class HrContract(models.Model): """ Employee contract allows to add different values in fields. Fields are used in salary rule computation. """ _inherit = 'hr.contract' tds = fields.Float(string='TDS', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), help='Amount for Tax Deduction at Source') driver_salay = fields.Boolean( string='Driver Salary', help='Check this box if you provide allowance for driver') medical_insurance = fields.Float( string='Medical Insurance', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), help='Deduction towards company provided medical insurance') voluntary_provident_fund = fields.Float( string='Voluntary Provident Fund (%)', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), help= 'VPF is a safe option wherein you can contribute more than the PF ceiling of 12% that has been mandated by the government and VPF computed as percentage(%)' ) house_rent_allowance_metro_nonmetro = fields.Float( string='House Rent Allowance (%)', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'), help= 'HRA is an allowance given by the employer to the employee for taking care of his rental or accommodation expenses for metro city it is 50% and for non metro 40%. \nHRA computed as percentage(%)' ) supplementary_allowance = fields.Float(string='Supplementary Allowance', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll'))
class ConverterTest(models.Model): _name = 'web_editor.converter.test' # disable translation export for those brilliant field labels and values _translate = False char = fields.Char() integer = fields.Integer() float = fields.Float() numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) many2one = fields.Many2one('web_editor.converter.test.sub') binary = fields.Binary() date = fields.Date() datetime = fields.Datetime() selection = fields.Selection([ (1, "réponse A"), (2, "réponse B"), (3, "réponse C"), (4, "réponse <D>"), ]) selection_str = fields.Selection( [ ('A', "Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"), ('B', "Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"), ('C', "Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"), ('D', "La réponse D"), ], string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et " u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:") html = fields.Html() text = fields.Text()
class test_model(models.Model): _name = 'test_converter.test_model' char = fields.Char() integer = fields.Integer() float = fields.Float() numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2)) many2one = fields.Many2one('test_converter.test_model.sub', group_expand='_gbf_m2o') binary = fields.Binary() date = fields.Date() datetime = fields.Datetime() selection = fields.Selection([ (1, "réponse A"), (2, "réponse B"), (3, "réponse C"), (4, "réponse <D>"), ]) selection_str = fields.Selection([ ('A', u"Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"), ('B', u"Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"), ('C', u"Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"), ('D', u"La réponse D"), ], string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et " u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:") html = fields.Html() text = fields.Text() # `base` module does not contains any model that implement the functionality # `group_expand`; test this feature here... @api.model def _gbf_m2o(self, subs, domain, order): sub_ids = subs._search([], order=order, access_rights_uid=SUPERUSER_ID) return subs.browse(sub_ids)
class RestaurantTable(models.Model): _name = 'restaurant.table' name = fields.Char('Table Name', required=True, help='An internal identification of a table') floor_id = fields.Many2one('restaurant.floor', string='Floor') shape = fields.Selection([('square', 'Square'), ('round', 'Round')], string='Shape', required=True, default='square') position_h = fields.Float('Horizontal Position', default=10, help="The table's horizontal position from the left side to the table's center, in pixels") position_v = fields.Float('Vertical Position', default=10, help="The table's vertical position from the top to the table's center, in pixels") width = fields.Float('Width', default=50, help="The table's width in pixels") height = fields.Float('Height', default=50, help="The table's height in pixels") seats = fields.Integer('Seats', default=1, help="The default number of customer served at this table.") color = fields.Char('Color', help="The table's color, expressed as a valid 'background' CSS property value") active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True, help='If false, the table is deactivated and will not be available in the point of sale') @api.model def create_from_ui(self, table): """ create or modify a table from the point of sale UI. table contains the table's fields. If it contains an id, it will modify the existing table. It then returns the id of the table. """ if table.get('floor_id'): table['floor_id'] = table['floor_id'][0] table_id = table.pop('id', False) if table_id: self.browse(table_id).write(table) else: table_id = self.create(table).id return table_id
class HrContractAdvandageTemplate(models.Model): _name = 'hr.contract.advantage.template' _description = "Employee's Advantage on Contract" name = fields.Char('Name', required=True) code = fields.Char('Code', required=True) lower_bound = fields.Float('Lower Bound', help="Lower bound authorized by the employer for this advantage") upper_bound = fields.Float('Upper Bound', help="Upper bound authorized by the employer for this advantage") default_value = fields.Float('Default value for this advantage')
class report_paperformat(models.Model): _name = "report.paperformat" _description = "Allows customization of a report." name = fields.Char('Name', required=True) default = fields.Boolean('Default paper format ?') format = fields.Selection( [('A0', 'A0 5 841 x 1189 mm'), ('A1', 'A1 6 594 x 841 mm'), ('A2', 'A2 7 420 x 594 mm'), ('A3', 'A3 8 297 x 420 mm'), ('A4', 'A4 0 210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.69 inches'), ('A5', 'A5 9 148 x 210 mm'), ('A6', 'A6 10 105 x 148 mm'), ('A7', 'A7 11 74 x 105 mm'), ('A8', 'A8 12 52 x 74 mm'), ('A9', 'A9 13 37 x 52 mm'), ('B0', 'B0 14 1000 x 1414 mm'), ('B1', 'B1 15 707 x 1000 mm'), ('B2', 'B2 17 500 x 707 mm'), ('B3', 'B3 18 353 x 500 mm'), ('B4', 'B4 19 250 x 353 mm'), ('B5', 'B5 1 176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches'), ('B6', 'B6 20 125 x 176 mm'), ('B7', 'B7 21 88 x 125 mm'), ('B8', 'B8 22 62 x 88 mm'), ('B9', 'B9 23 33 x 62 mm'), ('B10', ':B10 16 31 x 44 mm'), ('C5E', 'C5E 24 163 x 229 mm'), ('Comm10E', 'Comm10E 25 105 x 241 mm, U.S. ' 'Common 10 Envelope'), ('DLE', 'DLE 26 110 x 220 mm'), ('Executive', 'Executive 4 7.5 x 10 inches, ' '190.5 x 254 mm'), ('Folio', 'Folio 27 210 x 330 mm'), ('Ledger', 'Ledger 28 431.8 x 279.4 mm'), ('Legal', 'Legal 3 8.5 x 14 inches, ' '215.9 x 355.6 mm'), ('Letter', 'Letter 2 8.5 x 11 inches, ' '215.9 x 279.4 mm'), ('Tabloid', 'Tabloid 29 279.4 x 431.8 mm'), ('custom', 'Custom')], 'Paper size', default='A4', help="Select Proper Paper size") margin_top = fields.Float('Top Margin (mm)', default=40) margin_bottom = fields.Float('Bottom Margin (mm)', default=20) margin_left = fields.Float('Left Margin (mm)', default=7) margin_right = fields.Float('Right Margin (mm)', default=7) page_height = fields.Integer('Page height (mm)', default=False) page_width = fields.Integer('Page width (mm)', default=False) orientation = fields.Selection([('Landscape', 'Landscape'), ('Portrait', 'Portrait')], 'Orientation', default='Landscape') header_line = fields.Boolean('Display a header line', default=False) header_spacing = fields.Integer('Header spacing', default=35) dpi = fields.Integer('Output DPI', required=True, default=90) report_ids = fields.One2many('', 'paperformat_id', 'Associated reports', help="Explicitly associated reports") @api.constrains('format') def _check_format_or_page(self): if self.filtered(lambda x: x.format != 'custom' and (x.page_width or x.page_height)): raise ValidationError( _('Error ! You cannot select a format AND specific page width/height.' ))
class ImLivechatReportOperator(models.Model): """ Livechat Support Report on the Operator """ _name = "" _description = "Livechat Support Report" _order = 'livechat_channel_id, partner_id' _auto = False partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Operator', readonly=True) livechat_channel_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Channel', readonly=True) nbr_channel = fields.Integer('# of Sessions', readonly=True, group_operator="sum", help="Number of conversation") channel_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Conversation', readonly=True) start_date = fields.Datetime('Start Date of session', readonly=True, help="Start date of the conversation") time_to_answer = fields.Float( 'Time to answer', digits=(16, 2), readonly=True, group_operator="avg", help="Average time to give the first answer to the visitor") duration = fields.Float('Average duration', digits=(16, 2), readonly=True, group_operator="avg", help="Duration of the conversation (in seconds)") @api.model_cr def init(self): # Note : start_date_hour must be remove when the read_group will allow grouping on the hour of a datetime. Don't forget to change the view ! tools.drop_view_if_exists(, 'im_livechat_report_operator')""" CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW im_livechat_report_operator AS ( SELECT row_number() OVER () AS id, as partner_id, as livechat_channel_id, count( as nbr_channel, as channel_id, C.create_date as start_date, EXTRACT('epoch' FROM (max((SELECT (max(M.create_date)) FROM mail_message M JOIN mail_message_mail_channel_rel R ON (R.mail_message_id = WHERE R.mail_channel_id = as duration, EXTRACT('epoch' from ((SELECT min(M.create_date) FROM mail_message M, mail_message_mail_channel_rel R WHERE AND R.mail_channel_id = AND R.mail_message_id = min(M.create_date) FROM mail_message M, mail_message_mail_channel_rel R WHERE M.author_id IS NULL AND R.mail_channel_id = AND R.mail_message_id = as time_to_answer FROM im_livechat_channel_im_user O JOIN res_users U ON (O.user_id = JOIN res_partner P ON (U.partner_id = LEFT JOIN im_livechat_channel L ON ( = O.channel_id) LEFT JOIN mail_channel C ON (C.livechat_channel_id = GROUP BY,,, C.create_date ) """)
class PriceRule(models.Model): _name = "delivery.price.rule" _description = "Delivery Price Rules" _order = 'sequence, list_price, id' @api.depends('variable', 'operator', 'max_value', 'list_base_price', 'list_price', 'variable_factor') def _compute_name(self): for rule in self: name = 'if %s %s %s then' % (rule.variable, rule.operator, rule.max_value) if rule.list_base_price and not rule.list_price: name = '%s fixed price %s' % (name, rule.list_base_price) elif rule.list_price and not rule.list_base_price: name = '%s %s times %s' % (name, rule.list_price, rule.variable_factor) else: name = '%s fixed price %s plus %s times %s' % ( name, rule.list_base_price, rule.list_price, rule.variable_factor) = name name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_name') sequence = fields.Integer(required=True, default=10) carrier_id = fields.Many2one('delivery.carrier', 'Carrier', required=True, ondelete='cascade') variable = fields.Selection([('weight', 'Weight'), ('volume', 'Volume'), ('wv', 'Weight * Volume'), ('price', 'Price'), ('quantity', 'Quantity')], required=True, default='weight') operator = fields.Selection([('==', '='), ('<=', '<='), ('<', '<'), ('>=', '>='), ('>', '>')], required=True, default='<=') max_value = fields.Float('Maximum Value', required=True) list_base_price = fields.Float(string='Sale Base Price', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), required=True, default=0.0) list_price = fields.Float('Sale Price', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), required=True, default=0.0) variable_factor = fields.Selection([('weight', 'Weight'), ('volume', 'Volume'), ('wv', 'Weight * Volume'), ('price', 'Price'), ('quantity', 'Quantity')], 'Variable Factor', required=True, default='weight')
class PurchaseRequisitionLine(models.Model): _name = "purchase.requisition.line" _description = "Purchase Requisition Line" _rec_name = 'product_id' product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Product', domain=[('purchase_ok', '=', True)], required=True) product_uom_id = fields.Many2one('product.uom', string='Product Unit of Measure') product_qty = fields.Float(string='Quantity', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Unit of Measure')) price_unit = fields.Float(string='Unit Price', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price')) qty_ordered = fields.Float(compute='_compute_ordered_qty', string='Ordered Quantities') requisition_id = fields.Many2one('purchase.requisition', string='Purchase Agreement', ondelete='cascade') company_id = fields.Many2one('', related='requisition_id.company_id', string='Company', store=True, readonly=True, default= lambda self: self.env['']._company_default_get('purchase.requisition.line')) account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one('account.analytic.account', string='Analytic Account') schedule_date = fields.Date(string='Scheduled Date') move_dest_id = fields.Many2one('stock.move', 'Downstream Move') @api.multi @api.depends('requisition_id.purchase_ids.state') def _compute_ordered_qty(self): for line in self: total = 0.0 for po in line.requisition_id.purchase_ids.filtered(lambda purchase_order: purchase_order.state in ['purchase', 'done']): for po_line in po.order_line.filtered(lambda order_line: order_line.product_id == line.product_id): if po_line.product_uom != line.product_uom_id: total += po_line.product_uom._compute_quantity(po_line.product_qty, line.product_uom_id) else: total += po_line.product_qty line.qty_ordered = total @api.onchange('product_id') def _onchange_product_id(self): if self.product_id: self.product_uom_id = self.product_id.uom_id self.product_qty = 1.0 if not self.account_analytic_id: self.account_analytic_id = self.requisition_id.account_analytic_id if not self.schedule_date: self.schedule_date = self.requisition_id.schedule_date @api.multi def _prepare_purchase_order_line(self, name, product_qty=0.0, price_unit=0.0, taxes_ids=False): self.ensure_one() requisition = self.requisition_id return { 'name': name, 'product_id':, 'product_uom':, 'product_qty': product_qty, 'price_unit': price_unit, 'taxes_id': [(6, 0, taxes_ids)], 'date_planned': requisition.schedule_date or, 'account_analytic_id':, 'move_dest_ids': self.move_dest_id and [(4,] or [] }
class ResCompany(models.Model): _inherit = '' plafond_secu = fields.Float(string='Plafond de la Securite Sociale', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll')) nombre_employes = fields.Integer(string='Nombre d\'employes') cotisation_prevoyance = fields.Float( string='Cotisation Patronale Prevoyance', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll')) org_ss = fields.Char(string='Organisme de securite sociale') conv_coll = fields.Char(string='Convention collective')
class SaleQuoteLine(models.Model): _name = "sale.quote.line" _description = "Quotation Template Lines" _order = 'sequence, id' sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of sale quote lines.", default=10) quote_id = fields.Many2one('sale.quote.template', 'Quotation Template Reference', required=True, ondelete='cascade', index=True) name = fields.Text('Description', required=True, translate=True) product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product', domain=[('sale_ok', '=', True)], required=True) layout_category_id = fields.Many2one('sale.layout_category', string='Section') website_description = fields.Html('Line Description', related='product_id.product_tmpl_id.quote_description', translate=html_translate) price_unit = fields.Float('Unit Price', required=True, digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price')) discount = fields.Float('Discount (%)', digits=dp.get_precision('Discount'), default=0.0) product_uom_qty = fields.Float('Quantity', required=True, digits=dp.get_precision('Product UoS'), default=1) product_uom_id = fields.Many2one('product.uom', 'Unit of Measure ', required=True) @api.onchange('product_id') def _onchange_product_id(self): self.ensure_one() if self.product_id: name = self.product_id.name_get()[0][1] if self.product_id.description_sale: name += '\n' + self.product_id.description_sale = name self.price_unit = self.product_id.lst_price self.product_uom_id = self.website_description = self.product_id.quote_description or self.product_id.website_description or '' domain = {'product_uom_id': [('category_id', '=',]} return {'domain': domain} @api.onchange('product_uom_id') def _onchange_product_uom(self): if self.product_id and self.product_uom_id: self.price_unit = self.product_id.uom_id._compute_price(self.product_id.lst_price, self.product_uom_id) @api.model def create(self, values): values = self._inject_quote_description(values) return super(SaleQuoteLine, self).create(values) @api.multi def write(self, values): values = self._inject_quote_description(values) return super(SaleQuoteLine, self).write(values) def _inject_quote_description(self, values): values = dict(values or {}) if not values.get('website_description') and values.get('product_id'): product = self.env['product.product'].browse(values['product_id']) values['website_description'] = product.quote_description or product.website_description or '' return values
class Product(models.Model): _inherit = "product.product" website_price = fields.Float('Website price', compute='_website_price', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price')) website_public_price = fields.Float( 'Website public price', compute='_website_price', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price')) website_price_difference = fields.Boolean('Website price difference', compute='_website_price') def _website_price(self): qty = self._context.get('quantity', 1.0) partner = self.env.user.partner_id current_website = self.env['website'].get_current_website() pricelist = current_website.get_current_pricelist() company_id = current_website.company_id context = dict(self._context,, partner=partner) self2 = self.with_context( context) if self._context != context else self ret = self.env.user.has_group( 'sale.group_show_price_subtotal' ) and 'total_excluded' or 'total_included' for p, p2 in pycompat.izip(self, self2): taxes = partner.property_account_position_id.map_tax( p.sudo().taxes_id.filtered( lambda x: x.company_id == company_id)) p.website_price = taxes.compute_all(p2.price, pricelist.currency_id, quantity=qty, product=p2, partner=partner)[ret] price_without_pricelist = taxes.compute_all( p.list_price, pricelist.currency_id)[ret] p.website_price_difference = False if float_is_zero( price_without_pricelist - p.website_price, precision_rounding=pricelist.currency_id.rounding) else True p.website_public_price = taxes.compute_all(p2.lst_price, quantity=qty, product=p2, partner=partner)[ret] @api.multi def website_publish_button(self): self.ensure_one() return self.product_tmpl_id.website_publish_button()
class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'res.config.settings' plafond_secu = fields.Float(related='company_id.plafond_secu', string="Plafond de la Securite Sociale") nombre_employes = fields.Integer(related='company_id.nombre_employes', string="Nombre d'employes") cotisation_prevoyance = fields.Float( related='company_id.cotisation_prevoyance', string='Cotisation Patronale Prevoyance') org_ss = fields.Char(related='company_id.org_ss', string="Organisme de securite sociale") conv_coll = fields.Char(related='company_id.conv_coll', string="Convention collective")
class AccountJournal(models.Model): _inherit = 'account.journal' journal_user = fields.Boolean( 'Use in Point of Sale', help= "Check this box if this journal define a payment method that can be used in a point of sale." ) amount_authorized_diff = fields.Float( 'Amount Authorized Difference', help= "This field depicts the maximum difference allowed between the ending balance and the theoretical cash when " "closing a session, for non-POS managers. If this maximum is reached, the user will have an error message at " "the closing of his session saying that he needs to contact his manager." ) @api.model def search(self, args, offset=0, limit=None, order=None, count=False): session_id = self.env.context.get('pos_session_id', False) if session_id: session = self.env['pos.session'].browse(session_id) if session: args += [('id', 'in', session.config_id.journal_ids.ids)] return super(AccountJournal, self).search(args=args, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order, count=count) @api.onchange('type') def onchange_type(self): if self.type not in ['bank', 'cash']: self.journal_user = False
class StockMove(models.Model): _inherit = 'stock.move' def _default_uom(self): uom_categ_id = self.env.ref('product.product_uom_categ_kgm').id return self.env['product.uom'].search( [('category_id', '=', uom_categ_id), ('factor', '=', 1)], limit=1) weight = fields.Float(compute='_cal_move_weight', digits=dp.get_precision('Stock Weight'), store=True) weight_uom_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.uom', string='Weight Unit of Measure', required=True, readonly=True, help= "Unit of Measure (Unit of Measure) is the unit of measurement for Weight", default=_default_uom) @api.depends('product_id', 'product_uom_qty', 'product_uom') def _cal_move_weight(self): for move in self.filtered( lambda moves: moves.product_id.weight > 0.00): move.weight = (move.product_qty * move.product_id.weight) def _get_new_picking_values(self): vals = super(StockMove, self)._get_new_picking_values() vals['carrier_id'] = return vals
class MixedModel(models.Model): _name = 'test_new_api.mixed' number = fields.Float(digits=(10, 2), default=3.14) date = fields.Date() now = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_now') lang = fields.Selection(string='Language', selection='_get_lang') reference = fields.Reference(string='Related Document', selection='_reference_models') comment1 = fields.Html(sanitize=False) comment2 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_classes=False) comment3 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_classes=True) comment4 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_style=True) currency_id = fields.Many2one( 'res.currency', default=lambda self: self.env.ref('base.EUR')) amount = fields.Monetary() def _compute_now(self): # this is a non-stored computed field without dependencies = @api.model def _get_lang(self): return self.env['res.lang'].get_installed() @api.model def _reference_models(self): models = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().search([('state', '!=', 'manual') ]) return [(model.model, for model in models if not model.model.startswith('ir.')]
class HrPayrollAdviceLine(models.Model): ''' Bank Advice Lines ''' _name = 'hr.payroll.advice.line' _description = 'Bank Advice Lines' advice_id = fields.Many2one('hr.payroll.advice', string='Bank Advice') name = fields.Char('Bank Account No.', required=True) ifsc_code = fields.Char(string='IFSC Code') employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string='Employee', required=True) bysal = fields.Float(string='By Salary', digits=dp.get_precision('Payroll')) debit_credit = fields.Char(string='C/D', default='C') company_id = fields.Many2one('', related='advice_id.company_id', string='Company', store=True) ifsc = fields.Boolean(related='advice_id.neft', string='IFSC') @api.onchange('employee_id') def onchange_employee_id(self): = self.employee_id.bank_account_id.acc_number self.ifsc_code = self.employee_id.bank_account_id.bank_bic or ''
class Company(models.Model): _inherit = '' po_lead = fields.Float( string='Purchase Lead Time', required=True, help="Margin of error for vendor lead times. When the system " "generates Purchase Orders for procuring products, " "they will be scheduled that many days earlier " "to cope with unexpected vendor delays.", default=0.0) po_lock = fields.Selection( [('edit', 'Allow to edit purchase orders'), ('lock', 'Confirmed purchase orders are not editable')], string="Purchase Order Modification", default="edit", help= 'Purchase Order Modification used when you want to purchase order editable after confirm' ) po_double_validation = fields.Selection( [('one_step', 'Confirm purchase orders in one step'), ('two_step', 'Get 2 levels of approvals to confirm a purchase order') ], string="Levels of Approvals", default='one_step', help="Provide a double validation mechanism for purchases") po_double_validation_amount = fields.Monetary( string='Double validation amount', default=5000, help="Minimum amount for which a double validation is required")
class FleetVehicleOdometer(models.Model): _name = 'fleet.vehicle.odometer' _description = 'Odometer log for a vehicle' _order = 'date desc' name = fields.Char(compute='_compute_vehicle_log_name', store=True) date = fields.Date(default=fields.Date.context_today) value = fields.Float('Odometer Value', group_operator="max") vehicle_id = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle', 'Vehicle', required=True) unit = fields.Selection(related='vehicle_id.odometer_unit', string="Unit", readonly=True) driver_id = fields.Many2one(related="vehicle_id.driver_id", string="Driver") @api.depends('vehicle_id', 'date') def _compute_vehicle_log_name(self): for record in self: name = if not name: name = elif name += ' / ' + = name @api.onchange('vehicle_id') def _onchange_vehicle(self): if self.vehicle_id: self.unit = self.vehicle_id.odometer_unit
class ResConfigSettings(models.TransientModel): _inherit = 'res.config.settings' po_lead = fields.Float(related='company_id.po_lead') use_po_lead = fields.Boolean( string="Security Lead Time for Purchase", oldname='default_new_po_lead', help= "Margin of error for vendor lead times. When the system generates Purchase Orders for reordering products,they will be scheduled that many days earlier to cope with unexpected vendor delays." ) @api.onchange('use_po_lead') def _onchange_use_po_lead(self): if not self.use_po_lead: self.po_lead = 0.0 def get_values(self): res = super(ResConfigSettings, self).get_values() res.update(use_po_lead=self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo(). get_param('purchase.use_po_lead')) return res def set_values(self): super(ResConfigSettings, self).set_values() self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().set_param( 'purchase.use_po_lead', self.use_po_lead)
class LunchCashMove(models.Model): """ Two types of cashmoves: payment (credit) or order (debit) """ _name = 'lunch.cashmove' _description = 'lunch cashmove' user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'User', default=lambda self: self.env.uid) date = fields.Date('Date', required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today) amount = fields.Float( 'Amount', required=True, help= 'Can be positive (payment) or negative (order or payment if user wants to get his money back)' ) description = fields.Text('Description', help='Can be an order or a payment') order_id = fields.Many2one('lunch.order.line', 'Order', ondelete='cascade') state = fields.Selection([('order', 'Order'), ('payment', 'Payment')], 'Is an order or a payment', default='payment') @api.multi def name_get(self): return [(, '%s %s' % (_('Lunch Cashmove'), '#%d' % for cashmove in self]
class MembershipInvoice(models.TransientModel): _name = "membership.invoice" _description = "Membership Invoice" product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', string='Membership', required=True) member_price = fields.Float(string='Member Price', digits= dp.get_precision('Product Price'), required=True) @api.onchange('product_id') def onchange_product(self): """This function returns value of product's member price based on product id. """ price_dict = self.product_id.price_compute('list_price') self.member_price = price_dict.get( or False @api.multi def membership_invoice(self): if self: datas = { 'membership_product_id':, 'amount': self.member_price } invoice_list = self.env['res.partner'].browse(self._context.get('active_ids')).create_membership_invoice(datas=datas) search_view_ref = self.env.ref('account.view_account_invoice_filter', False) form_view_ref = self.env.ref('account.invoice_form', False) tree_view_ref = self.env.ref('account.invoice_tree', False) return { 'domain': [('id', 'in', invoice_list)], 'name': 'Membership Invoices', 'res_model': 'account.invoice', 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window', 'views': [(, 'tree'), (, 'form')], 'search_view_id': search_view_ref and, }
class Stage(models.Model): """ Model for case stages. This models the main stages of a document management flow. Main CRM objects (leads, opportunities, project issues, ...) will now use only stages, instead of state and stages. Stages are for example used to display the kanban view of records. """ _name = "crm.stage" _description = "Stage of case" _rec_name = 'name' _order = "sequence, name, id" @api.model def default_get(self, fields): """ Hack : when going from the pipeline, creating a stage with a sales team in context should not create a stage for the current sales channel only """ ctx = dict(self.env.context) if ctx.get('default_team_id') and not ctx.get('crm_team_mono'): ctx.pop('default_team_id') return super(Stage, self.with_context(ctx)).default_get(fields) name = fields.Char('Stage Name', required=True, translate=True) sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=1, help="Used to order stages. Lower is better.") probability = fields.Float( 'Probability (%)', required=True, default=10.0, help= "This percentage depicts the default/average probability of the Case for this stage to be a success" ) on_change = fields.Boolean( 'Change Probability Automatically', help= "Setting this stage will change the probability automatically on the opportunity." ) requirements = fields.Text( 'Requirements', help= "Enter here the internal requirements for this stage (ex: Offer sent to customer). It will appear as a tooltip over the stage's name." ) team_id = fields.Many2one( '', string='Team', ondelete='set null', help= 'Specific team that uses this stage. Other teams will not be able to see or use this stage.' ) legend_priority = fields.Text( 'Priority Management Explanation', translate=True, help= 'Explanation text to help users using the star and priority mechanism on stages or issues that are in this stage.' ) fold = fields.Boolean( 'Folded in Pipeline', help= 'This stage is folded in the kanban view when there are no records in that stage to display.' )
class AccountTaxTemplate(models.Model): """ Add fields used to define some brazilian taxes """ _inherit = '' tax_discount = fields.Boolean(string='Discount this Tax in Prince', help="Mark it for (ICMS, PIS e etc.).") base_reduction = fields.Float(string='Redution', digits=0, required=True, help="Um percentual decimal em % entre 0-1.", default=0) amount_mva = fields.Float(string='MVA Percent', digits=0, required=True, help="Um percentual decimal em % entre 0-1.", default=0)
class LandedCostLine(models.Model): _name = 'stock.landed.cost.lines' _description = 'Stock Landed Cost Lines' name = fields.Char('Description') cost_id = fields.Many2one('stock.landed.cost', 'Landed Cost', required=True, ondelete='cascade') product_id = fields.Many2one('product.product', 'Product', required=True) price_unit = fields.Float('Cost', digits=dp.get_precision('Product Price'), required=True) split_method = fields.Selection(product.SPLIT_METHOD, string='Split Method', required=True) account_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', 'Account', domain=[('deprecated', '=', False)]) @api.onchange('product_id') def onchange_product_id(self): if not self.product_id: self.quantity = 0.0 = or '' self.split_method = self.product_id.split_method or 'equal' self.price_unit = self.product_id.standard_price or 0.0 self.account_id = or
class Company(models.Model): _inherit = '' manufacturing_lead = fields.Float( 'Manufacturing Lead Time', default=0.0, required=True, help="Security days for each manufacturing operation.")
class SaleReport(models.Model): _inherit = '' margin = fields.Float('Margin') def _select(self): return super(SaleReport, self)._select( ) + ", SUM(l.margin / COALESCE(cr.rate, 1.0)) AS margin"
class ChooseDeliveryPackage(models.TransientModel): _name = '' _description = 'Delivery Package Selection Wizard' stock_quant_package_id = fields.Many2one( 'stock.quant.package', string="Physical Package", default=lambda self: self._default_stock_quant_package_id()) delivery_packaging_id = fields.Many2one( 'product.packaging', default=lambda self: self._default_delivery_packaging_id()) shipping_weight = fields.Float( string='Shipping Weight', default=lambda self: self._default_shipping_weight()) def _default_stock_quant_package_id(self): if self.env.context.get('default_stock_quant_package_id'): return self.env['stock.quant.package'].browse( self.env.context['stock_quant_package_id']) def _default_delivery_packaging_id(self): res = None if self.env.context.get('default_delivery_packaging_id'): res = self.env['product.packaging'].browse( self.env.context['default_delivery_packaging_id']) if self.env.context.get('default_stock_quant_package_id'): stock_quant_package = self.env['stock.quant.package'].browse( self.env.context['default_stock_quant_package_id']) res = stock_quant_package.packaging_id return res def _default_shipping_weight(self): if self.env.context.get('default_stock_quant_package_id'): stock_quant_package = self.env['stock.quant.package'].browse( self.env.context['default_stock_quant_package_id']) return stock_quant_package.shipping_weight else: picking_id = self.env['stock.picking'].browse( self.env.context['active_id']) move_line_ids = [ po for po in picking_id.move_line_ids if po.qty_done > 0 and not po.result_package_id ] total_weight = sum( [po.qty_done * po.product_id.weight for po in move_line_ids]) return total_weight def put_in_pack(self): picking_id = self.env['stock.picking'].browse( self.env.context['active_id']) if not self.stock_quant_package_id: stock_quant_package = picking_id._put_in_pack() self.stock_quant_package_id = stock_quant_package # write shipping weight and product_packaging on 'stock_quant_package' if needed if self.delivery_packaging_id: self.stock_quant_package_id.packaging_id = self.delivery_packaging_id if self.shipping_weight: self.stock_quant_package_id.shipping_weight = self.shipping_weight
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = "res.partner" partner_latitude = fields.Float(string='Geo Latitude', digits=(16, 5)) partner_longitude = fields.Float(string='Geo Longitude', digits=(16, 5)) date_localization = fields.Date(string='Geolocation Date') @classmethod def _geo_localize(cls, apikey, street='', zip='', city='', state='', country=''): search = geo_query_address(street=street, zip=zip, city=city, state=state, country=country) result = geo_find(search, apikey) if result is None: search = geo_query_address(city=city, state=state, country=country) result = geo_find(search, apikey) return result @api.multi def geo_localize(self): # We need country names in English below apikey = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param( 'google.api_key_geocode') for partner in self.with_context(lang='en_US'): result = partner._geo_localize(apikey, partner.street,,,, if result: partner.write({ 'partner_latitude': result[0], 'partner_longitude': result[1], 'date_localization': fields.Date.context_today(partner) }) return True
class company(models.Model): _inherit = '' security_lead = fields.Float( 'Sales Safety Days', default=0.0, required=True, help="Margin of error for dates promised to customers. " "Products will be scheduled for procurement and delivery " "that many days earlier than the actual promised date, to " "cope with unexpected delays in the supply chain.")