class Documentation(models.Model):
    _name = 'forum.documentation.toc'
    _description = 'Documentation ToC'
    _inherit = ['website.seo.metadata']
    _order = "parent_left"
    _parent_order = "sequence, name"
    _parent_store = True

    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
    name = fields.Char('Name', required=True, translate=True)
    introduction = fields.Html('Introduction', translate=True)
    parent_id = fields.Many2one('forum.documentation.toc', string='Parent Table Of Content', ondelete='cascade')
    child_ids = fields.One2many('forum.documentation.toc', 'parent_id', string='Children Table Of Content')
    parent_left = fields.Integer(string='Left Parent', index=True)
    parent_right = fields.Integer(string='Right Parent', index=True)
    post_ids = fields.One2many('', 'documentation_toc_id', string='Posts')
    forum_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Forum', required=True)

    def name_get(self):
        res = []
        for record in self:
            name =
            if record.parent_id:
                name = + ' / ' + name
            res.append((, name))
        return res

    def _check_parent_id(self):
        if not self._check_recursion():
            raise ValidationError(_('Error ! You cannot create recursive categories.'))
Exemple #2
class StockPickingType(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'stock.picking.type'

    code = fields.Selection(selection_add=[('mrp_operation', 'Manufacturing Operation')])
    count_mo_todo = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders to Process",
    count_mo_waiting = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders Waiting",
    count_mo_late = fields.Integer(string="Number of Manufacturing Orders Late",

    def _get_mo_count(self):
        mrp_picking_types = self.filtered(lambda picking: picking.code == 'mrp_operation')
        if not mrp_picking_types:
        domains = {
            'count_mo_waiting': [('availability', '=', 'waiting')],
            'count_mo_todo': [('state', 'in', ('confirmed', 'planned', 'progress'))],
            'count_mo_late': [('date_planned_start', '<',, ('state', '=', 'confirmed')],
        for field in domains:
            data = self.env['mrp.production'].read_group(domains[field] +
                [('state', 'not in', ('done', 'cancel')), ('picking_type_id', 'in', self.ids)],
                ['picking_type_id'], ['picking_type_id'])
            count = {x['picking_type_id'] and x['picking_type_id'][0]: x['picking_type_id_count'] for x in data}
            for record in mrp_picking_types:
                record[field] = count.get(, 0)

    def get_mrp_stock_picking_action_picking_type(self):
        return self._get_action('mrp.mrp_production_action_picking_deshboard')
Exemple #3
class HrDepartment(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'hr.department'

    new_applicant_count = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_new_applicant_count', string='New Applicant')
    new_hired_employee = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_recruitment_stats',
                                        string='New Hired Employee')
    expected_employee = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_recruitment_stats',
                                       string='Expected Employee')

    def _compute_new_applicant_count(self):
        applicant_data = self.env['hr.applicant'].read_group(
            [('department_id', 'in', self.ids),
             ('stage_id.sequence', '<=', '1')], ['department_id'],
        result = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['department_id_count'])
                      for data in applicant_data)
        for department in self:
            department.new_applicant_count = result.get(, 0)

    def _compute_recruitment_stats(self):
        job_data = self.env['hr.job'].read_group(
            [('department_id', 'in', self.ids)],
            ['no_of_hired_employee', 'no_of_recruitment', 'department_id'],
        new_emp = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['no_of_hired_employee'])
                       for data in job_data)
        expected_emp = dict(
            (data['department_id'][0], data['no_of_recruitment'])
            for data in job_data)
        for department in self:
            department.new_hired_employee = new_emp.get(, 0)
            department.expected_employee = expected_emp.get(, 0)
Exemple #4
class BaseModuleUpdate(models.TransientModel):
    _name = "base.module.update"
    _description = "Update Module"

    updated = fields.Integer('Number of modules updated', readonly=True)
    added = fields.Integer('Number of modules added', readonly=True)
    state = fields.Selection([('init', 'init'), ('done', 'done')], 'Status', readonly=True, default='init')

    def update_module(self):
        for this in self:
            updated, added = self.env['ir.module.module'].update_list()
            this.write({'updated': updated, 'added': added, 'state': 'done'})
        return False

    def action_module_open(self):
        res = {
            'domain': str([]),
            'name': 'Modules',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'tree,form',
            'res_model': 'ir.module.module',
            'view_id': False,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
        return res
class product_price_list(models.TransientModel):
    _name = 'product.price_list'
    _description = 'Price List'

    price_list = fields.Many2one('product.pricelist', 'PriceList', required=True)
    qty1 = fields.Integer('Quantity-1', default=1)
    qty2 = fields.Integer('Quantity-2', default=5)
    qty3 = fields.Integer('Quantity-3', default=10)
    qty4 = fields.Integer('Quantity-4', default=0)
    qty5 = fields.Integer('Quantity-5', default=0)

    def print_report(self):
        To get the date and print the report
        @return : return report
        if (not self.env.user.company_id.logo):
            raise UserError(_("You have to set a logo or a layout for your company."))
        elif (not self.env.user.company_id.external_report_layout):
            raise UserError(_("You have to set your reports's header and footer layout."))

        datas = {'ids': self.env.context.get('active_ids', [])}
        res =['price_list', 'qty1', 'qty2', 'qty3', 'qty4', 'qty5'])
        res = res and res[0] or {}
        res['price_list'] = res['price_list'][0]
        datas['form'] = res
        return self.env.ref('product.action_report_pricelist').report_action([], data=datas)
Exemple #6
class ProductCategory(models.Model):
    _name = "product.category"
    _description = "Product Category"
    _parent_name = "parent_id"
    _parent_store = True
    _parent_order = 'name'
    _rec_name = 'complete_name'
    _order = 'parent_left'

    name = fields.Char('Name', index=True, required=True, translate=True)
    complete_name = fields.Char('Complete Name',
    parent_id = fields.Many2one('product.category',
                                'Parent Category',
    child_id = fields.One2many('product.category', 'parent_id',
                               'Child Categories')
    parent_left = fields.Integer('Left Parent', index=1)
    parent_right = fields.Integer('Right Parent', index=1)
    product_count = fields.Integer(
        '# Products',
        "The number of products under this category (Does not consider the children categories)"

    @api.depends('name', 'parent_id.complete_name')
    def _compute_complete_name(self):
        for category in self:
            if category.parent_id:
                category.complete_name = '%s / %s' % (
                category.complete_name =

    def _compute_product_count(self):
        read_group_res = self.env['product.template'].read_group(
            [('categ_id', 'child_of', self.ids)], ['categ_id'], ['categ_id'])
        group_data = dict((data['categ_id'][0], data['categ_id_count'])
                          for data in read_group_res)
        for categ in self:
            product_count = 0
            for sub_categ_id in[('id', 'child_of',
                product_count += group_data.get(sub_categ_id, 0)
            categ.product_count = product_count

    def _check_category_recursion(self):
        if not self._check_recursion():
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Error ! You cannot create recursive categories.'))
        return True

    def name_create(self, name):
        return self.create({'name': name}).name_get()[0]
Exemple #7
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
    _inherit = "product.template"

    bom_ids = fields.One2many('', 'product_tmpl_id',
                              'Bill of Materials')
    bom_count = fields.Integer('# Bill of Material',
    used_in_bom_count = fields.Integer('# of BoM Where is Used',
    mo_count = fields.Integer('# Manufacturing Orders',
    produce_delay = fields.Float(
        'Manufacturing Lead Time',
        "Average delay in days to produce this product. In the case of multi-level BOM, the manufacturing lead times of the components will be added."

    def _compute_bom_count(self):
        read_group_res = self.env[''].read_group(
            [('product_tmpl_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['product_tmpl_id'],
        mapped_data = dict([(data['product_tmpl_id'][0],
                            for data in read_group_res])
        for product in self:
            product.bom_count = mapped_data.get(, 0)

    def _compute_used_in_bom_count(self):
        for template in self:
            template.used_in_bom_count = self.env[''].search_count([
                ('bom_line_ids.product_id', 'in',

    def action_used_in_bom(self):
        action = self.env.ref('mrp.mrp_bom_form_action').read()[0]
        action['domain'] = [('bom_line_ids.product_id', 'in',
        return action
    def _compute_mo_count(self):
        # TDE FIXME: directly use a read_group
        self.mo_count = sum(

    def action_view_mos(self):
        product_ids = self.mapped('product_variant_ids').ids
        action = self.env.ref('mrp.act_product_mrp_production').read()[0]
        action['domain'] = [('product_id', 'in', product_ids)]
        action['context'] = {}
        return action
Exemple #8
class report_paperformat(models.Model):
    _name = "report.paperformat"
    _description = "Allows customization of a report."

    name = fields.Char('Name', required=True)
    default = fields.Boolean('Default paper format ?')
    format = fields.Selection(
        [('A0', 'A0  5   841 x 1189 mm'), ('A1', 'A1  6   594 x 841 mm'),
         ('A2', 'A2  7   420 x 594 mm'), ('A3', 'A3  8   297 x 420 mm'),
         ('A4', 'A4  0   210 x 297 mm, 8.26 x 11.69 inches'),
         ('A5', 'A5  9   148 x 210 mm'), ('A6', 'A6  10  105 x 148 mm'),
         ('A7', 'A7  11  74 x 105 mm'), ('A8', 'A8  12  52 x 74 mm'),
         ('A9', 'A9  13  37 x 52 mm'), ('B0', 'B0  14  1000 x 1414 mm'),
         ('B1', 'B1  15  707 x 1000 mm'), ('B2', 'B2  17  500 x 707 mm'),
         ('B3', 'B3  18  353 x 500 mm'), ('B4', 'B4  19  250 x 353 mm'),
         ('B5', 'B5  1   176 x 250 mm, 6.93 x 9.84 inches'),
         ('B6', 'B6  20  125 x 176 mm'), ('B7', 'B7  21  88 x 125 mm'),
         ('B8', 'B8  22  62 x 88 mm'), ('B9', 'B9  23  33 x 62 mm'),
         ('B10', ':B10    16  31 x 44 mm'), ('C5E', 'C5E 24  163 x 229 mm'),
         ('Comm10E', 'Comm10E 25  105 x 241 mm, U.S. '
          'Common 10 Envelope'), ('DLE', 'DLE 26 110 x 220 mm'),
         ('Executive', 'Executive 4   7.5 x 10 inches, '
          '190.5 x 254 mm'), ('Folio', 'Folio 27  210 x 330 mm'),
         ('Ledger', 'Ledger  28  431.8 x 279.4 mm'),
         ('Legal', 'Legal    3   8.5 x 14 inches, '
          '215.9 x 355.6 mm'),
         ('Letter', 'Letter 2 8.5 x 11 inches, '
          '215.9 x 279.4 mm'), ('Tabloid', 'Tabloid 29 279.4 x 431.8 mm'),
         ('custom', 'Custom')],
        'Paper size',
        help="Select Proper Paper size")
    margin_top = fields.Float('Top Margin (mm)', default=40)
    margin_bottom = fields.Float('Bottom Margin (mm)', default=20)
    margin_left = fields.Float('Left Margin (mm)', default=7)
    margin_right = fields.Float('Right Margin (mm)', default=7)
    page_height = fields.Integer('Page height (mm)', default=False)
    page_width = fields.Integer('Page width (mm)', default=False)
    orientation = fields.Selection([('Landscape', 'Landscape'),
                                    ('Portrait', 'Portrait')],
    header_line = fields.Boolean('Display a header line', default=False)
    header_spacing = fields.Integer('Header spacing', default=35)
    dpi = fields.Integer('Output DPI', required=True, default=90)
    report_ids = fields.One2many('',
                                 'Associated reports',
                                 help="Explicitly associated reports")

    def _check_format_or_page(self):
        if self.filtered(lambda x: x.format != 'custom' and
                         (x.page_width or x.page_height)):
            raise ValidationError(
                _('Error ! You cannot select a format AND specific page width/height.'
Exemple #9
class OnlyOne(models.Model):
    _name = 'export.unique'

    value = fields.Integer()
    value2 = fields.Integer()
    value3 = fields.Integer()

    _sql_constraints = [
        ('value_unique', 'unique (value)', "The value must be unique"),
        ('pair_unique', 'unique (value2, value3)', "The values must be unique"),
Exemple #10
class Project(models.Model):

    _inherit = "project.project"

    # This method should be called once a day by the scheduler
    def _send_rating_all(self):
        projects =[('rating_status', '=', 'periodic'), ('rating_request_deadline', '<=',])

    def _compute_percentage_satisfaction_project(self):
        domain = [('create_date', '>=', fields.Datetime.to_string( - timedelta(days=30)))]
        for project in self:
            activity = project.tasks.rating_get_grades(domain)
            project.percentage_satisfaction_project = activity['great'] * 100 / sum(activity.values()) if sum(activity.values()) else -1
    def _compute_percentage_satisfaction_task(self):
        activity = self.tasks.rating_get_grades()
        self.percentage_satisfaction_task = activity['great'] * 100 / sum(activity.values()) if sum(activity.values()) else -1

    percentage_satisfaction_task = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_percentage_satisfaction_task', string="Happy % on Task", store=True, default=-1)
    percentage_satisfaction_project = fields.Integer(
        compute="_compute_percentage_satisfaction_project", string="Happy % on Project", store=True, default=-1)
    rating_request_deadline = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_rating_request_deadline', store=True)
    rating_status = fields.Selection([('stage', 'Rating when changing stage'), ('periodic', 'Periodical Rating'), ('no','No rating')], 'Customer(s) Ratings', help="How to get the customer's feedbacks?\n"
                    "- Rating when changing stage: Email will be sent when a task/issue is pulled in another stage\n"
                    "- Periodical Rating: Email will be sent periodically\n\n"
                    "Don't forget to set up the mail templates on the stages for which you want to get the customer's feedbacks.", default="no", required=True)
    rating_status_period = fields.Selection([
            ('daily', 'Daily'), ('weekly', 'Weekly'), ('bimonthly', 'Twice a Month'),
            ('monthly', 'Once a Month'), ('quarterly', 'Quarterly'), ('yearly', 'Yearly')
        ], 'Rating Frequency')

    @api.depends('rating_status', 'rating_status_period')
    def _compute_rating_request_deadline(self):
        periods = {'daily': 1, 'weekly': 7, 'bimonthly': 15, 'monthly': 30, 'quarterly': 90, 'yearly': 365}
        for project in self:
            project.rating_request_deadline = + timedelta(days=periods.get(project.rating_status_period, 0))

    def action_view_all_rating(self):
        """ return the action to see all the rating of the project, and activate default filters """
        action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window'].for_xml_id('rating_project', 'rating_rating_action_view_project_rating')
        action['name'] = _('Ratings of %s') % (,)
        action_context = safe_eval(action['context']) if action['context'] else {}
        action_context['search_default_rating_tasks'] = 1
        return dict(action, context=action_context)
Exemple #11
class Bar(models.Model):
    _name = ''

    name = fields.Char()
    foo = fields.Many2one('', compute='_compute_foo')
    value1 = fields.Integer(related='foo.value1')
    value2 = fields.Integer(related='foo.value2')

    def _compute_foo(self):
        for bar in self:
   = self.env[''].search(
                [('name', '=',], limit=1)
Exemple #12
class test_inherit_property(models.Model):
    _inherit = ''

    # override property_foo with a plain normal field
    property_foo = fields.Integer(company_dependent=False)

    # override property_bar with a new-api computed field
    property_bar = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_bar',

    def _compute_bar(self):
        for record in self:
            record.property_bar = 42
Exemple #13
class ImLivechatChannelRule(models.Model):
    """ Channel Rules
        Rules defining access to the channel (countries, and url matching). It also provide the 'auto pop'
        option to open automatically the conversation.

    _name = ''
    _description = 'Channel Rules'
    _order = 'sequence asc'

    regex_url = fields.Char('URL Regex',
        help="Regular expression specifying the web pages this rule will be applied on.")
    action = fields.Selection([('display_button', 'Display the button'), ('auto_popup', 'Auto popup'), ('hide_button', 'Hide the button')],
        string='Action', required=True, default='display_button',
        help="* 'Display the button' displays the chat button on the pages.\n"\
             "* 'Auto popup' displays the button and automatically open the conversation pane.\n"\
             "* 'Hide the button' hides the chat button on the pages.")
    auto_popup_timer = fields.Integer('Auto popup timer', default=0,
        help="Delay (in seconds) to automatically open the conversation window. Note: the selected action must be 'Auto popup' otherwise this parameter will not be taken into account.")
    channel_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Channel',
        help="The channel of the rule")
    country_ids = fields.Many2many('', 'im_livechat_channel_country_rel', 'channel_id', 'country_id', 'Country',
        help="The rule will only be applied for these countries. Example: if you select 'Belgium' and 'United States' and that you set the action to 'Hide Button', the chat button will be hidden on the specified URL from the visitors located in these 2 countries. This feature requires GeoIP installed on your server.")
    sequence = fields.Integer('Matching order', default=10,
        help="Given the order to find a matching rule. If 2 rules are matching for the given url/country, the one with the lowest sequence will be chosen.")

    def match_rule(self, channel_id, url, country_id=False):
        """ determine if a rule of the given channel matches with the given url
            :param channel_id : the identifier of the channel_id
            :param url : the url to match with a rule
            :param country_id : the identifier of the country
            :returns the rule that matches the given condition. False otherwise.
            :rtype :
        def _match(rules):
            for rule in rules:
                if or '', url):
                    return rule
            return False
        # first, search the country specific rules (the first match is returned)
        if country_id: # don't include the country in the research if geoIP is not installed
            domain = [('country_ids', 'in', [country_id]), ('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]
            rule = _match(
            if rule:
                return rule
        # second, fallback on the rules without country
        domain = [('country_ids', '=', False), ('channel_id', '=', channel_id)]
        return _match(
Exemple #14
class AccountAssetCategory(models.Model):
    _name = 'account.asset.category'
    _description = 'Asset category'

    active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    name = fields.Char(required=True, index=True, string="Asset Type")
    account_analytic_id = fields.Many2one('account.analytic.account', string='Analytic Account')
    account_asset_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Asset Account', required=True, domain=[('internal_type','=','other'), ('deprecated', '=', False)], help="Account used to record the purchase of the asset at its original price.")
    account_depreciation_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Depreciation Entries: Asset Account', required=True, domain=[('internal_type','=','other'), ('deprecated', '=', False)], help="Account used in the depreciation entries, to decrease the asset value.")
    account_depreciation_expense_id = fields.Many2one('account.account', string='Depreciation Entries: Expense Account', required=True, domain=[('internal_type','=','other'), ('deprecated', '=', False)], oldname='account_income_recognition_id', help="Account used in the periodical entries, to record a part of the asset as expense.")
    journal_id = fields.Many2one('account.journal', string='Journal', required=True)
    company_id = fields.Many2one('', string='Company', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env['']._company_default_get('account.asset.category'))
    method = fields.Selection([('linear', 'Linear'), ('degressive', 'Degressive')], string='Computation Method', required=True, default='linear',
        help="Choose the method to use to compute the amount of depreciation lines.\n"
            "  * Linear: Calculated on basis of: Gross Value / Number of Depreciations\n"
            "  * Degressive: Calculated on basis of: Residual Value * Degressive Factor")
    method_number = fields.Integer(string='Number of Depreciations', default=5, help="The number of depreciations needed to depreciate your asset")
    method_period = fields.Integer(string='Period Length', default=1, help="State here the time between 2 depreciations, in months", required=True)
    method_progress_factor = fields.Float('Degressive Factor', default=0.3)
    method_time = fields.Selection([('number', 'Number of Entries'), ('end', 'Ending Date')], string='Time Method', required=True, default='number',
        help="Choose the method to use to compute the dates and number of entries.\n"
           "  * Number of Entries: Fix the number of entries and the time between 2 depreciations.\n"
           "  * Ending Date: Choose the time between 2 depreciations and the date the depreciations won't go beyond.")
    method_end = fields.Date('Ending date')
    prorata = fields.Boolean(string='Prorata Temporis', help='Indicates that the first depreciation entry for this asset have to be done from the purchase date instead of the first of January')
    open_asset = fields.Boolean(string='Auto-confirm Assets', help="Check this if you want to automatically confirm the assets of this category when created by invoices.")
    group_entries = fields.Boolean(string='Group Journal Entries', help="Check this if you want to group the generated entries by categories.")
    type = fields.Selection([('sale', 'Sale: Revenue Recognition'), ('purchase', 'Purchase: Asset')], required=True, index=True, default='purchase')

    def onchange_account_asset(self):
        if self.type == "purchase":
            self.account_depreciation_id = self.account_asset_id
        elif self.type == "sale":
            self.account_depreciation_expense_id = self.account_asset_id

    def onchange_type(self):
        if self.type == 'sale':
            self.prorata = True
            self.method_period = 1
            self.method_period = 12

    def _onchange_method_time(self):
        if self.method_time != 'number':
            self.prorata = False
Exemple #15
class Department(models.Model):

    _inherit = 'hr.department'

    absence_of_today = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_leave_count', string='Absence by Today')
    leave_to_approve_count = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_leave_count', string='Leave to Approve')
    allocation_to_approve_count = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_leave_count', string='Allocation to Approve')
    total_employee = fields.Integer(
        compute='_compute_total_employee', string='Total Employee')

    def _compute_leave_count(self):
        Holiday = self.env['hr.holidays']
        today_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow().date()
        today_start = fields.Datetime.to_string(today_date)  # get the midnight of the current utc day
        today_end = fields.Datetime.to_string(today_date + relativedelta(hours=23, minutes=59, seconds=59))

        leave_data = Holiday.read_group(
            [('department_id', 'in', self.ids),
             ('state', '=', 'confirm'), ('type', '=', 'remove')],
            ['department_id'], ['department_id'])
        allocation_data = Holiday.read_group(
            [('department_id', 'in', self.ids),
             ('state', '=', 'confirm'), ('type', '=', 'add')],
            ['department_id'], ['department_id'])
        absence_data = Holiday.read_group(
            [('department_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', 'not in', ['cancel', 'refuse']),
             ('date_from', '<=', today_end), ('date_to', '>=', today_start), ('type', '=', 'remove')],
            ['department_id'], ['department_id'])

        res_leave = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['department_id_count']) for data in leave_data)
        res_allocation = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['department_id_count']) for data in allocation_data)
        res_absence = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['department_id_count']) for data in absence_data)

        for department in self:
            department.leave_to_approve_count = res_leave.get(, 0)
            department.allocation_to_approve_count = res_allocation.get(, 0)
            department.absence_of_today = res_absence.get(, 0)

    def _compute_total_employee(self):
        emp_data = self.env['hr.employee'].read_group([('department_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['department_id'], ['department_id'])
        result = dict((data['department_id'][0], data['department_id_count']) for data in emp_data)
        for department in self:
            department.total_employee = result.get(, 0)
Exemple #16
class HrHolidaysRemainingLeavesUser(models.Model):

    _name = "hr.holidays.remaining.leaves.user"
    _description = "Total holidays by type"
    _auto = False

    name = fields.Char('Employee', readonly=True)
    no_of_leaves = fields.Integer('Remaining leaves', readonly=True)
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='User', readonly=True)
    leave_type = fields.Char('Leave Type', readonly=True)

    def init(self):
        tools.drop_view_if_exists(self._cr, 'hr_holidays_remaining_leaves_user')
            CREATE or REPLACE view hr_holidays_remaining_leaves_user as (
                    min( as id,
           as name,
                    sum(hrs.number_of_days) as no_of_leaves,
                    rr.user_id as user_id,
           as leave_type
                    hr_holidays as hrs, hr_employee as hre,
                    resource_resource as rr,hr_holidays_status as hhs
                    hrs.employee_id = and
                    hre.resource_id = and
           = hrs.holiday_status_id
                GROUP BY
Exemple #17
class ProductAttributeCategory(models.Model):
    _name = "product.attribute.category"
    _description = "Product Attribute Category"
    _order = 'sequence'

    name = fields.Char("Category Name", required=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer("Sequence", default=10)
class DocumentationStage(models.Model):
    _name = 'forum.documentation.stage'
    _description = 'Post Stage'
    _order = 'sequence'

    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
    name = fields.Char(string='Stage Name', required=True, translate=True)
Exemple #19
class SaleQuoteTemplate(models.Model):
    _name = "sale.quote.template"
    _description = "Sale Quotation Template"

    name = fields.Char('Quotation Template', required=True)
    website_description = fields.Html('Description', translate=html_translate, sanitize_attributes=False)
    quote_line = fields.One2many('sale.quote.line', 'quote_id', 'Quotation Template Lines', copy=True)
    note = fields.Text('Terms and conditions')
    options = fields.One2many('sale.quote.option', 'template_id', 'Optional Products Lines', copy=True)
    number_of_days = fields.Integer('Quotation Duration',
        help='Number of days for the validity date computation of the quotation')
    require_payment = fields.Selection([
        (0, 'Online Signature'),
        (1, 'Online Payment')], default=0, string='Confirmation Mode',
        help="Choose how you want to confirm an order to launch the delivery process. You can either "
             "request a digital signature or an upfront payment. With a digital signature, you can "
             "request the payment when issuing the invoice.")
    mail_template_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.template', 'Confirmation Mail',
        domain=[('model', '=', 'sale.order')],
        help="This e-mail template will be sent on confirmation. Leave empty to send nothing.")
    active = fields.Boolean(default=True, help="If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the quotation template without removing it.")
    def open_template(self):
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
            'target': 'self',
            'url': '/quote/template/%d' %
Exemple #20
class EventQuestion(models.Model):
    _name = 'event.question'
    _rec_name = 'title'
    _order = 'sequence,id'

    title = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True)
    event_type_id = fields.Many2one('event.type', 'Event Type', ondelete='cascade')
    event_id = fields.Many2one('event.event', 'Event', ondelete='cascade')
    answer_ids = fields.One2many('event.answer', 'question_id', "Answers", required=True, copy=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
    is_individual = fields.Boolean('Ask each attendee',
                                   help="If True, this question will be asked for every attendee of a reservation. If "
                                        "not it will be asked only once and its value propagated to every attendees.")

    @api.constrains('event_type_id', 'event_id')
    def _constrains_event(self):
        if any(question.event_type_id and question.event_id for question in self):
            raise UserError(_('Question should belong to either event category or event but not both'))

    def create(self, vals):
        event_id = vals.get('event_id', False)
        if event_id:
            event = self.env['event.event'].browse([event_id])
            if event.event_type_id.use_questions and event.event_type_id.question_ids:
                vals['answer_ids'] = vals.get('answer_ids', []) + [(0, 0, {
                    'sequence': answer.sequence,
                }) for answer in event.event_type_id.question_ids.filtered(lambda question: question.title == vals.get('title')).mapped('answer_ids')]
        return super(EventQuestion, self).create(vals)
Exemple #21
class SponsorType(models.Model):
    _name = "event.sponsor.type"
    _description = 'Event Sponsor Type'
    _order = "sequence"

    name = fields.Char('Sponsor Type', required=True, translate=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
Exemple #22
class ConverterTest(models.Model):
    _name = 'web_editor.converter.test'

    # disable translation export for those brilliant field labels and values
    _translate = False

    char = fields.Char()
    integer = fields.Integer()
    float = fields.Float()
    numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
    many2one = fields.Many2one('web_editor.converter.test.sub')
    binary = fields.Binary()
    date = fields.Date()
    datetime = fields.Datetime()
    selection = fields.Selection([
        (1, "réponse A"),
        (2, "réponse B"),
        (3, "réponse C"),
        (4, "réponse <D>"),
    selection_str = fields.Selection(
            ('A', "Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"),
            ('B', "Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"),
            ('C', "Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"),
            ('D', "La réponse D"),
        string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et "
        u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:")
    html = fields.Html()
    text = fields.Text()
Exemple #23
class EventAnswer(models.Model):
    _name = 'event.answer'
    _order = 'sequence,id'

    name = fields.Char('Answer', required=True, translate=True)
    question_id = fields.Many2one('event.question', required=True, ondelete='cascade')
    sequence = fields.Integer(default=10)
Exemple #24
class test_model(models.Model):
    _name = 'test_converter.test_model'

    char = fields.Char()
    integer = fields.Integer()
    float = fields.Float()
    numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
    many2one = fields.Many2one('test_converter.test_model.sub', group_expand='_gbf_m2o')
    binary = fields.Binary()
    date = fields.Date()
    datetime = fields.Datetime()
    selection = fields.Selection([
        (1, "réponse A"),
        (2, "réponse B"),
        (3, "réponse C"),
        (4, "réponse <D>"),
    selection_str = fields.Selection([
        ('A', u"Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"),
        ('B', u"Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"),
        ('C', u"Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"),
        ('D', u"La réponse D"),
    ], string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et "
              u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:")
    html = fields.Html()
    text = fields.Text()

    # `base` module does not contains any model that implement the functionality
    # `group_expand`; test this feature here...

    def _gbf_m2o(self, subs, domain, order):
        sub_ids = subs._search([], order=order, access_rights_uid=SUPERUSER_ID)
        return subs.browse(sub_ids)
Exemple #25
class ResPartner(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'res.partner'

    sale_order_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_sale_order_count',
                                      string='# of Sales Order')
    sale_order_ids = fields.One2many('sale.order', 'partner_id', 'Sales Order')
    sale_warn = fields.Selection(WARNING_MESSAGE,
                                 'Sales Order',
    sale_warn_msg = fields.Text('Message for Sales Order')

    def _compute_sale_order_count(self):
        sale_data = self.env['sale.order'].read_group(domain=[
            ('partner_id', 'child_of', self.ids)
        # read to keep the child/parent relation while aggregating the read_group result in the loop
        partner_child_ids =['child_ids'])
        mapped_data = dict([(m['partner_id'][0], m['partner_id_count'])
                            for m in sale_data])
        for partner in self:
            # let's obtain the partner id and all its child ids from the read up there
            item = next(p for p in partner_child_ids if p['id'] ==
            partner_ids = [] + item.get('child_ids')
            # then we can sum for all the partner's child
            partner.sale_order_count = sum(
                mapped_data.get(child, 0) for child in partner_ids)
Exemple #26
class FleetVehicleTag(models.Model):
    _name = 'fleet.vehicle.tag'

    name = fields.Char(required=True, translate=True)
    color = fields.Integer('Color Index', default=10)

    _sql_constraints = [('name_uniq', 'unique (name)', "Tag name already exists !")]
Exemple #27
class EventTypeMail(models.Model):
    """ Template of event.mail to attach to event.type. Those will be copied
    upon all events created in that type to ease event creation. """
    _name = 'event.type.mail'
    _description = 'Mail Scheduling on Event Type'

    event_type_id = fields.Many2one('event.type',
                                    string='Event Type',
    interval_nbr = fields.Integer('Interval', default=1)
    interval_unit = fields.Selection([('now', 'Immediately'),
                                      ('hours', 'Hour(s)'), ('days', 'Day(s)'),
                                      ('weeks', 'Week(s)'),
                                      ('months', 'Month(s)')],
    interval_type = fields.Selection([('after_sub', 'After each registration'),
                                      ('before_event', 'Before the event'),
                                      ('after_event', 'After the event')],
    template_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Email Template',
        domain=[('model', '=', 'event.registration')],
        'This field contains the template of the mail that will be automatically sent'
Exemple #28
class Stage(models.Model):
    """ Model for case stages. This models the main stages of a document
        management flow. Main CRM objects (leads, opportunities, project
        issues, ...) will now use only stages, instead of state and stages.
        Stages are for example used to display the kanban view of records.
    _name = "crm.stage"
    _description = "Stage of case"
    _rec_name = 'name'
    _order = "sequence, name, id"

    def default_get(self, fields):
        """ Hack :  when going from the pipeline, creating a stage with a sales team in
            context should not create a stage for the current sales channel only
        ctx = dict(self.env.context)
        if ctx.get('default_team_id') and not ctx.get('crm_team_mono'):
        return super(Stage, self.with_context(ctx)).default_get(fields)

    name = fields.Char('Stage Name', required=True, translate=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence',
                              help="Used to order stages. Lower is better.")
    probability = fields.Float(
        'Probability (%)',
        "This percentage depicts the default/average probability of the Case for this stage to be a success"
    on_change = fields.Boolean(
        'Change Probability Automatically',
        "Setting this stage will change the probability automatically on the opportunity."
    requirements = fields.Text(
        "Enter here the internal requirements for this stage (ex: Offer sent to customer). It will appear as a tooltip over the stage's name."
    team_id = fields.Many2one(
        ondelete='set null',
        'Specific team that uses this stage. Other teams will not be able to see or use this stage.'
    legend_priority = fields.Text(
        'Priority Management Explanation',
        'Explanation text to help users using the star and priority mechanism on stages or issues that are in this stage.'
    fold = fields.Boolean(
        'Folded in Pipeline',
        'This stage is folded in the kanban view when there are no records in that stage to display.'
Exemple #29
class ProjectTaskType(models.Model):
    _name = 'project.task.type'
    _description = 'Task Stage'
    _order = 'sequence, id'

    def _get_default_project_ids(self):
        default_project_id = self.env.context.get('default_project_id')
        return [default_project_id] if default_project_id else None

    name = fields.Char(string='Stage Name', required=True, translate=True)
    description = fields.Text(translate=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer(default=1)
    project_ids = fields.Many2many('project.project', 'project_task_type_rel', 'type_id', 'project_id', string='Projects',
    legend_priority = fields.Char(
        string='Starred Explanation', translate=True,
        help='Explanation text to help users using the star on tasks or issues in this stage.')
    legend_blocked = fields.Char(
        'Red Kanban Label', default=lambda s: _('Blocked'), translate=True, required=True,
        help='Override the default value displayed for the blocked state for kanban selection, when the task or issue is in that stage.')
    legend_done = fields.Char(
        'Green Kanban Label', default=lambda s: _('Ready for Next Stage'), translate=True, required=True,
        help='Override the default value displayed for the done state for kanban selection, when the task or issue is in that stage.')
    legend_normal = fields.Char(
        'Grey Kanban Label', default=lambda s: _('In Progress'), translate=True, required=True,
        help='Override the default value displayed for the normal state for kanban selection, when the task or issue is in that stage.')
    mail_template_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Email Template',
        domain=[('model', '=', 'project.task')],
        help="If set an email will be sent to the customer when the task or issue reaches this step.")
    fold = fields.Boolean(string='Folded in Kanban',
        help='This stage is folded in the kanban view when there are no records in that stage to display.')
Exemple #30
class One2ManyMultiple(models.Model):
    _name = 'export.one2many.multiple'

    parent_id = fields.Many2one('export.one2many.recursive')
    const = fields.Integer(default=36)
    child1 = fields.One2many('export.one2many.child.1', 'parent_id')
    child2 = fields.One2many('export.one2many.child.2', 'parent_id')