sum(volumes) for i in range(len(centres)): cur_vol = volumes[i] if cur_vol > minvol / ys: cur_centre = centres_s[i] / cur_vol disp[i] = disp[i] / cur_vol - cur_centre * cur_centre disp[i] = sqrt(disp[i]) d_means[i] /= cur_vol if len( centres ) < nClusters and cur_vol > 2 * minvol / ys and d_means[ i] > d_tresh: new_centres.append(cur_centre - disp[i]) new_centres.append(cur_centre + disp[i]) else: new_centres.append(cur_centre) ncl = len(new_centres) if ncl > nClusters: mind = 1e29 for i in range(ncl): for j in range(i): d = distance(new_centres[i], new_centres[j]) if d < mind: mind = d i1 = i i2 = j new_centres[i1] += new_centres[i2] new_centres[i1] /= 2 new_centres.remove(new_centres[i2]) cl_table.set_data(new_centres, kit) if cl_table.stop_pressed(): if ys > 1: ymax = b1.YSize ys = 1 else: break #stop_pressed if len(centres) == len(new_centres): movement_flag = 0 for i in range(len(centres)): d = distance(centres[i], new_centres[i]) d /= d_tresh if d > movement_treshold: movement_flag = 1 if movement_flag == 0: if ys > 1: ymax = b1.YSize ys = 1 else: break # centres movement less then treshold centres = new_centres disp = [] for i in range(len(centres)): disp.append(zeros(nBands, Float)) volumes = zeros(len(centres)) d_means = zeros(len(centres)) if flag == 0: if ys > 1: ymax = b1.YSize ys = 1 else: break #no changed points cl_table.finish() res_ds = gdalnumeric.OpenArray(self.out_buf, proto_ds) self.close()
def create_dist_map(rasterSrc, vectorSrc, npDistFileName='', noDataValue=0, burn_values=1, dist_mult=1, vmax_dist=64): ''' Create building signed distance transform from Yuan 2016 ( vmax_dist: absolute value of maximum distance (meters) from building edge Adapted from createNPPixArray in labeltools ''' ## open source vector file that truth data source_ds = ogr.Open(vectorSrc) source_layer = source_ds.GetLayer() ## extract data from src Raster File to be emulated ## open raster file that is to be emulated srcRas_ds = gdal.Open(rasterSrc) cols = srcRas_ds.RasterXSize rows = srcRas_ds.RasterYSize geoTrans, poly, ulX, ulY, lrX, lrY = gT.getRasterExtent(srcRas_ds) transform_WGS84_To_UTM, transform_UTM_To_WGS84, utm_cs \ = gT.createUTMTransform(poly) line = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLineString) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0], geoTrans[3]) line.AddPoint(geoTrans[0] + geoTrans[1], geoTrans[3]) line.Transform(transform_WGS84_To_UTM) metersIndex = line.Length() memdrv = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') dst_ds = memdrv.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) dst_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) dst_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) band = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) gdal.RasterizeLayer(dst_ds, [1], source_layer, burn_values=[burn_values]) srcBand = dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1) memdrv2 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') prox_ds = memdrv2.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) prox_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) prox_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxBand = prox_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string = 'NODATA=' + str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxBand, options) memdrv3 = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') proxIn_ds = memdrv3.Create('', cols, rows, 1, gdal.GDT_Int16) proxIn_ds.SetGeoTransform(srcRas_ds.GetGeoTransform()) proxIn_ds.SetProjection(srcRas_ds.GetProjection()) proxInBand = proxIn_ds.GetRasterBand(1) proxInBand.SetNoDataValue(noDataValue) opt_string2 = 'VALUES=' + str(noDataValue) options = [opt_string, opt_string2] #options = ['NODATA=0', 'VALUES=0'] gdal.ComputeProximity(srcBand, proxInBand, options) proxIn = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxInBand) proxOut = gdalnumeric.BandReadAsArray(proxBand) proxTotal = proxIn.astype(float) - proxOut.astype(float) proxTotal = proxTotal * metersIndex proxTotal *= dist_mult # clip array proxTotal = np.clip(proxTotal, -1 * vmax_dist, 1 * vmax_dist) if npDistFileName != '': # save as numpy file since some values will be negative, proxTotal) #cv2.imwrite(npDistFileName, proxTotal) #return proxTotal return