def anova_one_drug(anova, options):
    """Analyse one specific drug"""
    from gdsctools import ANOVAReport

    if options.feature:
        anova.feature_names = options.features

    results = anova.anova_one_drug(options.drug)

    print("\nFound %s associations" % len(results))
    if len(results) == 0:
        print(red("\nPlease try with another drug or no --drug option"))

    # ?? is this required ?
    N = len(results)
    results.df.insert(0, 'ASSOC_ID', range(1, N + 1))

    if options.no_html is True:

    r = ANOVAReport(anova, results=results)
        darkgreen("\nCreating all figure and html documents in %s" %
Exemple #2
def anova_all(anova, options):
    """Analyse the entire data set. May be restricted to one feature"""
    from gdsctools import ANOVAReport
    if options.feature:
        anova.feature_names = [options.feature]

    # The analysis
    print(darkgreen("Starting the analysis"))
    df = anova.anova_all()
    if len(df) == 0:
        print("Found no valid association ? Check your input files")
    # HTML report
    if options.no_html is True:

    r = ANOVAReport(anova, results=df)
    print(darkgreen("Creating all figure and html documents in %s" %
def test_anova_brca():

    an1 = ANOVA(gdsctools_data('IC50_v17.csv.gz'))

    an = ANOVA(an1.ic50, gdsctools_data('GF_BRCA_v17.csv.gz'))
    dfori = an.anova_all()

    df = dfori.df.sum()
    df = df.drop(['DRUG_TARGET', 'DRUG_NAME', 'DRUG_ID', 'FEATURE'])
    df = df.fillna(0)
    totest = df.to_dict()

    exact = {
        'ANOVA_FEATURE_FDR': 1133416.7761055394,
        'ANOVA_FEATURE_pval': 5824.8201538614458,
        'FEATURE_IC50_T_pval': 5824.8201538614449,
        'FEATURE_IC50_effect_size': 4408.511449781573,
        'FEATURE_delta_MEAN_IC50': 261.11373729866705,
        'FEATURE_neg_Glass_delta': 4487.7401723134735,
        'FEATURE_neg_IC50_sd': 14701.868130868914,
        'FEATURE_neg_logIC50_MEAN': 28701.510736736222,
        'FEATURE_pos_Glass_delta': 6536.8938399490198,
        'FEATURE_pos_IC50_sd': 13362.588398939894,
        'FEATURE_pos_logIC50_MEAN': 28962.624474034845,
        'ANOVA_MSI_pval': 0.0,
        'N_FEATURE_neg': 439196.0,
        'N_FEATURE_pos': 92140.0,
        'ANOVA_TISSUE_pval': 0.0,
        'ASSOC_ID': 68509365.0,
        'index': 68497660.0

    for k, v in totest.items():
        if k in ['ANOVA_MEDIA_pval']:
        assert_almost_equal(v, exact[k])

    # test part of the report (summary section)
    r = ANOVAReport(an, dfori)
    totest = r.diagnostics().to_dict()

    exact = {
        'text': {
            0: 'Type of analysis',
            1: 'Total number of possible drug/feature associations',
            2: 'Total number of ANOVA tests performed',
            3: 'Percentage of tests performed',
            4: '',
            5: 'Total number of tested drugs',
            6: 'Total number of genomic features used',
            7: 'Total number of screened cell lines',
            8: 'MicroSatellite instability included as factor',
            9: '',
            10: 'Total number of significant associations',
            11: ' - sensitive',
            12: ' - resistant',
            13: 'p-value significance threshold',
            14: 'FDR significance threshold',
            15: 'Range of significant p-values',
            16: 'Range of significant % FDRs'
        'value': {
            0: 'breast',
            1: 13780,
            2: 11705,
            3: 84.94,
            4: '',
            5: 265,
            6: 52,
            7: 51,
            8: False,
            9: '',
            10: 27,
            11: 17,
            12: 10,
            13: 0.001,
            14: 25,
            15: '[2.098e-09, 0.0004356]',
            16: '[0.002456 18.89]'

    assert totest == exact